The Banner and Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 186?-186?, July 26, 1862, Image 4
•* feV§a?bxtoa3 a •our risk —always mail it hi fjfeads<i<S 61a friend, jqttethaji 0b P itMrf, : 9&mcm:v (r\em to man it furyou—never register. ( . \ uwj; 1 lWt<bWi& bn of each leaf, and number tkeqja^a,/£,•s, j be. rmpbaiibhi inly fyiihlv oils lo- ,ahttt // .11 '.euiiT mlinh TnosE wishing papers changed-,-giy& the Post-Office they wish ch angedfrqm, as well ■£<iaa(Sh'4 ou#-&V be TTriUiO > ftfngw Those forwarding names of write the name of-P^s > x muMW BKTISINa-S€tIEDULB. il Mo7\s Mo. 3 MoM 'M<\^MofMlcii n WMtMmxbi 00? sl4 00 ,tm jsi m sq’ks 13 50{ 16 00 19 OOj 3sd(Mlktßß.J|> -BW 7 sq’us 14 00 17 50 31 OOj 33 00 43 00j 50 (X. , a'So’Mm-.lfeaftj BStefif) mMi'&te <& 00| ‘STOF sq’lT *l6 W; 20 <# 33 OOj SsjgLgMg lOsq’ks 17 00! 21 00 34 00j 40 00 h?spsfccToccupied by teh ,*A M ;t-rHow;¥. j. , Professional and Business Cards, tional line $1 00. ,v:€kJ IM first insertion; ten cents.peyimp fyr each subsequent insertion. * ‘ I baitil tAI&tBQQb A'Dvim?mMtE T m—•Ouitckargfesjfor School advertisements will be-the .same as’ tor ndt paid in advance we will deduct TwßNift’-Avfl ck^ts ■m d w, collectable*at' one half tlip time contracted - fen 1 * except 'pafdAe Wei*ly. 1 ovf.<T ,aomj ."J . Tlve Banner. j ?• Jus ' at: e jfy 4 r Banner, friends... 'As you know it-has bqep; a Kara struggle to keep any papfif .going these war times. But you, yqftr fmwA- Wi k*awi ** , opw-ple.Pfy hU'Mdt >Jif icoubtryi atid-.'thfiie .Is liana to S lj feii^td l as ; Wheh.ibfpwaror* -oyer yost will attill Effifid iM :i-ttnJitq ■&&s dffr**ke* for iisigiteafcfet-skr sister4, u sietdfci .L : .q.-nsc.criM O •iiJtr'.c 1 ,siv J, • aSoMBBSIBS.IMIK I?HE mllXtle ®brethren wllUefc.M Agents liuritim fs ßsmoW,indiwßl- PkceiptifqF :'mohey paijl fqflthe-papft&so'r'i .& A JezW [ J ‘ : [ ' §i % RRo 'f ,3(iA fl%> MtZWPSi JJ 4<>vr£' Mll " u Hobt. Cunningham, ; “ Tnos Alduidoe, Millwood, , Oa. . ,iuna&m \Vi. 1 * mJcil : ti;> : " j7 a * bio'i J PmktoJh-V., fjoO'.S li ’ , i eClhV Banner. , Elder N. M.''CrawfordV Penfiefd Cra. •id >% .B. K. Tharp; 4?srry, Ua. v-A! 4 *,A W.. -5J.:-GHsi i DO*N,'‘'AH?a ; Vv J< 3l C ~i‘t ,-••■ -U;- wunddi diii A. E.t iMcdumhid, - Va. ttbiM UVViuoE). ,MAypikLPd ..£, **i. T^nis'ri'Pie i *2.<u>f .WfjDHn OaimteLii, i * Wil •• CL JL AV.ii.BoaM y - ! * i: ' NA^aa&WrhiMW&vM I** 1 **- All 'bnhr.fiftets i ardj in 'M CoiMditoift* BiAdtra,-• ftieudiyi.4al* paper are requested^us9.t, A ? miot i™ iw .q|* tfiitscripiioti,* sts 0§ Antuujii’tiioayif ttt advance, ’.. q . siauadliili ci.nnub—■ r 1 'l' .s u(ffl&iitfis)Q’t'3M*q&, wat dissolved th.w dky, by ulbekSfclft of .MJa :!*t'> W 4 * Printing House: to Mr. J. J, Jwn, „reeenp, irawmk^f' 1 ' 4 ': : rra whoTiiiseiso* isbehtUyu pktibni*ed-4s sindC we estahlishotlthe <sneen,.fc(\tfoiUitfPe their favors to Mr, Toon, w hom we recommend |ooMV;MemJsras WtvhbVHtf fronMehea ans • • -iv J ■ 'f • •. John 11. Idee, one 1 bIC liie iirm~ean "be tduiul #ss he (dvl staud. MrdH imt ‘>twSness is e}osod t w here .he, will be Ufchmf* his %Rdfi vtUUlso h^ ; .e ; tper;enee Wr,&&\WMS9*M k& b:J..oa.itOO .iOHJsid *£K>o;‘jj a,.- ,t ,w MM&M**&m*tM** *£?• ■ MHMbAWa & Wsrk *ii j jiaviiO rTrHrf'.u: l .v .m t rnuktin t’riuiiug, ff**i*e, .u/f bit;: do doT.m'A Tl ;4*{K?y °dsiil tJisKil) *Bj >i Having .pairfehksejtk i>f Messrs AVpodJ ilanlditeep&iee & Cos. tbwi* eatiro esub}isfr ' ment, favorably known as the Fmnkii* Printing Knnm,.\\4s would respectfully ask wooctimmnce ofifche so HiberaßTy iMtaMftfc'i or tte-anjamj promise ta q 4 ;.-emte* satiat klttiotariOjir iacihtie4i> thartjmnting-and UindmA and (tit general JoB \Y * piv iis:rj* i m-*ny ablbbmentjn .tbe §#ates.— A reasonable stock of Pri nUft a andjftn ding 'Mierfrb'&tik oh tratid, Sind :*#ne fuppltng mf demand. J. J TOON *OO. ; Atlanta, Ot., July 9, 186*2 ■ <tbb Silt ws? k‘6 n Mifk a ii'W •fHe , h’dy : W tfe -SKlffiJr msi goo^ ol Msu mi binoife noiJsoJiß jol wi mmv'intignu* ff iK [SiftSh’a Fift Itts^H^M^itoftWfwrS}js' %Wdt%a isitf kmMtim mimmMtito# hw&i!? labor in the various Camps iWt?oi* and mrj,J rt wl^Hltj^Te t-ar y f^6tftrHßk¥^)f?4l > f ' : h&wti bMi^y^^ilf,Wd a tow A#! your rarity vofcntr¥‘wd fftfft 1 1 sea V fai&t&&&lf* Itthytfa WiFi<fu i ‘4hb whew J td d tfi# d&lfhbyW'OHai* 1 . 1 01 >jij ooa mi c6fiWibtytyfisi £ AYiy;- i Inßtit r te ,rl by £ '^Bstpl , edfsi6i ig&tfed%4y¥ww#%9B B<U>prtai u*4tt ini t ffftf i tf-lh ei i* ■• o \V ?i j i4hf jfcroth|B 4wdT 'io vnoHijb(jo ? ml ,'isrfw bi:aa.‘Oi Hmteirt.WHia&gatwl >md%Ws e k ¥* 1 SfflF l k#m-&m *•*•! |sa sJ % rn .lt3h t° thf Heart. of { the tjjftp tion of our eoun tr|,49 ol atl|ic;ipgy. Buy (.Bsespjg *Qod r'eceive, Tfis ghare^,^^...tU^-i^ptmand OT*te “t f]‘ e : ; 9 h .sL#..¥ , §-J s fe un | cr , J*dfeL .vb I! teM'MB'IJ'wM.-il 6 . -xi>ect f dtt bolv:sft r tjiatnteßStfcjfyJg. ■jfshtji Stffe.Marm ..• 4wwl ,?oq Ysd -^iM*SS“W3 , a , fi£a l Hrfe Been e JßA' i JsP!4>!t@s a^ l o. ! Ti h mi r oi e |. true lb the, Confederate r mwermaenh j and ,vsts :j; ,sdJ' v,d j to . : • -.,/• -1 “ Kr * , -g if r huye risked their an s in it%, sqpppxt. lyShnll tfile' Board stifl Airnisk thain the ii?ea)a yf iffiifWSMlte KtoiPSL .instoHiboi , UJ , eytefew s’M-.M!* Mwij& .. 3 J%Ff& B^a.I?4!bWJWSf l aBt ;niew t? the. service .of.lJj M v,v|ri),mw l ,t* prmiJcJ Jith clwpl.ics. t ,hi, want the” Board has appointed Mmiuiwit'ies ml* vidi-msi cuij t ab i* r . . . 1 IM 1: ,S?JS“ W- iisS ,x ste 6 fS r 'fJio6ftef“S K. os wra. M*“..&& S*W ffWW&m ilasp ? S9!!Bt swaiwiiuiVi*;; sfWi Ist^efPmwJr , mm3 ■ m&m Mm*? s<***] Jtesijfflifffc atre buttons. Shall w? appeal to you iq v4iirt eir;-.‘i:vq CrTtfKiu c <■; s.t.o. iSw. !?s o /-k*?s?, M, #& te* r j®?i J to 1 sa<sw atmee apd do what you can, yourself. amr* 1 abtvhO, /ill ov-iP-Tt*- o-A-HC ;W* v get ythel-* to, d° likewise? * .Much .mar be lone, it ail will do their, doty—do Wn!** Shall tie ifieci ipap, s*ha)i/t&h Soldier-Boy, appeal, inv&n to the Chrkeiifn* 1 vdaT*HlJO .oaiotui /■y’*s ultra* . l : They ask for the Bible, for the ! Wort Vi God, for jhe Minister of Christ/ j from they t&f |<# off wiriH WALSHS 1] y JWI safes' tout [ jaceuatorned privileges of horng.,ftfl4l thei i sanctuary. • d>i j l ' We dp topi'thkl | generolis ■ alfort.wist b iwad-rifi, umUir ißatlfewgl Vb J ,go on with thalrf I (leaven-born work,— ' j Bretbneivaul slater a,- and otiofc: HwrtMfi & Wticfe • w ill? ott 4 j ‘Je/&h(fekf &jwii-W&Mi o **. to continue the operation* of the TWiesfnr' *jiq -m .-cu itus etui a t Mission Board. ” , ate lU 9uJ l*> t/MCI Sili jOS #6*4 Ofcj'i,<s . t yours trillV. ui behalf oi the Board*.’. J “ : ■V ! ■■■'- **•■ Mmrhti; Jfri. 'JW%T,- ft6p l?>So.i6 c ‘Xhinl> - _ ft to ■;& ■? ' ■ arHej'tf*?J *lS—nUl—,'rt •! ; Mossy due the Office, may bejnt\t:<hymaif‘ <j( ovr $ presence ot * a triend, {-ether Mae Me- F\sii m ci*i< ■.) ,ro 1 ;r* r ou—H#vfr res~ i ‘Srtrr. inti-hp Gon&aimtup a&ioleSM&r mib* \ ifcaa&mo hHsm&s jm\nMU \ td mkhi lhe <Uup6rv shmlltMe ad nkma& rnthe. <&wpmi&%bt to ■'tfmtßdtiow Ar af& fY^Mritty\abßmfc lUi "d Jn s n at{T ! ™ u 'iTtfie : ¥A§iirswy^: , ‘'' ! '’Wimsffifc J rkg\Mkrly discontinued to all i maM m - &hridh‘¥iraiMie - sub- W i-thhomte, p<*pktiuifie(irifamibisribßriitkO#tyi##Jc?- pre empirmitirm Vojkfois nsttfoflmpn j tion, npUfy^^4m h pfi4bMgdt,timdi S M require that inis,rule should be rigidly umndWbMA v om ,1 oi h’-Aln-i aan *° 1&wo “ 9W h: q tvj iioioOily i siisiir*H nii.v us 'Hihdiitiiaieutfoifa * 1 dtbei’cityid -J3a!nri©iifi4¥a^ d 1 tb ; ‘ jds .aobmhla | onion m tA af\y^f ■iradl ; Wiß l >gi4i mi toll 410 ilimTll&tfQ tayOmr bs, vviil come forward,' and i m|i &buiijm*oii so nyos vera: Bfiastn , ib ,i9vn a din ,eatmb9ht>i tt tna; -lobnu or the Paper, should be directed to the Bannek j <SS him (.’iifiiotti mebnoj at >do vjiam Ofc JSnuW !Vhlnl>cr* Uib : hiuhyi&i&haik b& Wl^gß4h‘tG'l4by s !‘>b4 s -^llt eri* AWjqbtrmjifet'/ 'fiber Bautier. thp’tjipe. fjp/p fhpjrst ijv^^^o i M&UO*#“OUi4B: 51 btsai I^ECRG£.yCJNdE h iOrfemr^iM^ , i'.! ioO id* p^fe^gir oi H>aßi: Jj!j \ bow btia .Snam *teMJ&thv.m(.u Olio Leave Allan tq, dulTviu .. .., r .. .i.GDtA. M. .UtiiS\fcßCsiiaoa-a*->X??fe'{.?*U '.{lKUaiy. Mil* W ! Kitfftlekyß cn . 4hR Weat^rn-RailToads 1 - l u {-viih j il io a 'ah yjij • inw—j 2*n?t! ifrWe>* V h*mvi ■ Ml -*>• FajPlajto Wa .yo > <^£f>jrffcW ; i.f ■„u j:: mu yitfJgiv.df urJty^wA; ° J J bai* liuiiV bn A tofWhiUlf m^aßn. jissirfcdffiieeiu dud A ;to4. .V.iawV .a?tit.' frSf AwnM v-iilgiiß* • erii iiiJSdlf j* l -- it & :i yicuuaiwudU —mi j t'lU oo: f oi3Bateito# AiAUaaitiC; itaabroad ijSta WtfcnJ^ ati.'ao jnifN s.' sdj afloiiaf. to iiamixMd snal j &,ltl S Airise* •■til Attdtti*.a#;iL^4dAv.3{V?h. ! -iK8l; A >1 , : f r fcteiju AN hajArV ° jlwpo st Mosa.viJ. M'-ivh *4<h \£W Arrive* at at*. y i, nM-kW, f jMu '* ni fhl" T.<skil ‘6oSnee?s; way, wfffi fhe Rome :owth,-.ftulmiUi Jfcia#sU)Htte Afct kfioqmi Javas? tma ,fniti aoqu gnidroi j cin - A|laiU a4 Wst JPoint Railroad/ £l*OTA HirWttfrM* ". We a nd. id oJ as oa ,ng9h iaaukno as at i**qaß j s< > t Liar jtSftPaS <igUUh, ftt wretAwaiawrid f lieges* ATiiiWwpkm^ritf*.^. . n s:^i‘6tr ( ' a fil mSS -8R r AstauU < aurstr 4. etessm’l* * w# * s,w ..... .!•* > V . i t ...t ♦ - r j*fi; f!L’li JfkiJ b'i . ;.A k| atcjn f <Hk m *' '-\@rnpfM /Vom- ntrkrits‘ so vr/ex; i/ft (tW/dp ted' Suotei iff teorfd, '& y£% et Ak l mgv' |£*pK.S Vdaiui :;:>&! .UlseU bUft bOS| { Wfl |o‘ ii/a >V %*#*M msmtA matte, and:: art jmMjt pun© Cakuilated <*& of 1 inaodsb o swdio m*m atmi • b>£ ¥H^adt 5 By FiSrdouciot *k ot ;^ r ;p<*jutbern indepeadti*,“if) A* ec lw : cympjiar.wi^; 9.®§ [ jfuc } ‘Sifft o WMfiQ l JSbtV*^ ptdmfff dlfreix; 1o eipuLtte n:s hooie exam , pie. The 4mbHher;.aX th o • FVatrkfßmPH flousef 4ty 0 *! and, 4be*d*ih< omm &r<m*wMk* &IS* - [ffA4nAtJdn w3l address Gen. J. H. Riei, Atlanta, Ga. #7n Ib.m?Jim | mvr :,, i-r # ip ; this fThdse de ?j!?WoCdnfto -<mr can obtain them by applying i 4,7-d. 1A ai To C'hritlian Ministers in the Confederacy : Iti Zion should cry aJamLagrainst every violation of the Divpie Iw, , „ , , l ' ‘Wifße ! afO rifiy'ihg ,’our Chitrchesi ttn invitesupoji^^r, Wmi winded c?apbath-break 11m. Aither ofthese is, eiiotigh dh wHf^* J aWA tilh'SlVlne 4bpi ‘ fitithlng these sfwil4i a^ertnihe, fingeii oftiuminsu 1 ted wioliiouo'rq 3fav i:i ? .-, Our good President r i\^ ; .yelled pp us and 'blir nu'AiolSourseJ' beroire the ‘4t (yod, ahcf;^ :> fMWg*'Aid te:bt*sfe and o Wmi Amve ,acaiß;yp. President to dismiss eye-ry j run ken pfncdr v ptift ab'erfd tUralk dialLs! i>ly l d ,e out of the, pale of 000 s, favo.r kpd protec ‘ if ho 'tr frsu*.' ■ fcabtedAnfi hb fyj %hit!h Xi HaVe* tedsixelherndu-iTthe* latter >is- Jlftto '“I would propose that every Minister .11 ; tWs 2 Ctmfd(jfe*Jtcyfhf iriAtii i e"and"oßcl^r ; tSftiilftWlifttofliehraiiKdiijtoil haw *hess nvljg [WP^oft e ß4a 84h& JOT! t<S‘ 1 r once. and-tne eril,B may be removed. 1* 'dno -d; 4u:n /HI v vmM * -.t** 4 ** - " !. jz.j m 1 -1 •itsSw .<*!')*;i . ,u M^aßWßlfl,ft{teijLfe. forwarder, by mail or express Bdito) JsrOl WjiWecVfob with: otbhrA;t^.iEitihmond*.,iio j vlluldjirii od ij a lU 11 oil u fcidPetllii'*4oyCsH(f#*4Jß/''JiJ i All ififo&e ÜbmtvHt'. SerCate and dATietbe*if j 1 .a‘^Ha r nmwbawi ten. imiJimildo mo.fci I ,[£ lAe undersigned, deeply realizing tnt 'ttfatft t^liat 7 w‘6 ;tl dab v 1 ' a^'ivbrptf^' 1 with any u 4ho w-f j * r af :G,odi Jb OMulossd,Confederacy, • <*r H .HI B Wc|i.-,va are tiowj engaged, while. our, Goveynppept*haU de-‘ liberat'dly and persistently' contihue to nis- 1 ¥dgaYd' im fidqui ! Ye ? *the‘y 16'1 atknf lit them fiold-icy* ih ifet iO fPJ o 3f , tirt|o’ petition iyidu tak#. spu-h .aptipn aa y will repeal all lays re |uirmg unnecessary mail sejryice to be per =sot‘hi villl ,i &ecaX& <Hir sbldiers frdhjJon heeeaaaryddciUs, reviews, or other lab# 389i J&uMftfti a^nAafiau^ i4dtjr bound mLm w*y\ .. vl , ■ion nu tJ I •TjWhmiPiiAbQbAß i rteirftY yi I•h ■ ■sitb&it* irm so i\iMpMitryrJP6tj jdOientoi .\^L tiilu alii i ;I .dimi j ticufial Order, |¥. I. f , ■* lua.i; ,1 ;il>HT—-Jnir<.t/vo 10 .^Lsiq-e. a In obedience to orders received from Brigadfrt’-tjYheraj At R; LAWton, cdmfharidJ IfigtMiliU^'®ivisits- bf-<M#gi*'/ ; fn i; assu-t to ittg oommand jof this Post: for tb* purpose, stpfes* \Q pm- and aropnd, Atlanta, and for the ‘protection of all Joy Hi citizens andj tlfel E pUhtsibme'h ! f ' l af itTl 'disorderly CoHdiict, <he followlrtg-t4gusatioii9 f wilk be oliserfed;. oe —jilii Details wUlJae made.daily, to protych e . htid a^d The city for tjiaf purpose p also a scouting ttr dic£h ing in cono#r?!Wstnith-dlty4uthopiHea. sis viA 3?U.kbe.poM‘i'l .fl/Acli re^i cious persons pointed; apt to then): and to 1 btrler 'biKd w>opfSt(dft;qah thdaeilinel<oh ui d..a?/ nioiiJ ieamjbk^ . 3. Owners.of all cotton, hay..orfather corrt'btiStibf^hfateirial/-^re requi ix j r w ilHout ‘d<BAy ' : tfp i^ffeove-<he harfi>f % -of afeAy,;dtßtaoo Jr©m,Gbfirninlettt %Wr4h;isi ; by, the dreraittWteiin*. & ,a a* .v * d ..m*'.>ds '4. Any grocer or other person se/jimj to for fttfhiShmg ihy 1 orfider 'bV sbltfier' wifft spfrils dt* 1 wine,- ; 'whiehf li prohibited'urtless' thaourder of an army surges t; will bt j ;^eajjf4 : a#s4 : dealt, W-itfe tbvjkhpm** 11* r. L. hpt V:; •; 5/ ATI officers,,soldiers, or citizens, round 'drSnlßßi' otlferWlse disdVde ; rly'lti thd taken in dhirg© bf abd sent to these,-headquarter*. • •? uibiloe. t*u *si4riW b;dj>rtd officers or soldiers be furnished with per ‘twH tr Wfrt , '''tef rtspSpdtlWi6dtj;'rtittiVf* : fa.~ And alb jiwrnmandeps' of-tfdofvs 1 ing oV.ef HJt to; the f J 6V without "by* his Of her WBMil IuIods". ’ • ,The qdker J y/W &w3M9w£f^?afp qft'm-eservWig order and sobriety n' the and speobdly reqoiesw ofaH to tto.Wnv apy. kr) proper. condui-t.(mi hp. parf of any of o%grs orajl^je^qfider. SarSPfi^TiLS! -•'•?/.' buorj ;J g. ,il'o =Ol aaiv# .- -j ~jZ . ap.tu slUte** naqeb ton ! -All wba havepaatedaaard boxtnm (be Franklin Printing-House, Atlanta, Ga., j to be used in binding Testaments. resident Dtfifrs'T, .j ',iti -mi ( H,' QA. nti * * storeui J) >; pMtpplpftftjefittfffldwiMta .qalta^hihoP ftU<a . ", . , also at a distance; h. 1, 10, ! ¥862. ' aw / feb 15 ’* COM MIS S I QN. ~ NTS, (Finnklln Building-,) and uio übko'i-i . R^Wh4 J h: ‘ l [i*** 1 ?- moss. f4-b c/i‘r-> , Mf-H!' , -'4-4+rt- > i oh tnm ,1 ujSjU'fifii^Fi * 1 .4 IfHOtBSILK AN't) RE TAJ OEAi.EKS l* : !,Vil ¥iif 9hwt b m Piiii'-ffero^s, Jbw Mii 1 t -/lib--c>^j D Lilli b:.).a,-;; C OiMM'l M‘E'ft 0 H'A 1 N T S, ■ns (A¥innU'qill!iron;f 1 (hi 1 store, Ft-ach Tree si j U A ATLANTA, GA. P. P. Pease.’] [L. L. Davis. .Any business entrusted to us will receive prompt ji*HjL“lii#>n'jalii IwturatJiißrtrJlfdndjcil Vtellusk our friends to give im a vull when in ourcit). Any Fro duec receive every advantage our market oapjgVY’c. Also, ipajie purchases Ttt the*'vefy-Wist affvinrfitge; its we an! fliways pos .jgd.infleiurtjnoe tp,\hf. qifarket.priwf-md .(. > ..February 15, 1 863. —y-AWilk > i-• I-I^. *——.:' .* It — _Y.ll .. —£~ .jJl.t.£tl— —. ■ eir tUi'ro'/l . j t wMmiPM m^vWf sifw ">ia UMV . All kinds of PRINTING and BINDI ; „ (Vt ti, -.eiddufeU; ‘ 1 j^n?ritfrr -,^^y^~r?:i T'W‘w^'ag . -nuif/A# mJG 481 ME M 8? Linrroi —r-fftu rr.nvb --~= ~j ~t ;W miltil, s ._. r , bi THREE COMPANIES to {jlt Up the Jttte Tbiily - iil& ;; Gebrgla WeginieEt; AVI f iUtf gtatTobices to |o%tlHd. . t'./:}Zr.' jo GEORG® AoSMITH, iLieutenam-Colpnei cpimnatidnig ri: ' f • ! Fmx J 6drm, Alii. ' ■> m~ Misi ANNIE SMITH, a graduate of a Female Uollegcv has ijuet opened a ’SCH.W^t^, girls and. i ; th base ment room pf the Qecpnd, Baptist Glptrch in tins pity, apd respeetiuliy, solicits a share ot '(lifblic patrdnage. ''* J : ' riuFdt' icho’FtTi'liip she Yfft rs to jßrof; U. Wi< Wise, Fres’t H. I>. MallaiN, and ■M WerdUh Qt HwiriiAjuiii •'-••> 70 di __ 8,, ,|863,!*,. u , ;;,•;! vdiooniiiiUßß 1 vm;w 1 ; j jjF.EN FIELp, £t Q'R EENEg.WU.Js4 V;i UK.IHQIA. t uiu to 9g*jmSyt|iiictfi-i'iv''. l u: ' ■"* • !l a i Breai denb-UNti' M, Craw fl>FdD. 1). q idib'ofrtfsrirajo-Sc :R Bnfu rd, 1 •A. 'M.f ttioiq nstLi. .1 ..E.tW'jMdtt, A.-M 1 . 1 / ael -nodi % l Wmv.'Gi !; WGbrfflH,' A J .‘M. io! j Tdcmoubaicjcii 1 Bkiapn a a .Mir. Qrawfpfd, ;.D/0.., L j -l'.f/11.-s -re-jlt! on I lit ov.'ul V A. college cmiroe of. lour years,, euwat 10 that, .of ike fcdst colleges iii J the i eAnritYy'.-‘ ; - 1 ' •' f*Aii4t th Wl2 gi( ?tft l^Pe '*e f! >.Resign eororHuose’wild are pi ej'ai inr tor Gospel Mie- JlBfo iu fipitnoti jc'.oti) 3aJ \m 1 ti-ii a 8. A selentitlc course t.£ four years, iueluding, wituh sohidaddltSfdHs.'-ftlf l -Wid J sWdiv¥ l >riht' Yoilegl tQfcnter ;(H)Hegje.ii r:/. i -The Coftr^HdeirierfA J 3 MS dn Wed u nl: / : up. Mo ! There are two vacations, dividing the yaa^ - into Wtttnns,..M ra iohi ji -at trr.v .^fuu aJE?ss IKStoisfU'Wagg* 8l ’" O Spying i January, and closes on Cotmnenaement day. Ob nsa- -A- *IiA NPUt'J TnftYces, ,o J^n^.¥ oi - -, ~i ,j.Pj.!'j;l Vy.. r.m*mb> • iiv *1; RAU; iOKLKUi;, 0.l rv ,r-;Au 0 GAI a ,i..J<nq npHiE: F Atli 'TEIfiSf will begin ’the Ikt MON - .4, s MUin.- Bepteiftber k j /b 1 ( -"{ : r,, .; PATehts'desiring Upard fdr their daughters, can;|ip4,y’ to ProH J. F; Dagg- or Bie Prekldeut. J •@*;M¥ lt Sf?s r sl e bonds, taken In, {nopicdi loi Tuition fees, Ac., t hJitu Loonhb : h: &&AWAmi WiWdioi ; fl ;i a .-1 •. 4 ; -•• I j\u.;. H3a ,jl iottf# Md'Ucnbtf ilriffo. ' Vi AVfe operied &bor 'sorth df BEACH CL ,titore. on rWhltelfilt Street, a aew apd select Stock of. . . ... ~ _ ;boo£s .; TogdtEerwiffi' ah endless variety of fahey artf ftla}tafcli%s-wu btu v*fl, UMMiAVJNGttiU <yhD wm •h.N&'JfKIH ’ mwm'mmmm,. rani; FrftE’SOTtmXß. -J *=**/■ Used iiii bns .- UMSty ■>&.• ■tSe. lIC 1 >wXheirtfitoßteshf Scla©lf iMfecellaueous, : lieli “9°i ww-^ > Ah iiuniadlatdy c Teacher* laml Merdiahta arGlnft les ■ph.prijcs, freight only added.. ' pg Picture Frames made to order, -O- Remefnber the'-New Bonfr Store tjr 11. Hi.-# I iua ; A JA& McBHMtSON A. tV ! Arrivals per U. G. . E. Soap ! Scan f! : - ' i ! •;; / Rock- otash, : ; ; 1 ;'; uf C'bacent.rated: : bye, j Ai) • oiitt "UiO{ a -JiniJ dill >1,7/ 3, a ,ri*fo tdfqt&s a >vaii *rnader.u'j saioe dsimwiio a udi hlwi v 1 .}tnm:tf>7(u bMd-Hk Whu* i>:b yaq lit© om/. .min ■ >.. I^HiGAi 1 , - h:iiJ ,\i. ■•) ■■•■■ q dii i .itA ?*!*** d< lj bJaSIfjf^I^Rie ;; A I CIB.- :, * ie: ' N/i for S&h-dty ecd ,iviHiu'fi iaiiuis Jeota Aap aiiUsl M Two Thousand Galions Tralu Oil* wsie i baa ,:; >A'i;\*d sitj emiidu -jul immmu'mmm ~ Me Coltpil Oil, w trft-Sdtf ly 11 * sto& 'u c; #6l : JfehriO MASSEY and( LANSDELL