The Commerce news. (Commerce, Ga.) 1???-current, March 26, 1908, Image 2

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% Wednesday Thursday A'P'RTI I m JariraJli & toAoßisS feio Y u are cordially invited to attend our showing of Pattern Hats and all the newest idbas'in Spring Millinery on the above dates——fff rr^~X Miss Davis, who has had charge of this department for several seasons, is again at the head of it which is an assurance of your receiving prompt and courteous service \\ e will also have on display, under the supervision of Miss Harrison, a complete showing of the newest things in Spring and Summer Dress fabrics and ladies furnishings. Respectfully, W. D. MANN, Commerce, Ga. lilt II lira NEWS I F. SHANNON - - Editoi A liAWKIJ - Bt.iinm I'CBLISIIKD VERY THURSDAY BA SHAtfV'J S & HAWKINS, Publishers and Proprietors. SUbSCf SHOW RATES. *For oho rer.r 11.00 ■Tor nil month 60 For th vor mo: ho .. .26 Adverti(-.i'jt : 'tit furnished mi application. 'hiuere iat t i* poatofflca at Commerct li. i. i matter. COMMERCE. GA. MAR 16 1907. If libbie Jot4>an prove that he is the lather of “Buster” he will sweep the state like a cyclone. Gregg’- razor hack race for 1 1 fe in Jast Saturday’s Constitution, was the : ichest cartoon we have seen m niutiy a' day. Jos Brown will not. stump the state, fie will continue to writs cards, however. Well, he knows how to do it. Now that re have a Smith and a Brown in the race we offer a handsome reward to the person who gets a member of the Jones family to run. TVbtuuu’a curiosity knows no hounds, hut she is not in it at all when compared to the men who are crazy to know just what was in that letter Hoke returned to Joe. Hall couniy has 8 candidates for the legislature and they are all making stump speeches, Heres sympathy for the babies and vot ers of Hall. HWe should be glad to have Bro. Shackelford of the Echo tell us who “Jack Branuon;” of the Com merce News is. We have never heard ol such a man before. igs und es -w Six United States senators have died within the Inst year. IPe now understand why governor Smith did not want it. Mr. Edward H. Walker, mayor of Coilpge Bark is also in the race for governor. He will never run. He will not. even prove to be a good Walk—er. The extracts from exchanges and comments thereon, which ap pear in the Walton News, are in teresting. Brother Camp is tip top on a short stop. • The Athens Banner and the Clarke County Courier both are hot for Little Joe. And the {Chamber of Commerce and leading business men of Athens are like minded. TheJßauks county primary is to be held May Ist, and up to date, editor Meeks has no opposition for Clerk. Since it is now only about four weeks until the prima ry, it is likely that Mr. Meeks will have the field all to himself. It must be evident even to the casual observer that the speeches of Governor Smite are not so wild as they were two years Ago. He has looked at *he hai/d writing on the wall. TTtt 13s peculiar to women, take different forms. Some ladies suffer, every'month, from dark rings round tbelr eyes, blotches on their skin and tired feeß&s Others suffer agonies of pain, that vords can hardly express. Whatever the symptoms, remember there U pne medicine that v:Q go beyond mere symptoms, and ad on the cause of their troubles, the weakened womanly organa. Wine of Cardui Mm. M. O. Austin, of Memphis, Tenh., writes: "For five (fc) year* 1 suffered wflh every symptom of female lilsease, but after using the well-knowft Cardui Home TreaEmhnt, I was entirely welL” WDITP FTC A I FTTFD wm* today tor fr <opy of vyluaßtoW-jjiß tn&srptWl Book for Women. If you nmd MeJ WKIICU3 A LIMIK Gnyt says the financial panic is world wide, and Hoke savs amen. Yotir Uncle Lon is and wn is the sth repairing his fences. He’s good fence builder too. Joe Brown says in his platform that he favors a good price for the farmers cotton Joe may 0- little, but he is not color blind. When the old\ soldiers created that cycl uie Governor Smith looked way down in the bottom of the till and fbupd some cash he did not know was'there. I" This is still tho land of the free if not the home of the brave Every human being has the right to think for liiniseif. This privi lege we [claim for ourselves and will cheerfully accord to others. And when we dj this Jit does not necessarily'followgthat the News is either owned Jor controlled by the railroads. The puce of cotton seeni3 to be getting farther and [farther away from that 15 cent mark. Kick iug'machines adequate to, the de mauds would find ready use bv those who refused to Bell at 12 cents. The combination of a billy goat and a mule ie not ble of tendering the service de manded | Mr. J a men G. Woodward is again a candidate for mayor of Atlanta. If he gets in, he will walk oyer the -olid prohibition forces of the city. But. all Atlan tans are no' probi i iouists—not by a jug full. For once the Southern is ,-n --dorsed by Gnyt McLendon. II" st.ys the Southern did right m re moving its cash beyond the limits of the state. But its due the; railroad coinmi-smn to sav that I it-is in no way responsible for this. The laws of the state are responsible. J Where a multitude of sins are covered The L. & M. Faint covers de fects tin previous', paintings and wears for 10 to ift years, because the L & M. is pure linseed > oil bin der-pure |o x ide of zinc-pure white load, and jvou help to make ths paint by nvxing three quarts of lin seed oil with each gallon of paint. It’s done in two minutes. Makes cost only §1 20 per gallon. W. B. Hardn an L & M. paint agent, * CASTOR [A For Infants and Children. The Kind You have Always Bough' ChamDeriain’s Cough Remedy Core* Cold*. Croup and Whooping Couth. * wAN I E D—TE ACH EUS School Teachers—l have the queen..ns and answers of the last Sven State school examinations in print. Will mail them all for ene dollar. Descriptive ci cular free. B. S. HOLDEN, Box 7, Ellijuy, G i. For Diseasss of the skin. Nearly all diseases of the skin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and har bor itch, are characterized by an m stense itching and smarting, which often makes like a burden and disturbs ’•leep and rest. Quick relief may be had by applying Chamberlain’s Salve. It allays the itching and smarting al most instantly. Many cases have been ured by its use. For sale by W B Hardman A Cos., and Maysville Drug Cos. A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Her 'surroundings (should be in harmony and can best # be nmde so by a well kept home The L. & M. pure paint makes the home beau ful. It preserves |it and prevents decay. The cost per gallon ready for use is only $1.20. It wears for 10 yeais and jionger. Thirty-three years of continuous use is evidence. W. B. Hardman L. & M. Faint agt. PEfIBERTON COOLEY Atomey and CflunselhrjaLLMi JEFFEiidON, GA.