The Commerce news. (Commerce, Ga.) 1???-current, December 19, 2007, Image 22
The Commerce News Page 8B ^December 19, 2007 School News 1,200 Pounds Recycled James Stephens and Rebekah Chamlee stand about $24, which organizer Cheryl Cook called in front of some of the 1,200 pounds of news- “small, but a great start for a new program. The print collected at Commerce Middle School huge benefit here is that our school kept 1,200 Saturday, Dec. 8. At $40 per ton, the drive raised pounds of paper out of the landfill.” Perform With Chorus Two Jackson County youths recently performed with the Georgia Children’s Chorus at the annual Christmas concert at Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall in Athens. Left to right are Maggie McClung, a student at East Jackson Comprehensive High School; Carol Reeves, director of the GCC; and Cory McClung, a student at East Jackson Middle School. The chorus performs two major concerts per year and is in residence at the UGA Hugh Hodgson School of Music. r'^A: Ti'Uihvni A Lesson In Geology Third graders at East Jackson Elementary School studied soils, rocks and minerals. As part of their studies, students visited Consolidated Gold Mines in Dahlonega to learn about where minerals come from and how they are used. Each student had to create his or her own rock collec tion showing what they had learned about attributes of rocks and minerals. The collections were displayed in the “3rd Grade Rockin’ Rock Museum” during the November PTSO meeting for parents and students to view. Shown above with their rock collections are, left to right, Mark Thomas, Ridge Chaisson, Katie Beth McMurray, Rachel Anderson and Sierra Taylor. To the left with their collections are Alex Gattis, Briana Law, Mireya Diaz and Savannah Harrell. Learns All Sight Words Alexis Love, a kindergarten student at Commerce Primary School, recently learned all of her sight words. She is pictured with Principal Kim Savage wearing her new sight word T-shirt. Locals Tapped For Duke Program Several local students at Athens Academy have qualified for the Duke Talent Identification Program. They are Bobby Marshburn, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Marshburn, Homer; and Charlie Newcomer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Newcomer, Commerce. Qualification required scores at or above the 95 percentile on ver bal or mathematical sections of nationally-normed tests approved by Duke’s program for academically gifted students. The Duke Talent Identification Program was established in 1980 to identify bright students and to enable gifted and talented programs to help these students develop their abilities. The program’s talent search involves students from 16 southern, southwestern and midwestern states. It is one of four university-based talent searches that combine to cover the entire United States. Students who qualified will take the SAT or ACT college admissions tests. The seventh graders who perform exceptionally well on one of these tests are invited to attend summer programs at Duke. In addi tion, the higher scoring students are invited to a state recognition ceremony. HIGH-SPEED INTERNET SPREAD HOLIDAY CHEER DOWNLOAD HOLIDAY MOVIES MUSIC AND MQRE E-MAIL YOUR WISH LIST TO SANTA PER MONTH SHARE HOLIDAY PHOTOS fQFt f a MONTHS with qualifying services SHOP ONLINE 2417 windstream Call: 1.&77.312.W1ND | Buy Now: windstream com Alajhsville niHJIOeit Plaid iniiL-q BLiKTlV 7:75 Chunhiliwt DUH ]|id ini-luiiS rt fa9.37721H] fAwrnri ■ ^11 n flu I'.-.n, SyheiKB TTCiJMJrm CL* MILJlH (2 II)! judi-A Ti V; Tv r '| 3 Lh9 ^Hiry t j:Lgiy Etm- (WPW 5*: H ibwEfam HiliEndt ,n* r .rfl □ U1LDHEGA twMH-VdiLYtnvniie MLVDH yi: /. l lVrJ|IUl.LJJl|HjW jnfiiTdjan HH5DH BlterlNE. 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