The Commerce news. (Commerce, Ga.) 1???-current, December 19, 2007, Image 25

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Lau^h. Lines
Where does ;i
fnowinan k^-L-j> his money?
In a snow bank,*
— 3.QU GLrtPL*«YM-:>USC caw
W9$ Santa k
helper dressed?
He had iw ELF-esleemJ
■ Tbc liret candy carte was made
more- than 35U years ago.
1.76 MIIjiui candy cyges arc made each year.
■ Doc. 24 is Nations] Candy (’tine TD.iv.
■ The hig^Li^t eundy cane everjiiade w-na
>0 feet 7 uteJles. — eemiyiantfaetseom
BY Patricia (’iiAHtur/DKi nyii Fuel Pkkss
Wheats candy canes anymore'?
These days. many people use ihil- ofitifaslv
[(.Hied treute Strictly tv dfiOOTIte Christmas trees or
for holiday crafts
Bui a-l oik- Michigan candy compairy, rahimo's
Homemade CuditS in
Liuising. making the swoel
treats by hand Is a tradition
jMfloetl from one pane ration
to (tlL.: I ike ftWflt-eWlCS,
which are lUiKliul^-Uik, the
red-and white cinet at
Ftiiitin\ lasts bf pepper-
liiilit. E3uL die flavor ih cnore
intense, danciitg on the
tongue like die R:4io Cuy
Rockettes, die New York
dance troupe known for as
spectacular Christmas sliow-s.
"This is j very tost art”
Ktiid Steve lilLiir, who owns
E'abiarto’s with his mother.
Madeline. Mtndelne’s father.
Michael r ; ahiano, founded
the store tft 1924.
"There are only about a
doten placet; in die Hinted
SillLck dial WC know of dial
kIlIL make candy ciam’K hy
hind," Hla ii said- "Why do
we do ft? Tradition This is
bow my gmndjM did iL. He
Wasn't interested in buying a
cheesy one lifce what you can
cot at the supermarket*
The smells in I-ah iano’s
kitchen would make even
Scrooge sw«on. They came
from me stove: 15 pounds of
cane sugar and com syrup
bubbled away in a pot. When
the frothing iMass reached
315 degrees scalding hoi
Blair pouted n onto u
die hEoh wrtb spearmint flavoring, kneading it until
die liquid was absorbed
FahianoSt makes I-I flavors of candy canes and
I 2 flaVDis of t ill boil 111 ill Klrips: i)1' nifle OiHirly if :ir
have been crinkled.
"We do a different color
scheme tor each one so wo
don’t have to lick them to
find out what flavor they
arc/ Steve said, laughing.
“I'm Sore hrih Would like to,
hut not ill L of tbein. They
probably wouldn't like some
of (he IvidiLional flavors, like
clove and arise.”
Next. Dan divided tbc
Mob into three sections. one
larger titan the other two. He
hung the Large blub from a
hook, pu lluig lI out again and
again to add air |'tic Lccli-
njfjtic caused the sugars to
crystallize, ttunittg them
white a via in. (They had
caramelised and turned
brown dujipj nxiklilf- l
Meanwhile, Ste\e kileztd-
ed food Coloring into [he
smaller h|nhkK, 1 urn inn ore
led and (lie oilier green-
Then Dan pushed 1he 1lnee
Mobs together, twisting
I Item to cicalt Stripcfi.
Snip. snip. snip. That’s
the sound of [Jan cutting
Ihe canes into 6 inch
lengths A Stephen', Jacob
Blair i8, rolled (he Sticks
to smooth them, then bent
each at one end.,
dandy canes!
When Tahomo's elves arc
done, they will have made
20,000 caned and ribbons
and 230 pounds of
ChristeniS hard Caudits r or
cancK that have been scored
m a kind of wattle machine
and broken Into chunks,
""You get 14 flavors at u t>ag.
eo you can taste them all."
□ an Blair and Jim Fjbinno pour out
the hat mixture of cone augar and
com syrup that will become candy
canes. The mixture is worked on a
hook to turn the color white.
I In Vh.e News
Going wild with the
Cheetah Girls
ft wa.H a ChcctaJi-liciouK night for music lovers.
In November hundreds of Lucky fans, including
200 ptambeic of the South Central Los Angeles
Challengers Hoys c\i Girls Club,
enjoyed a private concert by Lie
Chfictsb fiirls. The i*ftC|kl5|VC
Kral t MaL’-and-f’hcc^o-fl-paJrKi^d dHik pitiCL' al the
J-Eoune. ot' Blues, in Los Angeles.
llie audience chanted. “Cheelahl Cheetalt!
Cheetah"’ as they waited for the group to appear
Tuns weht wild when the tatenlcd Uiu Strutted on
stage. They ,SLiuea]ed and bounced to the beat while
die group sang "Shako your Tail Feather. 1 ' The Gurls
ulsO pcrlomiL-d songs from their new ull'uni. "ICG."
including Lhoir single, "So Bring il ()n."
The Cheetah O Li Is Adrienne liailon. Sabi lna
fiiyan and Kiely Williams — are a hardworking
hunch tRiiven-Symone stars m the “Cheetah Girls"
movies hut doesn't r-corI or tour w'iih the group.)
Baiton hepan singing in church when she was ii,
while Bryan and Williams started singing and danc
ing at age 12. Their music is a mix of hip hop, pop
and .silica. Wbac makes Ihe^e performers so pi>pn-
!ar9 Bryan KSLyu that the Cheetah Guts' suooess is
due to the girls' diversity. “U’e a multicultural
group." she IcUs "l"imc For Kids. "All of us come
from dlfl'ercnt walks of Life, so thcrc f s something
for everyone”
Clockwise front top left:
Sebrine Brysn, Kiely Williams,
Adrienne Bailon and Raven-
Symone are the &lara uf “The
Cheetah Girls” movies.
E^lloiit ■'sjiid th* best piiri alyvut licing a Cheetah
Girt is traveling around tli^ world w'nh her two hc^sl
friends. Thdii Disney flunnel movie, “Dieetali Girls
2,' L took plate Id Spain. ,L lt'E bscell an AJDAZing eotpeii
enCt to team about another culture tund share it W nil
all (he klrki Lliat welch the ntovLcs,” UuiJon said. Jn
January, the Girls will travel to India to begin I:lilting
"f'hcecali Girls 3.”
nit-1.'11i;lI□ Gn Is etKwaajte othoi^i to follow their
dreams, "Reuvh fin- the tdooo/ Bryaii "Di^tause
die woi^l yull Call do is dutch Lite- sLJdsl"
Fdr die lucky Uoys & Girls Chib kids. Uk 1 : chat ice
U> see Ehe CTifittah GirLs live was a dream cornu true.
jV.'r.iiv Hi lin.mir
V him- it
rivic mpn riLtiflni nrtfliurt] T«i»-iaft*i di
Reading Rack
Gifts can present problems
□EAR AMERICAN GIRL: I have het\i\
afraid to ask fbr^msems_fitr Christmas, \V*:
jvsi bvitghl ft (rpu- house, and Mom smsi she
H-'cun V going lo tin rue as many presents,
but asked me to Hicifry u fist. I d\dt\ ~t put
w^Ldl / nealis •■bi.eili.t have liked ot\ the list
because a was eMtensive. Should '
tall her? — Cftrirttiar
■ Gluing ]jresfnS a fun pint of
Chnstmae, but it 's not the nio^-t
Liiii>c-j'Uiijl pail Since you
aJicudy gave your mom u List,
tlon't add to it now. Insteud. nave your own
money toward the thiTigs you want Spend
tune with your t'jutiily and focus <m wtial you
do luve Your holidays will still be full of
hiipiunesa. evefi witliout expensive gifts.
American Girl "
DEAR AMERICAN GIRL: When / tverive a
gift that J donlike, /i^h 1 oa/t 1 be fxrfitO
without lying ami saying 1 reaily
like it? — ftjftif
■ You don't have to lie to be
polile. If the gilt is some kind of
clothing, you could sny Konicllimg
pnsilLvc ahi>ul the polor. II it’s
Itonrtenistde. you oouid say how
nice it wsk of the giver to
moke it for you. If if s
pusL glam weird, you cuel
say you’ve never Keen anything like iL And
lor any gill at all. yon can and .should
say. ''Thank you for thinking of me'”
Vtrir to get or give advice.
tt 2MTtillLr<>W, (hI LlC- Al ih^rii-w-H-i.Hd
Share a holiday book this year
For families, the holidays arc great times
to K'gin a trod Uion of choosing a hock to
lead together every year pupfezrably wltile
eLtp^'yiuj! hoL chocolate anti freshly baked
cookies. 1 loie Ls a title to get you started:
The All-1 IFEver-Want
Chrl^llTiat Doll," by Entiicia r.
MsiKissack and .Terry Pinkney
(Schwam A Wade Books. SI6,99J.
During me Ujmi Depression,
Nelli, Uv.' imddlcdiLuglUei ill a fam
ily hard-hit b\' the piNjr econiimy,
sl\;s ;m adveiliseincnt Ujc a. Ihihy
Betty doll She <kwlaieFi the doll is
"all J want... ever,’" even though thine is almost
no hope she wiSJ receive one, She writes a kn-
ter to "Santy C’loius” and waite and lio]>es On
< liri-iLmLia l-,ve. die family sLitgp earote and diu
faJu^' tmLIn the story of JlIkus bsiing bom in
BellileiLeiu On Clai^truas KtiOtiling, (heir pfffi-
euta ztie waliiuts. orjuigea. raisin* itud pepper
mint dicks — -iind hL Eitiby Betty doll' JllsL line,
neant 1'or all tluec girls.
Ofctjurc. the fight mg beg inK
unul Mama tells them to wt>rk it
out themsetvet. Nellti ends up with
tlie doll and does iroi want to share
wMi her aLkuts. who go outside to
pluy together I lowever, itaby Hetty
Illkc site silently miilI can't pby, Kmg,
clap ot do anything. Finally, just as
t h n ^LmLiK is iiIkiuI slirn mg and loving, Ml'IJu
(fascomG just how much fun Bahy Betty ^an
be - with ber sisters- — Catlwritu CTufr