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Shows reserve overall champion heifer
East Jackson Middle FFA member Bella Chandler showed the reserve over
all champion heifer recently at the Georgia Junior National Livestock Show
in Perry.
Grand champion Shorthorn
Jackson Scheiszer is a senior at East Jackson Comprehensive High School,
so the Georgia Junior Livestock Show served as his final time in the showing.
His heifer was named grand champion shorthorn.
Locals do well at Ga. Junior Natl Livestock Show
First in class, reserve champion
Cameron Watts of Commerce FFA exhibited his commercial heifer, which
placed first in class at the Georgia Junior National Livestock Show and went
on to be chosen as reserve champion in its division. He is pictured with Justin
Morgan, also of Commerce FFA.
Jackson County 4-H and
FFA members participated in
the Georgia Junior National
Livestock Shows Feb. 17-20
at the Georgia National Fair
grounds in Perry, earning
numerous awards.
Successes started with
showmanship on Thurs
day. Jackson County 4-H
members Keely Shultz and
Morgan McDaniel and East
Jackson Middle FFA member
Bella Chandler all placed first
and received belt buckles in
fourth grade, fifth grade, and
sixth grade showmanship,
respectively. Gum Springs fifth
grader, Jesse Cronic, placed
sixth in his class of show
manship while West Jack-
son Middle FFA members
Savannah Page, Madyson
McDaniel, and Abigail Allen
all finished within the top five
of sixth, seventh, and eighth
grades, respectively. East
Jackson Middle FFA member
Wyatt Chandler placed first
in ninth-grade showmanship
and took home a belt buck
le while Kayley Edwards of
Jackson County 4-H placed
tenth. In Senior Showman
ship, Jackson Schieszer of
East Jackson placed tenth,
and Cindy Cooper of Jackson
County FFA placed fifth.
Heifer Show
The Heifer Show took
place on Friday and start
ed with Cindy Cooper and
Madyson McDaniel placing
first and second in their Sim-
mental classes. Their animals
went on to be named grand
and reserve champion of the
Simmental breed.
Jackson County had six
heifers showing in the Angus
breed and all six came out
of the ring with a top-three
finish as well as grand and
reserve champion honors.
West Jackson Middle FFA’s
Savannah Page took home
a first-place and two second
places, Abigail Allen and
Cindy Cooper both took
home first-place finishes,
and Peyton Puckett of Jack-
son County FFA placed third.
Abigail Allen’s heifer went
on to be chosen as grand
champion Angus followed
by Cindy Cooper’s heifer as
reserve champion.
In the Chi-Influenced heifer
division, Carlie Howington of
East Jackson FFA placed first
in her class. Charlie Brook-
sher of West Jackson Mid
dle FFA placed sixth with his
low percentage Simmental.
Austin Hill of East Jackson
FFA placed second in his all
other breeds class with his
In the high percentage
Simmental division, Drew
Brooksher of Jackson County
FFA placed tenth and Cindy
Cooper placed second while
Morgan McDaniel and Bella
Chandler both won their class
es. Morgan McDaniel’s heifer,
Ditto, went on to be chosen
as grand champion high per
centage Simmental, and Bella
Chandler’s heifer was chosen
as reserve champion.
In the Shorthorn division,
East Jackson FFA senior Jack-
son Schieszer’s entry placed
first in class and went on to be
chosen as grand champion
shorthorn heifer. In the Maine
heifer classes, Landis Sea-
graves of Jackson 4-H placed
third, and Justin Morgan of
Commerce FFA placed first.
Morgan’s heifer went on to
receive grand champion
Maine heifer. Keely Shultz
placed first in class with her
Limousin heifer, which went
on to be named grand cham
pion Limousin heifer.
In the Commercial heif
er division, Hunter Spear
of Commerce FFA placed
fourth and Heidi Seagraves
of Jackson 4-H placed third,
while Jesse Cronic and
Wyatt Chandler both placed
second in their classes. Cam
eron Watts of Commerce
FFA placed first in his class
with a heifer that went on to
be chosen as reserve cham
pion in his weight division.
When it was time for the
overall champion heifer drive,
Jackson County had six
grand champions and three
reserve champions in the ring
to vie for the top five overall
In the end, four of the top
five overall champion heifers
were from Jackson County
exhibitors, and three of those
four were raised in Jackson
Morgan McDaniel’s grand
champion high percentage
heifer was chosen as overall
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'County Group of Five' contest
While at the Georgia Junior Livestock Shows in
Perry, Jackson County participated in the County
Group of Five contest where counties are invited
to bring their five best heifers to compete against
other counties. Jackson County once again took
home first place in this competition. Left to right
are Peyton Puckett, Bella Chandler, Morgan
McDaniel, Madyson McDaniel, Cindy Cooper, and
Keely Shultz. This same group won County Group
of Five at the Georgia National Fair in October.
FFA members visit the capitol
Banks County High School FFA members attended the 30th
annual FFA Day at the Capitol. Tucker Carlan and Easton Payne,
and their advisors Kipp Jackson and Scott Wheatley represented
the BCHS FFA chapter by attending the FFA Day legislative breakfast
and having a group photo with Gov. Nathan Deal.
Students had the opportunity to visit their local Representa
tive and Senator, as well as visit the Department of Education
and the Department of Agriculture. The legislative breakfast was
highlighted by speakers including Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, state
school superintendent Richard Woods, agriculture commission
er Gary Black, as well as House agriculture committee chair
Tom McCall, Senate agriculture committee chair John Wilkinson
and University of Georgia head football coach, Kirby Smart.
Nearly 200 FFA members, advisors, alumni and staff attended the
Tucker Carlan and Easton Payne, Banks County
High School FFA members, and their advisors,
Kipp Jackson and Scott Wheatley, attended the
30th annual FFA Day at the Capitol. They are
pictured with University of Georgia head football
coach Kirby Smart.
grand champion heifer, Bella
Chandler’s reserve champion
high percentage heifer was
chosen as reserve overall
grand champion heifer, third
overall champion went to
Cindy Cooper with her grand
champion Simmental, and
fourth overall champion went
to Keely Shultz with her Lim
ousin heifer.
The steer show took place
on Sunday, and Cindy Coo
per placed second with her
crossbred steer, first with her
Simmental steer, which went
on to win grand champion of
the breed.
While at the Georgia Junior
National Show, the Jackson
County Beef Show Team also
participated in the County
Group of Five and Breeder’s
Group competitions, placing
first. A group of three heifers
bred by C & C Farms took
home first place honors in
the Breeder’s Group contest.
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Notice is hereby given that, in accordance
with O.C.G.A. 21-2-540§, a special elec
tion shall be held in the Town of Homer
to fill the vacancy in the office of Coun
cil member, caused by the resignation of
Christopher Tucker. The special election
will be held on May 24, 2016.
Qualifying for the special election shall
be held at Homer City Hall, Monday
March 7th, 2016 9am-5pm, Tuesday
March 8 th 2016 9am-5pm and Wednes
day, March 9 th 9am -4pm. The qualifying
fee shall be $12.60.
All persons who are not registered to vote
and who desire to register to vote in the spe
cial election may register to vote through
the close of business on April 26,2016.
Early voting will be held May 2, 2016
through May 20, 2016, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00
p.m., at Banks County Registrar Office
located at 226 Candler Street, Homer, Ga.
Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. until
7:00 p.m. on the Election Day.
This the 12 th day of January 2016.
Carol Ayers
Election Superintendent
Town of Homer