The Commerce news. (Commerce, Ga.) 1???-current, March 02, 2016, Image 19

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    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2016
Church News
Gospel group sings on cruise
Georgia, a southern gospel group from Gillsville, recently completed its “Georgia Singing at Sea”
cruise. The group sailed for a six-days cruise to the Bahamas and took 120 guests. The group had
its own stage and performed a show each evening during the trip. The group sailed to Nassau and
Freeport, where attendees had a “beach service.” Dr. Kent Barrett spoke at the service. The group has
the number 39 song in the nation right now, “Great Revival.” Another song, “That’s Why I Love Him
So,” has been on the charts for the last six months.
Two baptized at
nursing home
It’s never too late to accept Jesus
and be saved. Residents of the nursing
facility at Northridge Medical Cen
ter in Commerce demonstrated that
“The first Sunday in December,
when we did the invitation, we had
two people who raised their hands,”
said Rev. Will Mosley, a member of
the Tri-County Ministerial Association,
which conducts regular services at
Northridge and provides pastoral care
at other facilities. “They were both
adamant about being baptized.”
Because both were wheelchair
bound, that presented a problem, but
Mosley said the nursing home staff
provided a solution — a new whirlpool
in the therapy section with a chair that
tilts back.
“We did them in January,” Mosley
said. “It was really an uplifting thing.
There was a lot of excitement there. I
wish there was that much enthusiasm
in regular services. It was overwhelm
Members of the Tri-County Min
isterial Association operate out of
Northridge, but they provide similar
services to Hill Haven Nursing Home.
They also offer chaplain services
and always have one person on call
should a need arise.
Mosley, a retired police office
(Dekalb County) and a retired pastor
(Dacula), also serves as chaplain of
the Jackson County Correctional Insti
tute, serving both inmates and staff.
The ministerial association is open
to pastors and lay persons in the
Banks, Jackson, Madison County
New Beginning
plans monthly
gospel singing
New Beginning Baptist Church
will host its monthly southern gospel
singing on Sunday, March 6, at 6
Marcus Sentelle will be perform
The church is located at 4403
Winder Hwy., Flowery Branch.
For more information, call 770-
Choir Fest to be
held March 5
The 2016 annual Choir Fest will be
held Saturday March 5, at 5 p.m. at
Maysville United Methodist Church.
Featured choirs include: Mt. Carm
el Baptist Church, Redeemed Baptist
Church, Beaver Dam Baptist Church,
Pond Fork Baptist Church, Bethany
United Methodist Church and Maysville
United Methodist Church and Victory
Voices. The Coffee Creek Singers, from
Asheville, N.C., will be the special guest.
Food will be provided after the sing
The church is located at 8430 Mays
ville Road, Maysville.
Dugar Strickland is the pastor.
Maysville UMC
plans singing
Maysville United Methodist Church
will host its Thursday night southern
gospel singing on Thursday, March 3,
at 6 p.m.
The program will feature The Troy
Burns Family.
Clarke Kesler is the master of cere
The church is located at 8430 Mays
ville Road, Maysville.
New Faith to
celebrate women's
day on March 20
New Faith Christian Center will host
its annual Women’s Day event on Sun
day, March 20, at 11 a.m.
Kimley Almond Butterfield will be
the guest speaker. She is a native of
Commerce and works with her hus
band in their law firm in Atlanta.
The church is located at 402 Martin
Luther King Jr. Drive in Commerce.
The Rev. Bobby Patman is the pre
siding minister.
Jones Chapel to
celebrate usher's
The Jones Chapel Baptist Church
Usher Board will host its usher’s anni
versary on Sunday, March 6, at 2:30
Pastor Sylvania Watkins and Greater
Breakthrough Ministries will be the
guests at the event.
Dinner will be served from 1-2:15
The church is located at 5114 Water
works Road, Commerce.
For more information, contact jone-
Brotherhood to
meet March 6
The March breakfast program of
Community Brotherhood will meet
Sunday March 6, at 7:30 a.m. in the
Don Stewart Hall at Homer United
Methodist Church in downtown
Tim Harper is Brotherhood presi
dent and will preside over the ecumen
ical group, a lay organization. Visitors,
including area pastors, are invited to
the event.
John Wayne Abernathy, of Gillsville,
will present this month’s program.
Chefs are reminded to arrive as early
as 5 a.m. to begin preparation of the
full early morning meal.
The church is located at the corner
of Sycamore and Church streets, one
block east of Veterans Memorial Park.
Crossroads plans
one day revival
Crossroad Worship Center Church
of God will host a one-day revival with
the Rev. J.D. “Junior” Sosebee speak
ing on Sunday, March 6.
The morning worship service starts
at 10:45 a.m. and the Sunday evening
service starts at 6 p.m.
The church is located at 365 Hwy.
441 South, Commerce.
For more information, call 706-335-
9000 or 706-540-9549.
Leach recognized
Blacks Creek Baptist Church and pastor
Chad Rising recently recognized Jane Leach
for 55 years of perfect attendance to Sunday
Being a blessing to others
It’s a gift or
a deed done
without expect
ing anything
in return. It’s a
random act of
kindness and I
received one last
week that was
definitely sent
from God above.
I’ll admit I
knew I had
something com
ing my way but
I had no idea what it was.
When I pulled the framed
painting from the unas
suming brown gift bag, I
was almost breathless. It
was a beautiful watercolor
of my cat, Bootsie.
I’d don’t know if I’m
more impressed by the
painting or that it was a gift
from a 14 year old young
man who has become so
dear to me. Jake and his
family know I love Boot
sie, but to think he spent
hours on a painting that I
will cherish forever, made
me feel so special. It also
reminded me that kind
ness matters.
We are reminded to be
kind in scripture. Colos-
sians 3:12 says, “There
fore, as God’s chosen
people, holy and dearly
loved, clothe yourselves
with compassion, kind
ness, humility, gentleness
and patience.”
A random act of kind
ness is to be spread, going
from one person to anoth
er. Kindness can never be
too big or small, and I
believe the Lord will put an
idea into our hearts if we
ask. So it’s my turn to pay
it forward. I only hope I
can make someone feel as
special as my dear friend
made me feel.
I reflected on a friend
who takes cookies to our
firefighters for Christmas.
What if someone showed
up at the office of pub
lic service workers with
a tray of cookies
just because? I
know that would
say thank you in
a mighty way.
We could also
write notes of
appreciation to
special people
in our lives. I
receive notes on
occasion from a
former boss. The
heading always
reads, “My Dear
est Sherry.” Now that’s a
heartfelt greeting and takes
me back to the memo
ries we shared under her
leadership. It’s the cost of
a postage stamp to her,
but I always rip open the
envelope because I know
she’s going to encourage
me time and time again.
There have been times
when I start getting a mag
azine in the mail. I have
no idea who or why. I
think it’s a mistake and
call to get to the bottom
of it. That’s when I get the
good news, that a good
friend has gifted me in this
manner. What a blessing
to open the mailbox to
some of my favorite reads!
Imagine pulling up to
the drive-thru window to
find out the person who is
taking a left out of the park
ing lot has already paid for
your meal. I believe that’s
the perfect chance to use
that money to bless anoth
er person.
As Christians may we
look for opportunities to
bless others like the Lord
has blessed us. Let us
give God the glory for the
kindness in our hearts. I
know I give God the glory
for putting it on a special
young man’s heart to bless
me. Lord help me bless
someone just the same.
Sherry Lewis of Mays
ville is pastor at New
Beginnings Ministry. She
can be reached at bcn-
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contact 706-367-5233.
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