Newspaper Page Text
Recreation Camps
CPRD hosting
volleyball camp
The Commerce Parks and Recreation
Department will host a girls’ volleyball
camp July 25-29, at the Commerce High
School auxiliary gym.
The camp is for children in grades 4-12
and will mn from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., daily.
Toccoa Falls College head volleyball
coach Selina Slate is the primary instruc
tor for the camp.
Registration costs $45 for residents
and $65 for non-residents.
For more information, contact the
CPRD at 706-335-3236.
Commerce rec.
adaptive baseball
camp set for next
The Commerce Parks and Recreation
Department will host an adaptive baseball
camp June 6-9, at American Veteran’s Park.
The camp is for boys ages 9-14, with
physical and developmental challenges.
The camp will mn from 6 to 7 p.m. daily.
Commerce High School head base
ball coach Steve Cotrell will serve as the
camp’s instructor.
Registration costs $40.
For more information, contact the CPRD
at 706-335-3236.
Tiger Town Twirler
camp is every
Monday in June
The Tiger Town Twirlers will host a
kids twirling camp this summer.
Camp sessions are every Monday
from June 13 to July 1, from 6:30 to 7:30
p.m. at the Commerce Primary School
The camp is for children ages 4-18 and
costs $35 (baton not included).
For more information, contact the
CPRD at 706-335-3236.
BCPRD hosting
soccer camp
The Banks County Parks and Recre
ation Department will host a youth soccer
camp on June 13-16, at BCPRD field no. 3.
The camp is for children ages 7-and-
up, and will mn from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.,
The camp will be instructed by East
Jackson head coach Rich Friedman and
his former and current players.
Registration costs $55 and includes
breakfast and lunch. Checks must be
made payable to Rich Friedman.
For more information, contact the
BCPRD at 706-677-4407 or bwhitmire@
Softball camp
set for June 20-23
The Banks County Parks and Rec
reation Department will hold a youth
softball camp June 20-23, at BCPRD field
no. 5.
The camp is for children ages 7-and-
up, and will run from 9 a.m. to 11:30
a.m., daily.
The camp will be instructed by Kelly
Cronic and the BCPRD staff.
Registration costs $55 and includes
breakfast and lunch.
For more information, contact the
BCPRD at 706-677-4407 or bwhitmire@
Banks baseball
camp starts July 11
The Banks County Parks and Recre
ation Department will host a youth base
ball camp July 11-14, at BCPRD field no. 1.
The camp is for children ages 7-and-
up, and will run from 9 a.m. to 11:30
a.m., daily.
The camp will be instmcted by Joe
and Josh Lord.
Registration costs $65 and includes
lunch. Checks must be made payable to
Josh Lord.
For more information, contact the
BCPRD at 706-677-4407 or bwhitmire@
BCPRD hosting
cheerleading camp
The Banks County Parks and Rec
reation Department will hold a youth
cheerleading camp July 18-21, at the
BCPRD gym.
The camp is for children ages 9-14,
and will mn from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.,
Registration costs $30 and includes
snacks. Checks must be made payable
to the BCPRD.
For more information, contact the
BCPRD at 706-677-4407 or bwhitmire@
BCPRD unveils new
volleyball camp
The Banks County Parks and Recre
ation Department will offer a new youth
volleyball camp July 25-29 (excluding
Wednesday), at the BCPRD gym.
The camp is for children ages 7-and-
up, and will mn from 6 to 8 p.m., daily.
The BCPRD invites parents to attend the
camp to participate, observe or volun
teer as coaches.
Registration costs $50 and includes
breakfast and lunch. Checks must be
made payable to the BCPRD.
Letter to the Editor
Enjoys living in
Banks County
Dear Editor,
That was quite a vitriolic and scathing rant from
Mr. Wade. We vote to represent the will of the
citizens of Banks County. And not voting is still
I support those commissioners who work to
maintain our infrastructure and do not waste tax
payer dollars on stuff like paying for and maintain
ing a GSP building and a maintenance building
along with all their related costs to us taxpayers.
One of my greatest joys is living in a rural com
munity with farms and forests and wildlife. I enjoy
the open roads and knowing who all my neighbors
within several miles. Thank God ‘development’
has not yet inundated our county! I will gladly
drive a few miles through this beautiful countryside
to shop for groceries, see my kid, and conduct
my business. Baldwin/Cornelia is on our North
border and Banks Crossing is in the South end of
our county. Close enough for me. The trade-off
for not living in or near congestion and not driving
everywhere in traffic is sure worth it for us. Along
with the open spaces, less crime, and lower taxes
makes the choice very easy!
As far as I know, the promises of lower taxes
and better jobs have brought higher taxes and
more crime and no lowering of the unemployment
We live in a pretty great place! Them that want
otherwise can easily find it elsewhere.
Larry Hess
Hollingsworth Community
deadline is
12 p.m. on
Banks County 4-H
plans summer camps
The Banks County 4-H
will offer summer camps for
fourth through 12 th grade stu
dents who are members of
The camps include the fol
•Spice It Up: Salsa Class:
Wednesday, June 1, from 1 to
5 p.m. for grades four and up.
The cost is $10. Participants
will make and preserve salsa
and take home cans of their
special recipe.
•Sandy Creek Park Tail
gate: Friday, June 3, from 9:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for grades
four and up. The cost is $7.
Participants will spend the day
at Sandy Creek Park in Ath
ens swimming, hiking, and
spending time with friends.
Includes lunch, snacks, and
drinks. Participants are asked
to bring towels, sunscreen,
and a dry change of clothes.
•Sheep & Goat Camp:
Monday June 6, from 8:30
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for first
grade and up. There is no fee
for this camp. Participants will
learn how to prepare their 4-H
sheep and goat projects for
showing. Students who have
a sheep or goat may bring
them to the class.
•Katelyn’s Kupcakes: Fri
day June 10, from 8 a.m. to 12
p.m. for fourth through sixth
grades. The cost is $8. One
of the teen leaders will teach
participants how to make
cupcakes with special home
made icing. Students will take
home what they bake.
•Recycled Dioramas: Fri
day June 10' from 1 p.m. to 5
p .m. for grades fourth
and up. There is no cost for
this camp. Participants will
learn how to make a diora
ma out of recycled materials.
Students are asked to bring
items from home to add to the
• “Our Future” Farm Tour:
Monday, June 13, through
Tuesday June 16' from 8:30
a.m. to 1 p.m. for grades ninth
and up. There is no cost for
this class. Students will learn
about careers in the agricul
tural industry and will go on
farm tours.
•Six Flags White Water:
Friday June 16' from 8:30 a.m.
to 9 p.m. for grades sixth and
up. The cost is $50. The cost
includes lunch combo pass.
Students are asked to bring
swimsuit, towels, change of
dry clothes, snacks, drinks
and money for supper on the
way home.
•Wizard of Oz: Thursday
June 23, from 5 p.m. to 9:30
p.m. for grades sixth and up.
The cost is $50. Students will
be going to see the Broadway
play at the historic Fox The
ater in Atlanta. Sunday dress
required. Students are asked
to bring money for snacks,
souvenirs and supper.
• Paracord Fun with
Emma: Friday June 24, from 8
a.m. to noon for grades fourth
and up. The cost is $5. Stu
dents will learn how to make
survival crafts with paracords.
Participants will take home at
least one paracord craft.
• State Council: Friday,
June 24, through Sunday, June
26. Students will depart at 4
p.m. on June 24 and arrive at
1 p.m. on June 26. The cost
is $50. The trip is for 9 ,h -12 th
grade 4-H’ers. The camp will
include voting for state board,
semiformal dance and the
Iron Clover.
•Poultry 101: Wednesday
July 6, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. for
grades fourth and up. The
cost is $5. Students will learn
about poultry and then cook
a chicken dip recipe.
•Tubing in Helen: Thurs
day July 7, from 9:30 a.m. to
6:30 p.m. for grades fourth
and up. The cost is $20.
Students are asked to bring
swimsuit, towels, change of
dry clothes, snacks, drinks
and money for lunch.
• Summer Blockbusters:
“Finding Dory” on July 8 and
“Secret Life of Pets” on July 22.
This is for grades fourth and
up. The cost is $10 per movie.
Students will be gone from
11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. They
are asked to bring money for
lunch and movie snacks.
• Chelsea’s Cake Creations:
Monday July 18, from 1 p.m.
to 5 p.m. for grades fourth and
up. The cost is $5. Students
will learn traditional cake dec
orating techniques and how
to work with fondant.
•Junior/Senior Kayaking
Trip: Tuesday July 19, from
9:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. for grades
seventh and up. The cost is
$25. Students will spend the
day kayaking up the Broad
River. Students are asked
to bring swimsuit, towels,
change of dry clothes, snacks,
drinks and a sack lunch.
'Keeley’s Cloverleaf Project
Achievement Tips: Thursday
July 21, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
for grades fourth through
sixth. The cost is free. Stu
dents will get tips on preparing
Project Achievement presen
tations. They will learn how
to choose a project, research,
prepare a speech and put
together visual aids.
'Kara’s Krazy Kamp:
Wednesday, July 27, and
Thursday July 28, from 1 p.m.
to 5 p.m. for fourth through
sixth grades. The cost is $20.
• Project Achievement
Portfolio Workshops: Stu
dents will begin work on
Project Achievement. There
is no cost to attend this camp.
The schedule will be Aug.
1 for seventh grade, Aug. 2
for eighth grade and Aug. 3
for ninth through 12 th grades.
Hours will be 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Gribbles welcome a daughter
to Jeff and Brittany
Gribble on the birth
of their daughter,
Baxley Grace Grib
ble, on May 25 at 5:31
p.m. She weighed 7
pounds, 12 ounces
and was 21 inches
long. Proud brothers
and sister are Rylan,
Abraham and Anna-
belle Gribble. Grand
parents are Angela Worley,
Wayne Gable, Melissa Miller
and Jeffrey Gribble 11.
Gillsville Baptist Church will
hold Vacation Bible School
June 5-8 from 6 p.m. to 8:30
Happy birthday to: Bryant
Chitwood, Chris Prater, Russ
Turpin, Zena Banks, Elaine
Reece, Kathryn
Parks, Sherri Whit
field, Jo Jo Buffing
ton, Chase Rylee,
Rick Darby, Rich
ard Standridge,
Ricky Cain, Abby
Fransler, Robbie
Turpin, Dennis
Shirley, Will Ward,
Stacy David, Mark
Williams, Reggie
Smith and Regina
Those who are sick in
our community include
many who have cancer and
need our prayers. Those on
the sick list are: Greg Crane,
Taylor Regers, Justin Denton,
Barbara Jones, Perry Smith,
Doug Standridge, Ellie Mae
Herbert, Dan Boling, Helen
Scales, Addison Turner, Chad
Standridge, Jeremy Gaddis,
Johnny Smallwood, Jimmy
Roberts, Frank Jarrell, Bobby
Simonds, Shirley Simonds,
Alex Strickland, Amy Brown,
Harold Hill, Hawk Harrison,
Mary Parson, Frank Gordon,
Barbarann Gordon, Claudette
Griffin, Edwina Holcomb, Alan
Purcell, Dwayne and Paulina
Casper, Jerry Payne, Carolyn
Standridge, Kenneth Parson,
Betty Parson, Kim Crane, Tony
Massey Billy Massey Chester
Hewell, William Harris and
Edith Goodson.
Willene Boyle compiles
community news from Banks
County and Commerce. To get
an item listed, email it to her at
or call her at 706-677-4200.
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