Newspaper Page Text
Church News
Bible school coming
up at FBC Commerce
The First Baptist Church of Commerce will
hold its annual Vacation Bible School June
12-16, from 6 to 8:30 nightly. Dinner will be
The theme is “Surf Shack: Catch the Wave
of God’s Amazing Love.” Children will learn
about God through Bible stories, crafts, sci
ence, games and music.
Bible school is open to children from
pre-K (at least age 4) through fifth grade (just
completed). Registration will be in the entry
way by the church office.
The church is located at 1345 South Elm
Street, Commerce. Call 706-335-4083 for
Freedom Church of
God donating food
to those in need
Freedom Church of God, in partnership
with the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia,
will give food to those in need on Tues
day June 14, from 10:30 a.m. to noon at
Freedom Church of God, 3428 Neese Com
merce Road, Commerce.
The parking lot will be closed until 10
a.m. For more information, contact Gloria
at 706-5464874.
Volunteers will be appreciated and
should arrive at 9 a.m. to help.
Special prayer service
planned for June 5
Webbs Creek Baptist Church will hold a
special prayer service for the nation, com
munity and churches from 11 a.m. to noon
on June 5.
The church is located at 647 Webbs Creek
Road, Commerce.
VBS planned at
Webbs Creek
Webbs Creek Baptist Church will be host
ing “Pet’s Unleashed” Vacation Bible School
from June 5 - June 7 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
each night for all children ages 4-12.
Call 706-677-3249 for more information or
VBS set at Rock Springs
Rock Springs Baptist Church will hold Vaca
tion Bible School June 4 through June 5. A
kick off will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m. on Saturday, June 4, with hot dogs, a
jump house, games and snow cones. VBS
classes will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. Sunday, June 5, through Wedneday, June
There will be classes for all ages.
The church is located at 747 Rock Springs
Road, Lula.
FBC Jolly Agers plans
musical program June 7
The Jolly Agers of the First Baptist Church
of Commerce will hear a musical program
given by Colin and Chloe Chandler at noon
on Tuesday, June 7, in the fellowship hall of
First Baptist Church.
They will present a gospel bluegrass musical
program of singing and playing the fiddle and
mandolin. Their father, Todd, will accompany
their performance.
Colin is a seasoned musician who has
performed in Pigeon Forge, TN, at Dollywood
two seasons and at Country Tonight three sea
sons. Chloe is currently performing part-time
at Country Tonight. Both are students in the
Jackson County School System where their
parents are teachers
The Jolly Agers is a group of 50-and-older
individuals who meet for covered-dish lunches
and programs at noon the first Tuesday of each
month most of the year. After the June meeting,
the Jolly Agers take a hiatus until September.
The First Baptist Church of Commerce is
located at 1345 South Elm Street, Commerce.
Bold Springs UMC
hosting yard sale
Bold Springs United Methodist Church,
located at 3171 Bold Springs Church Road,
Carnesville, will hold a yard sale Saturday, June
4, starting at 8 a.m.
Items for sale include clothing, household
goods, appliances and more.
Little Country Church
plans VBS June 5-8
Vacation Bible School at The Little Country
Church will be held June 5-8 from 6:308:30
p.m. nightly.
There will be a meal served each night.
There will be classes from ages 3-adult.
This year’s theme is “It’s Time to Open Up
the Bible.”
The church is located on Old Airport Road,
For more information, call 7006147472.
Charity Baptist
holding VBS
Charity Baptist Church, located at 1302 Hwy.
51 North, Homer, will hold Vacation Bible
School from 6 to 8:30 p.m. June 12-15.
A free meal will be served at 6 p.m. Classes
will be offered for babies to adults.
The Rev. Scott Smith is the pastor.
Gillsville Baptist plans
Bible school
Gillsville Baptist Church will hold a Vacation
Bible School from 6 to 8:30 p.m. June 5-8.
Van pick up is available. For more informa
tion, call 770869-3976.
Bush River Baptist
plans reunion
Bush River Baptist Church will host a
religious classmate reunion at 2 p.m. on
Saturday, June 4.
All classmates, as well as those who
sent to school with the Rev. Julius Mack,
the Rev. David Aker, the Rev. Michael
Shield and the Rev. Michael Moon are
invited to attend.
“We would like all of you to come out
and have a Holy Spirit good time,” the Rev.
Mack said.
Bush River youth will be selling hot
dogs, hamburgers and drinks. The Rev.
Mack is pastor of Bush River.
A moment can
make a difference
Minutemen were
a select group of sol
diers who were chosen
for their strength and
reliability. Their name
makes perfect sense
since they were called
at a moment’s notice
to be on the front line
of an impending battle.
They were well known
for their work in the
Revolutionary War, but they were involved
in earlier conflicts as well. I’m sure these
men had a great impact on the lives of
others because of their willingness to
I learned of a different kind of minute-
man when Asher Kase made his appear
ance on May 20.1 had the opportunity to
meet his mom several years ago. Amber
along with her husband Chad aren’t relat
ed to Chris and I by blood, but they are
family to us nonetheless.
When we found out the couple was
expecting a baby we were thrilled. Some
time later we found out it was a little boy.
While our thoughts and dreams for Asher
were of birthday parties, ballgames, and
all the things that life usually holds, in
reality it was much different.
On May 20, at 21 weeks, little Asher
made his appearance into the world.
While dad got to cut the umbilical cord
and mom got to cradle the newborn in
her arms, Asher’s life on earth started at
5:05 a.m. and came to a close at 5:06
He didn’t serve in the military, but
today he has become known as our
minuteman. While his existence here
was but a moment, he has greatly
impacted the lives of those who anx
iously awaited his arrival.
As I looked at photos and recognized
the features of this little fellow, I knew
that he was wonderfully made. Reflect
ing on his one moment, it was never
more vivid to me that life is a vapor. The
brevity of this life made me weep, but a
thought of eternity reminded me that Ash
er’s playground is now on streets of gold.
This precious little one also caused me
to question how I spend my minutes. The
moments we have on earth are tmly a gift
from God. Each of us has a choice. We
can squander them or we can use them
to impact the lives of others. One thing
is for sure. We can never get them back.
Until May 20th I didn’t think much
about a minute, but thanks to Asher Kase,
I’ve learned that each of us can make an
impact in a moment’s time.
May we reflect on the minutes in our
lives. Every minute is important to some
one. May each of us give our minutes to
God and allow Him to use us to impact
the world around us. Remember every
minute counts.
Sherry Lewis of Maysville is pastor
at New Beginnings Ministry. She can be
reached at
Clothes closet at
FBC open to public
on Thursdays
Vacation Bible School will run from
6:30-8:30 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, with Fri
day night commencement starting at 7
Crooked Creek is located at 6202 Jeffer
son River Road, Athens.
For more information or directions,
call 706-548-4233 or visit the website,
Maysville UMC
holding southern
gospel singing
Maysville United Methodist Church is
hosting a southern gospel singing on
June 2 at 6 p.m. featureing Bobby- Anne
Master of ceremonies will be Clark
VBS coming up at
FBC Jefferson
The First Baptist Church of Jefferson
will be hosting Vacation Bible School
June 12-16 from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
The VBS is for children in kindergarten
through fifth grade.
The church preschool is also accept
ing registration for the 2016-2017 school
A food bank will be open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 p.m. to
3 p.m.
The Clothes Closet of the First Baptist
Church of Commerce is open to the pub
lic every Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m. All
clothing items are free.
The clothes closet is located in a house
across Scott Street from the church,
which is located at 1345 South Elm Street
in Commerce.
Brockton Rd.
Baptist holding
clothes closet
Brockton Road Baptist Church has a
clothes closet that is open from 9 a.m. to
noon on Thursdays. All clothes are free.
Donations of good, used clothes may
be made most days. For more informa
tion, call 706-367-5801.
VBS ahead at
Crooked Creek
Crooked Creek Baptist Church is hav
ing Vacation Bible School June 5-10.
“Children and teens 3 years old
through 12th grade are invited to join us
for ‘Cow-a-bunga,’ a fun, farm-themed
VBS,” leaders state.
Worship regularly at a church of your choice! For more
information on\ becoming a church page sponsor, please
contact 706-367-5233.
Commerce Village
Shopping Center
1697 S. Elm Street
Downtown Commerce
661 N. Elm St.
Commerce, GA
Asphalt Paving
and Sealcoating
|Office: 706-546-7643
Cell: 706-540-4090
11 State Street
Commerce, GA
610 Bennett Rd. - Homer, GA
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