Newspaper Page Text
Church News
Love of our
Heavenly Father
I must admit I was
Harmony Baptist
Vacation Bible
School coming up
Harmony Baptist Church will be having a
one-day Vacation Bible School from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. on June 25.
There will be a bounce house with water
slide, Olympic-type games, pony rides and a
family cook out at 3 p.m.
The church is located at 5223115 Hwy. 441
North, Baldwin.
The pastor is Tony Byrd.
Mt. Hermon Vacation
Bible School ahead
Mt. Hermon Presbyterian Church will hold
Vacation Bible School from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
on June 25.
Speakers will include Shelia Davis, Edith
Brown and Pastor Teresa Franklin.
Homer Baptist VBS
planned June 25
Homer Baptist Church will be hosting a
one day Vacation Bible School Saturday,
June 25, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. for ages 3 years
- 5th grade.
The church is located at 1172 Historic
Homer Highway, Homer.
Call 706-677-3405 for more information.
VBS planned
at Homer UMC;
youth trips offered
A summer Vacation Bible School, offered
annually by Homer United Methodist
Church, will be held on June 26-29 for all
ages of children and youth. This year’s
theme is “Cave Quest.”
Parents are encouraged to arrive 30 min
utes early at 5:30 p.m. each day. Dinner will
be served the four nights at 6 p.m.
Jessica Thomas, director of children and
middle school ministries, is also director of
Children and youth of the community are
invited to participate in the school held at
the church’s Family Life Center at the corner
of Sycamore and Church streets, one block
east of Veterans Memorial Park in downtown
The church will also hold “fun trips” for
boys and girls during the summer. The
schedule is as follows:
• Cleveland Zoo, Friday, July 1.
• Consolidated Gold Mine (cave trip), Sat
urday, July 9.
• Funopolis, Tuesday, July 12, and Thurs
day, July 14.
Trips are free and offered on a first-come,
first served basis. Each child must have a
complete information sheet submitted to
ride the bus.
For more information, contact Jessica
Thomas at 706-654-7212.
Singings planned
at Maysville UMC
Maysville United Methodist Church is host
ing a Southern Gospel Singings over the next
few weeks.
The schedule is as follows:
•June 23 featuring Connie Perry Minis
tries and the Branhams.
•June 30 Featureing Jerry Mitchell (The
•July 16 Featureing Still Standing with
Steve Pruitt.
• July 14 Featureing Larry Ray from NC.
Singing starts at 7 p.m. each night.
Maysville United
Methodist hosting
'Friday night picking'
The fourth Friday night picking will be held
at the Maysville United Methodist Church on
Friday, June 24, at 7 p.m.
All musicians and everyone who enjoys
bluegrass gospel are invited to attend for
the food and fellowship. The music will be
acoustic bluegrass gospel.
Those who attend are asked to bring their
favorite covered dish or dessert.
All area churches are invited to attend.
For more information, call Pastor Dugar
Strickland at 706-367-8388.
Dedication planned
at Redeemed Baptist
Redeemed Baptist Church will hold a spe
cial service to dedicate the new sanctuary at
10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 26.
The church is located at 805 B. Wilson
Road, Commerce.
Exodus to be in
concert June 26
Exodus will be in concert at Mt. Carmel
Baptist Church on Sunday, June 26. The
service will begin at 10:30 a.m. Lunch will
be at 1 p.m.
The church is located at 2405 Hwy. 51,
For more information, call 706-677-3813 or
Tri-County Ministerial
Association meeting
moved to July 9
The Tri-County Ministerial Association
has moved its regular meeting for July to
Monday, July 9, due to the July 4 holiday
falling on its regular meeting date.
The meeting will be held at 8:30 a.m.
in the boardroom of Northridge Medical
Center in Commerce. All people inter
ested in ministerial opportunities in the
Banks-Jackson-Madison County area are
St. Paul to celebrate
church anniversary
St. Paul First Baptist Church, Jefferson will
be celebrating its
131st church anniversary at 3 p.m. on
Sunday, June 26.
The guest speaker will be Pastor Dwayne
Stephens of the James Paschal Baptist
Church, Covington.
St. Paul First Baptist Church is located at
573 Gordon Street, Jefferson. Benjamin J.
Clark is the pastor.
having a wonderful
Father’s Day weekend
celebrating my father
and the father of my
children. In both areas,
my family is truly bless
Then 1 talked to a
young lady who helped
me to reflect on a differ
ent perspective. I pray
that after our conversation, she now has
hope because of her Heavenly Father.
She explained there were issues with her
earthly father and the father of her son.
“If makes me nervous when my child
gets older and everyone is talking about
their dads and his is not around. Granted
my son is not old enough to realize he
does not have a father who is active in his
life, but one day he will be.”
That’s when I begin to reflect on our
Abba Father and remembered He is our
Father.... a good, good, Father. By the
time we finished talking about the attri
butes of God our Father, we were giving
thanks for all we have in Him.
We agreed that compassion and com
fort were two characteristics we’d like to
see in our dads. I turned to 2 Corinthians
1:3-5 which tells us that He is the Father of
compassion and the God of all comfort.
So the next time we find ourselves in
need of a caring father, may we begin to
share our heart with the one who cares so
deeply for us. The next time grief or fear
comes into our lives, may we remember
that God comforts us in all troubles, so
that we can comfort others. All we have
to do is flip through the gospels and we
see a Savior with compassion over and
Oconee Baptist
clothes closet
opening Saturday
The Oconee Baptist Church clothes
closet will be open at 1 p.m. on Saturday,
June 25.
Everything is free.
For more information, call 706-367-
Paradise AME plans
homecoming and
revival June 26-28
Paradise AME Church will celebrate
its annual homecoming at 11 .m. on
Sunday, June 26, and revival June 26-28.
Revival will be held at 6 p.m. on June 26
and at 7:30 p.m. on June 27-28.
The Rev. Christopher A. Wimberly is
the senior pastor. Hunter Hill, First Mis
sionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, will
speak during the revival.
The church is located at 431 MLK Jr.
Drive, Jefferson.
over, whether it was a woman with an
issue of blood or a widow woman who
brought her deceased son to the Lord.
We thought it was important to have
a father who is available. She quick
ly pointed out Scripture tells us that
God will never leave us or forsake us
(Hebrews 13:5b). I’d like to be able to
call on my dad and he’ll pick up the
phone or answer a text or email. Think
about our Heavenly Father. We can call
on Him any time of the day or night.
We will not find him on vacation or in a
business meeting, but waiting to spend
time with his children.
It’s also important to have a dad who
will provide for the family. Philippians
4:19 says, “But my God shall supply all our
needs according to His riches in glory.” I
think of Daniel in the lion’s den. 1 think of
the manna which flowed from heaven to
feed the Israelites, and Jesus who fed the
multitudes. If we are in need of a job, God
can. If we need food on the table, God
can. If we need restoration in a relation
ship, God can. If we need healing in our
bodies, God can. Get the picture. God is
our provider no matter what the need.
In fact, He already knows what we need
before we ask.
Yes, I weep for this young lady and
others who have not known the joys
of a godly earthly father. I also rejoice
because we all have a Heavenly Father
with an unconditional love for us. He
loved us before we were formed in our
mother’s womb, and He loves us enough
to offer us eternal life in Jesus Christ. He
is definitely a good, good father.
Sherry Lewis of Maysville is pastor
at New Beginnings Ministry. She can be
reached at
NGMC accepting
applications for
Camp Braveheart
Hospice of Northeast Georgia Medical
Center (NGMC) is accepting camper appli
cations for Camp Braveheart.
Camp Braveheart is a free day camp
for children and adolescents who have
experienced the death of a parent, sibling
or primary caregiver. Camp Braveheart is
held in June and July in Lula and is a service
provided at no charge to the community.
Visit or contact
Jennifer Sorrells, LCSW, at 7702190271 or to obtain
an application.
Bush River to hold
anniversary service
The Bush River young adult 20th anniver
sary observation will be held at 11:30 a.m.
Sunday. The speaker will be the Rev. Mark
Weaver Jr. of Jefferson.
At 3 p.m., the young adult choir will
perform. The pastor is the Rev. Julius Mack.
Worship regularly at a church of your choice! For more
information on\ becoming a church page sponsor, please
contact 706-367-5233.
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