Newspaper Page Text
Scouts hold pack meeting at Uchee Lodge
The Pack 106 September
meeting at Uchee Lodge
was well attended with
Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears,
Webelos and Arrow of Light
Scouts, along with parents
and other guests, attending.
“A pack meeting is held
each month to recognize
Scouts and volunteers for
their hard work,” Scout
leader Daryl White states.
“Scouts receive the awards
that they have earned for the
month and are always excit
ed to show their belt loops,
pins and patches. Not only
do these awards recognize
hard work but they are also a
symbol of the fun and learn
ing that takes place as each
scout grows in character,
knowledge and skill.”
Pack meetings are also
an opportunity to recognize
the leader volunteers who
have taken training to better
prepare themselves to make
an exciting program for their
scouts, White added.
“The volunteers of Pack
106 would like to say congrat
ulations to all of their Scouts
and keep up the good work,”
White said.
He added, “Also, we
would like to publicly thank
the parents and other loved
ones who work with their
children on scout tasks and
bring them and participate
with them at meetings and
outings. Scouting is a great
opportunity for parents to
work and play with their boys
and grow even closer as a
family. Scouting reinforces
the best ideals in our soci
ety while growing boys into
men of high integrity, strong
work ethic, and servant lead
Pack 106 meets
The Pack 106 recently held its September pack meeting at Uchee Lodge in Banks County. A pack meet
ing is held each month to recognize Scouts and volunteers for their efforts.
Being pinned
Shown at the recent Troop 106 pack meeting are:
Matthew Owens (being pinned), Josh Poppel and
Eric Hattaway (Cubmaster).
Foothills Education Charter High School students who completed one unit in one month were invited
to attend a “fiesta” at the school recently. Griffin Haynie is shown in the background with the Mexican
dinner in the front.
BCHS band honored
The Banks County High School Marching
Leopard Band had a division win at the Bowdon
competition held Saturday, Sept. 24.
Historical society meets monthly
The Banks County Historical Society meets on the first Mon
day of each month at the historic courthouse and museum in
downtown Homer in the society’s meeting room.
Visit or call 678-971-9390
for details.
The organization also sponsors and works at the history
museum located inside the courthouse in downtown Homer,
each week.
October is National Cooperative Month
Governor signs proclamation saluting
cooperative member-service mission
During October, coopera
tive businesses across Geor
gia will observe National
Co-op Month, celebrating the
state’s member-owned and
businesses like Jackson
Electric Membership Corpo
Georgia Governor Nathan
Deal signed a proclama
tion designating October as
National Cooperative Month
in the state.
In his proclamation, Gov
ernor Deal acknowledges
the emphasis cooperative
businesses place on improv
ing communities. He said,
“These businesses not only
serve the interests of their
members, but they also ded
icate substantial human and
financial resources to serve
their communities beyond
their core business func
Governor Deal also rec
ognizes the important role
cooperative businesses play
in enhancing economic
opportunity and improving
the quality of life in Georgia’s
cities and towns.
His proclamation says,
“Georgia cooperatives
improve the well-being of the
citizens and communities
across our state, including
the hundreds of thousands
of member-owners in Geor
gia who depend on approx
imately 41 co-ops for elec
Cooperatives play a major
role in Georgia’s economy,
supplying agricultural prod
ucts and providing credit,
telephone service, health
care, housing, insurance,
and many other products
and services contributing
to Georgia’s ranking as the
number one state in the
nation for business.”
“Every day is a great day
to celebrate the coopera
tive spirit,” said Chip Jakins,
Jackson EMC president and
CEO. “But, we are honored
the rest of the state joins
Jackson EMC and the other
cooperatives across the state
during October in educating
the public about how coop
eratives are different.”
Cooperatives around the
world operate according to
the same core principles
and values, adopted by the
International Cooperative
Alliance. These fundamen
tal principles prohibit dis
crimination and require that
cooperative membership be
voluntary. Cooperatives are
autonomous organizations
that must be run democrati
cally and they provide edu
cation and training to their
Cooperatives must coop
erate between themselves.
While focusing on member
needs, cooperatives work for
the sustainable development
of communities.
To learn more about the
electric cooperative story
and the principles that gov
ern these organizations, view
this video from the National
Rural Electric Cooperative
Association. https://www.
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Your Fnond W hen You Need SSS
Ashley Dawn
September 29, 1988 - March 16, 2007
Where has the time gone? I can't believe
that it has been 28 years since God
blessed me with the first of two of my
most beautiful and greatest blessings...
my children.
Ashley's time on this earth was up on March 16, 2007 when
God called her home. There are just no words that can quite
explain the pain of losing a love one, especially a child. I have
great comfort and peace knowing that Ashley loved God and
had accepted him as her Savior. I have no doubt that I will see
my beautiful girl again when my time is up and God calls me
home. We will all get to see our love ones again one glorious
day ....only if we trust in him, believe in him, have faith in him
and accept him as our Savior. We are not promised another
day....our time clocks are running out. Don't let your time clock
run out without knowing and accepting God as your Savior.
In celebration of Gods promise to us in John 3:16 as well as
Ashley's 28th birthday in Heaven, I would like to invite
everyone to a "Raise the Roof" celebration. Lets get together
and raise the roofs off of every God fearing church around. Lets
be loud and be proud! Let God and the world know we are
proud to be Christians. If you are reading this and you are not a
Christian we can help you become one! Bring a friend, a
neighbor, to any good 'ole God Fearing Christian church and lets
raise the roofs! I have lived in this beautiful community for 30
years, there are many wonderful Christian Churches around.
Just take your pick! I hope to see you soon!
I heard a sweet and powerful message from a wonderful pastor
this past Sunday....Matthew 5:13-16. Let your light shine for
With many prayers going up and love going out to our community,
May God Bless,
Cindy Blevins