Newspaper Page Text
Silver Shoals
plans singing
A special singing will be held at Silver
Shoals Baptist Church on October 16.
Special singers will be Devotion begin
ning at the 11 a.m. service.
The Rev. Kenneth Barrett is pastor.
New Grove Baptist
hosting men's
and women's
New Grove Baptist Church of Jackson
County will hold a men’s and women’s day
celebration on Sunday, Oct. 9, at 11 a.m.
Nick Johnson and Nakia Johnson will be
the keynote speakers.
The Rev. Larry Norman is pastor.
Mt. Pleasant
has new pastor
Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church has a
new pastor, the Rev. Jason Ratliff.
Worship services are held at 9:30 a.m.
on Sunday with Sunday School at 10:30
The church is located at 1486 Hwy. 51
North, Homer.
Women's Day
set for Oct. 9
Homer First Baptist Church ladies will
be celebrating Women’s Day on Sunday,
Oct. 9, at 3 p.m.
Pastor Alecia Williams, Norcross, will be
the speaker. Refreshments will be served.
The Rev. Fred Wilson is the pastor.
To be listed in the volunteer column, send
information to or mail it
to: Angela Gary The Banks County News, P.O.
Box 920, Homer, Ga. 30547.
The following are volunteer opportunities in
Banks County and the surrounding area:
• Banks County Head Start & Pre-K: various
opportunities to volunteers will be available in
the upcoming school year. Please contact Jan
Bertrang or Kristy Ayers at 706-677-2963.
• Banks County Community Emergency
Response Team is seeking volunteer partici
pants. For more information, check out the
website at or call the Banks
County EMA Office at 706-677-3401.
• The Banks County Literacy Council needs
volunteers to work on projects, help distribute
books and materials, help with clerical work,
and other similar work. For more information,
contact Mellisa Dalton at 706-677-3693 and Lisa
Prescott at the Adult Learning Center at 706-677-
• Piedmont CASA volunteers speak for chil
dren who are in foster care. For more informa
tion, call the CASA office at 706-387-6375.
•The Banks County Adult Literacy Center
is seeking volunteer teachers. They especially
need math tutors, including the areas of intro
ductory algebra, geometry and Algebra I. Tutors
are needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
Freedom Church
of God plans food
Freedom Church of God, in partnership
with the Food Bank of Northeast Geor
gia, will give food to those in need on
Saturday, Oct. 15, from 9 to 11 a.m. at the
church, located at 3428 Neese Commerce
Those seeking food are asked not to
arrive before 8:30 a.m., which is when the
gates to the parking lot will be open.
For more information, contact Gloria at
Volunteers are asked to come at 7 a.m.
Trunk or treat
planned at
Maysville Baptist
Maysville Baptist Church will hold trunk
or treat from 5 to 7 p.m. on Oct. 23.
There will be games, prizes, hayride,
inflatables, train ride, candy and free food.
The church is located at 8875 Hwy. 82
Spur, Maysville.
Bush River
plans church
Bush River Baptist Church will hold a
church anniversary at 3 p.m. on Sunday.
The guest speaker will be the Rev.
Hazel Quarles with the New Salem Baptist
Church family as special guests.
Dinner will be served from 1:30 p.m.
to 2:30 p.m. in the Julius Mack fellowship
hall. A drawing for a 1997 Ford custom van
will be held. The tickets are $10 each.
For tickets, call Julius Mack, 706-286-
4693; the Rev. Frank Roebuck, 706-870-
9454; Bruce Hill, 706-654-7912; or Lisa
6-8 p.m. For more information, call 706-677-4302.
•Civil Air Patrol: cadets, ages sixth grade
through 18 years old, participate in search and
rescue missions and learn how to fly airplanes.
Senior members teach cadets and students at
middle and high schools and can also work with
emergency services. Contact Luther McCoy
•Adult learning center at Lanier Technical
College satellite campus 706335-1931.
•Hope Resource Center: crisis pregnancy
support center, 706367-5304.
•Action: help package and distribute food
to low-income families and the elderly 706-367-
•Christian Outreach Food Bank: work in
warehouse, 335-6084.
•Girl Scouts: needs troop leaders, assistant
leaders, trainers and recruiters. Call Terri Bear,
• Boy Scouts of America, Northeast Georgia
Council: volunteers need to be troop leaders
and assistants, 706548-1435.
•AIDS Coalition of Northeast Georgia: help
with information line, office support, the buddy
program and helping hands, 706542-2437.
•American Red Cross, East Georgia Chapter:
needs help with disaster relief and blood drives
and needs first aid and CPR instructors, 706
Peppers, 706-351-5152.
The Rev. Julius Mack is the pastor.
Fall Festival
at Webbs Creek
Webbs Creek Baptist Church will hold a Fall
Festival from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Oct. 8.
The event will include food games, prizes,
inflatables and other activities.
The church is located at 647 Webbs Creek
Church Road, Commerce.
Maysville UMC
to host singing
Maysville United Methodist Church is host
ing a southern gospel singing Thursday at 6:30
p.m. on October 6, Featuring Jordan’s River.
On October 13, Bridgemens are scheduled
to perform.
On October 20, Kenny Williamson is set to
On October 27, Foothills Gospel Music Net
work Singers will perform.
New Hope to
host singing
Simple Faith from Northern Ireland will be
performing at New Hope Baptist Church in
Nicholson on Saturday, October 8, at 6 p.m.
The church is located at 40 Old Kings
Bridge Road. Mike Stowers is the pastor.
For more information, call 706-614-8697.
Kingsmen Quartet
to be in concert
Kingsmen Quarter will be singing at White
Plains Baptist Church, located at 3650 Hwy.
124 West, Jefferson, at 7 p.m. on Oct. 7 at 706-
•American Cancer Society: assistance with
special events, 7065494893.
•American Heart Association: assistance
with special events, 7065490939.
• Children’s Advocacy Center: assist with cler
ical work in office, provide child care during
various group meetings and solicit donations
of snacks, drinks, paper products and various
children’s items. Tina Grubbs, director, 770-868-
•Peace Place: various opportunities at the
shelter for battered women and their children,
Marilyn, 776307-3633.
•Our Daily Bread: Athens urban ministry
soup kitchen, 706353-6647.
• Sandy Creek Park: several volunteer oppor
tunities, including monthly hikes and canoeing
trips to pick up trash. The park also needs volun
teers to supervise children during the monthly
special programs and events the park offers.
Sandy Creek Park has volunteer opportunities
available for anyone willing to do office work
or help with publications. Contact the park at
•Athens Area Humane Society: help with
special events and hands-on work in the shelter,
Lisa Klein, 706356CATS (2287).
• Community Connection of Northeast Geor
gia: work on information research and database
and directory updating, 7063561313.
the wonders
of nature
I darted out my door one evening
and I was immediately awestmck. The
hues of the pink, orange, purple, blue
and white sky caused me to say, “Thank
you Lord.” I’m sure you will agree the
wonders of nature are some of God’s
greatest work.
With the cooling temperatures upon
us, it won’t be long until the leaves will
begin to shine as well. When those
maple trees get to their peak, I will again
thank God for the beauty all around us.
We are blessed to live in a climate
where we
truly enjoy all
four seasons.
Sometimes I
say summer
is my favor
ite time of
the year, but
there’s some
thing majestic
about fall. My
brother Keith is
all about foot
ball, so when
the SEC and
the NFL are in full swing, he’s a happy
As for me, it’s all about the nature. I
love sitting on the porch with cup of cof
fee in hand when there is a slight chill in
the air. If it’s too chilly, I’ll just bundle up
in a blanket and still head out to listen to
the birds singing.
Another favorite fall pastime for me
is gathering around the bon fire with
family and friends. There’s just some
thing about huddling around the fire as
the cool temperatures greet us as the
sun goes down. It’s like I never thought
they’d get here this year, so the first cool
night I was ready.
For some reason, food just tastes
better outside. Whether it’s a roasted
hotdog or getting marshmallows to the
right temperature to sandwich them
in between graham crackers and Her-
shey’s chocolate, we don’t stop until we
have eaten our fill. When we add the
laughter of family and friends, that’s my
idea of a perfect fall evening.
The later it gets, we get quiet and just
listen to creation all around us. It’s in
the still of the night, the Lord seems so
near. We often begin to sing “Amazing
Grace how sweet the sound.” That is
sometimes followed by impromptu tes
timonies about the goodness of God.
Yes, each and every one of us have
a testimony. It doesn’t have to be some
thing we rehearse, just begin to tell oth
ers what the Lord has done. It’s in times
like these the Holy Spirit can touch a
person’s heart. It may be the one who
will never dawn the church doors, but
is willing to listen intently and rejoice
at the victories God has accomplished
in our lives.
My prayer is that each of us will slow
down for a few minutes and enjoy the
wonders of fall. God created them and
now is the time to marvel at the wonder
of it all.
Sherry Lewis of Maysville is pastor
at New Beginnings Ministry. She can be
reached at
Area volunteer opportunities available
Worship regularly at a church of your choice! For more
information on\ becoming a church page sponsor, please
contact 706-367-5233.
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