The Commerce news. (Commerce, Ga.) 1???-current, November 02, 2016, Image 12
PAGE 12A THE BANKS COUNTY NEWS • THE COMMERCE NEWS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2016 Tackson County Sheriffs Office incidents Deputy to child: It's not a good time to wear clown mask A Jackson County Sheriffs Office deputy warned a child against wearing a clown mask last week. On Sunday Oct. 23, the deputy responded to the area of East Jackson Comprehensive High School (EJCHS) to a report of someone wear ing a clown mask. Sightings of “scary clowns” have been reported across the country—includ ing Jackson County — in recent months to the extent that the McDonald’s Restaurant chain has curtailed the activities of Ronald McDonald. Upon responding, the deputy saw a child wearing a clown mask in the yard of a resi dence. As soon as he pulled into the driveway the child froze, “as if he were a statue,” the dep uty reported. When the deputy exited the patrol car, the child removed the mask and threw it to the ground. An older male juvenile approached the child, saying, “I told you to stop.” The deputy spoke to the mother of the kids, explaining that “due to all the recent clown activity nationwide, that they didn’t need to be wearing the mask by the road.” Other incidents reported recently in the JCSO east and southern zones include: Commerce Area • road rage reported on Ila Road where a woman said a buck stopped in front of her and the driver exited, walked back to her vehicle and yelled and screamed at her, causing her to feel threatened. •harassing phone calls at the Dress Barn at Tanger Outlets where an employee said an ex-boyfriend sends texts to her cell phone and calls repeatedly in spite of her requests that he cease. He has also appeared at the store while she was at work. • entering an auto at a Millstone Drive loca tion where someone broke out the passen ger-side front window of a buck and stole a .25 caliber handgun and three magazines from the center console. •stalking at the Lids store at Tanger Outlets where a clerk said a black male known as “Tom” pretended to be interested in making a purchase but really wanted to be with her. • theft by taking at a Fincher Drive location of a 9 mm. Smith & Wesson pistol bom a buck at a job site. • a domestic dispute at a King Road address where a man said he heard a female screaming next door and observed a man and a woman fussing and throwing stuff in the yard. He said he saw no physical altercation, but he did see the woman fall from inside the home onto the porch, after which both parties saw the witness and walked away in different directions. • a report of people in two vehicles spotlight ing for deer on Old Harden Orchard Road. • aggravated assault at the enhance for EJCHS when a boy attacked his ex-girlfriend after he saw her new boyfriend touch her. Surveillance video showed the girl trying to get away from the offender to get to the bont office. Her new boy friend tried to stop the ex, who punched him in the face and began choking him. A witness and a staff member broke up the incident. The new boyfriend had a busted lip, an abrasion on his cheek and red marks on his neck. •possible probation violation on Hoods Mill Road at Ridge Mill Manor where a deputy searched a vehicle after a baffle stop and found 20 unidentified capsules, which he confiscated. •theft by taking bom a B. Wilson Road address where a man said UPS delivered four door hinges in a package that was stolen aber being left at his garage door. •a suspicious vehicle at a Poplar Sheet address where a woman said she saw a buck pull behind a neighbor’s house and a man exit and walk into the field behind the house. The deputy checked the residence, found it secured, and located the buck. The complainant said she would contact the property owner to get the vehicle towed. •possible child abandonment on Blacks Creek Church Road where the complainant said he let his former girlfriend come back because she reported having cancer. He left for work, leaving the woman and her juvenile son at the residence, and when he returned he found a number of items missing, including clothing, keys to his buck and motorcycle, two cell phones, a heating pad and an electric blanket. • confiscation of drugs reported by a deputy who pulled a vehicle over on U.S. 441 at Homer Road, having seen the vehicle leave the Scottish Inn, which the deputy called a “high crime and drug area.” He noted that the female bont-seat passenger seemed very nervous and all the passengers were from Commerce. The officer saw a pill bottle protruding from the passenger’s pants pocket and asked what it was. She said it was her medication and handed it to the deputy. The bottle had no label and contained 12 alprazolam. The passenger said she had a prescription, but did not have it with her. The deputy took the pills to “give her an opportunity to bring a prescription in to retrieve them.” •theft of a purse from Rack Room Shoes at the Tanger Outlets. Maysville Area • criminal bespass on Hale Road where an electrical box and the door were missing in front of Pleasant Acres Church. The door to the Comcast box appeared to have been pried off and the locks were broken. The deputy report ed calling Comcast and the woman he talked to had difficulty comprehending the situation, repeatedly asking for an account number. • a welfare check regarding a woman report ed by Norfolk Southern workers to be stumbling on the backs. The deputy found a woman cov ered with dirt and grease standing on the backs. She would not talk to the deputy but eventually said she had “done bad things” or “done illegal things.” •a civil dispute in which a deputy stood by while a woman retrieved her belongings. When the woman saw the man at the scene, she began crying and cursing until the deputy warned her to shut up or risk being arrested. She calmed down and completed her task. • disorderly conduct on Shady Lane where the resident said a man was throwing things in the house and might be on drugs. The com plainant said the offender and a woman at the house were legally married, but were having problems since the woman was in a relationship with another woman. When the man came home, the two began arguing, with the man becoming upset and throwing hamburger meat on the floor. The woman told him to leave. The victim and the victim’s girlfriend confirmed the events. The deputy advised the victim to get a divorce if she was having another relationship, that it was obvious why the man was upset and was not a healthy situation for the kids. •a civil matter at a Hickory Way residence where a woman wanted her brother-in-law evict ed bom an apartment because she thinks he’s involved with illegal drugs. •a civil dispute on Silver Dollar Road where a woman complained that her esbanged hus band texted her about money she owes him and about property he says belongs to him. •an unruly juvenile on Pleasant Acres Court where the complainant said his juvenile son has been disrespectful, cursing at him (the father) and his grandmother. When the officer tried to talk to the boy, he began yelling about being beated unfairly then ran outside. The boy even tually calmed down and went to bed. •baud at a Maywood Court address where a man reported five unauthorized withdrawals from his checking account amounting to almost $500 in total. Nicholson Area •a suspicious person on New Kings Bridge Road where a complainant said that she was walking a dog and saw someone running across the sheet and away from her residence. JCSO personnel could not find anyone. •theft by taking at a U.S. 441 South address where a man said his former girlfriend stole his cell phone. • a dog complaint on Kesler Road where the complainant said a neighbor’s dog attacked his dog as it sat on his front porch He said every time the dog gets off its chain, it comes to his residence and picks a fight with his dogs. The owner of the offending dog said someone opened the door, allowing the dog to run out, and that her son ran after the dog but was unable to catch it before it attacked the neigh bor’s dog. She said she would keep a closer eye on the dog. • a custody dispute on Lakeview Drive where a man said he and his girlfriend argued because she wanted to leave the residence with their son. The deputy read over court documents and explained what they said. Both parties agreed to abide by the court order. •a verbal dispute on Old Kings Bridge Road where the female complainant said people with whom she shared a driveway were mowing the grass and would not let her continue down the driveway to her residence. She blew the horn, a man became upset and an argument ensued. The man showed the deputy where he’d been cutting grass, and it was 30 feet off the driveway. A witness confirmed that, and the deputy told the woman that the man did not have to cease cutting grass as she drove by. •a lost or stolen credit card reported by a woman who said the clerk at D’s Chevron had not returned it to her after she bought gas. Store management told the deputy that the same woman had made an identical claim the day before, that the woman had paid for gas with cash on the day in question, and showed him a video bom that day confirming that the incident did not happen as described by the complainant. •Theft by taking reported at an Ivy Creek Drive address where someone stole a Honda four-wheeler. The victim said he believed his son or the son’s friends “had something to do with it.” • shoplifting at the Dollar General Store where security footage showed two females, one of who put two tubes of mascara in her purse while the other disbacted employees. •an open door discovered during a security check at the Berea Baptist Community Center. • a verbal dispute at a Cabin Creek Drive loca tion where a woman wanted her step-brother removed from the property. She thinks he’s on drugs, always causes a scene, never pays for anything and will not get a job. •suspicious activity at a Pace Drive address where the complainant said he saw a light com ing through a window, went outside and saw a white male who shined a light in his eyes and ran through the woods. Re-Elect Janis Mangum • SHERIFF • Jackson County A True SHERIFF FOR THE PEOPLE! “I would like to invite ail my supporters to meet me on the porch of the Dutch Petaler in Jefferson Next Tuesday, Election Night, to watch the Election Results.” ★★★★★★★★★ Re-Elect Uanis Mangum • SHERIFF • Jackson County