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USDA offers relief to farmers during drought
The USDA has announced
that Georgia cattlemen are
now eligible for increased
relief as the historic drought
drags on across the state.
U.S. Secretary of Agricul
ture Tom Vilsack has extend
ed the 2016 grazing season
from October 31 to Decem
ber 1. Under the Livestock
Forage Disaster Program
(LFP), cattlemen receive
reimbursement based on
how many head of cattle
they have, their acreage and
the drought level and time
length within that level.
Specifically, this will allow
two Ninth District counties
the opportunity to qualify for
higher levels of drought reim
This announcement
comes one day after U.S.
Congressman Doug Col
lins and Agricultural Com
missioner Gary Black drew
attention to the plight of farm
ers at a “Pray for Rain” event
in Northeast Georgia.
The LFP compensates
farmers whose grazing land
withers under drought con
ditions, forcing them to pur
chase hay or other feed to
sustain their livestock. Con
gressman Collins’ team has
reached out to the USDA’s
Farm Service Agency to
request an extension of the
grazing season, and the
USDA’s decision allows farm
ers struggling under the dev
astating dry spell to qualify
for an additional month of
payment to offset increased
feed costs.
“Secretary Vilsack took
appropriate action to pro
tect Georgia’s farmers and
economy by extending the
grazing season in the wake of
this crippling drought,” said
Congressman Collins, “and
I want to thank my colleague
Congressman Sanford Bish
op as well as my friend
Commissioner Gary Black
for their efforts to highlight
this issue on behalf of our
communities. I encourage
local and federal agencies
to continue to work together
to address the ongoing con
sequences of the drought to
ensure that our drought mon
itoring remains accurate and
that farmers are aware of the
resources that are available
to them.”
As 2016 water levels are
down in Northeast Georgia,
participation in the LFP is up,
with more than 1,100 farmers
in all 20 counties applying for
drought relief as of October
For more information, call
the Gainesville office of the
USDA at 770-297-3388.
Trick or treating offered at Commerce business
Daltons win awards
Siblings Shelby and Ethan Dalton won several
awards at the Georgia National Fair in Perry.
Daltons win awards
at state fair in Perry
Commerce area business people offered candy to area
children last week in the parking lot of Skate-A-Rama with over
500 children participating.
Cameron Boswell stated, “Due to the Downtown Trick or
Treat being cancelled this year, I volunteered the parking lot at
Skate A-Rama on Hospital Road in Commerce to host a Trunk
or Treat and encouraged other local businesses to participate
as well. This was completely free to everyone in our commu
nity. The purpose was to provide our local children with a safe
environment to celebrate Halloween.”
During the event, several vehicles set up in the parking lot
with people giving out candy. An estimated 500+ children
came thru and over 100 pounds of candy was given out in
addition to having a marshmallow roast for everyone.
“I would like to thank everyone who came out to make this
event successful for our children,” Boswell said. “We look
forward to making this an annual event.”
Commerce area business people offered candy
to area children last week in the parking lot of
Skate-A-Rama. Here, Commerce Vet staff prepare
for the children to arrive.
Baldwin Fire Department receives donation
Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation recently awarded
a check to the City of Baldwin Fire department for $18,964.35
to be used toward the direct purchase of extrication equipment
of the Hurst E-Draulic Jaws of Life.
Items purchased were a Hurst cutter, spreader, 4-bank char
ger and an AC power adapter.
The City of Baldwin paid an extra $8,391.69 for the upgrade
of the spreader to a more powerful unit and for a Hurst ram.
This puts the total of the project to $27,356.04.
These new tools will allow the firefighters to be portable with
the tools to enter into buildings for extrication from machines
and the ability to plug the tools into an AC receptacle and have
consistent power.
The new tools also give the firemen the ability to cut the new
steel called Baron steel that is being used in newer vehicles,
where the old tools could not.
“We would like to sincerely thank the Firehouse Subs
Foundation for the generous donation that was desperately
needed,” said fire chief Joe Roy.
Donation for Baldwin
Pictured (L-R) are: chief Joe Roy, Michael Cragg,
Ross Jackson, captain Chad Kenner, Andrew
Galloway and assistant chief Dustin Henson.
Siblings Shelby and Ethan Dalton both competed at Perry at
the Georgia National Fair in October.
Shelby is a 10th grader at Banks County High School and the
daughter of Jason and Michele Dalton of Alto. Shelby compet
ed and received third place in 10th grade showmanship out of
over 70 kids. Shelby also won her class in crossbred steers and
went back and won reserve champion crossbred steer.
Ethan is a seventh grader at Banks County Middle school
and the son of Jason and Michele Dalton of Alto. Ethan com
peted and received fourth place in seventh grade showman
ship out of over 50 kids. He also received second place in his
class in limousine steers and went back and received reserve
champion limousine steer.
“Special thanks to Charles Turk of Turk Farms in Maysville
Georgia, breeder of both steers,” the family states.
Brings home awards
Shelby Dalton received third place in 10th grade
showmanship out of over 70 kids at the Georgia
National Fair in Perry. She also won her class in
crossbred steers and went back and won reserve
champion crossbred steer.
Making choice for president
East Jackson Elementary School kindergarten student Dalton King thinks before casting a ballot in a
mock election Tuesday. The winner in the mock election was Donald Trump.
Recognized at state fair
Ethan Dalton received fourth place in seventh
grade showmanship out of over 50 kids. He also
received second place in his class in limousine
steers and went back and received reserve cham
pion limousine steer.
Mock election at EJES
These East Jackson Elementary School students
were poll workers in the mock election on Tuesday.
Parr family reunion planned
The descendants of the late William H. Parr will hold their
family reunion at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 13, at the Banks
County American Legion, which is located on Hwy. 441 in
Mr. Parr’s late wives were the late Mooly Pruitt, Mamie Webb
and Katherine Ash.
A covered dish luncheon will be served at 1 p.m. Paper
goods, silverware and ice will be furnished.
For more information on the planned family reunion, call
Ronald Ledford at 678-283-0105 or Donald Ledford at 678-622-
2016 Annual Holiday Giveaway
Sunday, November 20,2016
Jefferson Civic Center
Open to the Public
• Hot Thanksgiving Meal
• Clothes Closet
• Health and Beauty Services
• Door Prizes and Games
• Community Services, etc.
• Getting harder to make ends meet?
• Wondering how to feed the family?
• Need winter clothes for your children?
• Need just a little help to get ahead?
Lunch will be served from
12:30p.m. - 4:30p.m.
**Free services offered from 1:30p.m.
(while supplies last)
This event is designed just for you!
For questions and information contact:
Porsha Williams: 678-763-8525 or Regina Bush: 706-247-1984