Newspaper Page Text
worship Jesus
Macks to be
at Bush River
Bush River Baptist Church
will celebrate the 24th anni
versary for church pastor, the
Rev. Julius Mack, and first lady,
Laverne Mack, at 2:30 p.m. on
The guest speaker will be the
Rev. Roger Stephens, pastor of
Royston Grove Baptist Church.
Dinner will be served in the
Julius Mack Fellowship Hall
after the program.
UMC to host
Holiday Market
Commerce First United Meth
odist Church will host a Holiday
Market on November 19, from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The market will feature early
holiday shopping with clothing,
crafts, jewelry, and food mer
Admission is free.
The church is located at 16
Cherry Street at the Family Life
For more information, call
706-335-9412, Commerce.
The pastor is David Bowen.
New Grove Baptist Church is
planning a “big gospel program”
at 3 p.m. on Saturday Nov. 12,
featuring the Norman Brothers of
All area choirs and gospel
groups are invited to attend.
“Come and help as make a
joyful noise unto the Lord,” states
the Rev. Larry Norman, pastor.
Rock Springs Baptist Church
will host its annual Thanksgiving
supper on Sunday, November 20,
at 6 p.m.
Visitors are asked to bring a
covered dish, desserts or drinks.
The pastor is Derek Howard.
For more information, call 706-
The church is located at 747
Rock Springs Road, Lula.
Mt. Olive Baptist Church will
host a mobile food pantry at the
church on Dec. 3.
The pantry will be open from 9
a.m. to 1 p.m.
For more information, call
The church is located at 190
Mt. Olive Church Road. Com-
Homer United Methodist
Church will celebrate Veterans
Day this year with a special
service on Sunday, Nov. 13, at
9:45 a.m.
Veterans of peace time and
war will be honored through
out the morning worship hour.
Veterans of every branch of
military service will be singled
out for special recognition.
Guests, veterans and their fam
ilies are welcome.
The pastor, the Rev. Jim
McLendon, will deliver a Vet
erans Day message titled, “Our
Best (II Thessalonians 3:6-13).
Special music will be provided.
The service will conclude out
side the sanctuary around an
“Attack on America” memorial
flag pole.
The church is located at the
corner of Sycmore and Church
streets one block eat of Veter
ans Memorial Park in down
town Homer.
Homer First Baptist Church,
along with pastor the Rev. Fred
Wilson, will be hosting a free
hot winter lunch for the com
munity on Saturday, Nov. 12,
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The lunch will consist of
soup, sandwich.
Everyone is invited.
The church is located at 285
Evans Street in Homer.
I have so many memories of childhood,
living without a care in the world. Thank
God I didn’t have to worry about food on
the table or whether we would have lights
and heat. 1 didn’t realize how blessed I was
until I grew up and took on those respon
I also enjoyed a childlike faith. I didn’t
worry much at all. I guess I trusted my par
ents and God to take care of me. As ayoung
child, 1 wasn’t afraid to step out on faith. Oh
how I wish I could experience that child-like
faith day in and day out even as an adult.
In church recently. I have been bless
ed to watch the
children come
to Jesus. I’ve
watched the
children wor
ship Jesus. They
are not worried
about what
people will say
about them; they
have just heard
time after time
how Jesus is the
answer and they
On Sunday I gathered in a circle with
about 15 women and one little girl. She was
standing riglit beside me, and when I asked
if anyone wanted to say anything before
we prayed, she spoke with boldness. “Pray
for my daddy. He is in the hospital.” were
the words that came exit of this tiny tot, not
more than three years old.
1 don’t’ think she contemplated if Jesus
touch her dad. I don’t think she worried
about being out of line in speaking her
request. She just shared her request as
if she was with a group of friends on the
playground. I don’t think she’s experienced
doubt: she just believed God will do what he
sa>s he will do.
Once we had disbursed, I asked people
needing special prayer to come ip to the
altar. Sitting in the second row, was anoth
er little girl I’ll call “Hollywood." She ms
wearing her sunglasses, but removed them
as she made her way to meet me at the
altar. She didn’t wait on her mom to come;
she didn’t have a second tlxiught. Once
the three -year-old arrived, she didn’t say a
word, but she stood there waiting for me to
pray, and I did!
The Lord definitely works throigh the
children. There are times when 1 get an
“Amen,” from a little blond hair and blue
eyed toddler, and the adults don’t say a
Witliout a doubt, my experience with the
little ones remind me of the words of the
Lord in Matthew 19:15. “Let the children
alone, don’t prevent them from coming to
me. God’s kingdom is made up of people
like these."
When these humble little children want
to seek the Lord, may we encourage them.
He Ls training them up to be the leaders of
the church. G<xl is sliowing them how to
call on him in their time of need. I thank
God for the little children. They’ve given me
a new prayer for my life and one to pray for
you. “Lord let us come to you like the little
children and liave the faith that you will
answer our prayers.”
Sherry Lewis of Maysville is pastor
at New Beginnings Ministiy. She can be
reached at
Area volunteer opportunities available
To be listed in the volunteer column, send
information to or mail it
to: Angela Gary, The Banks County News, P.O.
Box 920, Homer, Ga. 30547.
The following are volunteer opportunities in
Bainks County and the surrounding area:
•Banks County Head Start & Pre-K: various
opportunities to volunteers will be available in
the upcoming school year. Please contact Jan
Bertrang or Kristy Ayers at 706-677-2963.
•Banks County Community Emergency
Response Team is seeking volunteer partici
pants. For more information, check out the
website at or call the Banks
County EMA Office at 706677-3401.
•The Banks County Literacy Council needs
volunteers to work on projects, help distribute
brxrks and materials, help with clerical work,
and other similarr work. For more information,
contact Melllsa Dalton at 706677-3693 and Lisa
Prescott at the Adult Learning Center at 706677-
• Piedmont CASA volunteers speak for chil
dren who are in foster care. For more informa
tion, call the CASA office at 7063876375.
•The Banks County Adult Literacy Center
is seeking volunteer teachers. They especially
need math tutors, including the areas of intro
ductory algebra, geometry and Algebra I. Tutors
are needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
68 p.m. For more information, call 706677-4302.
•Civil Air Patrol: cadets, ages sixth grade
through 18 years old, participate in search and
rescue missions and learn how to fly airplanes.
Senior members teach cadets and students at
middle and high schools and can also work
with emergency services. Contact Luther
McCoy. 706677-1490.
•Adult learning center at Lanier Technical
College satellite campus 706335-1931.
•Hope Resource Center crisis pregnancy
support center, 706367-5304.
•Action: help package and distribute food
to low-income families and the elderly, 706367-
•Christian Outreach FocxJ Bank: work in
warehouse, 3356084.
•Girl Scouts: needs troop leaders, assistant
leaders, trainers and recruiters. Call Terri Bear,
• Boy Scouts of America, Northeast Georgia
Council: volunteers need to be troop leaders
and assistants, 706548-1435.
•AIDS Coalition of Northeast Georgia: help
with information line, office support, the buddy
program and helping hands, 706-542-2437.
• American Red Cross, East Georgia Chapter'
needs help with disaster relief and blood drives
and needs first aid and CPR instructors, 706
•American Cancer Society: assistance with
special events, 7065494893.
•American Heart Association: assistance
with special events, 7065490989.
•Children’s Advocacy Center: assist with
clerical work in office, provide child care during
various group meetings and solicit donations
of snacks, drinks, paper products and various
children’s items. Tina Grubbs, director, 770868-
•Peace Place: various opportunities at the
shelter for battered women and their children,
Marilyn, 779307-3633.
•Our Daily Bread: Atheus urban ministry
soup kitchen, 7063536647.
• Sandy Creek Park: several volunteer oppor
tunities, including monthly hikes and canoeing
trips to pick up trash. The park also needs volun
teers to supervise children during the monthly
special programs and events the park offers.
Sandy Creek Park has volunteer opportunities
available for anyone willing to do office work
or help with publications. Contact the park at
•Athens Area Humane Society: help with
special events and harrdson work in the shelter.
Lisa Klein, 706353CATS (2287).
• Community Connection of Northeast Geor
gia: work on information research and database
and directory u[xiating, 706353-1313.
• Special Olympics: needs assistance for ath
letic events, Kathy Smith, 706548-3550.
• State Botanical Gardens of Geoigia: needs
tour guides, people to greet guests and work in
the gift shop, greenhouse and at special events,
•Athens Regional Medical Center: help at
information desk, in admissions, at the gift
shop, mailroom and at special everts, 706354-
•St. Mary’s Hospital: help at information
desk, in admissions, at the gift shop and at the
mailroom. 706354-3169.
•Athens Area Homeless Shelter: assist with
preparing and serving meals, childcare, and
the shelter is also in need of drivers with a truck,
• Salvation Army: assist with preparing and
serving meals, help in thrift shop and at special
events held in December, 7065465350.
•St. Mary’s Hospice: needs volunteers to
provide additional support and assistance to
terminally ill patients and their families, Geneva
Burton, 7063567711.
• Friends of the Arboretum, State Arboretum
of Geoigia/Thompson Mills Forest. Braselton,
seeks volunteers to help maintain trails through
the forest and to help with educational pro
grams, Warnell School of Forest Recourses,
University of Georgia, 706542-2686.
• VistaCare: volunteer to assist and partici
pate in the nurturing of the physical, spiritual
and emotional well-being of patients and their
families, 767 Oglethorpe Ave., Athens, Kathy
Branch, 877-2269888.
• Geoigia Museum of Arts: needs tour guides,
museum shop assistance and assistance with
the summer art outreach program, 706542-
Gospel event
planned at New
Grove Baptist
Mt. Olive to
host mobile
food pantry
Rock Springs
to host
Homer UMC
plans Veterans
Free hot winter
lunch offered
Worship regularly at a church of your choice! For more
information on\ becoming a church page sponsor, please
contact 706-367-5233.
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