Newspaper Page Text
aland Courier.
will be. published in
^5 cents per line.
FevkI.AND, Ga J:ill 8 th. 1897.
.1 tidye Iv mi'?
Oakes visile
Messrs. , George
and P.f Town
i r |hiesd.i\. ,
were j I
lbm. c. n l.Mos'V
this week.
'J l.e school- all
opened up Mood tGosc that i
hud not previously started. ;
Coi. J. W. II Underwood has;
been in Gainesville for a few l
da', s of l h : s week on a
trade. We hope he will,
Messrs J, L. Pardu ■,*
Morris, J. M, Glover and
Cantrell, of Town Creek, were in j
town Thursday on business.
State School Commissioner'
Gi • writes a strong P-vt.-r o> - ’
imr theeouiriv's to carry out the
lar, m reference to laying off the |
couiilv into sub-school districts.
The Commissioners of Itoad and
Koveiines postponed the action on
the Hoad question in Clmttahoo-'
chee district until next mouth, j
Mr. Frank Lo_mu has bought'
a 4 interest in tbe store of K. i.;
Iv-umior & Son. crank is a -rood i 1
business fellow and 1 , is gone in
with two of the lmst business
mien in tlm.eounty. So there is
^o doubt of bis making a success.
Kiie school sites for nr ■> mt 2 .j
It Ins hive been fixed by the
Hoard W and cunii t b<* ehantred
mow, with mt doiu.i! some one an
“ try that has a school. j
for Stock Law or
Creek disti ict j
Pdav without any
Pxeept it went to major
|iee and all th" upperend
Creek is i>oin.!>; o 111 ue
ty is in the best ' ,
1 i iRaiteiaily it has been
since the war. The county is cut of j
debt and tlmre ii m uiey eiiouith
in the Treasuie to pay every out¬
standing order. The Board of.
Road and Revenues deserve a ;
deal of eredii in the 1
-eat snner
it has managed The the Board finances ,1 Die,
emmtv. mi*
more, improvements roaus and
I.r.dares dumg the last year that ,
has been made before in t‘‘U years . 1
We have more good bridges
across the Cbattahooohe R:verv
than v e have ever had before , 1
hmh this year or repaired and
still the county is out <* f d'* 1 '*-1
W lute coiritv c/tu-ie to oo I
proud . of , her , B<»;ird fl , of , Ko . 1 .
miio i !
, , .
K 'Vfi! L*s, and >Vv>* t'jr.i’c sue is
V) it don t much want to own it. i 1
il . has , been hard , , veur—1896 „ , be
a i
\a<t election , . year, caused , a great
dram rle-iin , 011 »m the Inn treasure. rni-Kiir.-*
Mossy Creek Morsels.
The land is being prepared, by
the f miners for 1827. ^;
m,.v. c. sk«ii,.„.„,ui.
a wav with him the other dav and
dislocated lo- ankle.
Mr. J. P. Cooley h i- purchased
tlmK. M. Hulsey mill Property,
Mr. J. T. Curtis lost one of his
fine match pony’s, it is thought
she had hots.
Mr. El Osborn and Milton
Loggias is putting up a biaek
imtilhs shop in Cornelia, which
(will be worked and managed in
the name of Osborn Lnggms &
I Co. We wish them success.
Mr. Bud Dean attended servi¬
ces at Mossv Creek Sunday. He.
fcrys everything looks natural
id old M >ssy Creek.
3k Topics.
iMeAfee paid
rt last week.
l Inderson, ji., • is i
Ite da vs. |
In hating some
late days..
f 11 commenced her
tee Monday.
Kn Greek Monday.
Wo understand that both iff
our constables made bond.
Misses Katie hell and.,Bertie
Jarvnrd, Heeompanied by Messrs.
Wi'l Bell and Walter .Jafrard,
were v>sitin^ here Sunday.
r. J. A. ('nntrill is iinpvoviny
at this
1’AItT II.
Mrs. Jessie Davidson, the kind
wife of lion, l'eter Davidson a id
Mr. .1. C. Allen and wife visited
tbe family of J. E. MeAfee Kstj.,
Sunday last.
We highly appreciate the rom
p|i,j; that was paid to our
nni't learned and distiiuruUhod'
irent ienian. lion. Peter Davidson.
G. S. Kytle is always read\
to do right in every issue of bis
Weave sorry to learn of the
serious illness of wiiborn Jar
is a man in our di.strb l
' tin:; ;here has been so
of tobacco used about bis
cows that it has caused them
to use snuff.
»ouou,i:ut l<> tr>ar Mr. 1 oter
I)i ‘ vi,,! '* m on the Gramo
t'hone, and bear some of the so¬
i,,s Lo l ii ! v ' 1,11 i: ' v vioil "
Sunday School at Mt. Pleasant !
' " u > '
Our best wishes to the Conus - 1
,, ...^ __________
11 to me as the or- j
<bnmy ot s ,„| county lint a pe- |
titioii on of of Freeholders Freeholders of the 864, |
District G. f 'id county
1 m ini' Iieen o il' tiled in this
office asking fm ui Election in
-aid Disiri i. mi the question of
l’l'IK’lMIIMIlH'H Fence or Slock I;.IW Law" tint, llllI not lUMiCe ice
ff!|sd|j|v ishotl aild |lustwi
required by law, an .1 that elee
tion was duly held in said district
<m the 22 ud, day of Dec. 1890,
it app(“arin<r that npnujority
of the Ic.ffal rosnrs of said dis
trift have voted'ior “Stock Law"
I hereby declare that the, result
of said election in said district
' v;,s <>f “Stock Law" and
,!l '> 1,10 '-=••««» will if<* into effect
llu ' d:l .V of March 1897
jfesjwetful!V Dee. 23rd 189G.
J. 11. Freeman, Ordinary.
( ,,,, )Rf . { v _ WhJ(c t ., llUltv:
, h:lt UI1 , he 28t h d ,. Vll f
^ J<KStM , h n D avid
S()H ^ <)f snjd t . OUIlly , d«.paTtccl, intestate, and no person
has applied for administration on
estate of said deceased, n
said state and county. That id
d)(>11 wlU , )L . VMtl>d in th ,
cl< . rk of tho .Superior Court of
su?d county or some other nt und
proimr person, after -. the ., publira- , r
‘ ‘ '
turn of this . citation, .. . unless , valid t r ,
objections . . . made , to . the
J are an¬
pouitmeut. Given und( r niv
hand . and . official . . signature. . rr Ihis ,
Jan. 7th,,1897.
J. 11. Freeman, Ordinary.
Consider Plain Facts!
A , )1):U „ nt clu , ipne , s does lot
make a real saving of mono',
i. .‘A
E ’ r-i
and only cheapness.
High ,Qi 'vlitv at fair prices j
real and only economy.
The Domf.'Ti has always been I
The Best VI. ichine
Lu every sense of Imu term—
BES T for the , agent to sett, as it gives
him the most profit for the leaetprouhle. it gives
BEST for purchasers lieeause
hem the mast satisfaction in use.
ts &-agents wanted.,^®*
"OOMESTiC”ao<fI-'G J EW'V 1 -PA
PER PATTERNS. sttr Send for eala
Og ue, Address—
B31E3TIC SEWiYt SEWiVi MiCHIfiti lil).
kichmonu, va.
Do you know the quickest
eui’c a sprain or. bruise', a
scald? Such injuries are
and can be cured
if properly treated. Mr. J.
American of Fork! P. O.,
Co., Pa., Says: “I
found auylhin.!i to
with Chamberlain's Pain
Sprains, bruises and
We have used it in our family
years and feel Hint
notdowitliout it. For
‘25 and 50 cents per bottle
11. Henderson, General
Cleveland Ga.
joun m
H lb.via ESTATE.
and Mining Lands.
Farms and Farming Lands
Timber and Wild Lands.
Ccrreswndenee Invited.
bcott f *£>
t etemeots 5 up t o; the ®° most to t0 cscendal nourish sh S B ^
at po nottr *
the tody. Where the aepethe ff
varying' or lacking, it in
crease i: t and whore
is w,ak, it aids it to perform y
its function in a more vigorous <j
wav. It enriches ts.e b od, ,;
makes healthy flesh and cures
chronic coug s and coids ty
maki g it possible f r the body
to esistdis asc, 0 «r friends tell {
us “It Wopks Wonders”
but we rover like to over-'tale
the meri'ei of oer remedy even
when it has been tested and
tried for vcrtwer.ty-five years.
If you wi 1 ask for it, we will
send you a book telling you
m re ab ut the subject than we
can put in a few words.
Goto yourdru^i-t for Scott’» Tmui
itoo. Two sim, 50 cts. and $ 1.00.
SCOTT & BQWKE. Ktv. York
Ladies'Cloaks, Hats and Shoes
and , Boys . Caps ,, and , Shoes, ,,
Pocket Knives,
Fir ks, Bridles and Collars,
kinds of Chains and Pot ware,
Whips, etc.
Having bought a large
stock, of above
will sell the same at about
Gainoville, Ga
ml Troylilo tal
fk cJoavlnc'.atfe, 'R'oaVLaoskisii#
c% j’f* *\P ik
V % : T* # Wi
t -/m Fs
i .A,. Vy p
\ r
Ml£'d Llj.a Kuptz.
•'For yean; i su'Tered from heart trem
\o. Darin* that time I was treated by
vo ;1iffe>-t ?tt physicians. All of them
ic’rr-f-;! tht t 1 could not he eurtd. I was
7 - tiy tro'-jbled with shortness of breath,
iAlpitatlcii a»»i pain la tho si da. If Ilx>
auie excited, u- exerted my self in the least,
be i>l . n ii> my shie Scania very severe- At
in ins * t ft* - m-ou as though needle* werethoot
nQ throvoh my*l:le. Sometime in the month
■i Kovember iasb, i commenced taking
nd since then I have improv* 2 d steadily.
: can now 6 i» 3 .;p 011 mj iufteide, something I
sd never been able to do before. I can
»alk without being fatigued, and am in
WAh heller liCCLiih than ever before, T T*r’ud
recomirw nd all suffer;*re from heart trouble
to try L‘r. Miles' invaluable rorae<Iy without
5IS Wright St.. Milwaukee, Wia.
T»r. Miles art Onreia sold on a positive
■ a«,ntevi that th 3 Hint bo- lie will oenafit.
ik druggists sell t bottles lor 16. or
TTfJI prens«M or rocfdrt cf pries
y the Ur. Miice Idehtcai Co., Eikhart, Ind.
-r. iiiilts’ Heart Cure ™ ttb
Bring 11 - your
UK?«*Vb -MMC > 1 . >r v*». v
The modern Pain Annihilatcr, will positively
cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises,
Cuts, Sores, Earache, Backache and all other
aches. SALVATION OIL fs coJd everywhere for
?S cents. _ Only the genui ne will do the work.
1 tl«H.L*NCe'S I'LUCS.Tha C. Tobacco AniWole.ioc. Dealer, or mail,A.C.HeiarTcc.. B Gto .tL
--; (» ;-
Everything fresh nnd new, sparkling with the brightest fashion
thoughts of the season. And the prices were never lower. Read
the few below, pirked up at random through our stock.
Your mim! L on them now. What
to buy and where lo buy it—these
are the ail absorbing Div.-s questions. Goods
Visit that up-to-date
section of ours, and see how easily
these questions are answered.
Double width Cashmeres 12-Je yd
38 in. all wool Seroiy.dl eolors25e.
.30-iu. “ “ “ worth 50e; our
price 39e.
,71-m Ladies Cloth Flannels, all
woo!, 39c.
French Series and German ('ash
meres in black, at prices that
brine the trade our way.
In the shape of Jackets and Capes
l'li -y"rt> nioderato-priecdipirn.cnts
i hey bear the stnnp of riirfit style, and
1 the proof that they’re in
I ev
cry way is t hat we're selling I hem
Don’t l>rin<r a pocketful of money.
You’ll not need it here.
2.3 black capes, braid or fur t id in -
I rued, to <ro at St
113 black double capes with collar,
fur or bpiia trimmings, i 2 eneh.
50 black, tan, and jrniy capes, 2!
to 27 inch 's long, full sweep ap
plii-a ftj or tine fu‘ trimmed, W.50
to each—about half price.
15 tine black plush capes 18 to 27
inches long, full sweep, passu*
meiilerie and Thibet fur liiui
“lucil, #5 to each. Best capes
ever offered In-re for the price.
Jackets for ladies, misses and chil¬
dren, at prices that can’t be beat
in the South.
Look through your homo equip
iieuf and see if you can’t use one
or two. Wo have never bought
such quilts before at such low pri¬
ces, and as they were bought so
they will la; sold. They are sim¬
l ply wonders for quality, Gyas and
( ' hl ‘ !, « ,1H '' ss
| Just 2 dozen delude , , , bed size,
whit( .. special for this lot 49c.
j Lot No. 2 —Larger and heavier;
they will surprise you; 75c.each
Lot No. 3—Extra large and heavy
Marseilles pattern; good enough
for the governor of any State in
,l,e LI " iu " » lw l ) ,,n(1, ‘ 1 ' ' J8c ‘
Lot Xo -.. 4 ~! s 11 ' v H*l*«’r, *’<**»•
•Marseilles, four patterns, a reg¬
ular ' 2 spread, but #1.25 gets it.
Wc never have h light such a
heavy stock prie/ of C bing as this
Fall. 'I lie e name below
are beyond (piestion the best val¬
ues we ever offered. v,u
Df White and Adjoining'
I have clinrge of the wagon yard *>n Green street in
G'lincsvLIc, and run a lodging ho ise for travelers in
connection. Tiias, I uni prepared to accommodate vou
nd your teams when you visit our city. pgT’.My rr.tes
are, positively, cheaper than any place in the town.
J also buy country produce* I pay the highest prices.
Special Offer FVe till Weekly will Jan. send J.l 1 , ira 1897,.and th* il Progress **o yeai the for from A S
CeNTS; the Pri oress till Jan. 1 , ’97,*and the Weekly C rntitu
^vear for ONE DOLLAR the Progress till lit. I,'47. til
D ce-a-Week New York Worid one year for NI \ T a i’ f C i h
] Glassware and Tinwar.^
Cassimeie Suits, 5 to 8
ycius for 90c; worth ®i. 45 .
InldreiTs Cussimor double breast
ed Suits tl.25 ; worth <S2.
School Suits, 8 to 12 years
V3; worth to.
outh> tine black worsted* 12 to
18 yrs, is; worth * 7 .
Can,sillier Suits, $3 ; worth
W ; 30 Suits, sizes 35 to 42, men’s
black clay worsted, slightly dam
■ ged by K. R. Co., that wc will
sell at prices below .any you ever
saw; also thousands of other
in clothing.
The goods back up the argu¬
Want to emohasize four
lots, l’ou’re just on the
of Fall house cleaning and
need new curtains perhaps;
so these will hit you right.
Nottingham lace curtains, 48 in
8 $ yds. long, worth # 1 , go
75o pair.
No. 2 . .Nottingham, extra
].} yds long, with heavy
borders. *1.25 pair.
Our Irish Point Curtains, with
vine and flower borders,
mid #2.50 and #3.50 pair are
Only 12 pair Brustels net cur¬
50 in. wide, 3j yds long;,
close this l*»t at #2 pair;
much more. sViiQP
No two alike; confined to us for
section. To ladies of exclu¬
tastes st is often a si.tisfai I ion
know that their dresses will not
duplicated. 'There’s a richness
refinement of color blending
those high art fabrics that
strongly to your good
in such matters. As to pri¬
they’re a right—absolutely
patterns foreign weave, Bouele
worth #7.50 each ; our price
15 patterns, two toned, colors
blended logethei, smooth
worth #10 each; your
10 patterns rather rough effect,
but soft limsb, Jacquard weav e,
very swell styles, worth "#1250;
choice $8.50.
pieces fine import 'd black fig¬
ured Dress Goods, closely resem¬
bling brocaded silk; their ''" low
price is also attracti ve. aa ^ ~
• Hi.... «./>—
= 1 ¥I 8 M iflin '
*■ ffWai
We are Drawing Crorv-IS
to our Great Slaughter
Everything at Chit
mnniRiiN ' .
Meal, 3.lint, Sugar, Salt, r ;• Imir, lmpr
ging, Tina and Tobacco bougln ' only in
mD CAR LOIS. fr*»inpn* . ■ an aclvantoipe , . not
enjoyed .. by oilier .. mn'chants . , . this ...
iu sec
Sugar. St. Granulated, 201ba fur $1
Sugar, best New Orleans, 21 lbs ft
8i!g-*r. good New Orleans. 25 lbs fl
Coffee, good Bio. 10 ibs |1
Soda,'beat,*2<1 -2 err.Is lb
Salt. 125'lb;Vlhite Srandcsa, 50 cent sek
.5,000 «>S „ „ Pure . Leaf , Uni. , , a ,*0 - , lb ..ran
01 *
35,000 lbs Meat, Ribs and Clear Sides, at
loweyi market pri
250 Rolls Bii(f)fing, 4c yard.
171 boxes Tobacco, to close out.
B. Ridge, 25c grade everywhere, only 1 Sc,
Piedmont Leaf. 40c grade, only 25c..
Little Twist. 35c grade, only 2')e.
Air Line, 00c grade, Big Drive only 25c,
White Dove, 40c grade, only 25.
We g nuanteetlliese goods to b<
best block (in made—and thn jirices we
name arejnot approachatilc tiyjany nine,
house in North Georgia. Thousands of
articles we've not room to name price on.
1-quart Coffee Pota Sc each
3- quart Coffee Pots tie, each.?
4- |Uiirt Coffee Pols 12 1 -2c each
4-quart Open Buckets 7c each
6-quart Open Buckets 10c each
8-quart, open Buckets 12^1-2 each
A good Wash Pan , 4c each.
Pint Cups 2 !-2c each
Dish Pans, Seamless, 15c each
Pie Puns'2 l-2c each.;
Dippers 4c. each
2 quart scfiool Buckets 7c each
4-quart school Buckets 10c.
50 doz 2-hoop Cedar Buckets. 10c each.
Bed Ticking, good quality, others ask
you 10c, sale price 6c.
Bed Ticking, best A. 0, A. 15c grade, lie
20 bales 4-4 Sheeting,5c and 6c gt ade4 12
4-4 Bleaching, extra quality, 5c
10-4 Brown Sheeting, 20c grade 12 1-2 c.
10-4 Bleached Sheeting. 25c grade 16 2-3c
50 pieces Heavy Jeans, wool mixed,
you cant match it for less than 20c
in Georgia, at 12 1-2 cents yard,
32 pieces 9-oz Jeans, extra quality about
half wool, others ask you 25c to
30e yd, at 20c yd. ,
41 pieces, absolutely all wool Jeans, 33c
grade, at 20c yard.
72 dozen Men’s Knit Oversbirtn, a 50c
Shirt anywhere on earth, at 25c.
63 doz Men's Overskirts, better grade,
and at. 75c. would be cheap at 50c.
61 doz Men’s Knit Overskirts navy blue
sailor’s shirts, $1 grade ». at 50e. ra,.
30 doz Men's “Knit Undershirts
winter weights, always soliIs Jat
4Or, at 25c.
doz Men’s Knit Undershirts, soft
Moreno, grade worth 75c at 37 l-2c
doz Mens ^ heavy Canton Flannel
Drawers 37 12
80 doz Ladies heavy Moreno Veals 50c
grade at 25c.
40 doz La lies heavy Moreno Vests
gfaile at 37 l-2c
These are bargains.
Double. Width wool mixed storm
black and blue 20c value at 15c
Double width all wool cashtner mepe
ish all < olore value 25c at 12 1 - 2 ,■
Single wdh all wooi cashmer Hie grade
Outing 1 cloths for wrappers, bright
value 10c at 0c. 7-4 all wool
DOORS, riASII AND BLINDS.—W« ov>» and operate tip-. City
Planing t Mills, und art* headtjUAvtersfor every Uiintr in i»ur line. L iii,
a million foul of Lumber now on our yards we are in position loyivc
you prompt service. Ask us for estimates.
A WORD.—This is no fake ad—no cut n ii/ > i ■> re t
von to pay big price for the next \Ye piirposo reducing our »lock
-nd doiiiof it without delay. Every article in our store is CLf T i‘ i
t'ED. Whatever you buy here you have this guarantee. If you don’t
find the *roods entirely satisfactory, return them and your money
will he refunded.
H y i|d kCo.VI > i < 5 Store
Gainesville, Ga.f
Gainesville, Ga.
Wholesale and Retail ff
f.' s
Stoves,- M ' REV kCroc H
| I beautifully l.imuadwl 30« cBina ni tSo
Rod flnnnol extra, wi.l.; hen.v 1 v5«- 2 5.0
j | graile evmy-.vhure atJSe.J Oi-ev ••• •' nine
„ Urtnnel ... lor ."Jr.ldven , .. , . f I’lr-r-j.-s. , litw.-y
iiml , m.ikmen ,. bislitii: , Hie. 100
i , beau (.in .... , l croelmt , ,
• ■■'ii.i."'in'rips. Mar
seiiles pattern Al st 5ne, 105 liner
qaality a bcii'ify’atnl wr’l v,;-ih .*.2 any.
" b ere at ,j 1 8:5 pairs ••'•!, • e ’■ ':• r,l. , :s
{food size vorih 7.5c to JI ri *7,- •
pairs white 10-4 blankets \v ,rlli Jl .50
at 88 c pair. 7' j>r enlorr^ ri : - e< 1 1 l .nk
rts ; ui 10-4 i-i-o never never Bold so,,i under utcler VS VS ; ; ■ ai ai Jl il .25 .25
:,,,, ,., |rk ..
J piece) 10c. pcsele nt 4c yard 50 d. -z Use
l.uvels 20,■ grade id 10c On*, lot la
d.cs capes extra lung and i •■!■!■ f-.rn iin*
wool goods well trimmed can't he match¬
ed under2.50 our price Jb.v; lot 1,,.
dies'eapes filler than above and higher
cert. Wo doubt your b» ■ g 'h.-m less
than $4 up town our p: h c J:2
1 i i .
rued black bine and tan, a J j . q,e f,,r Jk
One lot ladies iMpeR n onr fine?*!'’ et bcaoti
fu! shad: s and e’eganl go,-da ber.ul.ifuliy
trimmed a J'6 5 garmenl at'JV' ;'t).
509 cloth-bound Looks' by none than
a. hundred diffcrenljiutln rs s Id eve. y
whero at 75c tojJ.l each r! Ilk sale the
SnOE8- SI[i >liS,
Our shoes are being :1 in evtry
State between' Maryland an! Mexico—
they should-be worn by every individual
in North Georgia.. Why? Because they,
give bettor satisfaction than aov other
goods. Child's Dongnla Button size 2 b>
<h 50c grade at 25c. Child’s dong,,la bulb
ton-sizc.5 to 3- 75c -bh-. Lhild'a
dongnla button size 9 to 11- 8.7c grade at'
50c. Oil i i i i . ,; ,
#1 grade at . e Children's home made
kip shoes 5 to 8 45c Chil u-en'e home
made kip shoes 9 to 12 ke ChiUivu’s
home made kip shoes 13 to % 6'ie.
Women’s split polka 3 to 7 59;:. Womens___
*^:hcnt V kq> polish $l1’„.e «t 73c.
Women's home'noade imst.kip $1.25 slme
at $1, Ladies button shoes satin calf at
7fie. Ladies dong >!a button $1,50 shoe at
JI. Men’s V kip Ga. Ties high cut J.1,85
shoe at $1. Aten's brogans homo made
1,25 to 1.69 value at 1.09 Men's satin
calf dress siiocjl .75 grade at J .25. M „•,
genuine kip Ga. tie high cut 1.5(1 g:mU
at i 15. 2000 pail's Men’s and Women a
shoes odd sizes cleaning up stock. Wo
never sold these goods under 1 .!>.) l
and 2.00.Nov,- offer them at 75c and l.Jd
Wc invite inspection of this line with¬
out, fear of competition. When we went'
to market this season'wo went to boy
clothing not only for this gum house
but for our three branch stores at Dan
: ionogvi iunega Nacoocbce ixacooence Valley l alley and ami Monroe, M.mroe,
We t.ought the largest loteye-ship-'
ped to any merchant in Nortu (,’,:oi f ,
One lot children's suits all wool 6 dif
fercut kinds baught to seli for 2 f/j to 8.50
sale price l.oO. One lot children's sujia
, u dozen different patterns belter ninth and
j worth easy 3.09 to 3.50 at 2.00 One, f t
j a i <, r / -v iol g,,,d-. „g. u t„
bring 2,50 to 4.00 onr price 1.75 and 2.00
One lot men’s suits a beauty any sj z «
wanted 2.00. One lot of Men's sui-a
about a dozen diderent st;, |.-h wt.rin 7.50
to 10.00 sale price 6.00 O.uu 7.00 i.'i.e lot
Men’s black clay worsted, tines! quality
worth in Other Lues 18,00 here 1(1.50.
One lot overcoats 5.00 0.00 and s.OO valna
5.00. One lot Men’s Maci itosii
*8 cl ways brought 8.00 to 6.00 wc ulmr
them at 3.50. Ou O.l • i’.s >1 c ,, , . ,