Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, January 13, 1905, Image 2
Local Happenings. If you want to set* mud come to Cleveland. Sunday School was started up at the Baptist Church here Sunday, we hope there will he a yopd at¬ tendance foi the next year. Boi n to Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Bell, a fine yirl, January the loth. d. If. Heaves who has been ill Dallas Texas, f<>r several vears has ayaui returned home. The pension blanks for. the sol 'dters and widowes are now with Mr. Brown the Ordinary, There, are a number of Notaries l’uhlie* appointed by the last Grand Jury who have not yet been qualified. Thev should immediately ye> be¬ fore the Ordinary and take tin* oath. Miss Biuma Quinn. after spen diiur some time in Lula, returned home Tuesday. Col. ,1. \Y. II. Underwood spent a few days at mayesville, this week. Mr. B. \Y. Allison is still very sick. There wil| he a candy drawing and a pound party at the resi¬ dence of V. 11. Kendall on 18th on Blue Creek, let all the all. Boys briny \ our yirl with you. Miss Birth* darrard has been very ill for the past week, we hope sin* will soon be better auain. Mr. Toni Brackett made a 1 1 ip to yeniny Harris last Friday. Mr. Harri-on Mart in of Gaines¬ ville -pent Friday niyht at Hen¬ derson I louse. Did you say tin* roads were dustv? yes, three moths ayo but not mill'll tins week. A l,,f!v m ,M,r .. day infoiine et ,.s that s,une of the men in town w.-if yettbiy behind with their walkiny and talkinyj on aevount of haviny some wood | to cut, and we wish to announce* that she will yive them a dance if tin v need (‘Xi-reise*. j They are now safety contiued in the ceils of our jail awaitiny trial which is set for Tuesday. Mr. Fd Brackett is swinyiny tlie hammer in the blacksmith shop with Mr. Loyan and he ex¬ pects in continue dnriiiy tin* year swinyiny the trammel duriny tin* week and the yirls on Sunday. Upon heariny of Dr. Norton's intended departure every one of our citizens feit sad. The Dr. has many, Many friends here and en jnves tin* praet ice of t he best class of people and In* will he missed tin* most when lie will lie needed most. Tie is a yood physician, polite, social and reliyious in his life and manner and a mail of that class at whocs departure from ainotiy us we all deeply reyret, tint In* leaves with the very best best wishes of all our people and should In* ever wish to aeturu to us ayam, the lateh-striny wiil bc on t In* outside. TO BE SOLD-(food as new-—a Btiekeiisd< rfer Type¬ writer, >Xo. 5, price $2u.[oriyinal price* Our reason for selliny is that we have another,and have no use* for two. Address: B. Davidson. Loudsville, White County, (ia. Mr. B. W. Allison is still eon tin e.d to bed and is not any better Dr. Norton exp<*et to leave* for Duluth next week. Mrs. (i. S. Ky tie left Monday nioruiny for Mossy Creek where she* has been elected .assistant leaeln-i. GuiAtfy IN Dk.mami Nocthiny is more* in demand Than a niemyiue whieii n,eeis m, et -< r 11 re*(piiiements for a bhioel and system clcauser sin h as Dr. Kiny New Life pill-. They are just what \ ou 1 1 ewe 1 te» e*ure* stomach and l'ive*r tumbles. Trv tlnmi. At A. H. Hendersons 2nc yuaruteed dud-dviui'ev will be in (i v ,| ( ] m , m>xt , U( , week' ll() | fJj| 1 o- ( -,,,irt. In all probability ,, U r publie school will open about the first of Fcbrua. y althouyh there has be*e*n no teacher elected vet. ll place in Cleveland Ga. There is on this place a splendid dwelliny house and out binldinys, there is about one and one half acres of land yoes with the* house etc. Call on me for price* and te*rms. Mrs, F. B. < ’raven, < ’h*viand Ga. Just before Christmas a steer was stolen from a widow Seabolf in Town Creek district and sol-J lo John Moore of Dahloneya. A warrant was sworn out for two Tow hoys of Canada district. Union ee unty, and the sheriff' of that county placed them under arrest last' Saturday niyht and held them in custody until shcritT Jackson and his deputy, Mr, Carroll, could yo after them. BLUE lHDGH DOTS. Mr. Charlie* White e>pcm*d up Lis school at' Blue* Kid ye * last, Monday. Mr. W. A. White, and JetT Loyn were yoiny te> Cleveland on a day last w ee*k when the*ir horse ran away with them and broke their buyyy, hut fortunate¬ ly the\ yot eiut without heiny hurt. Mr. A. Richardson, ,1. F. Reid, M. C. Allen, and II.II. IIutT are all off on a business trip this week. Mi" Katie Huff and Miss Bell Jarrard paid Annie Allen a visit last Sunday. Mr. and N'rs. John Jarrard made* a business flip to -Gaines¬ ville this week. saoiud ivioads ..sens s. oj, csb.juj ZVH W 1MOJ aswoH dO moolb v •o s Viawmoo ‘Xuedui 03 saqqjg avaNaivo ivioaawwoo SDMV -1 V HO svnxv onv xavia xavood iruasn any mosaNVH v 1SOO 11V JO 33HJ n0 * ||BUJ |||M OM pUB ■||B}»U| HIM JO oen noA AU3NIHOVn *o pu|>| *Bi|M Oui;b;b Bn 8 )|jm so6i ONiana W3HJ. 3UOJ3S INVN Uno IAVH OJ AU3NIH0VW Nl a 3 AS 3 U 3 AN 1 T 1 V XNVM 3 M