Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, January 13, 1905, Image 3
Sickening Shivering Fits of Ague and Malaria, cue be re¬ lieved and cured with Electric Bitters. This is pure tonic med¬ icine; of especial Irenifit in mala¬ ria, for it exerets a true curative mfluanee on the disease, driving it entirely out of the system. It is much to Ire prefetred to Quinine httvinir , of this drug’s none had af ter- effects. E. 8. Munduy, of iiviiCiV*A.., L'-v 'vrites:“Mv Brother was very low with mala¬ rial fever and jaundice, till took Eleetrick Bitters, which saved his life. At A. II. Hender¬ sons price 50c guarnteed. White Creek Whisperings. Mr. L. I). Nix has again gone to Demorast to work in the sad¬ dle shop. Uncle James Hill an aged man was laid to rest in Chatahooche cemetery one day last week, he leaves a wife and many friends to mourn his loss. A young man of this section has bought his licens I will tell you about the Wedding the next time 1 write. \ W. A. Tomlin of California is visiting relatives in this section he says that is a good Country toil) many is plentiful he ts six cts cotton growers qetter go to that State’ On old Christmus night Mr. Santa clause l.orughtto '.Mr. and Mrs. 1 ilg.iam a great big boy. The candy drawing at Mr E. T Baretts enjoyid hy ;ill present last Friday night. Er John Write has taken 1 charge of the Barret and Cooley | units for the year I9u5. I rebon that every body pleased with the weather for we aieheveing all kinds. i | Good luck to the Courier unci all of it’s Readers. Spoiled Her Beauty Harriet Howard, of 209 \V, 34th St,. New \ ork, atone time trou\ had j her beauty spoiled with skin -hie. She writes: ‘*1 had salt Rheum or Ecxeimi for years, hut nothing would cure it, until I used Bucklen’s Arinaea salveJ A quick and sure healer for cut s burns and j sores. 25 b at A. II. Hendersons Legal Advertisements. GEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY. At Chambers Dec 13 1904. K. L. Asbu ry and \V. R. Asbury. as Executors of Rufus R, Asbury, having tiled their pe tition for probate of Rufus R Asbury s will in solemn form, and it appearing that (Station should issue to be served personally on Caroline A, Asbury, widow of said deceased, Charlie W. Asbury, Mrs. Mary Huggins formerly Asbury, Janies H. Asbury ordered that the usual citation issue to be non cd o—> Crti-obnc* A Asbu¬ ry, James H. Asbury, and Mrs. Mary A. Huggins personally at least ten days be¬ fore the February term of this Courtl90o, and . that ., x as John , , , L. Asbury , , resales . , out of tins State to wit: in the State of La. and can only be served by publication, that he he cited and made a party by publi¬ cation once a week for four weeks, in tlie Cleveland ,,, , Conner, . a news paper publish ed in this County and State before the February term 1905, <>t said court of Ordinary and that tins order so publish ed constituted such notice, arid citation J. H. FREEMAN, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALES. GEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY. \\ ill he sold before the court-house door Of said county in the town of Cleve land to the highest bidder for cash,with- ’ in the legal , , hours of „ sale, on the erst luesday in .... February. 1905, the desenhed property to wit: Part of lot of land No. 60 in the 2n l district of White county, Ga., containing 62 acres more or less, and known as the W. K. Nix home place, in said county, about two miles noi th east of Ch \ eland, Ga., said land levied on and to he sold as the pro per-ty of W.K. Nix to satisfy a ti ta issucil from the Justice court of the 861st dis¬ trict, G. M,, of said county in favor of T. “t^iin _ B t W ’ K ’ Nix an,i Carroll> ne , (Uty sheriff . This June 2nd, 1905. W. A. JACKSON, Sheriff. GEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY. ^ he S °U before U ,e court-house door in the town of Cleveland, in said county, w ithin the legal hours of sale to the iiigh est bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in February, 1905, the following describ¬ ed property, to wit: One hundred and twenty-five acres of land of lot No. 40, known as the Detroit Sautee Gold Min¬ ing company’s pi operty, said lot being in the 3d district of White county, Ga , levied on and to he sold as the property j of the Detroit Sautee Gold Alining Co. to satisfy a tax ti fa issued by J. C. Hood, tax collector of said county, against James Glenn, agent for the Detroit Sau tee Gold Mining Co., for state and county taxes for the year 1904, due on said pro perty. Also at the same time and place and on the same terms the^fbllowing -- describ ed property, to wit: 245 acres of hit No 10 in the 6th district ofWhite county, the pane being that par! of said lot sold by I ork to Robert Leonard. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Robert l\ Leonard to satisfy a tax ti fa issued by ■J. C. Hood, tax collector of said county. j against said said Robert C. Leonard for taxes on property for the year 1904. j This January 4th. W. 1905. A. Jackson, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S TAX SALE. Georgia, White county: \\ ill be sold before the Court ho iso | door in the town of Cleveland, Ga.. said j county, within the legal hours of sale to j the highest bidder for cash, on the first J Tuesday described in property, April, 1905, to wit: the Lot following of land j ! Nl)< 7 in the , liHtl . irt of white c „ mit ^ ](lt amtaini , 0) .jginal sur | m m of , antl lm>r „ u . ss Shill lot levied on and to be sold under and i by virtue of a tax ti fa issued against said j , i)t a8 wM aud lln5mpn>vea lalld< aml i I, being • - unreturn . tor its taxes and ... the the ; wf unknown . Sui(l s fa 5ssued „„ the 20th dftx , (f ,Wn.ber.1904, J by J. for C, State Hood, and tax collector of said couti | tv, county taxes for the | year 1904. W. A. Jackson, Sheriff. GEORGIA, WHrr\: .' COUNTY. N<)tice t( , a „ concerned ,,,, L tie appraisers . appointed . . , to . appraise Him , set apart . a twelve moutuB ,, tuimort to Mrs. Caroline A Asbury. widow of Ruflis R Ahb deceased , have fllwl their report in my office.and unless some valid objections lie made to the court on or before the first Monday in February, 190.> the same will then he approved A and s { al)d a8 the judgment of this court This December 30th 1904. J. H. Frkkman Ordinary. A J J RIFLES and PISTOLS have justly earned their repu¬ tation for Accuracy, Durabil ity and Penetration. THE CRACK SHOT is very popular among the boys. A take down, accurate ,22 cali¬ ber rifle for only §4.00. Where these rifles are not sold by dealers, we will send same express prepaid on receipt of price. Send stamp for catalog describing complete line and containing valuable inform¬ ation to shooters. The J. Stevems Arms and Tool Co. e 0. Bo* 2071 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS.