Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, January 13, 1905, Image 4
£bc Clcvclanb Courier. . » Official Organ of White County, Ga. Alex. Davidson, Editor. Entered at the Postntfice at (’leveland, Ga.. as second class mail matter. Subscription, $0.50 per year, r— --------- ------------------ A copy HU ms'Bible re¬ ferred to in the following speed dispatch to The Atlanta Consti¬ tution may be seen at the home of James E. McAfee Kimsey Era., where it was read about during the Christmus holidays. “Athens, Ga., J \f\\ ;3.— Senat¬ or A. 0. Bacon has presented to The University of Georgia a copy of the famous Jefferson Bible, a compilation of the moral teach¬ ings of Jesus, as prepared by Thomas Jefferson himself. The Book is attracting a "rent deal of attention and many have been to the university library to see a copy of this book. The Seattle Star has been in vestig.itiug the charity graft of of that city and has found that out of every dollar given to the chariy organization only 28 cents .ever finds, its way into the hands of the needy. Charity organiza¬ tion are simply a new graft to get a good living without work¬ ing for it. They are surely the lowest, meanest, most despicable grafters on earth. And yet the \ game is run b\ the eminently re¬ spectable in every cit y. NOT-A SICK DAY SINCE. I “Fwas taken very severely sick ; mo is »***• u»*----------- with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One day I saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters and de¬ termined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon thereafter was entirely cured and have not seen a sick day since Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rhumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility.” This is what B. F. Bass, of Fremont, N. C. j writes. Only 50c, at A. H. lien- i dersons. Testimony Of A Mimstkk. Urv. Jno. N. (’n\. Of Wnkp, Ark., write-. “For 12 vo;ir> I suffered from Yellow Jauiuliee. 1 consulted a number of |>h\> and tried all sorts of medicines, but e-of no relief. Then I bt‘<_ r :in the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its e-rasp for twelve vears." If you war.t a medicine for Elver and Kidney trouble, stem ieh disorder or yeneral debility, e ( 't Electlic' Bitters,. It's ouTtianiivA'by A.IE Heudersoii. Blue Creek Gatherings. John Henson is attending the bedside of her sick brother .Mr. Oshrorn Brown of Buford Ga. Mr. J. I). Tatum and Mis- Em mer McCollum was married last Sunday, Rev. W. R. Power otha ting we wish them a long and happy life We learn that Prof, Gu-s Dor¬ sey was not able to return back to his school here m.mday. j ited W. U. Ta^um of Cornelia, vis-j home folks Sunday, and' re¬ turned home Monday. M inter haa began here since January the '■> 1905. AG KIM Tragedy is dadv enacted, in thousands of homes, as Death claims, m each one, another victim of Consumpt¬ ion oi Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Cold arc properly treated, the tragedy is averted. l‘.G. Iluntlev, of Oaklaiidon, Bid., writes: .‘.My wife had the consumption, and three doctors her up. Finally she took Dr. | Kill"-’- New Di.on'urv for ('mi- 1 Coughs and Colds, \ cured her’ and to-day she well and strong.“ it kills the of all diseases. One nose re I Guarntecd at 50c and 1.00 A. II. Henderson druggist j trial bottle free. •Y 1 i A' j ‘ A . \ Oio S'l'-es, itciang Piles, $ f 0 }. A.i t 3 *> 1 Sxin D.seases, i A 3SOLUTELY CURED. • V* T*;. V* SA J --^9 { £ j A'kD G J C-;JT3 A LCX. : Sold by rC 1 Dni' r u r Kt'«;. T * ' -r» no other. j %y, . i' .aiiJy Remedy 25 «rs. tadiesj)nly. It Is Women Who Need Most Relief From Little Irri¬ tating Pains and Aches, Dr. Milt'S' Anti-Pain rills are for woim-n. Woman’s delicate nervous organism tingles to the least jarring intluence, and Rome ache or pa m is the result. The remedy is at- hand L>r. Miles' Anti-I'ain Cilia. They net most marvellously on wom¬ an’s nervous organism, and relieve and cute the pains to which she is sc martyr. Headaches, neuiaigiac pains, monthly pains anti all kinds of pains disappear, as a' a gentle hand had lightly soothed them away. Dizziness. Rush of Blot d to the head. Toothache, Backache are all cured by these ”Little Comforters." Cured without danger of disagreeable after-effects; cured quickly; cured with¬ out unnatural action on liver, stomach, or other- internal organs. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills please the women, and the children take them be¬ cause they are easy to take and soothe -all their sufferings. "For years I h d spells of sick head¬ ache, at times suffering untold .agonies. I could not endure an. excitement. Going to dumb, and even visiting, brought on these terrible spills. J tri-'d num mis renr dh-s without n lief un ;T I tried Dr. Miles’ Anti Pain l ids, and they have cured me. Win n I feel symp¬ toms of sick head o-he i take a pill ard ward off the att.. k. When I am tin d and nervm s. a i 11 soothes mm"—MRS. SARAH WATKIN’SUN', Blaiistown, la. Price, 25c a i ox. X -vor roll in. bull;. T^RFU AVU-Ci 1 Write Package to of us Dr. for Miles’ Free Anti- Trial Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your case, tell you what is wrong, and how to right it. Free. PR. .M11 .es MEPK’Al CO., I.A i mi-uAxM l.h h a it T, JLNO. “ IS THE BEST n CLOTHING . WYLER, ACKEItUMD & CO., | [ Makers, Cincinnati. t fe" irl iei. r, ur Dealer or Write for Hookljt, ~ j S 5 &/ Thousands Saved By OR. This KING'S wonderful NEiyiSCP« medici. c >si-| »](| tively cures Consumption, Coughs I Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu¬ monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Cough.! Croup and Whooping I Every bottle guaranteed. &$l.| No Cure. No Pay. Price 50c. Trial bottle free.