Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings,
Mr. E. P. West left 'Monday
morning for Clermont where lias
gone to engage in carpenter work.
Mr. F. A. McAfee has moved to
Cleveland. Mr. McAfee will at¬
tend to his farm work while the
weather is factorable, and Mrs. Mc¬
Afee has accepted a position as
clerk in the postoffice. Mrs. Saliie
Nix, Mrs. McAfee's sister, has
moved from Cornelia here and they
will both occupy the same house.
Mrs. M. G Smith, of Pleasant
Retreat, has been very sick for
some time, and is not improving
Sheriff Trotter eSught DaveDvar
in a restaurant at Helen Saturday
night. Mr. Dvar is . the man who
from . the sheriff tew .
got ° away J a
months ago alter he was under , ar
rest. T He , made bond for -Ins ,
an- 1
pearance at the April term of the
court and was released."
Mr. E. K. Gibson, town mar¬
shal, has moved to town this week.
'l'he deputy-sheriff' of Laurens
county arrived in Cleveland last
Sunday with Mr. Chas. Satterfield
in his custody. It appears that
Charlie’s wife hud him brought
here on a charge of description,but
he denies that he has deserted her.
Mrs. E. C. Wellborn, who was
at Helen for some weeks for her
health, lias returned feeling much
Ordinary Brown sent in the pen
•sion roll to Pension Commissioner
Lindsey first of (lie week. just
how long it will be before the pen-!
sion money is received by t He Or-1
dinary cannot be told, but. as it |
arrives the COURIER will give
notice that all may know it.
Mr. ami Mrs. ()///,ie Skelton and !
baby, of Cornelia, arff on a visit to
home folks this week.
Note all the residents of North I
Carolina are coming to White!
county, but we take pleasure in I
stating that there are many family
from the “Tar Heel Slate” already
amongst us, and a new family' of
Pecks just moved in.
Col. and Mrs. G. S. Kytle are
visiting in Gainesville and Ijjshop
this week.
Mr. T. V. Cantrell Jr., has ar¬
ranged the indebtedness of Mr. T.
V. Cantrell, Sr., and the property
advertised for sale in our previous
issue will not be sold.
Mr. S. L. Brown, ordinary, is
endeavoring to arrange the pay
merit of the funeral expenses of
The Mr. Hooper, who was a
weeks ago found dead
Robertstown,by the deceased father
There is no way to make anyone
pay this expense, but Mr. Brown
believes-that a man is fairly good
circumstances would be glad of the
opportunity of paying the expenses
of the funeral of a son.
Sheriff Trotter was called to the
bedside of his daughter, Ethel
Southard, in Kirkwood Monday.
Mr. Trotter returned home Tues
day and informs us that she is now
much improved, and probably out
of danger. , !
Rev. D. F. Morris willl fake j
’’Heaven and Hell” for his subject :
at the Cleveland Baptist Church
the third Sunday Bt it o’clock.
Mr. Roper, who has been here
in charge of the Farmers & Mer-:
chants Bank since its opening has
returned to his home in Sparta,
Ga. Mr. Roper made many friends
here during his brief stay amongst
us who regretted to see him leave.
Mr. \Y. E. Brakefield has accepted
the position of cashier of this bank
and is a good business man with
striking manners, and will doubt
less prove fully satisfactory to the
stockholders and the public. >
Monday morning four bovs, Joe
Jackson, Albert Potts, Ray Miller,
and I.ester Jackson,were urreigned
before Mayor Henderson under a
charge of selling other peoples
chickens about Christmas time to
Mr. Boyd-Cox. L’he bovs acknowl
ledge d to selling some hens for
! twenty-five cent- each to Mr. c‘<>x,
saying (some of the boys, at least)
j that they wanted to buy some
| which Mr. Cox refused to sell them
unless they could pay for them.
rhey eveu 8ta , ed , on oath,that Mr.
C ox suggested that if they would
brin » him Sf "»e hens he would pay
bt ' ln 2 5 cen * s each for them. 1 his
Mr. Cox bitterly denies, but lie
says he bought the hens. The case
was dismissed by the mayor after
rehearsing the testimony at length.
which, he said, was very
and , winch , . . will , be-investigated
; mg,
by , the grand . provided . , , that .
jury, '
, body , deem , the , case worthy ot
turther , 1 investigation, . .
SI It )L REPAIR 1 .\G.--Anvoue
wanting their shoes soled or heeled
with sprigs should call on B. II,
FOR SALK—One line Noting
mule, two years old be .I)iltmi»\Val
drip J mile east of Skelton & Sons
Miss Pauline Kitnsey ngaii
leaching at 1 esnnice at speinUffg
ie holidays w ith relatives at
Mrs. C. J. Menders was visiting
uere Suneay,
Mrs. Howard has been very nit-I
well for several days.
Mr. 1). F. While is wearing aj
smile of late days. It’s a girl.
Miss Tcie Clark spent Saturday !
night with Miss Flora Eedfoid.
Mr. Martin, of Shoal Creek, has
moved to the Jerry Mingo place.
Mis. Nettie Ledford is having a
new house erected on her farm.
* .
Mr ’ A ’ J- Ledford ims been <l« itc
. with pneumonia, but
we are
lart to 8late thut he is KOme bellcr
:lt t |,j s wr j t j nR
Mr. Richard Turner has moved
to his new home,
Mr. \ . Cantrell is quite sick
at this writing. ,
Mr. Duke Blalock was in t ir is
section Saturday.
I want to rent a good farm in
White County, Ga., near Uleve
land. I can gi ve good reference,
and 1 have the means to take care |
of one hundred acres. ] want land I
corn, grain and potatoes, as!
well as oilier products. If you
have a good sarm to rent, or know I
of > omeonc who lms > please write |
me * ^ • J -
Laton, Colorado.
_- „
The year 1913 is past. Let every !
one that owes hie come at once and ;
settle their bill. 1 must insist upon j
this being done, j must settle my
bills. Take due notice thereof.
WANTED—Everybody •bt
e d to Davidson A McAfee lasl
} . ear * 8 account t0 sett ] early
c a.
Asthe year is coining to a close al
who are inebted to me will conn
and settle at once,
J. W. Smith.
-jWe will grind corn or rye meal,
crush short corn or feed of any kind
on Tuesday and Saturday of each
Corn or rye rye meal meal for for sale or ex
c ] uul R e ;lt all times in any quantity.
At E - ^’raven's Cannery
■WAN FED— Bee! cattle. Apply
to Brannon Nix Cleveland, Ga.,
R. |
Free Flower Seed j
Hastings’ Catalogue |
Tells You About It j
If you are engaged in farming, or
If you plant only vegetables or flow¬
ers, you cannot afford to be without
die big catalogue published fresh and
new every year by the great South¬
ern seed house, H. G. Hastings & com¬
pany of Atlanta, Ga., and sent atiso
lately free, postage paid, to all who
write for it, mentioning the name of
tliis newspaper.
In this catalogue we tell you of a
splendid offer of free flower seed to
all our customers, five magnificent
varieties that mean beauty about your
home and a pleasure to wives and
daughters that nothing else can give.
This catalogue tells you, too, about
our big cash prize offer to the Corn
Club boys of your state. It tells all
about our fine yielding varieties of
corn and cotton—the kind we grow
on our own 3,200 acre farm, It tells
about the best seeds of all kinds for
plan ' inc; in the South, It. should be j
in every Southern home. Write
day and let us send it to you.
Atlanta, Ga.—Advt.
"Here We
Have h!"
The Best Medicine Made ,
for Rdneyand BladderTroubles”
i n PILLS j
Jhr Backache, 1
Rheumatism. |
hen Your Blood is Right,
Your Whole System Is Right
If You Have Any Blood or Skin Disease
Do Not Delay Until It is too Late But Order
A Complete and Positive Remedy For
, And All Other Forms of Blood and Sk':n Diseases.
Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood and Skin Remedy
ever Placed on the Market.
Our Treatment For Female Ills Is The Greatest Of Its Kind Ever
Offered Suffering Women.
Write us vour troubles. All correspondence strictly private.
803 1-2 Central Avenue, Hot Springs, Ark.
.. . r> „ ,
Mr. J. L . baxon has been , serv
' be P-Brons ot rural route No.
1 tl'' s w eek 011 account ot the illness
°* .^ r - 1* ran ^ Carroll,
Legal Advertisements.
White Superior Court. Oct. Term, HIRE
it. appearing to the Court that V. II.
Kendall and his wife Airs. M. K. Kendall,
G, S. IVMuts, II. M. Morrison and W. R.
Shirley, the defendants, reside out of
said state, and who [nrej named in the
foregoing suit, and it is necessary to per
feet service upon them by publication, it
is ordered that service be perfected by
pll lieation twice a month for two months
in the paper in which the sheriff’s adver¬
tisements arc printed, the Cleveland
Courier. Oct. Hi, 1913.
J. B. JONES, J. S. C.
Clerk’s Office, White Co,, Ga.
1, G. N. Colley, clerk of tile superior
court in and for White county, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a
true copy as appears of record in my
office. Nov. 1, 1918.
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold at the court-house door in
rvndrounty on the first Tuesday in WFr
racaiw 19 1 4, within the legal hours oi
Side, to wit: All that part ot lot No. .">, in
tile third district of White county. Ga.,
containing twenty-live (25) acres more or
less and move fully described, as follows:
All that part or parcel of land lying
northwest of the road leading from
Hobertstovvn to Cleveland, Ga., and
about two hundred and fifty yards south¬
west of the Itobertstown I’ostoffice, and
fully described in a deed from \V. A.
Jackson, sheriff of Wliite enmity, Ga., to
Cliarles Roberts, recorded in hook l *K,’
folio 117, on the 191U of June, 18311,
Clerk's office, White county, Ga., the
same being ihe where .1. ,). Fain
lives, and the the place owned by Mrs.
Texas Fain, having been d eded to her
by-diarjiVs Roberts and recorded in hook
“M,” folio 257, on the 13th day of Febru¬
ary, 11)07, Clerk’s office, White county,
Ga., with all iniprgtycnients thereon.
Said land levied on as the property of
Mrs. Texas I hi in, one of the defendants
in li fa., to satisfy an execution issued on
the 12th <lay of November. 1013, from th
.1. P. court of the l4!t7th district. G. M.,
in said county, in favor ot .1. !’. Evans
against J. -L TCyiu and T^\n_- E&Mm Fain.
This, the ■ wolay ol j ,’. I'.Ml.
li. TROTTER, Sheriff,
White county, Ga-
Georgia, White county.
Will lie sold at the courthouse door in
s,iid county on the first 'Tuesday in Feb¬
ruary, EH 4, within the legal Jiours'of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following land to wit: A one-ninth un¬
divided interest in and to three hundred
and fifty acres of land known as the J. J,
Merritt old home place in said county,
and being off of lois of laud Nos. 05, 0(j,
and 07 in the third district of said county'
and being all the land owned by .1, ,1.
Merritt at the time of his death, this
property now being in the hands of the
executin', A. 15. Merritt, but. unadniinis
tered, there being nine heirs at law, and
tliis sale is only one heir's interest, viz.,
B. W, Merritt, with all improvements
thereon. Said interest. levied on as the,
interest of said !>. W. Merritt, to satisfy
live Justice Court executions in favor of
A. II. Henderson against, said i!. W.
Merritt, issued from the J*. P. Court of
the 1440th district, G, M., Habersham
county, Ga., issued on the 3rd day of
April, 1908.
This, the 2nd day of January, 1914.
B. Trotter, Sheriff,
White County, Ga.
" Bring
(( pk Bums a
( l .'l JJU for
6rr^ Cold”
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
nufclcly Anrnne ponding a sketch hud description whether may
Inn asworiam jprobHbly our patenfnble. opinion tree Communion* an
Invent is HANDBOOK Patents
tlonSHirtctlydonllfloutlaL Oldest for on patents.
Bent tree. agency hrougii seenruiK
Patents taken t Munu Sc Co. receive
8 pedal notice, without c lmru o, ml lie
Scientific Jfmericaw.
A hai handsomely illustrated scientific weekly. Terms, f-ararest.clr- ftl
mil ditlon of any journal newsdealers. a
your; ir; four months. $1. Sold by nil
IVIUNN & Co. 3GBroadway New Yorlt
(125 F St.. Washington, D. C.