Newspaper Page Text
Ebe Clevelanfc Courier.
Official Organ of White County , Ga
Published Weekly At Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Postoffice at Cleveland,
Ga., an second class mail matter.
Subscription, $1.00 per year
All slick men are not polished.
Fly swatting is no legitimate wint#r
It is announced there is no peanut
trust. Thanks be.
A woman means to whither a man
when she calls him fresh.
The doctors who cure obesity Just
live off the fat of the land.
Where there Is a will there la gen¬
erally a way to break It.
A man never knows the truth about
himself until he gets married.
A man will do anything once. Start¬
ing to keep a diary, for instance.
Under England's cat and mouse act
the mouse seems always to get away.
Dancing has developed from a for¬
mer pastime to a course of physical
The new Chinese minister to Wash¬
ington is Shal-Kia-Fou. Sounds like a
college yell.
What has become of the old-fash¬
ioned grocer who gave thirteen eggs
to the dozen?
When Luther Burbank develops the
odorless onion he might try his hand
on silent celery.
Mona Lisa recovered seems to be
worth less than Leonardo da Vinci’s
masterpiece stolen.
Very few quarrels or misunderstand¬
ings are fixed up satisfactorily by
means of a revolver.
The Japanese author who has Just
completed a 100-volume novel did not
get a dollar a word for It.
Hetty Green says eating onions Is
the secret of health, but one can't
keep eating onions a secret.
Mona Lisa Is going to Rome. She
could come- over here and go into
vaudeville any time at big money.
A duel between two Roman deputies
ended in kisses. Expressions of es¬
teem for each other’s markmanship?
The world would be much better if
people could learn that most of the
things they worry about never happen.
Nevertheless the lady whose hus¬
band put toads in the bed might get
even by coming back with both feet.
Society girls in New York are warn¬
ed to beware of the "cigarette slump”
and “the debutante crouch,” Hurts
Kissing aids diphtheria, says a med¬
ical authority. Which gives diphthe¬
ria an advantage that can't be over¬
Our private Idea of a super-man is
a reporter who never wrote that Tom,
Dick or Harry had “sued his wife for
By the time all the cities have
barred the tango another dance even
more exciting will be ready to be
London is a little ahead of New York
in the matter of population, but New
York has a strong lead in automobile
Anyway, if Connie Mack should de¬
cide to retire, he baa enough pennants
to enable him to go into the sofa pil¬
low business.
When you weigh other people in
your own scales, you should remem¬
ber that you are going to be weighed
in their scales.
Nine billions for our farm products.
But our enthusiasm is tempered by
the knowledge that we will have to
pay most of them.
"Slit skirts are going out of. style."
Perhaps it will be no more than pru¬
dent for mere man to lock up his ex¬
tra pair of trousers.
Now we know what was the mat¬
ter with ancient Rome. It has been
discovered that the "rah! rah rah!"
yell originated there.
A woman has implicit faith in her DISORDERED KIDNEYS CAUSE
husband if she will take his word for MUCH MISERY
it when he tells her that he has locked With* pain and misery by day,
the back door at night. sleep-disturbing bladder
Now it is proposed to have doves at night, tired, nervous run down
with which to christen the battleships. men and women everywhere are
Somehow doves and battleships ap¬
pear rather incongruous. glad to know that Foley Kidney
Fills restore health and strength,
At that there are so-called men who and the regular action of kidneys
would embrace the Washington wom¬ and bladder.
an’s suggestion and wear slashed
trousers and purple socks. Sold by Norton & Ash
The only time a ‘‘dead one” seems
to when he popular the good is fellows just before come “pay around day" : j Corn Hastings’ Prolific
to borrow money from him. Yielded 214
Bushels on ! Acre
Before we can believe the French If you are going to plant corn this
artist that tells us v.ho the two pret¬ spring, either to fill your own crib or
tiest women in America are, we must, to enter the coni club contests, the
have the assurance that he has seen com to plant, is Hastings’ Prolific,
all of them. Official United States govern¬
ment records show this corn has
“A blacksmith is taking a leading yielded more per acre than any other
role in grand being produced corn planted in the South. Hastings’
a opera Prolific won the Georgia record with
in Germany." . Let us hope he is one 214 bushels to one acre; the Missis¬
of tbe blacksmiths who have beer) sippi record with 225 bushels; the Ar¬
Binging on the American stage a: d kansas record with 172 2-3; the Flor¬
that he won’t come back. ida record, 129 1-4. Hastings’ Prolific
ha.i won five-sixths of the corn club
MICE AND MEN. prizes in Georgia. It has won
Following all racial legislation is a high yield per acre records in every
period of indecision and delay. It is Southern state, three years out of
the time that shows how men four. :
many re¬ This corn produces a grain and for¬
semble mice. The mouse is an active i age of the finest quality. It is the
animal. It can do many things skill corn that it will pay you best to plant
fully, but it. never docs a big thing and year in and year out.
never gets very i'a-r. it revolves in its-j Prices: Packet, 10 cents; 1-2 pint,
hither 20 cents; pint, 30 cents; quart, 50
own small world. It darts and cents, postpaid. Peck, not prepaid,
thither, and one would suppose that It $1; bushel, $3.50. Order today. Write
was the most industrious animal go¬ at once for our big free catalogue.
ing; hut it is always making for near It is full of valuable agricultural in¬
possible formation and is a good nook to hav#
holes and always afraid of ; nti the farm. H. G. HASTINGS &
cats. It never learns from the wis¬ CO., Atlanta, Ga.—Advt.
dom of the ages. It keeps its ways
and its narrowness. Sidney Smith DR. FRANK C. BARRETT
once called attention to the fact that j Veterinary Surgeon and Livery Stable
animals did not enlarge their views:. HELEN, LA.
“The bees now builds exactly as they J Prompt services day night.
built in the time of Homer; tin In nr or
is as ignorant of good manners ns Call Hie bv ’phone.
h was is 2,000 still years unable past.; to and read the bab¬ and .. ——■—- : —- i
oon as -agal Advertisements.
write as persons of honor and quality ;
were in tbe time of Queen Eli; abetb."
Mice are just the same today as they j
were when the first tariff bill or the 1 -f irgia, White County.
first currency bill was passed And .1. VV. Winkler vs. Mrs. Lillie Winkler.
yet the world has grown wonderfully. Libel f>n- divorce.
The vision of mankind has lifted. A The defendant in the above slated case
new dispensation of opportunity has is hereby required personally or by attor¬
been vouchsafed. There iB larger op- i ney to be and appear at the April term,
portunity than ever before. There Is j 1814, of White Superior court, to be held
a finer call for the best in human j in ami for said county on the second
kind, says the Philadelphia Ledger. Monday in April, Oil4, Alien and there to
The mice cannot see It. But the men answer the plaintiffs tnroplaint, as in
—the real men—are up and doing. default thereof the court .will proceed as
to justice shall appertain. Witness the
Ginseng from the United States j Honorable J. B. Jones:, judge of said
brings huge prices in China, but the j court, this tbe 17th day of Feb., tidf.
American root is inferior to the Asi¬ G. N. CyjxsT, Clerk.
atic. Hongkong is the clearing house j
for the world's ginseng trade, and !
prices are rocketing, says Leslie's. It j Georgia, White County. j
Is said that they will reach fabulous ( P. L. Cagle vs. Nora Cagle.
sums, having already ranged from $4 j Libel for divorce.
to $140 gold a pound for goods from Rou, Nora Cagle, the defendant in the
the west of China and Korea. At one above stated case, are hereby required,
auction last year a special lot of wild personally or by attorney, to he and ap¬
Korean ginseng brought $327.16 gold a pear at the April term. 1914, of White J
pound, actually exceeding gold weight Superior Court,to be held in and for said j
for weight. These prices are paid for county, on tlie second Monday in April, j
specially assorted and selected stock. (914,then and there to answer the plaint- !
The American product is shipped in itfa complaint, as in default thereof the j
barrels indifferently, and the Chinese court will proceed as to justice shall ap- I
expert makes big profits in sorting it pertain.
out The American crop is bought by Witness the Hon. ,T. B. Jones, Judge j
Chinese speculators and consigned to -of said court, this the 7th day of Febru- *
Chinese at home. Ginseng has never ary, 1914.
been considered seriously as a medici¬ G. N. COLLEY, Clerk.
nal drug in the United States.
Bats, it seems, are not always man’s Georgia, While County.
enemies. At Cincinnati they are be¬ L. C. Cagle vs. Pheby Cagle.
ing used as pure food inspectors. A Libel for divorce.
'poison squad” of them is fed sam¬ You, Pheby Cagle, the defendant in the
ples of different kinds of food. If above stated case, you are hereby re¬
they sicken and die the conclusion is quired, personally or by attorney, to be
reached that the food is unfit for hu¬ and appear at the April term, 1914, of ]
man consumption. If they thrive, White Superior Court, to be held in and
the supposition Is that the food is i 'i- said county, on the second Monday in
not deadly to mankind. Tender heart¬ April, 1914, then and there to answer the
ed persons think it cruel to feed sus¬ plaintiff's complaint,as in default thereof!
pected food to nice little rats, but the court will proceed as to justice shall
then surely it is better to kiil them appertain.
than to feed poisoned foocS to human t\ it es-i the Hon. J. B. Jones, Judge
beings, says the Savannah News. : said court, this the 7th day of Febru¬
Many schemes for testing articles of ary, 1914,
food has been tried, but none of them G, N. COLLEY. Clerk.
is stranger than that of "trying it on
the rat.”
Georgia, White County.
J. F. Barnett, the composer, who Charlie Lewis vs. India Lewis.
was seventy-six a few' days ago, comes Libel for divorce
of a very musical family. His fa¬ Vi 1 . India Lewis, the defendant in
ther aud one of his uncles were both ’ above stated ease, are hereby r>quir
composers, while another uncle was ■ i. pi rsoitally or by attorney, to be and
a dramatic writer and the author of appear at the April term, i9i+, of White
operatic libretti, says the London - ri t ■ tut, to lit held in and for said
Globe. His mother was also a musi¬ ■ 1 v, n the s'jt end Monday in April,
cian, and Mr. Barnett's grandfather 1 " 14 ,shell and there to answer the plaint
was a second cousin of Meyerbeer. id's complaint, as in default thereof the
Mr. Barnett, who made his <jabut in >• o * ". piueecd as to justice shall ap-
1S53 at a concert of the New Phil¬
harmonic society at Exeter hall, is ’4 ,-s t!,-■ ITo i. J B. Jones. Judge
still engrossed in his art, and has i 1 • art. this the 7th day of Febeu
just finished a cantata based on Keats’ ary, 1914.
“Eve of St. Agnes.” G. N. COLLEY. Clerk.
Safety First
AH other considerations are secondary with this
Bank. If you want absolute safety for your money
deposit it in the Farmers & Merchants Bank, owned
and controlled by sixty-five (65) White County
citizens, backed by a $1,000,000.00 corporation.
Operated solely for the benefit of home people.
We have money to loan you, or we will pay you
0 percent for vour money when deposited for 12
Cleveland, - - Georgia.
H. A. Jariurd, J. I). Coolky, C. H.Kytlr, W. E. Bkakkfielp
Pres. Vice-Presidents Cashier.
— ......... ..... . .....— - .. ..... ........—------- -------- —.. ..... .
West Side Public Square
Clean Beds White Waiters
Rates, $2.00 per Day
Effective December 18th, 1913.
schedule™ he maintained'as follows•
Train 1 Train STATIONS Train Train
* 4 3 1
a. m ; P. M. P. M. A.M.
9 45 4 55 Leave Gainesville Arrive 4 45 !» 15
9 50 4 58 • l Gainesville, Main St 4 40 9 10
9 55 1 5 05 H New Holland Jet. “ 4 37 9 07
10 11 5 10 l 4 Clark 4 20 8 50
10 25 18 j | 5 23 30 »4 Autry It 4 12 8 42
10 5 t 4 Dewberry 4 Of) 8 35
10 37 5 42 it Brookton 41 3 54 8 24
10 44 5 49 t 4 Clermont 3 47 8 17
10 52 5 57 4 * County Line 3 40 8 10
10 50 I j 6 01 t 4 Camp Ground 3 34 8 04
11 06 0 11 4 * Meldean 4 4 3 22 7 52
11 1! 20 35 j 0 0 25 4 < Cleveland 4 t 3 08 7 38
40 44 A sheet ob 2 53 7 23
11 45 0 50 * 4 Yonah “ 2 45 7 15
11 53 I 0 58 4 4 Nacoochee 44 2 38 7 08
12 00 I 7 05 4. Helen 4‘ 2 30 7 00
12 10 7 15 Arrive North Helen Leave 2 25 6 55
Our Piedmont one and two-horse wagons. These wagons we offer
for sale with an assurance, after years of using and selling, that they
will give satisfaction to the purchaser. These wagons we sell at one
price to all.
We have and will keep a supply of our J. C. QUILLIAN &
BROS. ! LRTILIZERS for Wheat and Oats at Bellton and Brookton.
This guano has been used by the farmers of this section of country
many years with universal satisfaction. We offer it at one price to all.
\\ e expect to open up a store with General Merchandise at an
early date at Brookton.
N\ e will keep mules for sale at our mule barns at Brookton and
Gainesville after Nov. ist, 1913.
\\ ill buy your cotton and seed and pay top prices for same.
Come to see us at Bellton or Brookton. We will try to make it
to your interest to trade with us.
Those of our subscribers who are in arrears
with their subscriptions will oblige by making
settlement as early as possible. There are few
things we dislike more than to send out “duns/’
and we don’t believe you like to get them. Don’t
wait, then, for us to send you a statement—just
figure out for yourself from the figures opposite
your name on the first page what you are due us,
and remit or call and settle. The figures indicate
the date from which you are due us.
We appreciate the many congratulations re¬
ceived on the excellent newspaper we are issuing,
and we earnestly solicit our subscribers to be
prompt in the payment of arrears, for upon our
subscription list depends our ability to maintain the
high standard we have marked out.