Newspaper Page Text
For sick headache, bad breath,
Sour Stomach and
Get a 10-eent box now. j
No odds how bad your liver, stomach
or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable and uncomfort¬
able you are from constipation, indiges¬
tion, biliousness and sluggish bowels
—you always get the desired results
with Cascarets.
Don’t let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you miserable. Take
Cascarets to-night; put an end to the
headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv¬
ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,
backache and all other distress;
cleanse your inside organs of all the
bile, gases and constipated matter
which is producing the misery.
A 10-cent box means health, happi¬
ness and a clear head for months.
No more days of gloom and distress
if you will take a Cascaret now and
then. All stores sell Cascarets. Don't
forget the children—their little in¬
sides need a cleansing, too. Adv.
“My poor husband got mixed up in¬
nocently in that shooting affray, and
they brought him home to me half
"No, madam; only half shot."
Harmless to Flush Kidneys and Neu¬
tralize Irritating Acids—Splendid
for the System.
Kidney and Bladder weakness result
from uric acid, says a noted authority.
The kidneys tllter this acid from the
blood and pass it on to the bladder,
where it often remains to irritate and
inflame, causing a burning, scalding
sensation, or setting up an irritation
at the neck of the bladder, obliging
you to seek relief two or three times
during the night. The sufferer is in
constant dread, tho water passes
sometimes' with a scalding sensation
and is very profuse; again, there is
difficulty iu avoiding it.
Bladder weakness, most folks call
ft, beeause they can’t control urina¬
tion. While it is extremely annoying
and sometimes very painful, this is
really one of the most simple ailments
to overcome. Get about four ounces
of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast, continue this
for two or three days. This will neu¬
tralize the acids in the urine so it no
longer is a source of irritation to the
bladder and urinary organs which then
act normally again.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless,
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and is used by thousands of folks who
are subject to urinary disorders caused
by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is
splendid for kidneys and causes no
bad effects whatever.
Here you have a pleasant, efferves¬
cent lithia-water drink, which quickly
relieves bladder trouble.—Adv.
Talking Machines.
“Papa, did Edison make the first
talking machine?”
“No, son, the Ix>rd made the first
talking machine, but Edison made the
one that could be shut off at will
Many an opportunity Is missed be¬
cause it isn’t recognized.
Works Wonders
for Sick Women
STELLA-VITAE cured this
woman, who had suffered
for 25 years. Give it a
chance to cure YOU!
WHAT stella-vitae has done
for one woman is well told by Mr. S. J.
Hendrix, of Posey, Texas, who gratefully
writes us:
“For twenty-five year* I h%d from one to
three Doctors treating my wife a for female
troubles, and tried vari •ious ■iou« a patent pate medi
cinee and sbe onl; y received received temporary
relief. We tried STELLA-VITAE and to
health than she ever had. It did a won¬
der Ink work in her ease."
STELLA-VITAE acts directly upon
the female organs and functions. It
tones and strenghtens the muscles
and tissues, builds up and restores
the whole system when run down
and wasted by disease, soothes and
adjusts the delicate nervous organ¬
ization to that harmonious balance so
necessary to perfect womanly health.
STELLA-VITAE regulatesthefunc
tions peculiar to women, stops wast¬
ing and relieves dangerous suppres¬
sion, banishes the terrors of those |
ous, periods run-down so dreaded women. by weak, nerv¬ I |
STELLA-VITAE end is of remarkable docs benefit not force all nature, times j
at i
end under all conditions. Its use during
pregnancy benefits both mother and
We guarantee the first bottle of STELLA
VITAE to benefit you. If it don't you get
your money back. If it does, your dealer
ie authorized to sell you t-ix bottles for $£.
Try STELLA-VITAE on this “all to gsjn
and nothing to lose” basis. Try it TODAY.
If you are sick there is no titnelike NOW
for trying STELLA-VITAE.
Thacher Medicine Co.
Beat FISC’S Conp-h lime. Syrup. Sold REMEDY by Tastes Drugsritta. Good. Use t
Seven Bodies Recovered—Other Vic¬
tims Still Buried in Ruins
of Building.
St. Louis.—That from thirty to
thirty-five guests of the Missouri Ath¬
letic club perished in the flames that
destroyed the building is the belief of
officers of the club.
Seven bodies have been recovered
and from twenty-three to twenty-nine
occupants of the structure are still un¬
accounted for. At sundown firemen
continued the search for bodies in the
Smouldering ruins under the glare of
Though a Committee early opened
headquarters at the Press club and
asked all who were guests of the
Missouri Athletic club to report, thir¬
ty to thirty-five did not register and
hourly the feeling grew that all these
were lost.
Hope was given by Fire Chief Swin
glev that water would be pumped out
of the ruins in one night and that,
search for bodies might then be re¬
While the search continued seven¬
teen persons injured in the fire were
under treatment at public and private
There was much difficulty in identi¬
fying recovered bodies of the dead and
some were identified under two or
three different names.
Tlie blaze was the most serious as to
fatalities of any fire in the city’s his¬
tory. It completely wrecked the sev¬
en-story building occupied jointly by
the Missouri Athletic club and by the
Boatmen's bank, caused a property
loss estimated at $4(10,000, and forced
the abandonment of the intercollegi¬
ate track meet to have been held in
St. Louis under the auspices of the
The cause of the fire was a mys¬
tery. Reports that the blaze was ac¬
companied by a terrific explosion in¬
dicating that the fire was due to ef¬
forts of bank robbers to dynamite the
Boatmen's bank were unconfirmed. Re¬
ports of explosions were denied by
the night watchman of the yank.
Officers Who Left U. S. Armmy to Be
Washington.—Officers of the United
States army who resigned their com
missins to give tli eii* services to the
Confederacy will b e re imbursed for
their pay and allowances they sacri¬
ficed by such action, tinder a hill of¬
fered by Senator Overman of Nortli
Carolina, which passed the senate. It
will now go to the house.
Among those who will receive back
pay and allowances are the heirs of
Jackson, Longstreet, Pickett and many
other famous Confederate generals
who were in army service when the
South seceded and when they enlist¬
ed under the Southern banners the
treasury refused to pay them what¬
ever amounts were due them for serv¬
ices rendered. i
More than twenty-five years ago the
Supreme court held that one Walker
had a just claim, but this test case
dees not. seem to have been made the
basis of all the suits which have been
neld valid. Heirs of many Southern¬
ers are entitled to the amount. .
Exchanges Gamble in Products.
Washington. Holding that ex¬
change gambling in agricultural prod¬
ucts is one of the great evils of the
country which ought to be speedily
corrected, Representative Robert L.
Henry of Texas, chairman of the house
rules committee, is planning to secure
action on another line of Investigation.
At a meeting of the committee it was
practically settled that the Democrat¬
ic legislative program for this session
will authorize a special joint commit¬
tee of the two houses to investigate
the exchanges of the country.
Ten Men Exhumed Vergara.
Laredo, Texas.—Information secur¬
ed, unofficial but from sources usually
well informed, indicated that at least
two Mexicans were members of the
party which exhumed the body of fhe
Texas ranchman, Clemente Vergara,
from the, cemetery at Hidalgo, Mex
ico, and returned it to the American
side of the border. Eight Americans
are .-aiu to have .been ftie others in
the expedition, it is also reported
that one of the Mexicans remained
in Mexico and friends expressed con
eerr, for Iris safety.
Unemployed Army Driven Out.
Sacramento, cal .—Suffering with
bruc.ed heads and empty stomachs,
1,000 members of the unemployed
armies that have been in Sacramento
are encamped on the Yolo county side
of the Sacramento river, to which they
were driver^by Sacramento county of¬
ficer-. Not all were suffering from in¬
juries. but all were-hungry. Most of
them were cold from the drenching
given them by the city fire depart¬
ment in routing them from their Sac¬
ramento camp.
r electrically sealed with a
absolute that it is
damp-proof, dust
^ proofs impurity
p roo ^"“ eve31
air - proof!
Give x
tegular aid
to teeth, breath,
appetite and diges» ^
tion. It’s the safe
besides delicious and
beneficial confection!
for 85 cents—at most dealers. Each box contains twenty
5 cent packages. They stay fresh until used.
It’s clean, pure, healthful
Look for the spear EVERY MEAL
No Joke.
At the Chicago Athletic club a
game had been put up on a cynical
old bachelor. The man bad waited
from eight to ten in the park on a
snowy evening in •obedience to a
pale pink, violet-scented note that his
friends had faked in order to see’ if
he was really as confirmed a woman
hater as he claimed.
Turning up at the club for a night¬
cap, the duped and frozen bachelor
was very sullen and sulky when his
friends derided him. He saw no fun
whatever in the fake note.
George Ade, noticing his black and
lowering looks, gave a loud laugh
“What a skinflint you must be!
Won’t even laugh at. a joke, eh, if
at your own expense?”
Reedy, W. Va.—"My baby boy
when three weeks old’ took the ecze¬
ma on tho head and face. It broke
out in pimples and first they looked
like blisters and a yellow water would
run from thorn. His head was per¬
fectly raw and his hair was all gone.
Everybody said he would never have
any more hair. As the sores spread
his hair came out. Tho breaking out
itched so badly that we had to keep
gloves on his hands to keep him from
scratching his head and face. It
caused disfigurement. He couldn’t
rest at night it burned and itched
so badly.
"He was treated for eight months
and he got worse all the time. So
I decided to try Cuticura Soap and
Ointment. In two months he was com¬
pletely cured after using the Cuticura
Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Oint¬
ment.” (Signed! G. A. Dye, Jan. 7,
Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free,with 22-p. Skin Book. Address post¬
card “Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston.”—Adv.
.So Obedient.
Stealthily Light-Fingered Sam
slipped up behind the strolling pedes¬
“My doctor said I needed a little
change, didn’t he?” he murmured to
himself. *
And then he took it.
Examine Important carefully to Mothers bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
! infant.; and children, and see that it
j Bear3 the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
N.ce Woman This.
Snapp—Weil, all the fools are not
dead yet.
Mrs. Snapp—I'm glad of it. I never
did look well in black.
Death Lurks In A Weak Heart
If Yours is fluttering or weak, use RENOVIfNE.” Made oy van vieet-iwaneneic! Drug Co., Memphis, Tenn. Price tl.OO
Their Breed.
"Your father has a lot of very fine
chickens,” observed the young man.
"Has lie incubators?” “No,” said the
sweet young thing just home from
boarding school, "I think they’re
Plymouth Rocks,”—Dallas News.
Girls! Beautify Your Hair! Make It
Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant—Try
the Moist Cloth.
Try as you will, after an application
of Danderine, you cannot find a single
trace of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not itch, but what will
please you most, will be after a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair,
fine and downy at first—yes—but real¬
ly new hair—growing all over the
A little Danderine immediately dou¬
bles the beauty of your hair. No differ¬
ence how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect is im¬
mediate and amazing—your hair will
be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an
appearance of abundance; an incom¬
parable luster, softness and luxuri¬
ance, the beauty and shimmer of true
hair health.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any store and prove
that your hair is as pretty and soft
as any—that it has been neglected or
injured by careless treatment—that’s
all. Adv.
High Hats.
The enormous height of the mil¬
linery of 1914 led Jane Cowl to re¬
"I know’ a man whose wife said to
him the other day:
“ 'Oh, dear, there's that old Christ¬
mas tree lying in the hack yard over
a month now, I don't know what on
earth to do with it.’
“ ‘Can’t you put it on your new
hat?’ her husband asked."
and all Malarious indications removed
by Elixir Habek, that well known rem¬
edy for all such diseases.
“I have taken up the three bottles of
your ‘Elixir Bafcek,’ and have not fett
so well and entirely free from pain in
limbs for five years.”—Mrs. E. Higgins,
Jacksonville. Fla.
Elixir Babek F,0 cents, all druggists or
by Parcels Post prepaid from Kloczew
ski & Co.. Washington. D. C.
Made a Good Bargain.
A mine, now said to be exceedingly
rich, was sold by its native African i
owner for a pair of trousers and a j
cap. i
The Effect.
“Well, how did you sleep last night?
Goethe spent the night there once.”
“Very badly. My husband adores
Goethe, and he was spouting him all
Anybody can dye successfully with
Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Adv.
An Economical Man.
“We can't finish Europe. It will
cost entirely too much.'
“We gotta finish It. I ain’t, going
to let this $4 guide hook go to waste.”
Your family Doctor can’t do more for
your cougli than Dean’s Mentholated
Cough Drops; “they cure”—5c at Druggists.
Booh Weak things become strong
when united.
Miss Tarte—Why don’t you
Constipation causes many serious
eases. It is thoroughly cured by
Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets! One a
three for cathartic. Adv.
In this age cash will keep
longer than diplomacy.
Whenever You Meed a General Toniet
Grove's Take
The Oitt Standard
Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic
Is Equally Valuable as a General Strengthening Tonic, Because it Acts on the
Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds Up the Whole System.
You know what you are taking when you take Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic, a»
the formula is printed on every label, showing that it contains the well-known!
tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and
Fever, Weakness, General Debility and Loss of Appetite. Gives life and vigor to;
Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer.
For grown people and children. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50a4
Ointment for Henralgia
Ease that throbbing pain, that split¬
ting headache In a twinkling with a
Try this clean, white
ointment (made with oil
of mustard), today.
Millions have found it a
marvelous relief. Mil¬
lions use it now instead
of the old-time mustard
plaster. For they know MUSTER OLE
does not blister as old-time mustard
plasters did.
Best for Sore Throat, Bronchitis,
Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia,
Dr. Salter’s Eye Lotion
relieves and cures sore and inflamed eyes in
24 to 48 hours. Helps tlje weak eyed, cures
SALTERNS. without pain. Ask your druggist Reform or dealer for
Only from Dispensary,
68 S. Broad, Atlanta, Georgia
I ^'Tbooth-o^rtc^™” Dyspepsia Tablets
I 8top Relieve size only, Intestinal Gns COc. and j Money Fermentation, Distress Distress refunded after after Immediately. Eatinff. Katin#. One One
if they do
not help, ' v write for Free Sample Box and
1: THY them first if you wish.
11 Broadway 800TH-0VERT0N CO. New York
The Antiseptic powder shaken into
(he shoes—The Standard Rem
tor the feet for a Quartet
*SsKeI_._._3 century 30.000 testimonials. Sold
Trade Mark, everywhere, 25c. Sample FREE.
The Address, Allen S. Olmsted, I.e Rov. N Y.
Man who put the EEs in FEET.
Kv mmWSgSSg&ZEfii short breath, of relief
-rtf A ten gives entire
TV ‘/y in ^ 15to25days. THOMAS E. Trial GREEN. tivatinen Successor teen t Free
r * to
■ Dr. H. H. Greens Sons, Box 0, Atlanta, 6a.
W. N.
Lumbago, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism,
all Pains and Aches of tho
Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles,
Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Feet,Colds
of the Chest (it prevents Pneumonia).
At your druggist’s, in 25c and 50c
jars, and a special Urge hospital size
tor $2.50.
age prepaid.
Rush A. Webster. 794 E. ISSth St.. New York
City., says:
“I can highly recommend Musterole to any
one suffering from Neuralgia or a cold in
If Accept no substitute.
your druggist cannot
supply 50c you, send 25c or
to the MUSTER¬
OLE Company, Cleve¬
land, Ohio, and we will