Newspaper Page Text
!Xbe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davidbon, Editor.
Entered at the Postoffice at Cleveland,
Ga., as second class mall matter.
Subscription, $1.00 per year
Rev. T. W. Kimsey will preach
at Town Creek Baptist Church
next Sunday a 5 o’clock, P. M.
Our readers will note that Mr.
E. D, Potts has withdrawn his
announcement from our columns as
candidate for treasurer, and he will
not be a candidate for this office.
Mr. Frank Carroll has retired
from the hotel business after run¬
ning the Yonah House for the
year, and has moved to his
dence on the Clarkesville road.
far as we know, no one has
rented the Hotel for the
The sermon, a missionary
delivered by Dr. Jenkins, of
ta, at the' Methodist church
night was one which tended
much to convince the
ble. He showed quite clearly
to give always resulted in
and that no sect or individual
receive until they had given,
from a material point of view.
sermon was highly
the seed he has sown (given)
result in a good harvest.
Rev. D. S. Patterson will
at Oakes Chapel the second
day in April at 3 P. M.
Miss Mon tie. Campbell left
nesday morning for a visit of a
days to relatives in Jefferson,
I. J. Cantrell, colored, of
roe, was here this week
and tells us that be has had a
school there. He taught
schools in White county for a
ber of years and always gave
satisfaction, and we are glad to
even our negroes going out into
world and doing good work.
Mr, J. M. Cooley, 0f Mossy
Creek, was taken dangerously ill
Monday with heart trouble, and
for a time was thought,to be dead.
He revived, however, and is again
feeling very much better, and
bright hopes are entertained for
his rapid recovery.
Candidates will please observe
notice of change of date for paying
assessments, published in this issue.
White County Bank has given
permission to the county authorities
to place hitching posts on the un¬
used part of the bank lot for the
accomodation of persons who drive
to town and want ’to hitch their
Wiley's hypnotic and vaude
vile sho\v, which has been in town
for the past week, has been a
scoured of entertainment to the old
and young of our town. The show
was clean and respectable in every
particular, the plays were all nicely
acted, and the whole show boiled
from beginning to end with mirth
and laughter. We feel rather
proud of the words Mr. Wiley used
when he stated, “That he had
never had better audiences for good
behavior than he had in Cleve¬
land.” This statement, coming
from the scource it did, should
make every boy and man in town
strive to continue in the channel of
good behavior, and the words show
men appreciate your good conduct.
Teachers Examination.
The regular State Teachers' Examina¬
tion will take place on Friday and Satur¬
day, June 12 and IS. Examination will
be held at the school house in Cleveland.
The examination for Primary and.
General Elementary Licenses will be
based on the common school text books
and the Manual of Methods. For infor¬
mation concerning the High School Ex¬
amination see the County Superintendent
Examination for the renewal of licensee
of the first grade (June 12) will be upon
the following Reading Course: Manual
of Methods, Allen's Civics and Health,
and Oolgrovo’s The Teacher and the
School. ....... .
As announced before the Board of Ed¬
ucation intends to employ only first and
second grade teachers for 1915.
muMr-Mar* iomj ud t« compound
J. H. Scott, Bluo, G*., writes:
—“I have used and . sold Foley’s
Honey and Tar for all cases of
coughs and colds and I’ve found it
infallible. Irecommend it because it
is the best remedy for coughs and
colds I’ve ever handled. It is a
good and honest medicine.“
Norton & Ash
I will be atCleveland court week
for the purpose of receiving State
and county Tax returns for the
year 1914.
Wm. Palmkr, T. R.
We will grind corn or rye meal,
crush short corn or feed of any kind
on Tuesday and Saturday of each
Corn or rye meal for sale or ex¬
change at all times in any quantity.
At E. B. Craven’s Cannery.
Loudsville Lines.
We are glad to state that Mrs.
Smith is better at this writing.
Mr. C. J. Meaders is wearing a
smile of late days. It’s a boy.
Mr. F. M. Glover and your
correspondent-spent ft few days of
last week on Wbite Creek.
Mr. J. W. Thurmond is wearing
a 44x50 smile. A boy at his house
Mr. Will Beach, of Hall county,
and Miss Lena Ledford spent Sun¬
day night here with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Glover visit¬
ed relatives in Blue Ridge Sunday.
Mr. Marlin visited relatives in
Hall county Saturday.
Mr. Sam Howard and your cor¬
respondent spent Sunday afternoon
on Dukes Creek.
Mr. A. E. Ledford has purchas¬
ed a fine pair of mules, a new wag¬
on, and a saddle. You see he can
now ride when he wants to.
W. M. Golden, Bremen, Ga.,
says-“Foley Kidney Pills are the
best remedy l ever used for kidney
and bladder troubles, also for rheu¬
matism. I can never soy too much
for thefn, and any person having
kidney trouble, backache or rheu¬
matism, should be very glad to
find such a wonderful remedy.“
Sold by Norton & Ash
This season I will stand my
stallion one and one-half miles from
Cleveland on the Nacooche^ road.
He is coming five years old and
weighs 1050 pounds, and has any
and all gates. Call and see him
for yourself. Living colt guaran¬
teed. Fee $5.00.
Sac'a I
; to the | Acre
Georgia’s Oat Crop
What Top-Dressing with “Quick
Acting" Nitrate of Soda Will Do
Early in the Spring apply Nitrate
of Soda evenly at the rate of 100
pounds per acre.
Take this Okolona, Mississippi,
Official Record: Oat a were
planted Oct. 10-20, 1912. Four
acres fertilized with i
Nitrate !
of Soda
produced an average yield of 75.2 I
bushels per acre. No other fer¬
tilizer except Nitrate was used.
The Nitrate was used 100 pounds
per acre—50 pounds being sown
March 1; 50 pounds, April 1.
Why don’t you get busy now?
Let us send you Directions for
Using Nitrate of Soda on Oats.
M Mailtos Av»■«. NEW YOU I
fit Bmuk OfHcm
I am & candidate for Solicitor-General
the Northeastern Circuit, subject to
action of the State democratic prim¬
Your support wiil be appreciated.
-Wn.i.iAM M. Johnson.
the voters of the Northeastern circuit:
I hereby announce my candidacy for
to the office of Solicitor
subject to the action of the
Primary. It has been cus¬
for this officer to he elected for
second term without opposition, and
trust that my past, conduct in fulfilling
duties devolving upon me has been
as that I will receive the hearty en¬
of all.
The proper fulfilling the duties of the
is dependent, largely, upon experi¬
and consequently I believe that my
term’s experience will enable me to
perform the duties in future.
Inasmuch as a good portion of my time
now taken up in the courts, it will be
impossibility for me to see all the
personally, and so I take this
method of soliciting the support of all.
Faithfully yours,
Rort. McMillan.
Desiring to serve my adopted county in
the bouse of representatives of the glori¬
state of Georgia, I hereby announce
myself a candidate' for the legislature,
subject to the will of the people, at the
coming primary election. I have enter¬
ed the race of my own free w ill, and at
the solicitation of no man or party of
men. If the good people ot White county
fit to support me in tide race, I prom¬
ise to work faithfully and honestly for
the best interests of the whole people. I
consult with my constituents as to
needs ami desires and work tireless¬
ly to obtain the action required.
With kind regards for every man,
a supporter or not, f thank you
any ftid, advice or encouragement you
Helen, Ga. R. O. BYARS.
To the voters of White county:
I, G. N. Colley, do hereby announce
candidacy for the office of Clerk of
Superior Court to succeed myself
to the white primary of April 98,
and in making this announcement.
I want to thank the voters of the county
(last support hereby pledging myself
if I am elected, I will make a faith¬
efficient officer.
G. If. CoLJ.SY.
the voters of White county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
she office of Clerk of the Superior
of White county, subject to the
of April 28th.
Thanking you for past support, and
your aid at the coming primary
J. B. R. Barrett.
the voters of White County:
J hereby announce myself a candidate
clerk superior court of White county,
to the primary to be held on the
day of April, 1914. { earnestly
the support of all the voters of
county, and should I be elected I
endeavor to fill the office to the best
my skill and ability.
Respectfully yours,
J. Mood Allison.
the voters of White county:
I take this method of announcing
candidacy to succeed myself as sheriff
in so doing I promise you, if elected,
serve you to the very best of my abil¬
In making this announcement I
desire to thank you for your past
1 will try to see you all be¬
now and the primary election,
28 th, 1914.
Yours very respectfully,
Benton Trotter.
the voters of White couny:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
Sheriff of White county, subject to
action of the people at the coming
If elected 1 promise to be at
post of duty at all times, and to dis¬
the duties of my office to the best
my ability, without fear, favor, or
Thanking you in advance for
that you can do for me, I am,
Your fellow-citizen,
A. L. Dorsey.
the voters of White county;
After being solicited by a number of
and friends, I hereby announce
a candidate for sheriff. If elected
will serve you to the best of my ability.
1 vvaut to thank, the ymepte who
for me in the past election. I will
to see you all between dow and the
Yours respectfully,
G. Y. Hefner.
the voters of White county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
Tax Collector subject to the demo¬
primary. If I am elected one term
will not run again.
Thanking you for past favors.
■ D. N. Glass.
tine voters of White county:
I h ereby announce myself a candidate
re-election to the office of Tax Collect¬
of White county, subject to the prim¬
of April, 19i4, and in making this
I wish to thank the voters
of the county for past favors, and I
pledge myself, if elected, to make an
efficient officer. Respectfully,
P. C. Humphries.
To the voters of White county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Collector, subject to the action
of the democratic primary of April 286h.
C. H. Autry.
To the voters of White county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office ofTaxReceiver
of Wbiu county, subject to the primary,
and promise, if re-elected to continue to
do my duty. Thanking the people for
past support and earnestly soliciting
your support, I am,
Very truly yours,
Wm. Palmer.
To the voters of White county:
I respectfully announce myself a can¬
didate for the office of County Treasurer,
subject to a primary if one is held. Your
support is earnestly solicited.
Thanking you for past favors,
Charley Allies.
To the voters of White county:
I use this means to announce to the
Voters of White county that 1 am a can¬
didate for county treasurer, subject to
the primary if one is held, ami assure
von that your support will lie appreciated
Jambs H. Jackson.
for 1 bearby announce myself a candidate
county treasurer, subject to the pri¬
mary. I will see as many of the voters
as ly soliciting possible before the primary. Earnest¬
your support,
•I. H. Tusker.
I hereby announce for the office of
treasurer of White county. 1 earnestly
solicit of all the voters their support.
Very truly,
John Hamilton.
To the voters of White county:
1 respectfully announce myself a can¬
didate for re-election to the office of coun¬
ty treasurer subject to the primary elec¬
tion. I earnestly solicit the support of
all the voters of the county,
John Satthrfi kld.
To the voters of White county:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of county treasurer, subject
to the primary of April 28th. I hope to
lie able to nee all the voters before the
primary, but as the time is short I may
not get to see all, but I assure you your
help will be truly appreciated.
To fhV voters of White County :
1 take thta method of announcing my¬
self a candidate for the office of county
treasurer, subject to the primary election
A^ir. 28th, 1914.
am now unable to do any kind ofwork
to ear a support and will appreciate
the support of my friends and if
ejected I will make an efficient and faith¬
ful officer
This |hp 3rd, day of April 1914.
R, D. Pruitt,
Shoes Shoes For Every One
Mens’ Oxlords, Tan, Black, Patent Leather
From $3.50 To $4.50
Mens’ Shoes,Tan, Gun Metal, Patent Leather
From $3.50 To $4.50
Mens’ and Boys’ Work Shcer$I¥Tol3l)0
Don’t Let Anyone Go Barefooted.
We Hate a Few Sizes In Boys (Words We Are Closing Out. Sizes 21-2 To 5. Price $1.55
We Have life Latest Styles In Ladies Oxlords, Lace, Button and Pumps. $1,50 lo $3.50.
Ladies’ and Misses’ Shoes, Tan, Black and Patent Leather, $1.25 To $3,59.
We have just moved into our New Store
Room, and you are Invited to come and
the New Goods.
"Will be found in the front part of the Old Store Room. A very pretty line of the latest
Styles and Newest Shapes.
Gleveland, Ga.
I conduct au exclusive Optical
Fit glasses for all forms of eye
Lenses of all kinds carried in stock.
Safety First
AH other considerations are secondary with this
Hank. If you want absolute safety for your money
deposit it in the Farmers & Merchants Hank, owned
and controlled by sixty-five ((>3) White County
citizens, hacked by a.$l,000,000.0() corporation.
Operated solely for the benefit ot home people.
We have money to loan you, or we will pay you
ti per cent for your money when deposited for 12
Cleveland Georgia.
A. Jabrard, J. f). Coolky, C. H. Kytle, W. E. Bbakkfirld
Pies. Vice- Presidents. C ashier.
Effective December 1 8th, I?I3.
7 UP *
Train Train STATIONS Train Train
2 ‘ i 3 1
A. M. PtM. P, M. A.M.
9 45 4 55 LeHve Gainesville Arriv 4 45 9 15
a 50 4 58 “ Gainesville, Maindjt 4 40 9
9 55 5 05 “ New Holland Jet! 10
10 u 5 It) “ Clark 4 SI 9 07
10 18 5 23 Autry 4 20 8 50
10 93 5 80 Dewberry 4 12 8 42
10 37 a 42 5 05 8 35
10 44 5 49 Brook ton 3 54 8 24
10 52 5 57 Clermont 3 47 8 17
10 50 0 01 “ County Line 3 40 8 10
11 Oil 0 11 a Camp Meldean Ground 3 34 8 04
11 20 t> 25 4, Cleveland 3 22 7 52
11 35 0 40 Asbestos 3 08 7 38
11 45 6 50 Yonab 2 53 7 23
11 53 0 58 Naeooehee 2 45 7 15
12 00 7 05 Helen 2 38 7 08
13 10 7 L7 Arrive North Helen 2 30 7 00
Leave 2 25 0 55
I will stand my Tack and Horse
one mile west of Cleveland during
this season. Living colt guaran¬
teed. Fee 15.00.
I have also a good Jersey bull
and a berkshire boar for service.
For Life, Health, Accident, Fire,
or Tornado Insurance, write, phone
or see Herbert Tabor, Cashier,
Clermont Banking Co.