Newspaper Page Text
Cldlk Superior Court m
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
*0. I 6.1
fhe fact that there
criticism as to cor¬
king Nom de Plumes,
lit it understood that
fisible for every word
there we change our
lip oitf intention in ali
f to drive straight from
to speak what we be
the truth regardless of
of any man or set of
the Editor and he will
bur full name, he has it
portb Allen has got a smile
;,he is laughing outright,
g on his head, shouting
You bet, it is a great big
Bing baby girl.
J. P. Evans had a short visit
!>m his daughter and daughter-in
iw, Mrs. Lula Whisenant and
Mrs. Starling Evans of Atlanta.
Jllis son Frank, also of Atlanta, is
up to spend a few weeks with his
Miss Mary Thurman of Asbestos
spent the night here with her uncle
1 st week.
P. Evans took dinner
[and Mrs. H. B. Under
Itsister of Mrs.
is prltici
[h School,
to open
Riding her
Intrell spent
Sunday with
•v> ''/’.‘■■■A jntreli sper
»t i
assaulted by three mim
the influence of whiskey
reason that he preached ag
drinking of whiskey? F’erir
state that we are of the
that it was a cowardly deed
petrated by three contemptabic
cowards. What ive waijt to know
we in a civilized 'country of
e lapd Of heathensff Citizens
hite, what* are you going to
abput sue is.-cowardly action!, on
the part p¥ person!’ that are so pre
ou» hs to call themselves
within the boundaries of your
county. As for ourselves, we want
to go on record as being bitterly
opposed to such hellism. We
make it a point to attend to our
own business and let everybody
else do the same, but when young
bucks fill themselves with the
cursed stuff, for which our county
is swiftiy coming into prominence
as the chief manusacturing center
of, and going around cursing and
assaulting ministers of the Gospel
for preaching the word of God, we
call a halt, and stand ready .to take
a iiand to do all that we can to
make it hot for such infamous,
cowardly curs.
hack! hack! hack !
With r&w tickling ibroat, tight
chest, s%re lungs, you need Foley’s
Honey and Tar Compound, and
quickly. The first dose helps, it
leaves a soothing, healing coating
as it glides down your throat,
feel better at once. Every user is
a friend.
For sale by S. W. Ash.
Don’t Miss This. Cut out this
slip, enclose five cents to Foley &
Co., Chicago, 111., writing your
name and address clearly. You
will receive in return a free tr ' a ^
, . . n. , , ,,
coulds and croup, Poiey Kidney
and Foiey Cathartic Tablets
For sale in your town by,
For sale by S. \V. Ash.
LEAF R. F. D. No. 1.
Rev. Burrell, of Clermont, failed
to fill his appointment at Blue
Creek Sunday. We suppose the
very bad roads and rain prevented
him from coming.
We are sorry to learn of the
sudden death of Uncle John
Chambers of White Creek, who
was found dead near bis residence
December 21st. Uncle John had
lived to a ripe old age, but at last
and when least expected the grim
reaper thrust in his sickle and he
was cut down Job xi\, - says
“man cometh forth like a flower,
and is cut down,” lie fleet!) also as
a shadow and contimieth nni.
Are you ready to meet death ?
not, toworroxv may be too late.
We had some bad weather for
Christmas, but people seemed to
burn powder all the same.
Mr. Lat Tatum has got bis mule
trained now to where it takes all
near cuts. Old Kate knows it is
about election day.
Mr. Frank Tatum made a fast
trip to tire Valley. Xmas day.
On December 23rd Miss B'tilah
Shelnut and Mr.Edgar Smith were
united in the holy bonds of matri¬
mony. The groom is the sou of
Mr. Dave Smith of Habersham
county, and is a highly respected
young man. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. J. H. Shelnut, one
of the fairest and most charming
young ladies of Blue Creek. To
this union we extend best wishes
.for a long and pappy life.
Loudsville Lines. Sr '
V. jCantrell. Jr., ivns.ijp
SlLOdjv. ^ -A
wuf rue Runny V
i. W. »» - C. V2,-------- Moor.
Mr. and Mrs. Frlftik White is
spending some time with relatives
up in Blueridge district during
Christmas. .* .*
■ Mrs.H. A UorEpcT Hhvbeen quite ■
■sick bat'we btt*s*w are glad lo state she'is
- gett! .in| be¬ tter.'
,>Mr. J. A. Ledford has been sick
for some few days.
Mr. White, of Atlanta, spent
Xmas up here at his place.
Mrs. W. E. Evans spent last
week here with her daughter, Mrs,
H, H. Hunt.
Mr. J. T. R. McDonald gavi
some few friends a Christmas tree
up at his home Sunday night. Mr.
McDonald likes to entertain his
friends. lie is also very kind to
the ladies,
Mr. David Lawson has moved
up here and will make this his
future home.
Blue Ridge Dots.
Xmas passed off very quiet up
this way, and was very wet and
Miss Ora Satterfield and Miss
Nannie May Ai‘en paid Mrl and
Mrs. J. E. Reid and family a visit
last Sunday night.
Mr. and/Mrs. W. M. Satterfield
gave the young folks an enterta'in
me ht Christmas night,
Mr. P. J. Winkler organized his
Sunday school last Sunday and said
that he would try it. He did not
know whether he could hold the
class together or not. He can if
they don’t make too frequent visits
We should give t lie more earnest
heed to the admonitions of the last
issue of our county paper on the
line of economy, lest at any " nyiin time
we should let them slip.
. schoof , , 8t de^ud8 , •_ j
Sunday number, and iargely well on ]
age name as as
Cupid, like all other contrivers,
desirous of maintaining his position
struck with accurate aim in
case of Miss Bessie Dorsey and Mr.
j.C. Echols-, who were happily
united in marriage by Rev Wills
. M. , Jones T .... .Sunday afternoon .
last at
two o’clock.
Miss Dorsey is the charming
young daughter of Mr. and M rs.
Payton Dorsey of Mossy Creek ;
while Mr. Echols is a prosperous
young planter of Habersham cotm
Xhe room in which the wedding
took place was beautifully aecprat
ed with different species of evcr
nreen which are emblematical of
long life, and may it be extended
to tlie happy young couple.
Those prominent in the wedding
besides the bride and groom were:
Mr. M, S. Dorsey, best man, ami
Miss May Waldrip, maid of honor.
Immediately after tlie ceremony
dinner was served Which was relish¬
ed by all.
The newlyweds left Monday
morning for their future home in
Habersham county.
Have your c.rtickcd casting
brasses, , steel, , aluminum , welded 1 j 1 1 bv
the Gainesville Auto Co. makes
them good as new.
Also auto supplies, tires and a
No. i workshop.
Phone 213. VV.M, SCMMKR, | k
(lUUiesvilIe, '>a.
> ; 4l nai symptom* neet)
effect ot Dr. '.Sim
‘ '
, ■» - n _■ .
itVbnN Squaw \ T ine. It is a yo
man’s medicine. It is espdciinly
prepattdtiq’pvercbjpe the evil effect
of irregularities, heart palpita$f>d£
and weakfieis due- to the ailments ?
to wldcK-Sjiie. female ‘body is mi
Price .f i >>o per bottle.
Sold by S. \V. Ash.
White Creek News.
We extend our best wishes to
Mr, Jasper Echols and bride for a
long and happy life.
Mr. Manual Garner and Mis*,
Carrie Satterfield were
married December 24 th, Mr. Wnr|
Humphries, J. 1’., performing,the
marriage ceremony. We, wtfli this
couple a joyous journey
a life of many years. "
The baby of ,Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Dorsey, Jr., is very sick at this
Hope it will soon re¬
■- Wt. ,
Mr. W. C. Waldrip made a bus¬
trip to Gainesville last week.
Mr. Claud Skelton was amongg
from here who made a trip to
last week.
Mr. Ernest Glaze and wife .-pent
with Mr. Lester Irvin and
' > *•; .
Miss Flossie Alexander spent
night with Miss Mae
Mr. Eli Smith has .rnoyjed frym
Holly Springs church to Jim
farm at White Creek
-,'v ” . ■
: .M.A.s i „,.„o„v Live, Mc<1
cures constipation and estab*- 1
’ sf,es re g ular bowel movements.:
' ri ce 25 cts. per package. j
W„ Ash*
Legal Advertisements.
; --------------—- - ■ ■■ —---- :
| Wil , lie Bolll l>n th |. first TuMllfty in
] January next, within the legal hours of
sale, before the court house door, in said
county, to the highest bidder for cash,
i t!le f<,1! “ win S property, to wit: One
! mouse colored horse mule, about- tea
years old, weighing about 1000 pounds,
i named •‘Sum.” and known as the A. H.
| Henderson, Jr., mule; also one black
I roan ‘ about seven years old, weigh¬
ing ahunt, 1000 pounds. Said property
levied on as the property of \V. T. Potts
to satisfy a li fa issued from the Superior
Court ot said County in favor of M. G.
Nix.against the said Potts, said property
being in the possession of said Potts
Georgia. White County.
V> ill lie sold at the court house door in
said county on the first Tuesday in Janu¬
ary, ltd - -, within the legal hours of aalc,
to Wit: All that part of lot No. 5 in the
third district of White county, Ga.., eon
j ,:l '"'ng twenty-live (SB)-.acres more or
lass, and morn fully described as follows: j
Alt that part or parrel of land lying 1
uoi'thwfcst ul tho road leading* IVoiu
Rolicrtstown to Cleveland, (hi., and
about two hundred and fifty yards south¬
west of the Rohertstown Postoftice, and
fully described in a deed from W. A.
Jackson, sheriff of White county, Ga., to
Charles Roberts, recorded in book “R,”
folio <57, on the tilth day of June, 1899
Clerk's office, White county, Ga., the
same being the place where J. J. Fain
lives, and the place owned by Mrs. Texas
!■£; j'J'Tud"'rSjJJ?m Took
( "ho 2 ,i 7 , on the 18 th day of Feb
i ruury, 11 K) 7 , Clerk’s oiHuo, White county,
; * ’
tin., with ... ail ,, improvements • thereon. ,
j j
land levied on ft»s the property of
Mrs. Texas Fain, one of the defendants
in ti fa. to satisfy an execution issued on
U <: Pith day of November, i!)ili,from the
J. P. rourl of the i 197tli district, G. M.,
( in m Sitid said county, county, in in favor favor of of J. J. {>. J\ Evans
against J). ,). FV»i and Texas Fain,
This, tike h)ili day of December, 1914.
l’ROTTKR, Sheriff.
White county, Ga.
Fh^* Opportunity to Buy totu^ Christmas and Winter Goods at
1 Uieaiaqse Sale Helen’s Hen's Largest Lamest Slore Sis
Remember We have got anything you need in something thing to to eat eat and wear and; that
m 1 We Are Going To Sell - g ate
At a price that will save you money. We
need your money, and you need our goods.
So if you want bargains, come and get them,
& * 3 *
Bargains for you on every shelf.
Shelves and counters chock full of brand
new shining goods.
^ J* «9»
Come and see them. Plenty of clerks ' to
wait on you.
Remember this sale will continue until De¬
cember 24th, and that every article in our store
will be sold very low.
F.ook fit These Brices
Swentors and Overcoats.. .20 per cent off. ( arhart Overalls....................$1.10
Hats......................20 por cent off. Corduroy Suits.......... $6.00
AAA Sheeting....... ...7 14 e. per yard. Stetson Hats........................$3.50
Calico.................. ...5 e. per yard. 7 Bars Soap ................... ..25 cento.
Che.v.........................5 c. per yard. 3 Packages Soda................ 10 Canto
Shirts...........................45 cents. N Pounds Green Coffee...........$1.00
16 Pounds Sugar........................$1.00
We have all kinds of Sweaters, Underwear, Ladies' Coats, Childrens' Cloaks, Mens’
and Boys’ Clothing. Shoes for your whole family. Hats for the ladies and men, Nice
Christmas presents for your mother, your sister, and your sweetheart. Remember we need
and you need ou r good. Let us trade. A fair deal with everybody,
Wc Vv til buy your C_,hiwkcric. f iD€3.riS t i CdS t CtC»> dnd p^y Highest pflCCS*
Yours for a big, Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year,
A. WHITE, Manager.
1 '
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i hey were the means used by Air. Lovett to achieve his success.
work is really u Messing,
so ‘its up to you ’ to manage your affairs so as to make it pay you
Lovett saved to study law. What are you doing? The be&t
to save is tp deposit a part or all of your earnings with the
Cleveland, Ga.
Deposits are guaranteed.
We pay 6 per cent on Time Deposits.
Known as the Longstreet Gold Mines. 75° acres in one body
Three miles from Cleveland.
Inquire of Ii. A. HARPER, On the property, or
Lovett was born on a farm In T«lta
worked on the farm and In hia broth¬
Grist Mill. Hia first job on a rail¬
was grubbing stumps on the right
of the East & West Texas Rail¬
He afterwards clerked In a store
by the contractor of the road,
went to High School in Houston.
A friend secured a place for him as
Agent at Shepherd, Texas. Hs
here until he had saved t 400 .»*.
went back to Houston to school
he studied law, and entered lato
with J. V. Lea.
His first railroad loss was when h*
the business of the Houston Bast
West Railroad, when it went into the
of the receiver. Sometime after¬
he was made General Manager ot
road. By hard work, and careful
he made good, and was
At the death of E, H. Hmrrima*, he
selected to take charge of all the