Newspaper Page Text
Jr liver and
!l$ while
[iousness, dizzi
j! taste and foul
iting | them to torpid
food in the
logged in the in
Absorbed | being cast out
into the
oison reaches the
it causes con
., throbbing, sick
(lately cleanse the
be sour, undigested
es, take the excess
Ir and carry cut all
(waste matter and
to-night will surely
hut by morning. They
sleep—a 10-eent box
fggist means your head
sweet and your liver
egular for months. Adv.
fin His "Compliment."
said Mr. Hawkins to his
r the other evening, “do you
you have one of the best
Jibe fa?” flushed world?” the delighted Mrs.
a flush of pride at the com
“Do you really think so?”
fertainly do,” continued the heart
(usband, torn “otherwise it would have
out long ago.”
|de Up a Mixture of Sage Tea
Vphur to Bring Back Color,
that Sage
telling Tears
I / .
I , txture
I I ylh is
|dy,” you
k Cletaiing, tod ptict m
Balsam ofMyrrh
For Galls, Wire
Cuts, Lameness,
Strains, Bunches,
Thrush, Old Sores,
Nail Wounds, Foot Rot
Fistula, Bleeding, Etc. Etc.
Made Since 1846 * 5 * 3 ***
Price 25c, SOc and $1.00
All Dealers
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief—Permanent Cure
faiL Purely vegeta¬
ble — act surely
but gently on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner dis¬
indigestion,’ brighten
improve the complexion, the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
A toilet preparation ct merit.
Helps to eradicate dandruff.
For Restoring Color and
Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair.
60 c. ar-d fLOO at I/rag-g-jets.
Build Up With
Liable Wintersmith’s
remedy tor malaria, chills and T/irti*. Iwlllv
lever, colds and grip. 50c.
Macon,— Rev. I)r. W. L. Pickard,
president of Mercer university, has
also been elected president of Bessie
Tift college at Forsyth, according to
an announcement made here by the
board of trustees.
Columbus,—Columbus banks are to
throw away their bottles of red ink
after the close of business December
33. The banks have all given notice
to the public that, beginning with Jan¬
uary 1, no overdrafts will be honored.
It is stated that this rule will be
enforced without variance,
Moultrie,—Thirteen prisoners, two
of them white, overpowered Deputy
Sheriff Beard and escaped from the
Colquitt county jail. Jack Hodkan,
one of the white men. went home and
his father returned him to the sheriff.
One negro has been captured and
track dogs are on the trail of the
Valdosta.—The largest assemblage
that ever attended a funeral in this
city followed the remains of former
United States Senator W. 8. West to
Sunset. Hill cemetery at three o’clock
■Wednesday afternoon. The funeral
services at the home on Patterson
street and the service at the grave
were conducted by Rev. Allen Wiison,
pastor of the First Christian church,
of which Senator West was a mem¬
ber. They consisted of a scripture
reading ar.d a touching tribute by Doc.
tor Wilson, with songs by the choir.
Athens.—The conference on market¬
ing of agricultural products, scheduled
for the 18th of January at the State
College of Agriculture, has been ante
poned to the 15th. The best thought
available will be beard on affording
market for farm crops and on prepa¬
ration of farm crops for market. The
meeting occurs the day after the short
courses close at the college and before
the series of midwinter conventions
of various agricultural kinds begins.
It is expected that the conference will
be largely attended.
Lavonia.—A solid car of 36 regis¬
tered Hereford bulls and heifers was
received at Lavonia, These cattle
were purchased in Missouri for the
two live stock associations of Frank¬
lin and Hart counties. These cows
are of the best, beef type that can be
had in the county. Two representa¬
tives made the trip to the Northwest,
to purchase them, and bought the
best there was on the market.. Every
one in the lot was registered and al¬
most all of them were sold when
they were brought to Lavonia. The
farmers of Hart county took about
half of them and farmers of Franklin
county will take the other half. This
is perh aps lh»; most exp ensive car of
^section of
b which questions
Ijuisitjon of territory, wealth of
?n, balance of power, future wel
and, In fact, all the questions
are driving Europe mad are
ed. It will, however, from all
it indications, be a peaceful war.
Mine since a dispute arose be
DeRalb and Rockdale counties
as tc where the county line which di¬
vides them lay. Being unable to reach
a decision, these counties asked the
governor to appoint a surveyor to run
the line and make his report. Gover¬
nor Slaton appointed T. E. Carter, a
civil engineer, to perform these du¬
ties. Mr. Carter has performed these
duties and rendered his report, which
is entirely satisfactory to Rockdale,
hut not to DeKalb, which has com¬
plained to Secretary of State Phil
Cook. The date for a hearing in the
matter has not yet. been set.
Brunswick.—The large plant of the
Glynn Canning company, which has
been closed for the past several weeks
owing to the decrease in the demand
for canned oysters, has resumed opera¬
tion, giving employment to two or
three hundred people and also provid
ing work tor a number of boats en¬
gaged in catching prawn. Manager
Abrams of the company stated that
t’ne demand was steadily increasing;
that the prices had remained the
same and that he expected a good sea¬
son for both the prawn and oyster
business, both of which are- canned by
the company.
Atlanta.—An appeal of Victor E.
Innes and his wife to prevent extra¬
dition to Georgia for trial in Atlanta
was submitted to the court of appeals
in Austin, Texas. This is the first
revival of the famous Nelms disap¬
pearance mystery Id a month or more.
The Inneses are under indictment by
the Fulton county grand jury for lar¬
ceny after trust, representatives of the
missing girls’ family having taken this
procedure when they failed to procure
evidence in San Antonio to convict the
suspects of murder. Proceedings have
been taken to bring them back to
Georgia soil, which action the prison¬
ers are now seeking to combat. The
appeal will be given an early hear¬
Washington, D. C.—Representatives
Frank Park, Charles R. Crisp, Wil¬
liam Schley Howard, Dudley M.
Hughes and Thomas M. Beil are sup¬
porting house. the Representative Hobson amendment Samuel in the J. j
j j
Tribble if, paired in favor cf the bill,
Those opposed were Representatives
William C. Adamson, Charies L. Bart- j
lett, Gordon Lee and Carl Vinson.
Representative Charles G. Edwards of
the Savannah district is absent and
not paired, which is equivalent tc a
vote against the resolution.
I Guarantee "Dodsons’ Liver Tone” Will Give You the Best Liver
and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had—Doesn’t Make You Sick!
Stop using calomel! It makes you
sick. Don't lose a day's work. If you
feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti¬
pated, listen to me!
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver
which causes necrosis of the bones
Calomel, when it comes into contact
with sour bile crashes into it, breaking
it up. This is when you feel that aw¬
ful nausea and cramping. If you feel
"all knocked out,” if your liver is tor¬
pid and bowels constipated or you
have headache, dizziness, coated
tongue, if breath is bad or stomach
sour just try a spoonful of harmless
Dodson's Liver Tone.
Here's my guarantee—Go to any
drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent
bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a
Rather a "Giveaway” Was His Eager¬
ness to Demonstrate He Could
File an Alibi.
At a special session in Washington
reference was made to the matter of
making bad breaks, when Congress¬
man James A. Frear of Wisconsin was
reminded of an incident along that
Some time ago, he said, a farmer
out his way began to miss his chick¬
ens, and in order to better protect
them he had the door of the coop fitted
with iron bars. Still the fowls dis¬
appeared, and finally a party named
Rastus was arrested on suspicion.
"There seems to be no evidence
against this man,” said Rastus’ lawyer
to the judge at the subsequent trial,
“and I ask your honor to discharge
“I will let him off with a suspended
sentence,’’ answered the judge, ‘‘pro¬
viding he can file an alibi. Can you
file an alibi. Rastus?” he continued,
turning (o the defendant.
“Yassah, boss. Yassah!” was the
prompt response of Rastus. "I kin
if dey ain't no harder dan de baits on
Mistah Johnsin’s chicken coop.”—
Philadelphia Telegraph.
Prompter Had Done Much for the
Actors, But It Seemed It
Wasn't Enough.
In the production of a play there
Is an important person who is never
and should ncJk be board by tfce
pidience, and yet hv maj speak more
pes than the principal actor. It .s
e prompter.
ire is a description of a prompt
ers labors, written by one of the
"I, as prompter, had been kept very
busy throughout the piece. In addi¬
tion to keeping the actors on their
lines, it was my duty to make all the
outside noises, 1 had screamed ‘Help!’
I had shouted ‘Kill him!' I had dropped
planks to cover up deficient, pistol re¬
ports. I had thundered, hailed, rained,
sung like a woman, marched like an
army, and howled like an infuriated
rabble inflated by drink. The last
straw came when the hero, supposed
to be pursued by hounds, sidled to
(he wings and hissed:
“‘Bark, you fool, bark! Why don't
you bark, you idiot?’ ”
Save Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent Bottle
of Danderine Right Now—Also
Stops Itching Scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair 1 b mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its luster, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish¬
ness and itching of the scalp, which
if not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die—then the
falls out fast. A little Danderine
tonight—now—any time—will surely
save your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any store, and after
the first application your hair will
take on that life, luster and luxuriance I
which is so beautiful. It will become j
wavy and fluffy and have the appear¬
ance of abundance; an incomparable
gloss and softness, but what will
please you most will be after just a
few weeks’ use, when you will actual¬
ly see a lot of fine, downy hair—new
hair—growing all over the scalp. Adv.
A Mutual Surprise.
Father—You didn’t think I would
pay all your college debts, now did
Freshman—If I had they’d been
much bigger.—Philadelphia Ledger.
Lurks In A Weak Heart
If Tours is fluttering or weak, uss RENOVINE.’’ Made by Van Vleet-Mansfi eld.Dru g Co.^Mem phle. Tsnn. Pries *1.00
spoonful and if it doesn’t straighten
you right up and make you feel fine
and vigorous I want you to go back to
the store and get your money. Dod¬
son's Liver Tone is, destroying the
sale of calomel because it is real liver
medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore
it cannot salivate or make you sick.
1 guarantee that one spoonful of
Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your
sluggish liver to work and clean your
bowels of that sour bile and consti¬
pated waste which is clogging your
system and making you feel miserable.
I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s
Liver Tone will keep your entire fam¬
ily feeling fine for months. Give It to
your children. It is harmless; doesn't
gripe and they like its pleasant taste.
“My dear, you ought to pass up friv¬
olous things and take an interest in
deep subjects. Take history, for in¬
stance. Here is an interesting item.
Gessler, the tyrant, put up a hat for
the Swiss to salute." The lady was a
trifle interested. “How was it
trimmed?” she inquired.—Ixmisville
Say* Too Much Meat Form* Uric Acid
Which Clogs the Kidney* and
Irritate* the Bladder.
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and clog¬
ged and need a flushing occasionally,
else we have backache and dull misery
in the kidney region, severe head¬
aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver
acid stomach, sleeplessness and all
sorts of bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
region, get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
[This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com¬
bined with lithia, apd is harmless to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity. It also neu¬
tralizes the acids In the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus ending blad¬
der disorders.
Jad Salts ds harmless; inexpensive;
water f ?.kef drink; 8 delightful which yffervesceql everybody should lithia
take now and then to keep their kid¬
neys c.le«n, thiil! avoiding serious com¬
A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be¬
lieve in overcoming kidney trouble
while it is only trouble.—Adv.
The New Torpedo.
The torpedo, equipped with a net.
cutler and with an effective radius of
10,700 yards, has been perfected at the
navy torpedo station at Newport.
The best long range torpedo owned
by any nation Is one which is effective
at about three and one-half miles,
while the new. United Slates torpedo
has an effective range of six miles.
Such a torpedo will be of incalcu¬
lable advantage to a seagoing subma¬
rine, or to a fleet at a long distance
from shore, experts pointed out.
Pessimistic Papa.
“Pa,” said Johnny, who is a persist¬
ent. knowledge-seeker, “what is a law
"There isn’t any such thing, John¬
ny," replied the old gentleman, who
had been involved in considerable liti¬
gation in his time.
“But this book says that somebody
was a great law-giver,” persisted the
"Then it's a mistake,” rejoined his
father. “I,aw is never given. It’s re¬
tailed in mighty small quantities at
mighty high figures."
It7 YOUB Murine OWN Wye rntnOGIST Heniedy lor will tell you
Mtpis Grannl&tod Hod. Weak, Waters
and No SmrrtlDg—
J*st b mail Rye comfort. Writ© for Book of the Kye
j Free. Murine Kye Kennedy Co., Chicago.
No Bargain Sale Stuff.
Little William was spending the af¬
ternoon with a neighbor, and during
his stay several ladies from near by
dropped in for a. game of bridge.
“I saw Willie’s mother just now
as I passed the house,” remarked one
lady. Then turning to the little chap,
g ] Ie added: "I wonder if you know'
what a very pretfy woman your moth
er is?”
"Ob, I take good care of that!” re¬
plied six-year-old William, complacent¬
ly. "1 picked her out myself.”
An Expensive Set.
“Mamma,” exclaimed Benny as he
rushed in from school, “our new teach¬
er has such fine teeth!”
“Has she, dear?”
“Yes, indeed! They are nearly all
It doesn't pay to fight other people’s
battles, unless you happen to be a law¬
Youngsters Proved Them¬
selves Amusingly Adept at "Get
Quick” Foreign Language.
They had but recently arrived in
and in order to fit them¬
to shine in diplomatic circles
taking especial pains to acquire
certain fluency and understanding
foreign languages.
Little Willie had heard so much
the “get-quick foreign language”
that when he and his little neigh¬
were called upon to give an ex¬
of their progress in modern
they were quite ready to
so. Doting fathers, uncles and
sat about, and when the lesson
been completed, and proper praise
been bestowed, little Willie looked
at his audience, and with
shake of his little curls, said, "Res¬
There vAis a general disposi¬
to laugh, which culminated in a
guffaw when little Katrina,
to the emergency, piped out:
Tanks!”—“Affairs at Wash¬
Joe Mitchell Chappie, in Na¬
Bathe your face for several minutes
with resinol soap and hot water, then
apply a little resinol ointment very
gently. Let this stay on ten minutes,
and wash off with resinol Boap and
more hot water, finishing with a dash
of coid water to close the pores. Do
this once or twice a day, and you will
be astonished to find how quickly the
healing, antiseptic resinol medication
soothes and cleanses the pores, re¬
moves pimples and blackheads, and
leaves the complexion clear and vel¬
vety. All druggists sell resinol soap
and resinol ointment.—Adv.
To Mend Pipes.
When the pipes are rusted in spots
and unsafe to use, by applying strips
of wet asbestos paper on hot pipes
the paper will adhere closely and
so seal the pipes. This has been
found a great economy, as the fur¬
nace pipes last, a year longer without
repairing them than they otherwise
If the kitchen range contains an
ugly crack, you may fill it with a ce¬
ment made by beating one egg, to
which add sifted ashes and stove pol¬
ish until thick enough to spread.
Work the paste smooth over the top.
This will harden almost like iron and
will take a polish that will render the
break unnoticeable.
Important to Mother*
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOR1A, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
In Use For Over 30 Tears.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castom
No Reason.
“But I cannot understand why you
say no; your mother has no objection
to your marrying me?”
“No; and 1 have not the slightest ob¬
jection to my mqther marrying you, so
there you are.”—Houston Post.
Change of Program.
“Why do you insist on moving ev¬
ery year?”
“By the time a year is up I know all
the tunes in the neighboring phono¬
graphs by heart.”
Inspectors of Sales Will
Keep Stocks of French
Market Coffee Fresh
The building of our special machinery at New Orleans
made it possible to deliver the genuine French Market
Coffee to every home in perfectly sealed cans. Great quan¬
tities of this coffee is now sold throughout the South.
Therefore, we have Inspectors of Sales who will call at
stores where French Market Coffee is sold to see that the
stock of French Market Coffee is always superior kept fresh, so
French Market will be fresher as well as to any
other coffee sold in the South.
french Market Coffee
The Wonderful Old Secret Blend
Think what this means to those who love and appreciate
fresh superb coffee. Judge by actual test how much better French
Market Coffee is than any other coffee you can buy.
Send 10 cents for 12 cup sample and booklet
of the Story of French Market
1 Pound Cans - - $ .25
4-Pound Pails - - 1.00
French Market Mills, New Orleans, u
New Orleans Coffee Co M Ltd., Props.
G1t*r Prompt and Positive Belief In $1.00. Every
Case. Bold by Druggists. Price
Trial Package oy Mail 10c.
WILLIAMS MEG. CO., Props., Cleveland, 0.
Musterole Works Easier, Quicker
and Wi thout the Blister
There’s no sense in mixing up a mess
of mustard, flour and water when you
can so easily relieve pain, soreness or
stiffness with a little clean, white MUS*
MUSTEROLE is made of pure oil ot
mustard and other helpful Ingredients,
combined in the form of a pleasant white
ointment. It takes the place of the ont*
of-date mustard plaster, and will not
MUSTEROLE gives prompt relief
from Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Tonsilitis*
Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Pleurisy,
Headache, Congestion, Rheu¬
matism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches ot
the Back or Joints, Sprains, Frosted Sore Feet, Muscles, Cold*
Bruises, Chilblains,
of the Chest (it often prevents Pneu¬
monia). druggist’s, in 25c and 50c jar*,,
At your
and a special large hospital size for $2.50,
- Be sure you get the genuine MUS¬
TEROLE. Refuse Musterole imitations—get Company* what
you ask for. The
Cleveland, Ohio.
We can ebow you bow to earn dollars wbara
too are now earning VccSly. cents. A Hustler tally can
earr. over *50.00 SS4.00 couutrtn
etooae and equips competition you in your own an
all year round, Article, no business oiiar
an applications teed exclusive preference. territory. Address: First
glTen COMFANT, Inc^
«* Bast 23U Street New York City
I QROPSY Hnvivi T,E relief, * TE A soon usunlljr remores giro, swelling quick
lend shortJsreeth^otten glees entirerriferiat
JlATHOMAS 'H. U. Greco's Sons. E. GREEN, Boi A. Successor Chslswortt, to C% Dr.,
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 1-1915.
Couldn't Beat Her.
Eilanora had been the negro maid at
Mrs. Hopson’s for several years, andS
left to get married, says the Delinea¬
tor. She moved to another city and.
nothing had been seen of her for a
couple of years, when one day she
called on her former mistresB.
"And so you have a little son, Ellap
nora?” said Mrs. Hopson.
"Yes’uro,” smiled the woman. "A
nice little boy.”
"And what did you name him?*
queried Mrs. Hopson.
"Well, we calls him Eggnogg,” re¬
plied the colored woman.
"Eggnogg!” said the other. "That’**
a funny name for a boy.”
"Well, yo’ see, missus," explained;
Eilanora, "det. cullud woman what,
lived nex’ doah to me named her twins. ■
Tom and Jerry, an’ I didn’t want to be
outdone by her. 7 - * ’ r "
6 or 6 doses 666 will break any case
of Chills ft Fever, Colds ft LaGrippe*
it acts on the liver better than Cain,
mel and does not gripe or slckea.
Price 25c—Adv.
Meaning a Fury, of Course..
"Dad, wbat’s a nemesis?”
"Son, a nemesis is a married wom¬
an whose husband has promised her
a new fall hat and hasn’t the money
to buy one.”
A woman never knows what she
wants till she realizes she can’t get It*.
Kodak Films
Return charges paid on nil iani)
orders addressed to Dept A,
Bend for catalog and prtc*
list on finishing.
113 W. DvrU Strict. JuLwdit, FtA.