Newspaper Page Text
velanfc -Courier,
fgan of White County, Ga
'Published Weekly a*. Cleveland Ga,
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Postoffie.e at Cleveland,
Ga., HP second class mail matter.
Subscription, *1.00 per year
With this issue we enter upon
the responsibility of the publica¬
tion of the Cleveland Courier for
the year 1915. Our efforts will be
found ever endeavoring to support
what we believe to be the best in¬
terests of the county, and the up¬
lift of the moral, financial and
social realms of our population.
The people of White county pos¬
sess a high standard of truthfulness
honesty and justice, but there re¬
mains yet in our midst (so to
speak) fields that are barren, forests
decaying, and mines of intellect
drifting to the depths of the sea.
During me past year our Corres¬
pondents have greatly assisted us
in making the Courier a newspapei
which has been appreciated by its
readers, and we cheerfully exten i
to them our thanks for their kind
efforts. We hope they will greet
the New Year with courage and
determination, and that with these
strong supports they may be en¬
abled to do more for the betterment
of themselves and others than ever
Our subscribers have been won¬
derfully prompt in meeting their
obligations with us—-especially so
when we take present, financial
conditions into consideration—for
which we feel quite thankful, and
to those who have not yet renewed
we respectfully ask that they do so
as early as possible, as by that we
would be enabled to do for those
who have done for us,and we don’t
want: you to miss a single issue.
Wishing you all a happy and
prosperous Yew Year.
The Editor.
..-•-A<c' ,w -.'v.tyi-irk , |j in iho court¬
house in Cleveland Monday morn¬
ing, Justice W. J. Oakes, Jr., pre¬
siding, which created considerable
interest in Shoal Creek district.
It was one of those cases we deep¬
ly regret sometimes comes‘before
the courts. Two young men of
that district had made some im¬
proper proposals to a girl of about
thirteen years. One of the voting
men, and from what we-can learn,
the principal one in the case, has
evaded the officers. The other was
tried and bound over to the
April term of the superior court
on evidence which only showed
the.possibility of his being con¬
nected in the case by being present
When the mud upon our roads
again dries out and the surface be¬
comes smooth, we are of the opin¬
ion the traveling public will appre¬
ciate good roads. Of course we
favor good roads—any sensible per¬
son does. But what is the use to
favor good roads at this time? We
have good summer roads, and we
have the very worst type of winter
roads—and nobody cares, much.
There is but one hope for good
roads, and that does not go into
effect until the county reaches the
point when it sees economy in the
purchase and operation of an engine
and rock crusher, and cover the
roads with a heavy coat of gravel.
We spend thousands of dollars, in
labor and money, annually on our
roads without making anv perman¬
ent improvement upon them.
There are two changes to be
made in the county officials today,
being that of the sheriff and clerk
of tire court. Mr. G. Y. Hefner
assumes the position of sheriff, and
Mr. J. B. R. Barrett, that of clerk
of the court.
We offer our entire stock
general merchandise at a-big re¬
duction in prices. Various
at cost and some below actual cost.
Come and see goods for yourself.
This sale is cash or produce, no
anything charged.
W, X. Tuhne n A Sons.
Amongst those visiting in
land other than those chronicled in
• South Side” during the . Christ¬
mas holidays, j|pre: Mrs. M. C.
('nder wood an¥ daughter, Lizzie,
Mrs. P. L. Huggins and' family,
II. II. Davidson.
Christmas in Cleveland has been
particularly quiet. Not because
people were fearful of being ar
reigned before the Mayor, perhaps,
but because they were only play¬
fully and harmlessly inclined, we
hope, and it is a pleasure to us and
a credit to the boys and the town
that peace prevailed.
Mr. and Mrs, S. A. Adams of
Mel dean, are delighted over the
arrival of a fine boy at their home.
Mr. J. I\ Saxon has moved from
the house he has occupied for some
time to one farther out of town,
where he enjoys greater liberties.
We are requested to announce
that the Oddfellows of Mt. Y on ah
Lodge No. 405 will install their
officers Saturday night, January 2
In the election held for school
trustees Thursday for Cleveland
High School the following were
elected : J. B. Skelton and T, F.
Underwood for a term of three
years, and H. A. Jarrard to fill the
nuexpired term of Alex. Davidson,
one year.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McAfee
spent Sunday at the home of the
Some of our young people en¬
joyed a musical at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Smith Saturday
Mr. N. C. Conley, tenant on the
farm of Mr. A. II. Henderson on
Tesnatee, moved near Concord this
Wednesday was as a day as a
rose in the center of a mudhole.
Dr. and Mrs, J. E. Norton, Mr.
J. 1 ), Underwood Supf. of Schools
for Hall county, Mr. and Mrs. J.
11 . Telford and son, Joe, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. McAfee and family
made cheerful the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex, Davidson by their
presence on Christmas day.
Croup scares you. The loud
hoarse croupv cough, choking and
grasping for breath,labored breath¬
ing, call for immediate relief. The
very first doses ot Foley’s Honey
and Tar Compound will master the
croup. It cuts the thick mucus,
clears away the phlegm and opens
up and eases the air passages.
For sale by S. W. Ash.
We are sorry to hear of the ill¬
ness of Miss Bertha Craven. Hope
she may soon be out again.
Mr. Charlie AY. Henderson, who
has been spending a few days with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Henderson, has returned to his
home at Jasper.
Mr. O. E. Kenimer was shaking
hands with old friends on South
Side last Sunday. Oscar is a jovial
fuHovv > and we are always glad to
Air. and M. A. Cooley, who
have been visiting here for several
days, returned to their home at
Kennesaw last Monday
Mr. J. D. Underwood, of Gaines¬
ville, visited kin folks on South
Side last Saturday.
Mr. Charlie Edwards, who lias
been teaching school in Gwinett holidays! ]
county, is spending the
with home folks.
If you are not familiar with mud
just walk out Underwood street I
through the railroad cut.
Miss Blanche Henderson is home
for the holidays.
We wish one and all a happyj
and prosperous New Year.
FOR RENT—A good farm in
Shoal Creek district of White
County. For terms address, A. O.
LaPrade, Winslow, Am,, IV
Box 773.
FUOM (Sidney
Around on her feet all
wonder a woman has
headache,stiff swollen
ness,poor sleep and kidney
Foley Kidney Pills give quick
lief for these troubEs.
strengthen the kidneys—take
the aches, pain and
Make life worth living again.
Foley Kidney Pills and see
much better you feel.
For sale by S. W. -Ash.
Harness and buggy
owned by Mr. R. T. Kcnimer.
good one. 1 have no use for
and will accept offer.
One Studebaker, 30
5 passenger.
One Studebaker, 30
3 passenger.
One Overland, 30, 5
One Maxwell, 23, 2
One Maxwell, 36, 4 passenger.
One Studebaker, 30,latest
starter, electric lights.
One Ford, 5 passenger, good
Also new cars, Studebaker
'Fhe above cars all in A No.
shape, and do not have to have
money. Paper that is A No.
will be accepted.
Also have fine line
A No. 1 repair shop. No
or botch work done at my place.
Wu. SUMMER, Jr.,
Gainesville. Gu.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, _ ..... as the
/■it cannot nvtnf reach t'/. t*/ib the 4L.i seat ii/.i. f of . P 4*5..IL-.., the dlwmac. Ca¬
tarrh 1s a blood or constitutional disease,
and in order to cure it you must take In¬
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken Internally, and acts directly upon
the Wood and mucous surface. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medlcim . It
sicians was prescribed this by one of the best phy¬
In country for years and Is
a regular prescription. It Is composed
the best tonics known, combined with the
best blood purifiers, acting directly on tin
mucous surfaces. The, perfect combina¬
tion of the two- Ingredients Is what pro¬
duces such wonderful results in curing
catarrh. Rend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENKY 6- CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, price 7fc.
Take Hall's Family Pills far ooastivatioo.
nyeare -•-®Ss£==.^-=«FS-3S
STANDART'V, Patterns^
Cleveland, Ga.
Three to Ten Years as Desired.
Anywhere from #306.00 up at
percent. Both Farm and
Loans, See me at Cleveland,
1 N S U R A N C E.
For Life, Health, Accident,
or Tornado Insurance, write,
or see Herbert Tabor,
Clermont Banking Co.
FOLEY Note These
PILLS lat«>re«ting having to icon **s»<51 I
women Bladder trouble*] Kioney
That Foley Kidney Pills are suc¬
cessful everywhere with al! kidney j
and bladder troubles, backache,
weak back, rheumatism, stiff and
aching joints, because they arc a
true medicine, honestly made, that
you cannot take into your system
without having good result*.
They make your kidneys strong
and healthily active, they regulate
the bladder* Tonic in action, quick
in giving good results. Try them.
For sale bv S. W. ASH.
Cleveland, Ga.
Office hoars:
6 to 8 A, M. Wcdnes 5 A.M. to a P. M.
Extra for nigtu au 'rfc
Attorney at Law
Cleveland, Ga,
Legal Advertisements.
Georgia, White County.
To whom it may concern :
Sheri Palmer having made application
to me in dire form to he appointed per¬
manent administrator upon the estate of
Win. Palmer, late of said county, notice
is hereby given that svid application will
be heard at the regular term of the court
of Ordinary, for said county, to he held
on the first Monday in January, 19t,7.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 7th day of December. i9t4.
8 . L. Brown, Ordinary.
Georgia, White county:
V. ill he sold at the court house door in
the town of Cleveland, said county, on
the first Tuesday in January, i 9 if>, with¬
in the legal hours of sale to the highest
and Lest bidder for cash, the following
property, to wit: Four acres of land,
more or less, and being off of lots Nos.
37 and 00 in the second district, said
county, and being the place where James
London now Byes. There is on this
place a two room boxed house with out¬
buildings. Said land levied on as the
proparty of James London, to satisfy an
execution issued on the 28th day of April
r!H J, from the superior court said county
in favor of J. B. Palmer against said
London. Written notice given as the
law requires. This fhe Dth day of Dec.
Georgia, White. County.
October term Superior Court for said
October in, i!)i4.
1 J. M. Slator, Governor, versus Beeroan
Weight, securities: A. L. Garland, for¬
feiture of two recognizances.
Beeroan Wright and A. L. Garland
non-residents of said county, greeting:
You are hereby required to be and ap¬
pear personally, or by attorney, at the
next term of the superior court, to be
held in and for said county, on the
second Monday in April next, to show
cause, if any they have, why judgment
should not lie rendered against them for
the amount of their reermizance, forfeited
as aforesaid, as in default thereof the
court w ill proceed as to justice shall ap¬
Witness .the Honorable J. B. Jones.
Judged of «aid court, this 7th day of
December, i9(4.
Georgia, White County.
October term Superior Court for said
Octet hu- 15 , i!it-l.
•1, M. Slaton, Governor, versus & J.
Crane, sc-unties: John Turner, J. W,
sssr. f
county, greeting:
Yon .are hew by required to be
pear personally, or by attorney , sat the
next term of the superior court, to be
bold in and for said county, on the
(second Monday in April next, to show
/cause, if any they have, why judgment
should not be rendered against them for
the amount of their recognizance, for¬
feited as aforesaid, as iti default thereof
the court will proceed as to justice shall
Witness the Honorable J. B. Jones.
Judge of said court, this 7th day of Dec.
(i. N. COLLEY. O.S.C
State of (Georgia, White County.
October term superior court for said
October 16 , 1914.
J. M. Slaton, Governor, versus Frank
Farmer, securities: W. A. Jackson, for¬
feiture of recognizance.
To Frank Farmer a non-resident of
said county:
You are hereby required to be and
j appear personally, or by attorney, at the
next term of the superior court, to be
held iu and for said county, on the
second Monday in April next, to show
cause, if any they have, why judgment
should not be rendered against them for
the amount of their recognizance, for¬
feited as aforesaid, as in default thereof
the court will proceed as to justice shall
Witness 1 he Honorable J. B. Jones.
Judge of said court, this 7th day of Dec.
| State of Georgia, White County
! Oct. 19t4 Term Superior Court for
Said County.
Oi’t. tfi, 1 914. j
,1. M. Slaton Governor, versus L. L. J
Stephens, securities: S. R. Vandiver, O.
W. Stephens. M. W. Stephens,forfeitures j
j of To three L. L. recognizances. Stephens, a now * resident of
j said county:
! Y ou are hereby required to be and ap
> pear personally, or by attorney, at the
j next term of the Superior Court, to be
j held in and for said county, to be held in
and for said county, on the 2nd. Monday
in April next, to show cause, if any you
have, wliy judgement should not be j
rendered against you for the amount of
; your recognizance, forfeited as aforesaid,
as in default thereof the court will pro¬
ceed as to justice shall appertain,
j Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones, Judge
of said court, this 4th, day of December
j i9*4.
G. N. COLLF.Y, C. S. C.
Value of the Annual Fail
Conferences In the
The Agrici
Pres. Andrew M. Soule, Georgia State Col
The annual meeting of the Georgia
Breeders' Association will be held
January 16, the annual meeting of the*
Georgia Dairy and Live Stock Asso¬
ciation on January 18-19, the annual
meeting of the Georgia Horticultural
Society on January 19-20 and the an¬
nual meeting of the Georgia Apple
Growers’ Association on January 21.
All are to be held at the College of
Agrieutlure at Athens. These meet¬
ings follow immediately after the
short courses, thus affording short
course students an opportunity of at¬
tending these splendid meetings with¬
out the usual cost.
Special railroad rates have been ob¬
tained for these meetings as well as
for the short course. Those who at.
tend should be sure to ask for the spe¬
cial rates.
The program for these meetings will
be rich with valuable information.
Practical men who have dealt with
and met their various problems in
Georgia will appear on the program!
Authorities of nation-wide reputation
will come with their special messages.
Special efforts are being made to pre
J. W. Firor, Georgia State Col. of Agr.
Time and labor can be saved by so
timing the spraying of peaches and
apples as to control or destroy several
fungus trouble and an insect at one
operation. Nearly all orchards are in¬
fested with the 3au Jose scale. This
necessitates at least one spraying dur.
ing the dormant season when the or¬
chard is slightly infested and two
sprayings when badly infested. Even
when no scale has been observed in
the orchard during the past season, it
is advisable to make a spring spray¬
ing to prevent infestation. It will
serve also to clean up the trees and
prevent such injurious fungus trou¬
bles as the curl of the peacli and scab
of the apple.
The worst infection of the apple
scab takes place during the week or
ten days previous to the opening of the
buds. A thorough spraying with lime
sulphur solution at that time is recom¬
mended. The strength of the solution
depends upon the development of the
bud. Up to the first showing of pink
by the buds, use winter strength or 5
consistent wRamj
WHITE .^l«
Unexcelled Service
To all Points
North South East Wesi
For rates, information, reservations, etc., address:
J. C. Beam, A.G.P.A. R. L. Baylor, D.P.A.
Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga*
J. C. Bioodworth. T.P.A.,
Macon, Ga.
“ Train
Train Train STATIONS Train
2 4 3
A. M. P..M A.M. P. M.
9 45 4 45 Leave Gainesville Dejiot Arrive 9 15 4 1.7
9 SO 4 50 ** Main Street < ‘ 9 08 4 08
9 .74 4 04 *» New Holland Jet. ** 9 05 4 05
10 05 5 05 “ Clark “ 8 .70 3 .70
10 12 5 12 *4 A utry “ 8 42 3 42
10 19 5 19 * * Dewberry “ 8 3.7 3 3-7
10 31 .7 31 kt Brockton S 24 3 24
10 41 5 4 I Clermont *4 8 17 3 17
10 49 5 49 ** Countv Ground Line 8 8 04 10 3 3 04 10 j
10 53 3 53 Camp “ 7
11 03 6 03 ** Meldean “ 52 2 52
11 17 6 17 Cleveland “ 7 39 2 39
11 29 0 39 “ Asbestos at 7 28 2 26
11 33 6 33 “ Mount Yonah tS 7 23 2 23
11 37 6 37 ** Y onab it 7 19 2 19
11 45 6 45 Nacoochee “ 7 13 2 13
11 52 6 52 Helen t« 7 05 2 05
12 00 7 00 Arrive North Helen Leave 7 00 2 00
sent at the
year, progrel
ing to the cl
the state is]
“Make up
attend the t* j
stay for th.>
With such
tion obtainedl
year, as will
meetings, tl
months will
pleasant. Whl
go in Georgia*
formation for
gram from col
versi head eft,-thl
and the farm e<|
The wives of '
the meetings inti
Me. The meetinS
ral society have al
tended by women.
come while the girl wii%
conducted, they
ested in the canning^
and poultry work in
gallons of the eomn
phur to 50 gallons of tl
the strength to 2 or 3 if
SO of water after the burn!
The spores of the leaf ’
live over the winter on thS
and twigs of the peach trel
come active during the two ’
this weeks time, before the buds open, j
by making the solutil wint
ing with iiine-sulphur
mereial lime-sulphur 5 gallons ' 1
water) the scale will he combatted
and the leaf curl prevented. Thls^,
spraying must be timed accurate
and made thoroughly to ge^
results. Mislble oils will
place of the lime-sulciji
though they will
Bordeaux mix
above mi