Newspaper Page Text
Sbe Cleveland
Official Organ af While County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Postofflee at Cleveland,
Ga., a« second class mail matter.
Subscription, *1.00 per year
The question which will con¬
front the people of White county
the first Saturday in August, that
of voting for or against bonds to
build a court-house, is one which
we urge every voter to thoroughly
investigate and consider from every
angle, and it would be well for him
not to arrive at any conclusion un¬
til all the facts are before him, and
he has ample time to consider his
own interests, the interests of his
sons and daughters, and the inter¬
est of White county.
The only thing that any good
citizen can desire to do is to vote
in the interest of White county, the
county in which he, perhaps, was
horn, has become a part of, and
which sustains his existence to-day.
This being true, then, how could it
he possible for any person who has
even a small part of personal pride
and honor in him to act ■ detrimen¬
tal to the success and glory of his
beloved county.
The first question, one which has
been under consideration for many
years, was, “Does White county
need and can it afford a new court¬
house?” The county commission¬
ers have so decided, and our inter¬
ests are their interests, and
there can be no difference be¬
tween the county' commissioners
and the people in this respect, and
they have the authority to decide
and is their duty to decide such
questions for us.
It is not a question of whether
we shall have a new court-house,
but how shall we raise the money
to build it? The county now raises
annually approximately $j3,000.00
state and county taxes, and to raise
an additional (yOjeQQ'.oo by direct
taxation would increase the taxes
about three and an half times. For
instance, if a persons tuxes now
were $10,00 on property is would
he increased by direct taxation to
about $35.00.
On the other hand, if we vote for
bonds, the increase would he for
the first year, over the $12,000 now
raised, only $2,350.00, which is
nearly one-fifth increase. That is
to say,if your taxes are now $10.00
(we use $10.00 just for an illustra¬
tion) they' would be increased the
first year to nearly $12.00,and each
year thereafter there would be a
decrease (or a falling off in the
amount) in proportion to the
amount paid off (which will be
$1,000,00 each year and interest
upon the whole amount unpaid)
and the increase in taxable proper¬
ty in the county.
Again, if a person have no pro¬
perty in White county upon tax
return day of the year taxes are to
he levied to raise the whole amount
(in case of direct taxation) they
would pay nothing toward the con¬
struction of the new court-house.
Hut if the court-house is built by
# bonds, and a person possesses pro¬
perty in the county within the en¬
suing thirty years, then he contri¬
butes to tiie construction of the
property he will derive more bene¬
fit from than those upon whom the
burden would now fall upon
direct taxation. We all know that
no man or woman, son or
of real worth wants something
Our jail was built by direct
tion. Do you remember that?
do, and we suppose that every
tax payer in the county at
time remembers it, and
it as well as we do. A hard
wasn’t it ?
How much have any of
wealthly ones coming into
midst since that time paid
taxation to its construction?
ing. Then, instead of saving
children of a burden, we have
dened ourselves unnecessarily
save others more able to pay
Ihat many of us were, and who
joy as much benefit from it as
of us do. In other words, we
expended money for these people,
(and we don’t regret they are with
us by any means, for they' have
been worth much to the county)
but if we had so prepared the way
for them they would have been
worth just that much more, and
they would never have known the
difference, and we would have been
better off to-day by just that much
money to our credit with what we
could nave made out of it by it*
Can’t you see the point?
Through development the pro¬
perty valuation in White county
has nearly doubled since the jail
was built, and the tax valuation
increases every year, not only
through accumulation by those now
residents of White county, but
through the continual stream of
investors in White county proper¬
ty. Of this latter class, especially,
will the future see more than the
past, for America is to-day the
richest nation in the world, and
when those who are possessed wjtli
millions and millions seek the
South for a field of investment,
which is a natural consequence in
in the near future, the whole South
will bloom and blossom as never
Indiana Man'« Experience.
Frank Moseley, Moore’s Hill,
Ind., writes: “I was troubled with
almost constant pains in my sides
and hack. Great relief was appar¬
ent after the first dose of Foley
Kidney Pills and in 4.8 hours all
pain left me.” Foley Kidney Pills
make kidneys active and healthful
and stop sleep-disturbing bladder
Mr. E, S. Ledford ha* returned
from CopperbiU, Tenn., and will
run the blacksmith shop at the
Work is progressing nicely at
the new school building under the
management of Craven & Jones,
,Mr, and Mrs. Geo, M. Quillian,
accompanied by Miss Mary Logan
and a daughter of Col. II. H.
Dean, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. R. T. Kenimer.
The recent rains have made the
corn crops grow very fust during
the [last few weeks, and farmer are
kept busy trying to keep down the
weeds which are doing their best
to get in the way of the growth of
the crops,
Dr, E. M. McDonald, of Jeffer¬
son, n very genial gentleman in¬
deed, is here on a visit to his broth¬
er, Dr. T.J.McDonald. He will re¬
main a short time to recuperate
from a slight attack of rheumatism,
and the citizens of Cleveland are
delighted to have him in their
Born to Mr. and Mrs. \V. H.
Bell, a son. Mr. Bell is a happy
man, and lie and lus wife have de¬
cided to name the baby Rev. John
Herbert Crow Bell. The people
upon the Cleveland circuit will
remember one of their former
pastor’s was named John M. Crow,
whom they thought a great deal of.
and who. really, was entitled to a
great deal of good opinion by the
better class of citizens, for Mr.
Crow was a good, clean, square
cut man in his talk and in his work,
as well as in his conversation by
the fireside. We hope that the
little one at the home of Mr. Bell
will grow to be as good a man as
the man whom he was named after
is in the estimation of his father
and others inWhite county. It was
Rev. Crow who enrolled Mr. Bell’s
name in the church book at Cleve¬
land Methodist church. It is pleas¬
ing. also, to learn that Mr. Crow
would like to be again in
county after his work in the minis¬
try is finished. It is evidence that
he thinks well of the people
White county and this mountain
Miss Elizabeth Potts
her little friends Thursday night at
a birthday party birthday party.
Cut This Out—It Is Worth
this slip, enclose with five cents
to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111 .,
ing your name and address clearly.
You will receive in return a trial
package containing Foley’s Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs,
colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills
and Foley Cathartic Tablets.
“Miles M” is a registered Short¬
horn, dropped May 25,1915. After
a journey by rail from Illinois lie
weighed 670 pounds, having been
on the road two weeks. Fee, $'.
He is at Jess Hunt’s farm.
An excursion is to be run from
Cleveland to Munroe, Walton
county, July i, 1916. The price
for a round trip ticket will by only
$1.00, and can be had from Col,
C. H. Edwards,
We have before us a letter from
a former resident of White, whose
name we do feel justified in dis¬
closing without authority, who
writes from Texas stating : “The
fields are level and rich. People
here do no not even use their stable
or lot manure. Everything grows
quick. Grain harvested very good.
Very little running water. All
field work is done by machinery.
Everybody rides the plows. We
have one acre in garden and tend it
with a riding cultivator. This is a
great stock country. Everybody
iias horses, cows, hogs and poultry.
They all do well, hut as for me, 1
like Cleveland and White county.
You may not handle so much
money, but you get there all the
The words of this writer especi¬
ally the last sentence, should
kept well in mind by all who con¬
template going west.
One 4*h.p. Peerless engine', one
Demurest shingle mill; one flo. t)
DeLoach saw mill. All second hand
but in good running order. See or
write John C. Dodd, Cleveland,
Ga., R. 3.
How To Get Kid Of A ( old.
Read how C, R, Summers, Hold
redgr, Neb,, got rid of his cold : “I
contracted a severe cough and cold
and could hardy sleep. By using
Foley’s Honey and Tar as directed
my cough was entirely cured and 1
give it full credit for my speedy re¬
covery.” Foley’s always soothes
and heals. Children love it.
Misses Florence and Mary Willie
Potts, Messrs, Allan Jarrard and
Fred Fitts, motored over to Cor¬
nelia Sunday where they spent a
very pleasant day at the home of
Miss Enla Irvin.
Mr. Tom Warwick, of Texas,
who was here last year for a few
months on a visit to his brother,
Mr. D. N. Warwick, lias returned
for a visit again. llis many
friends here are again glad to see
him in White county, and hope
that will enjoy most heartily his
visit to the countv of his boyhood
Many Women Need Help.
Women are as much inclined to
kidney trouble as are men. but too
often make the mistake of thinking
that a certain amount of pain and
torture is their lot and cannot be
avoided. Foley Kidney Pills give
quick relief from backache, pains
in sides and muscles, stiff, sore, ach
ing joints, and bladder ailments.
I have thirty-five pigs, some full
blooded Durocs and some half -
breeds. The Duroc breed of pigs
is a very fine breed, being possibly
the best breed for the farmers of
this section* See or write me. Lo¬
cated one mile from Cleveland Ga,
j Jess Hi nt.
me is the right time for glass of
Morning, noon, or night—for a thirst-quencher, or
just fora delicious healthful beverage—you will find
a new pleasure in every refreshing glass.
Ailanta. Ga.
Demand the genuine by full name—
okkrv&xrvea encourage substitution.
Ninety acre farm, one mile out.
One hundred and ninety acre farm, one and one-half miles out.
Sixteen and one-half acres, three-fourths of a mile out.
Dwelling and six acres in city.
Dwelling and four acres in city.
Fifty feet by one hundred and fiity feet lot.
If you are interested let us hear from you. We would like for
vou to list your town lots and farms with us.
To yon who bank with us, we appreciate your patronage.
J’o you who do not bank wit it ns, we solicit your patronage on the basis of
SOUND BANKING and COURTEOUS BKKVICR. We appreciate every account
on our nooks—wn**ther it he Ittrgtt or small—ami invite you to give us a trial wilh
your account, and then decide whether or not this bank* is the BANK OF SERVICE
Bare systematically, and when you have money, DEPOSIT WI TH l T S, and
wiien you haven’t any, LET US SERVE YOU.
Six per cent on Time Deposits. Ali Deposits Guaranteed
President Vice-Presidents Cashier
Cleveland, Ga.
Just received a nice line of new
bats. Good hats at a low price.
Don’t just read, blit come in and ;
see for yourself. Seeing is believ¬
ing. Also new line of Middy 75c
value for 6oe its long as they last.
Also some $1,25 beautiful Middy*,
white with blue or red and all
white with crocret buttons. Be
sure and see us before buying. Al¬
so take anything in produce, and
give high prices for chickens and
eggs, would like to have some corn
peas anti caneseed. Now is the |
time to buy. New skirts from $t
to $1.75. |
Six Per Cent Money To Loan. i
On improved farm lands for five
years time, $1000.06 or over at
percent. Less than $1000.00 at
7 '/(■
See II. V. Johnson, Attv.,
311 Jackson Bldg.,
Gainesville, Ga.
Fire, Life. Sick ane Accident.
A. G. Maxwell. Agent,
Cleveland, Ga.
A dark bay horse with black
points and star in forehead, com
ing 7 years old, 16 hands high,
weight 1060. He is a good com
bination stallion. Will work or
drive anywhere. Can show some
fine colts for the past three seasons.
Prince was sired by a Copperbottom
Grandsire a Kentucky combination
stallion. Dam a Morgan. Not
more than forty mares served.
Foal guaranteed.
A prize of $10.00 in gold will be
] given October 15th, iqxfi, to the
] owner of his best colt for 1916. You
jean not ffo better than to breed t
\V. T. Oakss, Jr.
Get Stonecypher’s Irish Poiatoe
Bug Killer Compound. At Cleve¬
land Drug Co., aj cents the fan.
■ Cleveland, Ga.
We invite everybody to come to
see out line. VVe have a complete
jj ne of merchandise for a country
town. M e have oneof the biggest
lines of shoes and slippers 41 nd
tennis slippers we ever hud. We
have a lot ot jobs in shoes and slipp¬
er-, to close out at wholesale cost
and less. We are going togell them.
Come before they are all gone.
\\ e make the lowest prices on
everything for cash, and chickens
and eggs a specialty with ns. We
want your chickens and eggs and
will pay the highest prices in ex
change for merchandise.
W. thank the people for business
they have given us in the past,
hope to do more in the futuir We
will always give you our lowest
and will guarantee satisfac
tion when you deal with us.
are here for business and will do
everything in our power to save
you money.
We have feed stuff for sale at the
lowest cash price for chickens and
eggs and corn. \\> ask the farm
ers to come toCleveland to do their
trading, and don’t forget to conte
to see us at the Jackson & Barrett
old stand, northeast corner public
square. as»we want your business.
and will do everything we can for
your interest.
Conte one, come all.
T. ]. Hoopkr .V Son.
For Life, Health, Accident Fire
or Tornado Insurance, write, phone
or see Herbert Tabor, “qt i Jackson
Gainesville, Ga.
I will nay qo cents for first class
white or post oak cross ties, 7 x 9
inches and 8 feet long, delivered
on the G. A X. \V. R. R. at Cleve
land or Asbestos. Ga. See me
depot Cleveland, Ga.
WANTED Indian relics of
all kinds. Highest prices paid.
J. \V. Me Alee, Cleveland. Ga.
with good oil liniment. That’s
the surest way to stop them,
j, Ihe best rubbing liniment is
Good for the A ilments of
Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc.
fa your own A ches.
Pains, . Rheumatism, Sprains,
Cuts, Burns, Etc.
25c. 50c. $ I. At all Dealer*
Legal Advertisements.
State of Georgia, White Superior Court,
Oct. Term iHHi.
Liberal for Divorce.
Mrs. Dora Nix vs. W, D. Nix
By order of the Superior Court of White
< ’ounty Georgia;
The defendant, W. T>. Nix is hereby
cited and required personally or by *u
attorney to tie and appear at the Superior
Court to lie held in and for said county
on the Second Monday in October, itilti,
then and there to make answer or defen¬
sive allegation, in writing to the plain¬
tiffs libel, as in default thereof the court
will ptoceed according to the statute in
such cases made and provided.
Witness the Honorable J. U. Jones,
judge of said court, this Ktli day of May
IS Hi.
.1, B, R. Barrbtt, Clerk.
Georgia, White County.
April Term Superior Court for said
county, April i2, IStti. N. E. Harris,
Governor,Versus Thou. J. Standridge, Jk
.1, H. Martin, Security non-residents of
said county. Forfeiture of Recognizance,
To Thos, J. Sandridge & J. H. Martin
non residents of said County, Greeting;
You are hereby required to be and ap¬
pear personally, or by attorney at the
next term of the Superior Court to he
| held in and for said County on the Second
Monday in October next, to show cans*
if any t hey have why judgment should
not lie rendered against them for the
amount of their recognizance, forfeited
as aforesaid, as in default thereof the
court will proceed as to justice shall ap¬
Witness the Hun. J, B. Jones. Judge of
said court, this the Ifttll day of April
J. H. ft. Barrett, C. 8. C.
Georgia White County ,
Will be sold at the Court House door
j in said county on the first Tuesday in
July 19i6, within the legal hours of saie
to the highest bidder for cash the follow
ing described land to wit: Farts of iol#
of land Nits. 131 and 132 in the third
Hist, of said county, and known as part
of the old home place of 8. (..Castleberry
and described as follows. Commencing
| at a point on the Cleveland and Nacoie.
; bee road where said road forks or in
lersecls with the Dahlonegn and Naeoo
I chee mad at the four mile poet from
| Cleveland. Ga., thence northerly with
iNacoochee road to the Yonab school
house property, thence west to the creek,
! thence northerly up said creek to the
land line of A. M. Allison thence west¬
] erly with said Allison line to the Cleve¬
I land and lliawassee road, thence south¬
erly with said Cleveland and Hiawassee
I road to where it strikes the Dahlonega
I and Naeoochee road, thenee westerly
with said Dablonega and Naeooeliee road
to the line of G. S. Kytle’s land, thence
southerly with said G. 8. Kytle land to
j the line ofthe.l. C. Bell place, now known
j as the Dr. Crawford place, thenee east
j with the line of said. J. C. Bell place to
the (’reek, thenee northerly up said creek
! to the public road leading from Cleve.
1 land to Hiawassee, thence east to tire
i beginning point, containing forty acres
I more or less. This tract of land tigs on it
one dwelfjng house and barn and some
ten acres in cultivation, the principal
part of which is bottom land. This
would make a good small farm and is al¬
so a good stand for selling goods and al¬
ready ha- a store house ready for occup¬
ancy. Levied on as the property of John
A. Carlton to satisfy an execution is¬
sued on the 19th day of April, 19rt>, from
ttie superior court of said county in fator
nf Underwood & Henderson and VV. A.
Charters against John A Carlton. Not¬
ice of levy given John Noglich. tenant
in possession, gs required by iaw.
This 29th day of April 19H5.
G. V. Heknkr. Sheriff,
of While Co., Ga.
Georgia, white County.
Mrs. Lolia Alexander haying made
application for twelve months support
out i f ttie estate of Jerry M. Alexander,
and appraisers duly appointed to set
apart the same having filed their return,
all persons concerned are hereby requir¬
ed to show cause ticf -re the court of
Ordinary «>f said county on the first Mon¬
day in July. 191tS. why said application
should not he granted. This 5th day of
June, 191ti.
S. L. BROWN, Ordinary.