Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Major Roper and wife of
New Holland are visiting their
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Shuler.
The railroad management would
do the public a favor if they would
put on.more cars this year than
usual, and if necessary charge re¬
gular rates.
Messrs. J. S. Allen and J. W.
Ilood on Tesnatee spent a short
time with Mr. W. S. Thurmond
last week.
Miss Lilian L.Goar, one of the
Nacoochee teachers for the term be¬
ginning September is at the home
of Mr. W. S. Thurmond at present
\\ e do not know' what a good teac¬
her she may be in public schools,
but we do know she is an able Sun¬
day school teacher, and judging
from the way she conducts herself
we believe she possesses something
that would be good for everybody
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot roach
the diseased portion of the car. There it
only one way to cure deafness, and that ir
by constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the mu
cous lining of the Kuatachlan Tube. When
this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and
unless tho inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal condi¬
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh
which is nothing but an inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that
cannot be cur. d by Hall's Catarrh Cure,
bend for circulars, free,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by- Druggists, ?5c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Legal iPtdvertxsements.
Georgia \V bite Couty :
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county, within the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, on the first Tuesday in September
next the following property, to wit:
Part of lot of land No. >3 in the sixth dis¬
trict of said county, and known as the
late tome of Rcbeca Avans, and the
place on which she lived for many years
and died, containing 62| acres more or
less. Levied on to satisfy a tax ti fa
issued by P. C. Humphries, tax collector
of Baid county, on the 20th. day of Dec.
Ii)l5, for State and County taxes for the
year i9t5 due on said land in favor of
the state and county against said Rebeea
Said fi fa was regularly transferred to
A. H. Henderson, Jr., as transferee.
Property pointed out by J. W. 11. I nder
wood, the owner.
Low made by E. K. Gibson, L. C.,
and returned tome.
Also at the same time and place ami
on like terms, will be sold the following
property to wit: Ten acres of land off of
lot of land No. 42 in the third district of
White county Georgia, and known as the
Bob Jarrett, colored, home place and
whereon Bob Jarrett*s mother now lives.
Levied on as the property of the defend¬
ant, Bob Jarrett, to satisfy a tax fi fa in
favor of the state anil county against said
defendant for state and county taxes for
the year i9i 5. Fi fa issued by P. C.
Humphries, tax collector of said county
on the 20th. day of Dec. I!ti5.
Also at the same time anil place and
on the same terms, will lie sold the fol¬
lowing property to wit: Fifty acres of
land off of lot No. i0 in the third district
of said county and lying in the north¬
west corner of said lot and directly north
of the Fifty acres levied on by roe May,
10th 1916, and sold the first Tuesday in
June, 19i6. Levied on as the property
of W. I. Stovall to satisfy a balance due
on tax fi fa in favor of the state and
county against the said W. I. Stovall.
There is no improvements on this pro¬
perty. Fi fa issued by P. C. Humphries,
tax collector of said county, on the 20th.
day of Dec. 1915.
Also at the same time ami place and on
like terms will be sold the following pro¬
perty to wit: Lot No. 18 in Block No. fi
in i the iiic town ivnn of vi Robertstown, *-—------------ Ga.. said
>unty, as per plat made by F. G. Jones
nd id J. J. H. H. Allen Allen and and known known as the J. C.
Towers house and lot in said town of
tobertstown, Ga., and being the same
ouse and lot bought by the defendant,
I. J. Williams, from the said J. 1 ■
Towers. Levied on as the property of
J. Williams, to satisfy a fi fa issued
•om the superior court of said county in
ivor of Geo. D. Witt Shoe Company
gainst Jackson, Williams <fc- Barrett,
rm composed of W. A. Jackson, the de
rndant, M. J, Williams and J. B. R.
Also at the same time and place and on
ie same terms, will be sold the follow
property to wit: Lot No. 1, Block
lg of Helen, Ga., de
line, in the town as
-ribed in a plat made by F. G. Jones
d J. H. Allen, levied on as the proper¬
n fi fa
s' of T. S. Hogsed to satisfy a tax
; e by P. C. Humphries, tax collector
gue S. Hogsed for
f said county against T.
tate and county taxes for the year i915.
’here is no improvements on this lot.
G. V, Hefxtsb, Sheriff.
'his Aug. 9th. 1916.
Georgia White County,
Personally before me the undersigned
officer of saitl county came Solomon Ma
loof and Charlie Maloof and on oath say,
that they were the former members of the
firm of Maloof and Brothers, of Helen Ga
and that they have lately dissolved co¬
partnership and that said Solomon Ma¬
loof lias no further interest in the busi¬
ness whatever and will not be responsi¬
ble for any indebtedness hereafter incurr¬
ed in the name of the above firm.
Chas. W. Maloof.
Solomon Maloof.
Sworn to and subscribed to before me
this the 17, day of July, IMiti.
Chas. W. White
Not, Pub. White Co. Ga.,
Georgia, White county:
Notice is hereby given that, the under¬
signed has applied to the Ordinary of said
county for leave to sell all the land be¬
longing to the estate of Joseph M. Satter¬
field for the payment of debits and
for the purpose of distribution. Said
application will be heard at, (he regular
term of the court of ordinary for said
county to be held on the first Monday in
September, i9t6. This 7th day of August,
1916 .
T. T. Satterfield
Mrs. Huldah Osborn
upon the estate of Joseph M. Satterfield.
Mrs. Emma Davis V. S. Will Davis.
Petition for the removal of disabilities in
White Superior Court Oct. term, lliii.
To Will Davis: you are hereby notified
to lie and appear, either in person or by
attorney, at the Oct. term of White Super¬
ior Court, inlti, to answer the complaint
of Mrs. Emma Davis, in an action for the
removal of disabilities.
Witness the Hon. J. 13. Jones Judge of
said court, this the 15th day of Aug.,
J. B. R. Earkktt, Clerk.
Georgia White county:
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
September next at the court-house in
said county at public outcry, within the
legal hours of sale to the highest bidder
for cash, the following property, to wit:
Part, of lot of land No. 123 in the 3rd dis¬
trict of said county, and being tlie lot ly¬
ing directly southeast of the office build¬
ing of the defendant. E. A. Stafford, con¬
taining one and one-half acres more or
less, and known as the house and lot of
the said F. A. Stafford, the house built
for a dwelling at Mt. Yonah station on
the Gainesville & N. W. R. R., in said
county, and known as the Stafford house
and lot. There is a good four-room house
on this property almost brand new and
will make a nice summer home for any
family. Said property levied on as the
propei'ty of F. A. Stafford to satisfy a ii
fain favor of W. II. Chambers against, F
A. Stafford, issued from Delalb superior
court against the said Stafford, said pro¬
perty being in possession of the defend¬
ant. Notice given of this levy as requir¬
ed by law, August 2, 1916.
G. V. Hbfnbk, Sheriff.
Office of Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues ofWhite County, Georgia, June
monthly meeting, June 7th, 19 1 0 held in
the court-house in said county.
Present: R. T. Kenimer, Chairman,
G. A. Vandiver, and J. N. Hulsey, com¬
prising all the members of said Board.
The following resolution was introduc¬
ed, duly seconded, and after discussion,
was unanimously adopted:
Whereas, it is made to appear to this
Board that the present court-house of
White County, Ga., is inadequate to meet
the demands of the people, and insuffici¬
ent in every particular for the require¬
ments of the citizens of the county, and
incapable of preserving the records of
the county, etc, and in order that the
proper requirements of the citizens, and
the preservation of the records may be
met, it will tie necessary, either to repair
the old court-house, or build a new one,
and it being made further to appear that
the present court-house is not located on
a proper site, and that it could not be
made to meet the requirements of the
county, even with the expenditure of a
large sum of money for repairs, and
further, that whatever sum of money
might be so expended for repairs would
be practically a waste of such funds.
THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that it is
j decided aeciueu by ny rnis this Board uoara that rnai it n is neces
j sar y the county build anew court
j j JOUS ,,^ (jin game to Vie erected on some
\ pi-oj^r location in the present county site
as may be hereafter selected by this
Board; and,
* Rggolved, further, that it has been made
j ] to to appear a pr> ear to t c) tbj this g Board Board that that such such site site can can
j j j je j )Urc hased and a new court-house erect
I ed thereon for the gnm „f Thirty Thous
nd (.4^0,000.00) Dollars, and in the
judgment of this Board, having regard
to the best interest of the county and its
| citizens, a fund in that amount can best
be raised by the issue of Bonds, the pro¬
ceeds of which shall be applied alone to
the purchase of a suitable lot, and the
erection of a court-house thereon, and
furnishing ol said court-house with seats,
desks, vaults etc,, and to put water works
in same, if necessary.
Resolved, further, and it is hereby so
ordered and directed by this Board, that
an election be, and the same is hereby
called to be held on the 15th day of
j August, 1916, at which shall be submitt¬
ed to the qualified voters of the county of
1 White the question of whether bonds
beTssued in the sum of Thirty'
($30,000-00) Dollars, the pro¬
of which shall be used in the pur¬
of a lot and the erection thereon of
suitable court-house and equipping
the same with seats, desks, vaults, etc.,
to put in water works if necessary.
Said bonds to be of a denomination of
Thousand ($1000, 00) Dollars each,
be numbered consecutively from (t;
to thirty (30) inclusive, to tie dated
the 1st, 1917, to bear interest
from date at the rate of four and one
(4-j) pereentum per annum, interest
payable annually on the first day
January of each year, according to the
interest coupons to be attached, both
and interest to be payable in
gold coin at one of the Banks in Cleve¬
land, Ga , one of said bonds to mature
on the first, day of January of
year beginning with the year 1!HS,
that all of said bonds shall lie paid
within Thirty (30) years from the date
of said issue.
Resolved, further, and it is hereby
ordered , that notice of said election be
published in the Cleveland Courier, n
newspaper published in the town of
Cleveland, Georgia, and being the news¬
paper in which thesheriff’s ad vert isments
for the county of White are published,
for the space of* thirty (30) days next
preceding the loth day of August.,
191(3, notifying the qualified voters of
White County that on the date named an
election will be held to determine the
question whether said bonds shall lie is¬
sued by said county, which notice shall
be in the following form:
Georgia, White County.
Office of Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues of White County, Georgia.
To the qualified voters of White County,
Notice is hereby given that, the Hoard
of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues
of White County Inis ca’led an election
to be hold on the 15th day of August, 1916,
at which election will be submitted to
qualified voters of said county the quos
lion whether or not bonds shall be issued
by said White County in the sum of Thirty
Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) for the
purpose of raising funds to be applied to
the purchase of a tract of land in the
town of Cleveland, Georgia, the comity
site, and the, erection thereon of a suitable
court house, and eqnipping the same With
proper desks, scats, vaults etc., and to
put water works in the same,if necessary,
saiil bonds to be of the denomination of
One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) each,
to be numbered yonsecutively from one
(1) to thirty (30), inclusive, to be dated
Atlanta, August 8.—State
E. P. Dobbs of Cobb county, in
suance of promises made in the
nouncement of his candidacy for
office of comptroller general of
gia, has just given out the first
several statements in which
charges William A. Wright,
in that office, with the
for huge losses of Georgians who
vested their money in income, or
antee fund certificates issued by
tual insurance companies
upon the legal reserve basis.
In the announcement of his
dacy for this office, Senator Dobbs
fers to complaints against tho
ment in numerous letters from
zens of Georgia urging him to
and says:
"The admitted record of unfor¬
tunate results following the ad¬
ministration of this department
for the past ten years will, in rny
opinion, amply illustrate an abso¬
lute public necessity for a new
comptroller general and Insurance
commissioner, and the installation
of energetic and progressive meth¬
ods for these combined depart¬
Referring to his own success in
manufacturing business In
and in other enterprises and
the support of friends and the
of Georgia generally, particularly
"whose recent contact with this
partment convinces them that my
nouncement is opportune,” he
”1 will, at an early date, furnish
the public with the official records
of results above referred to, and
which will astonish the uninform¬
ed by disclosing the amazing num¬
ber of preventable losses suffered
by the people of Georgia on ac¬
count of lax administration—a rec¬
ord in which Georgia leads the
blacklist of all the states in the
The People Misled
It is in pursuance of this announce¬
ment promise that Senator Dobbs now
proposes to give specific instances. He
charges Mr. Wright with an effort to
fool the people regarding income
guarantee fund certificates, in that he
makes it appear in his report to the
governor, dated January 1, 1976, that
MUTUAL insurance companies were
authorized to issue these certificates.
Dealing with the insurance act of
on page 8, Mr. Wright states in part
as follows:
“No provision of this statute has
been of more immediate benefit
January the first, 1917, to bear interest
from date at the rate of four and one-half
(lb) pereentum per annum, payable an¬
nually according to coupons attached to
said bonds, both principal and interest
to be payable in gold coin at one of the
Banks in Cleveland, Ga., the principal
of one of said bonds to mature on the first
day of January, 1918, and one on the
first day of January of each and every
year thereafter up to and including Jan¬
uary the first., i947, so that all () f sa i,)
bonds shall mature and tie fully paid off
within thirty years from their date.
All citizens of said county who are
qualified to vote for members of the
General Assembly,and who are duly reg¬
istered, are qualified to vote in this elec¬
Those desiring to vote in favor of the
issuance of said bonds shall east a ballot
on which is written or printed thereon
“FDR BONDS” and those opposed to the
issuance of said bonds shall cast a bal¬
lot on which is written or printed there¬
This the 7th day' of Juno, 1916.
Signed. R. T. Krnimku, Chairman
G. A. Vanoivku
J. N. Hulsey.
Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of
White County, Georgia.
By the Board.
C.1I. Edwards.
Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues of White County,
Be it further resolved, and it. is ordered
that the polls shall lie opened at all vot¬
ing or election precincts within the limits
of the county of White, and that said
election shall be bold by the same per¬
sons, and in the same manner, under the
same rules and regulations that elections
for officers of said county are held, and
the returns shall be made to the Board
of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues
of said county, on or before 12:51. on
the 16th day of August, 1916, who shall,
in the presence of and together with the
special managers who bring up the re¬
turns, declare the result.
Resolved., further, that this resolution be
entered on the minutes of this Board.
This 7th day of June, 1916.
R. T. huNiMHK, Chairman
G. A. Vandivkk
J. N. Hulsky.
Commissioner of Road and Revenues of
White County, Ga.
C. II. Edwards.
Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues of White County,
to the public than tho section
which I drafted dealing with what
is known as ‘Income’ or interest
bearing certificates, issued by mu¬
tual and co-operative or assess¬
ment industrial companies. Tho
Stale of Georgia in 1909 legalized
these certificates.”
Mr. Dobbs states that tho act of
1909 makes no mention of mutual life
Insurance companies, but Confines it¬
self to “any mutual aid, benefit, or in¬
dustrial insurance company incorpo¬
rated under the laws of this state
upon the co-operative or mutual as¬
sessment plan;” and that the section
of the 1912 act, whose authorship is
claimed by Mr. Wright, has no further
effect than to repeal the law of 1909;
that, nowhere in the laws of Georgia
is there or has there ever been any
statute authorizing the issuance of
these certificates by Mutual Legal Re¬
serve insurance institutions.
Millions Were Lost
It is charged that one Georgia com¬
pany has issued more than $1,500,060
of these certificates, some prior to
1909 and many during the latter part
of 1912, with the knowledge and con¬
sent of Mr. Wright; that two other
Georgia companies have Issued more
than $850,000 of these certificates,
making the amazing total of more than
$2,000,000 issued without any author¬
General Wright admits in his report
that "the sale of these certificates
caused a financial loss to many citi¬
zens," and attempts to relieve himself
of responsibility by stating that “the
insurance department had absolutely
no jurisdiction.”
Senator Dobbs points out that char¬
ters granted to these companies make
them subject not only to the laws of
the state, but also to “any rules or
regulations of the insurance commis¬
sioner ...” and that these insti¬
tutions could easily have been pre¬
vented from taking the hard-earned
dollars of citizens in practically every
nook and corner of Georgia, without
the return of any value, had Mr.
Wright, as insurance commissioner,
regulated them by proper rules and
compelled them to comply with the
“One of the most unpardonable and
neglectful of the acts that go to make
up Mr. Wright's official record," Sen¬
ator Dobbs states, “was his failure to
require the Empire Life Insurance
Company to make the $100,000 deposit
as the law requires, for the protection
of its policy holders, before issuing to
this company a license wffien it began
doing business during 1912,”
Foley ’a Honey and Tar is a par¬
ticularly good cold, cough and
croup medicine for chiklrin because
it contains no opiates or liabit
forming drugs. The “little colds”
of summer, as well rs the long
standing, deep seated coughs, that
hang on for months, are banished
by its use. The first dose brings
relief and comfort.
Ninety acre farm, forty acres in
cultivation, thirty acre pasture,
twenty acres woodland. Four room
house out buildings, fine spring.
Jarrard Realty Co.
. V- ■
- i
Richard R. Russell
Candidate for Congress
Ninth Congressional District
Jmlgi* Bussell is one of the people, his heart boats true to their lxf«
terest. ins whole record proves this to lie true. His ability in debate it
iiuqm siidned. He asks the privilege of milking a fight for the grand old
N‘idh 1 'on;:n ssioual ills!riel for equality in the distribution of the money
which you help io pay to the national treasury. He stands for government
highu.i/.s in lix* mountain eonnlie.s, and contends that tlviihtttge of me
Id a It h i ill ssrcains should be ill the expense of the government instead
of as a burden upon the already over-burdened tax]layers. He asks tlie
ho..... of standing in (lie place once tilled by Ben Hill and asking tlml
•lie nnelaiimd < 0 , on money 1 alien from our people and lying in the treasury
he 11 -sal to )s m 011 all Confederate soldiers just as the Federal soldiers
am pensioned. iio is for a real rural credit bill tinder which money
can la- obtained I \ the fanner directly from the government. lie is
in ’ a \ or o] !<;ss!iiion which will effect a complete separation of church
11 ml :: fn:o. [I, is for a navy large enough to protect the commerce of
ti ■ nation and powerful enough to enable the southern fanner to sell his
notion, corn and oilier products at the highest price to whomsoever ami
whensoever In <- f ,n find ilie best buyer, without regard to the policies 01
inirresi of any foreign nation. He is in favor of more rural routes ami
hell <r Jos al fai dities for tile people of the Ninth Congressional district,
and a : ex!< ’ ‘on of (he parcels post system, as well as a reduction of
i: e lies, lb aeoes a large 1 increase in the percentage assessed as income
tax mi iIh millionaire class, so as to lighten the burden of those not
so fortunate, as to lie* millionaires.
hour vt >v, yc::r influence, any kind word you may have occasion to
say fer Rim ' 1 will be gratefully appreciated and Russell will give faithful
sc vie, i ; t::- for the high honor of representing the greatest Anglo
Saxon constituency on earth.
Demand Loans ... ............... . $ 5,467.28 i
Time loans. _____ * 71,919.86 j
Overdrafts, unsecured......... 59 05 |
Banking House_____________ _ 2,026.05 i
Furniture and Fixtures._____ 1,400.85
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State................ _ 7,232.60
Due from Banks and Bankers
Currency__________________ in other States 5,708.20 |
Gold___________________________ 375.00
Silver, Niekels, etc.____ ___ 189.57
Cash Items___________________ 70.86
Clearing Ilouse,_____ 48.46 1
Fire Insurance Fund.. 120.00
Revenue Stamps ............ 25.00
Total............ $96,133.81 j
STATE OF GEORGIA, Whit e County.
Before me came J. If. Telford, Cashier of White County Bank, who being duly
sworn, says that the above and foregoing* statement is a true condition of said
Bank, as shown bv the books of file in said Bank. J . II. TELFORD, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this UUh day of June, 1916.
C. H. EDWARDS, Notary Public, White County, Ga.
Mossy Creek Campmeeting.
Mossy Creek campmeeting will
begin as usual on Wednesday night
before the third Sunday in August.
Rev. Felton Williams, of IJuford,
and Rev. W. I’. King, of Mttnroe,
two very strong and' preach¬
ers, will bo present to assist the
pastor and presiding elder in the
Die tent holders will have their
annual meeting Thursday afternoon
at .( o’clock in the preachers tent.
Also the third quarterly confer¬
ence for the Cleveland charge wiil
be held at the campground Satur¬
day, August 19th.
We are looking forward to a
great campmeeting.
Wills M, Jonf.s. Pastor.
Capital Stock paid in_________ $151000.00
Undivided profits, less currer t
expenses, interest and taxes
paid......... .......................... 6,730.54
Due unpaid dividends_____ 168.00
Individual Deposits subject to
cheek _____________________ _ 22.919.25
Time certificates _______ 50,848 42
Cashier's checks______________ 437.63
Total.............. $96,133.84