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Cbe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County. Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Oa.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Po»V>flice at Cleveland,
(la., as second class mail matter.
Subscription, $1.00 per year
Tuesday next, August igtb, you
should go to the polls and vote your
convictions in the interest of the
county of which you are a part. No
honest man would deceive you in
making your decision how you are
to vote. But if your decision is
wrong then it becomes the duty
of the better ifonrmed to instruct
you. Remember the true phrase,
“it is an act of charity to instruct
the ignorant.” This being true,
then some one is all the time doing
a charitable deed in instructing
all of us—for we are all ignorant.
Let not any of us be too selfish
to do our duty, but: do as we be¬
lieve is best for White county.
Would anyone following us endure
for a moment any ill feeling toward
•us for having voted bonds and built
a court-house that is a credit to the
county and the pride of its people?
No, but the very contrary will exist,
and our sons and daughters and
those who will come to White,
county to make their future home,
or to dwell with us during the sum¬
mer months, will appreciate our
acts—if we vote bonds—and their
life will be the happier by it.
The present court-house when it
was built was quite suitable for the
then existing conditions and popul¬
ation, to-day it is quite inadequate
for the public needs, and is not a
safe nor adequate building for the
public records. To build a court¬
house for present needs would not
require $30,000—possibly about
half that amount—but what should
be done is to build one that will be
quite commodious and suitable for
the county’s needs thirty years
hence and let the people then help
pay for its construction. You know
tire people at that time would much
prefer to do this than to build a new
If the court-house is built bv
bonds the money will be borrowed,
in Some of the large cities and larg¬
ely spent in White county.
If the court-house is built by dir¬
ect taxation the money will be
wrenched front the people of White
county and a large per cent of the
money in circulation will be wiped
out and harder times will prevail.
In short, it just means that if the
county borrows the money it will
pay not more than 4 i per cent. If
you borrow it, you borrow from
your neighbor or the banks and you
will pay from eight per cent up to—
whatever they have a mind to
charge you.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sanders of
South Carolina, have returned to
their home after a very pleasant
visit to Mrs. Sanders parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. K. Nix.
Rev. and Mrs. Waddell, who
spent a week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Allen, Loudsville.
and a week at the Henderson Hotel
in Cleveland are now enjoying a
short time at Robertstown.
Mr. I. T. Peek, of North Car¬
olina, is here on a visit to his
daughter, Mrs, Jas. Bowman,
Mrs. E. M. York, of Marietta,
accompanied by two other ladies,
have returned to their homes after
a very pleasant rest at the
son Hotel.
Mr. Dan Autry of Hall county
spent a few hours in town
.shaking hands with friends.
FOR RENT—Applicant
be reliable and willing
have force and able to furnish
and stock for a two-horse
Cotton rent. A long lease to
man. Apply to J. E.
1 ^ miles north of Cleveland.
Fire, Life. Sick ane Accident.
A. G. Maxwell, Agent,
Cleveland, Ga.
Mr. J. E, McAfee spent last
week with his daughter, Mrs. Alex
Remember, and don’t you forget
it, that Mossy Creek campmeeting
commences next Wednesday night,
and more folks are expected there
this year than ever before. The
more you let folks know of the
good things in White county the
stronger they become determined
to participate. Mountains, so to
speak, of good preaching will be
done there this year.
Mr. James Saxon and family of
Leaf passed through town last Fri¬
day en route to Blueridge district
where he will spend a short time
with relatives.
Mr. J. M. Miller has been visit¬
ing his family at Young Harris
since our last issue. Love works
wonders in mysterious ways.
Revs. W. N. Turner and I. T.
Peek and others will com¬
mence a series of meetings at
Hood’s Chapel on the second Sun¬
day in August. Everybody invited
to attend.
Married Tuesday of this week
Miss Mollie Harper to Mr. Emory
Smith, W. J. Oakes, Esq,, officiat¬
ing. The young couple have the
best wishes of the Courier for a
prosperous and happy future.
A small bunch of keys found near
Blue Creek church last Sunday
awaits a call from the owner at the
Courier office.
Forty-eight applicants for teach¬
ers were examined under the direc¬
tion of Mr. T. V. Cantrell, C. S.S.
here last Friday and Saturday. Mr.
Cantrell says they behaved well
but he has not yet determined just
how well they have done in their
Brick are being laid for the con¬
struction of a building adjoining
White County Bank, and is to be
built by the bank.
Miss Muriel Bulgin has gone to
Robertstown to take the place
made vacant by the sickness of her
sister, Miss Myra, who is at home
will) typhoid.
Mr. Charles Dorsey, freight con¬
ductor on the G. &. N. W., left for
Montana where lie has secured a
better position with railroad
there. No boubt but that Clias.
will make good in his new field.
Mr. J. B. R. Barrett is making
some addition to his residence in
tin* construction of two additional
Mr. M. B. Cox attended justice
court at Pokatala, Jackson county
last week where he was sued as
security on a note given by Ben
O’Kelley to Burns, Wilford, Rice
A Co., of Commerce. Mr. Cox de¬
nies having signed the note which
was given in 19H. Ben O’Kelley
moved from this county about
twenty-four years ago and returned
in 191a and again left about two
years ago for Jackson county.
The note is signed V. W. Cox and
despite the best fight that Mr. A.
H. Henderson, Jr., could put up in
defense of the innocence of Mr.
Cox judgment was found against
the defendant. The case has been
appealed to a jury and Mr. Cox
feels sure that his attorney will be
able to prove to them that he is not
the man who signed the note.
Protracted services closed at
Friendship Sunday with a good
addition to the church.
The patrons of the Duckett
school have reseated the house
Prof. l.Swis Davidson is teaching
good school.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Salome,
Clurkesville, are visiting in
Mr. Thomas Presley and
Minnie, from Towns county,
here last week.
The childrens services at
Creek was well attended
j Mr. E. \V. Brownlow gave
| children a good talk and
ed them to attend Sunday school.
The talk of the day is bonds
no bonds, and we hope the
will see it in a business way
vote bonds and not put good
White county in such a hard
An article in this issue showing
the amount of increase in taxes to
build a court-house is given the
public for their consideration. In
this article Mr. Keith gives the
figures to show conclusively just
what the increase will be in taxes,
whether the court-house is built by
bonds or by direct taxation, and is
made so plain that all should easily
understand just what to except and
prepare for in either event.
Hon. Hugh M. Dorsey, candid¬
ate for Governor, will address the
voters of White County, at Cleve¬
land on Wednesday, August 16th,
at 3 o’clock P. M.
Mr. Dorsey will discuss the is¬
sues of the present campaign for
governor on this occasion, and in
addition will be glad to answer any
questions that may be put to him
by the voters. 11 is present tour
will cover Half, White,Habersham,
Rabun, Stephens, Franklin, Madi¬
son, and Elbert.
Mr. Dorsey is conducting a
vigorous campaign over the state,
traveling by automobile and d&
livering from two to four addresses
a day. He has everywhere been
enthusiastically received and has
won many adherents to his ranks
as a result of his forceful and con¬
vincing statements. It is anticipat¬
ed that the people of this county
will attend in large numbers to
hear what Mr. Dorsey has to say.
Congressman Bell Announces,
In this issue of the Enterprise
will be found the formal announce¬
ment of Congressman Thomas M.
Bell for re-nomination subject to the
primary to be held on the 12th day
of September. That Mr. Beil is
well and ably representing the peo¬
ple of the ninth district will no
doubt be demonstrated more con¬
clusively at this election than ever
before. Reports from all over the
district say that he will be return¬
ed this time by a larger majority
than ever before. It seems that the
people are unwilling to place a new
man in this position just now from
the fact that the nation is passing
through some very trying times
and men of experience are worth
more iri a Crists, hence Ill's high fav¬
or. Mr. Bell has always been a de¬
pendable representative and can
safely be counted on to protect the
best interests of the people he re¬
presents as well as the nation at
large.—Cornelia Enterprise.
M,rs. G. II. Eveiand, Duncan
Mills, ill., writes: “I was strick¬
en with lumbago, unable to turn in
bed. A neighbor brought Foley
Kidney Bills. She had been simi¬
larly alllictcd nd they cured her.
I was cured by three bottles.” If
the kidneys do not function, lum¬
bago, rheumatism, aches, pains,
are apt to result.
Cleanup Sale.
I have in my assortment of gen¬
eral merchandise some special bar¬
gains. pairs shoes, slippers
and tennis. Some boys’ union
suits, mens’ and ladies underwear.
Mens’ and boys’ hats and caps.
Some odd coats. Some bovs’
overalls. Mens’ and boys' shirts,
hosiery. Jeans, dress and waist
goods and many other articles too
tedious to mention in job lots at
special prices.
Good line groceries and drugs
cheap. Good corn meal. The
stock will be kept up with new
goods from week to week. Will
buy all kinds of country produce
at best prices afforded.
This sale is strictly cash or bar¬
ter. Nothing charged. Come
and see if we can trade.
Tours for business,
W. N. Turner.
| Si\ Per Lent Money To Loan.
On improved farm lands for five
J years time, £1000.00 or over at 6
I per cent. Less than $1000.00 at
See H. Y. Johnson, Atty.,
311 Jackson Bldg,.
Gainesville, Ga,
AUGUST 1, 1016.
The following prices for Ford cars will be effective
on and after August 1, 1916:
Chavis 8325.00
Runabout 345 00
Touring Car 300.00
Coupelet - 505.00
Town (Jar 505.00
Sedan 045.00
f. o. b. Detroit
These prices are positively guaranteed against any
reduction before August l, 1917, but there is no guar¬
antee against an advance in price at any time.
Cleveland, Ga.
We invite everybody to come to
see our line. We have a complete
line of merchandise for a country
town. We have one of the biggesi
lines of shoes and slippers and
tennis slippers we ever had. li e,
have a lot of jobs in shoes and slipp
ers to close out at wholesale cost
and less. We are going to sell them.
Come before they are ail gone.
We make the lowest prices on
everything for cash, and
am} eggs a specialty with us. We
want your chickens add eggs and
will pay the highest prices in ex¬
change for merchandise.
We thank the people for business
they have given us in the past, and
hope to do more in the future. We
will always give you our lowest
prices, and will guarantee
tion when you deal with tis. We
are here for business and will do
everything in our power to save
you money.
We have feed stuff for sale at the
lowest cash price for chickens
eggs and corn. We ask the
ers to come toCieveland to do their
trading, and don’t forget to come
to see 11s at the Jackson .Sc
old stand, northeast corner public
square, as we want your business,
and will do everything we can for
your interest.
Come one. come all.
T. J. Hooper N Son .
It is well to be prepared with
reliable cathartic Salts and castor
oil cannot be taken by many. Foley
Cathartic Tablets are wholesome
and cleansing, act surely but gent¬
ly, without griping,pain or nausea.
Relieve sick headache, billiousness,
bloating, soar stomach, bad breath.
Fine for a torpid liver.
Train Train | STATIONS train T rain
1 4 ! 1 3
A. M P. M. A.M. P. M.
y 4r> 4 45 j Leave Gainesville Depot Arrive 9 15 4 15
9 no 4 50 ** Main Street 9 08 4 08
y r>4 1 New Holland Jet. ** 9 05 4 05
id or. 5 Of. Clark 8 50 3 50
10 12 5 12 “ Autry •* 8 42 3 42
to 19 5 19 * k IVw Berry ** 8 35 3 35
10 31 5 Brookton ♦» 8 24 3 24
10 41 5 4 1 Clermont 8 17 3 17
10 49 5 49 “ Countv Line 8 10 3 10
10 53 '2 ** ** Camp Ground “ 8 04 3 04
It 03 0 03 i Milileari *» 7 52 2 52
11 11 29 17 0 rt 90 17 | “ Cleveland “ 7 39 2 39
Apbeetoii “ 7 20 2 20
ll 33 6 33 “ Mount Yonah “ 7 23 2 23
11 37 0 37 Yon ah 7 19 2 19
11 45 6 45 | Naeoochee “ 7 13 2 13
11 52 0 52 j ** Helen *4 7 05 2 05
12 00 7 00 Arrive North Helen Leave 7 00 2 00
Candidate For Governor
will address I he voters of
White County at