Newspaper Page Text
Cleric Superior Court
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
VOL. XVII, No 52.1
Grand Jury Presentments, October
Term, 1916.
Georgia White County.
We the Grand Jurors chosen and
sworn to serve at the October
Term, 1916, of White Superior
Court, beg leave to submit these
our general presentments :
We recommend that J. C. Helton
be appointed Notary Public and
Justice of the Peace of Blue Ridge
District, 1439.
We recommend that W. N.
Turner be appointed Notary Public
and Justice of Peace of Town Creek
District, |S 36.
We recommend that I). L. Payne
be appointed Notary Public and
Justice ot Peace of White Creek
District, 1441.
We elected Jim Glover as Turn¬
pike Commissioner for a term of
three years.
We have elected R. T. Kenimer
as a member of the County Board
of Commissioners of roads and
revenues for said County for a term
of three years to succeed himself.
We have only made the follow¬
ing changes in the Paupers List :
We have raised Henry Cantrell
from $3.50 per month to $5.00 per
month, and we have also raised
Jane Loggins from $a.oo to $3.00
per month.
We have fixed the per diem of
Jurors and Court Bailiffs at $1.50
for the next year.
We have elected A. H. Hender¬
son, Jr., M. J. William* A. f.
Johnson as a new finance com¬
mittee to make report to the next
Grand •and.Iury* Jurv ** *- t > O'!
We have received ihe reports 01
the various County Officers and at¬
tach saute hereto. We have also
received, adopted and attach here¬
to, as a part hereof, the report of
the Finance Committee appointed
by the last Grand Jury.
We have examined the dockets of
the various Justices of the Peace
and Notfirys Public and find them
correct, and only lawful fees have
been collected by them.
We recommend that the old road
leading from Harriett Atiders«jj^s
by way of the Chas. Williams’ ford
to the Nacoochee and Claikesville
road be opened up.
We recoipm^nd that these general
presentments be published in the
Cleveland Courier at a cost to the
County^of $7.50.
We recommend that our Clerk
be paid 50 cents per day extra for
his services.
We find that the Court House is
badly in need of recovering and we
recommend that the County Board
proceed to have same covered with
firs*, class shingles at once.
We find the sanitary condition
of the jail very good, but we find
that there are two or three window
lights out; one of the stove flues is
in bad condition; there is some
paper hanging down from the ceil¬
ing against one stove flue which
njakgs it dangerous for fire, and
there is a hole where- one of the
recent escapes was effected, all of
which we recommend have prompt
attention, and we also find that
there is not enough bedding or
covering to keep prisoners warm
and, in the interest of humanity,
we recommend that this be looked
after at once. W? that
there is some plastering off of the
walls which should be attended to.
In taking leave of the Court we
beg to express our thanks to Judge
Jones for his fair and impartial
administration of the law. VVe
also thank our Solicitor General,
fiopgrt McMillan, tor his assistance
rendered us.
Likewise we thank our Baliff,
Gordon McAfee, for efficient ser¬
vices rendered u*.
Respectfully submitted.
S. A. Hamilton, Foreman
M. H. Gillstrap J. B. Freeman
F. M. McMillan Henry Robinson
J. M. Palmer W. H. Bell
S. N. Black J. P. Smith
J. M. Glover J. W. Henderson
W. N. Turner M. P. Smith
A. J. Stansel J. B. Sosebee
W. I. Stovall D. N. Warwick
J. L. Glen Sam Howard
C. A.Thurmond R. L, Allison
A. H. Roper J. C. Hood
Report of Finance Committee.
Georgia, White County.
To the grand jury of said county
at the October term, 1916;
We the finance committee, select¬
ed by the grand jury at the April
term, 1916, of White superior court
beg leave to submit to your honor¬
able body this report :
We have examined the record*
kept by the county commissioners
and, with a few small exceptions,
find them correctly kept. These
little mistakes that we find amount
to nothing worthy of note. We
find that the board of county com¬
missioners had in their hands be¬
longing to the road fund of the
county on the first day of April,
1916, same being the date up to
which the records were examined
by the last finance committee, the
sum of $2,151.55. They have re¬
ceived from that date up to Oct¬
ober 3rd, 1916, the sum of $1,479.-
15, making a total of $4.*30.70.
Of this amount there has heed paid
out on proper vouchers the sum of
$1,348.34, leaving a balance in the
hands of the commissioners on the
3rd day of October, 1916, of $1,882-
3 6 *
We also find the treasurer’s re¬
cords ^o^cUy,kept, and that he
on the first day of April, ^yi6.
#ulU of $4^3.95, $4,033.9-, uud tU.u uc
has received from that date to this
date tlie sum of (from show tax)
$7.00 making a total of $1,050.95,
and that he has paid out on proper
vouchers $2,900.85, leaving a bal¬
ance at this date in his hands of
We find proper accounts record¬
ed for all orders drawn on the
county treasurer by the county com¬
We find the Ordinary’s records
neatly and correctly kept.
Also the Clerk’s records are neat¬
ly arid correctly kept.
The Sheriff being out of town
we could not get access to his re¬
cords and have, therefore, not
examined the same.
Respectfully submitted ibis the
9th day of October, i 9 i 6 .
A. F. Johnson
M. J. Williams
C. H- Edwards
Finance Committee.
Georgia, White County.
To the lion. Grand Jury of said
county at the October term, 1916:
I beg to make the following re¬
po,t as county treasurer.
I had on hand April 1, 1916, $4,
043. 95> an ^ received since that
date $7.00, total $,j,050,95, and
have paid out on proper vouchers
since April 1, 1916, $2,900.85,
leaving a balance in the treasury
October 1, 1916, of $1,150.10.
John Satterfield, Co. Treas.
By J. B. Skelton, Dep. Co. Treas.
Sworn to before me this October
9, 1916. L. Brown, Ordinary.
Georgia, White county.
To the Honorable Grand Jury
October term, 1916:
I beg to submit to your honor¬
able body this my report as requir¬
ed by law, of the special taxes
cellected by me since the last term
of the gupertor court, of White
county, Ga.:
I have collected on account of
special taxes since last superior
court the sum of Ij-gQ from the
Haag Show|, which amount has
been paid to the state treasurer and
reported to the comptroller general
as required by law, and I have no
GEORGIA, OCT. 20 , 1916.
other funds now in my hands on
this account.
P. C. Humphries* T. C., White
Co., Ga.
Georgia, White county. j
In person came P. C. Humphries
tax collector of said county, who
on oath says that the statements
made in the above report are true.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this October 9, if)i6,
A. H. Henderson, Jr., N. P.
Apples, old copper,- brass,
rags, bones, etc. Also cattle
of all kinds. I pay highest
market prices.
W. II. McDonald,
Clermont, Ga.
Blue Ridge Dots.
We were sorry to learn that on
last Thursday night the residence
at the Adair mills wherein resided
Mr. John Robertson, miller, was
totally destroyed by fire. The fire
eaught it is thought from sut burn¬
ing in the chimney. Fortunately
some boys were hunting not far
away and when they saw the fire
made haste to get there and assist¬
ed in saving nearly all the furniture
and other furnishings in the house.
Rev. Wills M. Jones preached
his last sermon at Mt. Pleasant
Sunday. 11 is subject was, “What
will you do with Jesus, who is
called Christ ?” and I10 certainly
preached a splendid sermon.
Several of our farmers have been
swapping old mules for young ones
Mr. M. C. Allen has visited the
bedside of J. E, Reid of Shohl
Creek and found him some better.
Easier To Stop Now.
It is easier to check a bronchial
cough now than later. Coughs
grow worse the longer they con¬
tinue. Foley’s Honey and Tar
stops tickling in throat, allays in¬
flammation and irritation, restores
sore and discharging membranes
to healthy condition, opens congest¬
ed air passages, and affords longed
for relief.
Cleveland Milinery Co,
“The Ladies’ Store."
If you want a good style hat cheap
this is tfie store to buy. New hats
arriving every few days, Hats from
50 cents up to $25. Baby caps from
35 cents to $2.oo.
VVe have put in a coat depart¬
ment. Childrens’ccfats, girls’ sport
coats, ladies’ long coats. You can
buy a coal here almost at wholesale
price. We believe in quick sales,
small profits. Come in ftnd judge
for yourself.
Mrs, T. J. McDonald,
Miss J. Ledford, saleslady.
From A Bankrupt Stock
We have bought a large lot of Farming Tools, consisting of
Stalk Cutters, Grain Drills, Disc Harrows, Peg Tooth Har¬
rows, Spring Tooth Cultivators, 5 Plow Cultivators, Planters,
Mowers, Rakes, Manure Spreaders, Reapers, Binders and
many other Tools in
The Hardware Line
It will pay you to buy of us now at our prices, if you don’t need
the tools until next year,
Clarkesville, Ga,
Loudsville Lines.
Mr. Henry Ash was down this
way Sunday.
Rev. John Underwood preached
at Blue Ridge Sunday.
Mrs. T. V. Cantrell of Shoal
Creek was up this w^ty last week.
Rev. W. M. Jones preached a
good sermon at Loudsville Sunday.
Mr. B. M, Cox is cutting shingles
at present.
Mr. Rex Hood has entered school
at Cleveland.
Your correspondent spent Thurs¬
day night with Mr. G. L. McAfee
at Ivitnsey.
Mr. J, 1 ’. R. McDonald paid
Gainesville a visit last week.
Mr. Chas. Reid of Shoal Creek
was at Loudsville Sunday with his
best girl.
One of Mr. J. F, Glover’s little
boys has been sick but is now bet¬
Mr, J. A. Ledford left Saturday
tor Gainesville where he will spend
some time.
One of Will Thurmond’s child¬
ren has been quite sick for several
Mr. II. H. Hunt and family
visited relatives on Mossy Creek
on Sunday.
Mr. Sam Howard has been do¬
ing some plowing in preparation
for another crop.
Messsrs. Henry and Gold Hunt
were in this section last week.
Mr. McClure attended preaching
at Loudsville Sunday. He is a nice
yo%ng man and we welcome him
in our midst.
We are informed that several
from this section will attend the
baptizing at Tesnatee Sunday
which is the fourth Sunday.
Dr. Evans was up this w.ay Sun¬
Mr. Charlie Dodd of Parks is
making a full scholar in Loudsville
Sunday school. Charlie is one of
the quietest boys in all this section.
Mr. S. K. Cox was in this section
Mr. Will Grindle has moved to
Lumpkin county,
Mr, Gus Freeman has moved to
Mr, 4 ’. II. Turner’s farm.
Mr. J. B. Nix of Town Creek
was over this way last week on
Mr. Lewis Robertson and Mr.
L. G. Ash have taken up the car¬
penters trade and both are learning
very fast. (Can you drive acrook
ed nail straight yet, hoys?—Ed,.
Mr. W. L. Pardue is putting in
good time at Helen. lie is a
splendid workman.
WANTED—You to know that
we carry a complete line of “Ever
Ready” Flashlights, batteries,
bulbs, etc.
Cleveland Co.
The weather has been beautiful
buriug the past few months.
Miss Myrtle Allen spent Sunday
with Miss Addie Sears.
We attended preachiug at Shoal
Creek Sunday night and listened to
an interesting sermon delivered by
Rev. Dock Morris.
Mr. John M. Allen has been on
visit to relatives in Union county,
l)r. Kimsey and sons, ^ Paul and
Mell, motored to Pleasant Retreat
Sunday night and attended ser
Miss Lelia Allen dined
your correspondent Sunday. ,
Mr. Hubert Allen of Helen
Demand Loans_______________$ 1,701.34
Time loans_____________ 79,112.90
Overdrafts, unsecured________ 152.96
Banking- House............. 2,020.05
Furniture and Fixtures________ 1,400.85
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State......... 0,871.03
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States____________ 5,018.57
Currency____________________ 2,455.00
Gold.............. 350.00
Silver, Nickels, etc............ 165.48
Cash Items.................. 1,124.14
Clearing House____________ 48.46
Fire Insurance Fund_________ 120.00
Revenue Stamps.,_____________ 15.91
White County.
Before me-name J. H. Telford, Cashier of White County Bank, who being duly
sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said
Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. H. TELFORD, Cashier.
Rworn to and subscribed before me, this 25th day of Sept., 1916.
C. H. EDWARDS, Notary Public, White County, Ga.
To you who bank with us, we appreciate your patronage.
To you who do not hank with us, we solicit your patronage on the basis of
SOUND BANKING and COURTEOUS SERVICE. We appreciate every account
on our books—whether it lie large or small— and invite you to give us a trial with
your account, and then decide whether or not this bank is the BANK OF SERVICE
Save systematically, and when you have mouey, DEPOSIT WITH US, and
when you haven’t any, LET US SERVE YOU.
Six per cent on Time Deposits. All Deposits Guaranteed.
President Vice-Presidents Cashier
Cleveland, Ga.
Cleveland, Ga.
We invite everybody to come to
see our line. We have a complete
line of merchandise for a country
town. We have one of the biggest
lines of shoes and slippers and
tennis slippers we ever had. We
have a lot of jobs in shoes and slipp¬
ers to close out at wholesale cost
and less. We are going to sell them.
Come before they are all gone.
We make the lowest prices on
everything for cash, and chickens
eggs a specialty with us. We
want your chickensCnd eggs and
will pay the highest prices in ex¬
change for merchandise.
We thank the people for business
they have given us in the past, and
hope to do more in the future. We
will always give you our lowest
prices, and will guarantee satisfac¬
tion when you deal with us. We
are here for business and will do
everyihing in our power to save
you money.
We have feed stuff for sale at the
lowest cash price for chickens and
eggs and corn. We ask the farm¬
ers to come toCleveland to do their
trading, and don’t forget to coine
to see us at the Jackson & Barrett
old stand, northeast corner public
as we want your business,
will do everything we can for
Come one, come all.
T. J. Hooper & Son.
[PRICE $ 1.00 A YEAK
has been in this part visiting friends
has returned home.
Mr. Joe Thomas together with
his wife and family spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Thomas.
Mr. Stewart Nix of Cleveland
was visiting in our settlement Sun¬
day. Come again, Stewart, we
are glad to see you any time.
Mr. S. Y. Nix, after a few days
visit to relatives in this part has
returned to his home in Tackson.
We arc very glad to know that
Mr. Isaac Turner, who has been in
declining health for quite a while,
is slowly improving.
Mrs. Sarah Allen was the wel
coine guest of Mrs. Emma Allen
Saturday night.
Stock paid in_________$15,000.00
protits, less current
expenses, interest and taxes
paid_________ 7,449.05
to Banks and Bankers in
other States______________ 4,000.00
unpaid dividends________ 68.00
Deposits subject to
check________ 24,682.61
certificates_____________ 49,009.43
checks_____________ 305.20
The Most Of Prosperity.
Every man should keep fit these
and make the most of his
No man can work
best handicapped with disorder¬
kidneys and bladder, aching
swollen joints, stiff muscles
rheumatic pains. Foley Kidney
pay for themselves a hundred
over in health improvement.
WANTED—Beef cattle and
See or write me. I will pay
Brannon Nix, Cleveland,
at 5 and 6 per cent IKTEREST
On Cleveland Real Estate 5 <f 0
On improved farms in
Habersham and White Coun¬
6% interest. Funds plentiful.
me before you borrow. I will
you right.
See H. V. Johnson, Atty,,
311 Jackson Bldg.,
Gainesville, Ga.
No More Backache For Her.
Mrs. J. M. Gaskill. Etna Green,
writes; “I suffered from
backache and sharp pains. I
not stoop over. Foley Kid¬
Pil s gave me such relief that 1
praise them too highly.”
standard remedy for kidney
and bladder ailments can
taken with absolute safety.