Newspaper Page Text
(ffcf %jg5#' \ljiv “V" v..^£ il ^ RIER
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial ad Industrial Interests of White County
Pleasant Retreat News.
Mrs. John Allen und two sons
and little daughter spent Saturday
night with her brother, Mr. T. M.
Nix, in Cleveland.
Messrs. W. C. Allen and Win.
G. LaCount, of Coiner, Ga., paid
relatives and triends a visit here
since our last writing. They left
for home last Friday afternoon to
the regret of their many friends.
Mrs. Pearl Palmer spent Monday
night at the home of Mr. Charlie
Little Miss'; Ethel Allen spent
Monday'night with your corres¬
Mr- John Ware, of South Caro¬
lina, is here on a visit to her par¬
ents. Mr. and Mrs. ). 1 ). Jarrard.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sears visited
relatives here Sunday.
Miss Addie Lears spent Sunday
evening with Miss Lelia Allen.
Mr. Charlie Allen gave a work¬
ing one day last week and got a
lot of wood cut.
Miss Bonnie Sutton spent Sunday
with Misses Bonnie and Sallie
The little child of Mr. C. A.
Pilgrim is still improving.
Miss Mary Lou Sutton gave Mrs.
Georgia Beasley a call Sunday.
West Leo News..
We are hoping the nice weather
will continue.
Mr. Sam Nix visited Mr. J. N.
Truelove and family Saturday
Mrs. Francis Whitfield gave
Mrs. Bulali Evans a short visit
Monday evening.
Mr. M. M. West is making bis
father’s old home place look much
Mr. P. 1 ). Whitfield is railroad¬
ing again.
Mrs. Cullie Reynolds is spending
a few days with her daughter in
Gainesville, who i,s sick w-th
Mr. Sam West will soon take his
departure for the wild west.
Mr. G. V. Ilooper has gone back
to the railroad.
Mr. J. F. Barret is going to move
to South Georgia, We send our
best wishes to Frank and family.
Mr. Uarve Dillingham lias re¬
signed farming and is running a
bread machine.
Preaching day at Friendship
Sunday. All who want a good
case of measles should come.
Mr. Robt. Trotter has wonderful
ideas of double life. Robt., you
will see things in their true light
some day.
Mr. Daniel Evans is near Mem¬
phis, Tenn. He is talking of go¬
ing to the wild west in the spring.
Mrs. Farmer is talking of mov¬
ing to South Georgia.
Mr. Ed. West says there is no
trouble in Georgia; it is one earth¬
ly paradise.
\Ve see Mr. Jasper Whitlock
driving two mules through our
section very often. We suppose
lie is here on business.
Mr, John Lewis and family have
been down with grip for some
Meldean is built on a biufi and
run on the same scale,
To safely guard against
pneumonia use Gowans pre¬
paration. The remedy that
makes good every claim. Price
25 and 50 cents at
Cleveland Drug Co.
Turner And Satterfield Cut In Riot
In connection with a riot which
occured near the home of Mr. J. .M.
Barnes Sunday night in which
Taylor Satterfield, (recently return¬
ed from El Paso. Texas, where he
had been serving with the regulut
soldiers on police duty) and Eugene
Turner were cut with knives Tom
and Will Turner, brothers of Eu¬
gene Turner, were bound over to
the superior-court Tuesday on bonds
ol one hundred dollars each. From
what can be learned of the trouble
at the present time it appears that
the Turner boys in company with
Pat M estmoreland, and perhaps
others, were sitting by a fire thev
had made near the roadside a short
distance from the residence of Mr.
Barnes, and as Taylor Satterfield
came along the road leading from
Mr, Barnes, trouble arose between
he and those assembled about tin
fire. Some say that Satterfield
had an automatic Colts lie tried to
use on the 'Punier boys, and j
they in getting the gun out of his
hand got cut with a knife, and I
general cutting match took place |
between Taylor Satterfield and Eu¬ j
gene Turner, Satterfield getting
much the worse of the scrap.
Eugene Turner, Pat Westmore¬ j
land and Clifford Satterfield show¬
ed up Wednesday and stood trial
with the result that Eugene Turner !
was bound over to the superior j
court under a £200. bond, Pat We l- !
moreland came clear and the war¬
rant against Clifford Sat tetfield was
dismissed. The case of Taylor
Satterfield for preliminary -hearing
is set for Feb. eSth.
Nearby News
Ask Charlie Adams who it was
inquiring about him Sunday? Guess
lie had gone to see his girl tor fear
she had been frozen to death.
We are glad to see Earnest I louse
able to visit home folks again.
Ask Sam Nix and Charlie Adams
how much trouble thes had be lore
they got the girls to talk to them.
Miss Ola Nix of Leo was visiting
her cousins, Misses Mellie and Lou
Dora Jackson Saturday and Sun¬
We wonder it the gentleman I
who lost his socks in bed has iound |
them yet.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. fiickson ot
Cleveland visited Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Stanse! last week.
glad that Mrs. j
We are to learn jI
X. |. Allison, who lias been very
sick for some time, is slowly im¬
proving. i 1
The rendered the \
' program H at i
Methodist Sunday School Sunday j
was very nice.
We were given a pleasant call
Monday by Misses Ola and Medic j
Jackson. • :
Mr. Archie Nix was seen in this
part Sunday afternoon.
Mr. C. W. Alien, who has been
in this part visiting relatives has t
returned to In'S home in Oglethorpe
Miss Qla Nix is on a visit to bet
brother Mr. Andrew Nix of Yoiuih.
Mr. Stewart Nix spent last Kim -1
day with Ins uncle and aunt, aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. John Allen, on Test alee. |
Messrs. I-utiier Nix and Joe Jack
son visited relatives south ol Cie\t- S
land Sunday afternoon. ;
Miss Addie Mary Thomas, who j
has been on a visit to home folks i
has returned to Cleveland, j
......-......— - -
for sale until supply is sold at sjti.- ;
50 per bushel delivered, check ac
companying orders/
Cuthbert Oil Company,
Cuthbert, Ga.
FEB. 16 , 1911
Died at her home near Cleve
last Thursday morning at 7 : 3 c
Mrs, Martha Turner, wife of B. IE
Punier, aged 68 years, linpressjv
services were conductec
uui and she was laid to rest ill
cemetery Friday at JM
A.M. in a grave prepared)
her brother over thirty years!
left vacant because the corps^j
not be brought across the!
lilueridge for interment. She had;
a member of Mt. Yoliah Bap-’
t st Church, Cleveland, for many
and remained a faithful , ser-
ant of the Master until called ta¬
reward for the deeds done in the
idy. The deceased is the mother
a family of sous and daughters,
:i beloved husband, mourn her
lire from amongst them.
She ran the journey of her life
sixty-eight years of service mark¬
with deeds of kindness and love,
now, to her, the struggle and
md burdens of life are ended, and
pain of grief is dispelled while
soul basks in the sunlight of
The soul lias been
from the body and radiates
is brilliancy before the throne of
in magnificent splendour.
could wish for more when they
down earth’s mantle of flesh?
could wish for less? Let us
in her footsteps and attain
reward she so justly deserves,
The many friends of the bereav
-cl sympathize with them in the
of a mother; one whom we
know to have been earnest in
life and deeds on earth. May
light, she has IcJ't behind be
star to those that would
I use this method to thank those
who so kindly tendered their as
to me during the trial I
in their midst in the loss
my beloved wife. Assuring each
every one that their kindness
ever he remembered.
J. B, Davenport.
Lower Corner News.
Tin- beautiful weather of the past
da\ - is very much appreciated.
Mr-. Mary Smith is not much
at this writing. \Ye hope
or her recovery.
Mr. lieu Ash-, who resides near
1 .1 ■ While and Hall county line,
dead last Thursday morning
, , butchering , , hog. ,
Some repair work is being done
n Shoal Creek school house.
Mr. Joe K maduy and the Stringer
>y were seen on Shoal Creek
Have yon heard whether Clifford
lorris enjoyed the candy drawing
lie other night ?
Miss Maud Baker is at Clermont
week rendering her assistance
1 waiting upon her uncle’s family
have measles.
Mt ,ohn Ad:lms li:ul a >’ e * r,in g
d;e duri,) « ,he co!d weather.
Mr. Lythpr McGee is doing some
mi work while the sun shines. McGee visited Miss
Cain Sunday.
The little son of Tom Alexander
improving nicely after having
operation performed on his
_ ______
WAN TED—At once middle
woman to do general bouse
Mrs. II. A. Jarrard,
Cleveland, Ga.
Mrs. J, B, Davenport Laid To Rest.
[Mrs. J, B, Davenport, of Atlanta
ped at her home in that city Sat -1
day at 11 130 A.M. She was the 1
lighter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M.
wards, formerly of White county j
je being before her marriage to |
r. Davenport, Miss Fionie Kd
rds. She was a member of
mne Brae Methodist Church,
Junta. Short funeral services
tre held in the home in Atlanta
tor to leaving with the corpse for
evehuul. This service was coll¬
ided by Rev. C. V. Weathers
ftp served the Cleveland charge
tout thirty years ago, and who is
mem be red here by many. The
of Mite. Davenport were
to rest in Cleveland cemetery
at 11:30, Rev. Ilomer
conducting the inner: 1
Services. She leaves a husband, an
girl three days old, father,
brothers and sisters and
ftjaffy friends to mourn her death
, Mrs. E. A. McAfee lias been
qui+e sick for several days.
• Mrs. Emily Anderson, of Haber¬
sham county, is on a visit to rela¬
in this community,
.* Mrs. Martha Underwood and
daughter, Miss Lizzie, spent Sun¬
day-with Mrs. J. G. Young,
Ir, G. K. Allen spent last Sun¬
&d(Avn on Shoal Creek.
srs. Garnie Satterfield and
IJLobinson, were in this sec
.——jNwkiay looking after the fair
Misses I la and Minnie Young
and Lizzie Underwood gave Mrs.
F. A. McAfee a pleasant call Sun¬
day afternoon.
Mrs. George Thomas luis been
quite sick for Several weeks.
Several in tin's section have pur-j
chased new buggies from an agent
from Iowa.
Mrs. Emma Ledford, daughter j
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ledford is !
visiting her sister. Mrs. Sargent in!
Mr. R. E. Westmoreland, our
(ax receiver, passed through
section Monday.
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ITS A 1 ST OVER $ 100 , 000.00
President, Vice-Presidents. Cashier.
Tpm.h 'J niiii STATIONS Train Train
‘J 1 3
A. M T. M. A.M. P. M.
'.1 4r, 4 4 5 Run v<‘ (i;i intvsv'ilJo Dnpot Arrive 0 15 4 15
9 50 4 50 Main Street 9 OS 4 08
!) 5-1 4 54 New. Holland Jet, y 05 4 05
10 05 5 05 Clark S 50 3 50
10 I'.! 5 13 “ Autry 8 42 3 42
10 III 5 HI Hew berry 8 35 3 35
in :n 5 lit Ilrooktou 8 24 3 24
1U 41 a .(1 Clermont 8 17 3 17
10 40 L 1 !■» Coautv Line 8 10 3 10
JO 55 .7 d:J Camp Oronnd 8 04 3 04
11 OR i» o,> Meldean 7 52 2 52
n 17 C. 17 Cleveland 7 30 2 39
11 an 6 3! 1 7 26 2 26
1 1 ;t;{ t! 33 Mount, Yoriab 7 23 2 23
U 37 ti 07 “ A'onah 7 19 2 19
11 45 6 45 Naeooetiee 7 13 2 13
11 52 0 5:1 ‘ s Relen 7 05 2 05
12 00 7 00 Ac i .vy Rolicvtfetovvn Leave 7 00 2 00
Run oil the plan of
1 'ice 1 , at a, me- an as low iv>\V as as the the fronds goods can can he be soht sold, ‘‘Full Value
for v fj||r . in : right treatment,’ is my motto.
"chickens : 1 ami other produce wanted, and will count
same as cash, \ <>ur business will be uppresiated.