Newspaper Page Text
Cbe Cleveianb Courier.
Official Organ of White County. Ga
Published Weekly Cleveland Ga,
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post iffice at Cleveland,
G*., a« second cla^e mail mV.i«r.
Subscription, $1.00 per year
It would seem as though the boys
had fully determined to give the
grand jury at the next term of su
periour court all the work they can
do. Now, these boys (young men)
ttre not so bad as one might think
when they first enter upon the path
of evil, hut their growth is usually
fast. It is true,they are bad enough,
but in connection with this we
wonder who he is that is good
enough. Let this soak into your
brains until every brain cell is
thoroughly saturated with the
These young men are full of am¬
bition, but ambition misapplied.
They waste their energy and their
time in gathering the fruits of
thoughtlessness. The man who
thinks, and thinks right, determines
right, becomes unweildy and firm
and true, lie grows to become a
citizen of character, a citizen of
honor, a citizen of usefulness in
accordance with his mental ability
and development. Jf lie has train¬
ed his thought in all channels which
lead to righteousness and greater
attainment, he becomes a man
possessed of tin adoration for his
fellovvman in all walks of life that
tend toward a higher state of exis¬
tence for the world. 11 is soul goes
out in sympathy for those who have
taken the wrong course, and have
drifted from bad to worse until (if
they hesitate and turn about not
from the things that are ruinous to
them and the welfare of humanity)
they are destined to be dashed to
pieces against the jagged rocks of
the law with naught by a record of
darkness to cheer a weary soul iti
tlie hours of trouble made all the
more terrible because of the lack of
the sunshine of righteousness in the
Young man, before you decide
think not of the prelent hut the
future—the end.
The many friends of Miss Annie
Ashtnore, formerly of Cleveland
but now at Gainesville, are de¬
lighted to learn that she has been
tendered a scholarship in the A. it.
M. School at Clarkesville and will
go immediately to this school and
Postoflice inspector, (). E. Smith
spent Friday afternoon in town on
business of the postoflice depart¬
Mr. and Mrs. \V. 1 '. Allison left
Monday morning for Mt. Airy on
a visit to Mrs, Rachel Grant,
daughter of Mr. \V. T. Allison,
who has been quite sick for some
Helen’s faithful and efficient
marshal, \Vm. R. Ledford, spent
a few hours in town Monday after¬
G. 11. Russell sympathize with
him in the loss of a good cow Sun
Mr. J. L. Stover of Shoal Creek,
spent a few hours in town Monday.
The friends of Mr. \V. D.
Harkins are glad to see him again
able to be out after a severe attack
of the grip.
Col. A. II. Henderson, Jr., made
a trip over to Clarkesville Tuesday
afternoon in the interest of the
law firm of Underwood A Hender¬
son, of which he is a member.
Rev. lloiner Thompson is con¬
ducting a series of meetings at
X'nion Grove this week.
Work on the Henderson Mills,
now owned by W. E. White,
progressing jiicelv. Mr. White in¬
forms us that just as soon as the
new rollers arrive the mill will be
ready for business. The corn mill
is running every day.
| Judge N. j. Allison lias been
j suffering from rheumatism for the
past week and is not yet able to be
out. His friends hope he will soon
be sufficiently recovered to be at
his office in the court-house.
Mr. John House is very sick this
Miss Georgia AnnRussll is siow
!y improving.
Mohair $ 16 a Pound.
Wool of good quality is now as
good as gold. The same is true of
mohair. Indeed a few fancy-quality
mohair fleeces represent a nice little
bank account. The record of the
most valuable mohair fleece belongs
to an Oregon Angora goat, owned
by F. Pierce, who raised this
phenomenally valuable animal, and
has been breeding and raising An¬
gora goats since he came to Oregon
twelve years ago. He has special¬
ized in breeding for long mohair
production. Previous to shearing
this famous fleece from bis prize
goat, Dodo, lie had clipped $50
fleeces. Last spring he sheared
from Dodo a fleece that had been
growing three years and seven
The fleece weighed 22! pounds
and measured 41 { inches (length of
strand). This phenomenal fleece
sold for $372, or at the rate of over
$16 a pound for the entire fleece.
The lleecc on this goat at the end
of its first year was braided and
tied over the goat’s back, like a
schoolgirl’s hair. This kept the
mohair from being pulled out or
broken when the goat was running
on range, and every six months
thereafter the braids were taken
down, straightened out, and re¬
Mr. Pierce exhibited the goat at
the Panama Exposition, and while
there the fleece was clipped and
sold to the representative of a New
York wigmaking concern for the
price above recorded.
Loudsville Lines.
.Sheriff Dorsey was in this sec¬
tion Saturday.
Mr. Will Potts wus up this way
Mrs. Katie Anderson, of Haber¬
sham, is visiting relatives here at
this time.
Mr. Gordon McAfee and better
half were visiting here Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Glover spent
Sunday in Blue Ridge.
Mr. Will Thurmond spent one
day last week at Cleveland.
We were quite sorry to hear of
the death of the little child of J.II.
Brown. We extend to the bereav¬
ed family our sympathy.
Mr. W. C. Hood made a business
trip up on Dukes Creek last week.
Mrs. John Naglich has bought
the old S. G. Castleberrj' place.
Mrs. Naglich has a beautiful home.
Mrs. Nettie Ledford is on the
sick list aj this writing.
Your correspondent spent a short
time over at Kimsey Saturday after¬
Uncle Harrisou Roper passed
through this section Monday.
Misses Lizzie and Nora Thomas
have each had very bad cases of
measles but, we are glad to state, are now getting better.
We were very sorry to hear of
the death of .Mr. John Warwick.
with good oil liniment That’s
the surest way to stop them,
The best rubbing liniment is
Good for the Ailments of
Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc.
Good for your own A ches.
Pains, _ Rheumatisi
j Cut,,
25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers.
Cleveland R. F. D. 1.
We have had some pretty
this week.
Messrs, D. G. Head and Lester
Black went to Atlanta Friday to
stand an examination for U. S.
mail clerk.
Mr. Fletcher Cooley, after spend¬
ing a few weeks with his brother
at Kennesaw returned home Sun.
day night.
We were sorry to hear of the
death of Brother John Warwick. I
have known Mr.'Warwick a long
time and have always found him a
good Christian gentleman. The
bereaved family have our sympathy.
Mrs. Ider Johnson, who has been
suffering with reumatism, is slowly
improving. We hope she will soon
Rev. Homer Thompson and wife
spent the day with J. T. Dorsey
and family Saturday.
Miss Julia Johnson visited home
folks Saturday and Sunday..
Legal Advertiaemenst.
Georgia, White county.
Ocotber term superior court said county,
October i2, iflifi.
N. K. Harris, governor, vs. F. M, Jack
son, principal, W. A. Jackson and J. L.
Jackson, securities, non-residents of said
county. Forfeiture of recognizances.
F. M. Jackson, W. A. Jackson and J.
I,. Jackson, non-residents of said county,
You are hereby required to Vie and ap¬
pear personally, or by an attorney, at the
next term of the superior court to Vie held
in and for said county ou the second
Monday i&jApril next, to show cause, if
any they have, why judgment should
not be rendered against them for the a
mount of their recognizance, forfeited as
aforesaid, as in default thereof the court
will proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones, judge pf
•said court, this the 15th day of December,
J. B. R. Barrett, C.S.C.
Georgia, White county. <
October term superior court said county,
October iSth, i916.
N. E. Harris, governor, vs. Riley
Adams, principal, and J. F. Smith, secur¬
ities, non-residents of said county. For¬
feiture of recognizances.
Kiley Adams, and J. F. Smith, non¬
residents of said county, greeting:
You are hereby required to be and ap¬
pear personally, or by an attorney at the
next term of the Superior Court to be
held in and for ^aid county on the second
Monday in April next, to show cause, if
any they have, why judgment should
not be rendered against them for the a
mount of their recognizance, forfeited as
aforesaid, as in default thereof the court
will proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. J. ]!. Jones, judge of
said court, this the (5th day of December.
1 9 Hi.
J. B. It. Barrett, C.S.C.
Georgia, White county.
October term superior court said county,
October 12, 1916.
N. E. Harris, governor, vs. YY. H.
Murphy, principal, amt securities, non¬
residents of said county. Forfeiture of
W. H. Murphey, non-residents of said
county, greeting:
You ave hereby required to be and ap¬
pear personally, or by attorney, at the
next term of the superior court to be held
in and for said county on the second
Monday in April next, to show cause, if
any then can, why judgment should not
be rendered against them for tlie amount
of their recognizance, forfeited as afore¬
said. as in default thereof the court will
proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. J, B. Jones, judge of
said court, this the 15th day of December,
J. B. R. Barrett, C.S.C.
Georgia White county.
October term superior court said comity,
Ocober 12, 1916.
N. R. Harris, govern >r, vs. Fay Savage,
principal, and B. G. Savage, security,
forfeiture of recognizances.
Fay Savage, and It. G. Savage non-re
sidents of said county, greeting:
You are hereby required to be aud ap¬
pear personally, or by attorney, at
next term of the superior court to be held
in and for said comity 00 the second
Monday in April next, to show cause,
any they have, why judgment should not
be rendered against them for the amount
of their recognizance, forfeited as afore¬
said, as in default thereof the court will
proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. J. 11. Jones, judge of
said court, this the 15th day of December,
J. B. R. Barrett, C.S.C.
Georgia, White County.
Mare" nextflt pubic'“outcry
house in said county, within the
honrS of sale, to the highest bidder
cash, the following property, of
the following is a full and complete
scription: Two town lots in the town
Cleveland, Ga„ known as lots Nos. 7
1" off of the Kytle property on the
side of Kytle St.; No. 7 being a
lot, fronting 50 feet on Kytle St.,
running back even width 15 feet
Henderson St., and fronting Bell St., 150
feet ; No. 17 fronting on Henderson St
?** feet bounded 77- on the rv™ Bast. South
WesthyG. S. Kytlc'a property. Said
property levied on as the property- of B.
M. Cox to satisfy an execution issued
from the Justice Court of the xiilst
G. M.. of said county, in favor of W.
Evan* and Son against B. M, Cox, said
property tiring in the possession ofB. M.
ilox. Levy made by W. C. Jackson, L.
C„ and turned over to me for the
of sale.
This tith day of February. 1017.
A. L. Dorsey, Sheriff.
Georgia, White County:
Will he sold, on the first Tuesday
March next, at publics outcry at the
house in said county, within the
hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, described as fol¬
lows: Lot of land No. 65 in the 3rd dist¬
rict ofsaid county containing 250 acres,
more or less, and being the place
A, E. Ledford now lives. Said property
levied on as the property <>f A . E. Led¬
ford to satisfy an execution issued from
the supeinr court of said county in
of the Farmers and Merchants Hunk a
gainst said A. E. Ledford, and lire exe
cations issued from the Justice court of
the 558th district, of said county in favor
of Mrs. Nancy Ledford against said A. K.
Ledford transferred to the Farmers and
Merchants Bank, said property Vicing in
the possession of A. E. Ledford.
This tith day of February, 1917.
A. L. Dorsey, Sheriff,
Georgiu, White County.
Will lie sold, at the Court-House door
in said county, on the first Tuesday in
March, 1917, within the legal hours of
sale, the following property to-wti: Be¬
ing in the State of Georgia, White County
on the head waters of the Chattahoochee
river, near the White & Union county
line, containing 50 acres, more or leas,
bounded on the north by the county line,
south by lot No. !>, east by lot No. 5, and
west by lot No. 27. the same being the
J. 0. Lyle bought front 1). T. Gra-
1m>n and where J. O. Lvle now lives. Said
land levied on as the property of J. O.
Lj le to sat isfy u superior court execution
issued on the 19th day of April, I'Hti,
from tlie superior court, said county in
favor of Byrd-Mrtthews Lumber ro., for
the use of officers of court against .1 O
Lyle. Written notice given J. O. Lyle
defendant in possession as required by
This the 6tli day of Feb., 1917.
A. L. Dorsey, Slier ill.
To you who Dank with us, we* appreciate your patronag’p.
SOI ND \' ank wHhus - wdicit your patronage on the basis of
BANKING and COURTEOUS SERVICE. We appreciate every account
ou our hooks-whether it be large or small—and invite you to give us a tiini with
your account, ami then decide whether or not this bank is the BANK OF SERVICE
Save systematically, and when you have money, DEPOSIT WITH US and
when yo haven’t any, LET US SERVE YOU.
Six per cent on Time Deposits. All Deposits Guaranteed
President Vice-President* CasliieT
Cleveland, Ga.
Tooth AtiamikOuaho Company
It is not sufficient that your crop gets an early start to enable
it to win the race against drouth, excessive rainfall, rust, shedding
and boll weevil. It must have a steady, healthy growth which
constant nourishment alone can give, if it is expected to come in
ahead on the homestretch.
The South Atlantic Brands not only give all crops a quick
start, but by reason of the scientific linking together of the best
and most dependable fertilizing materials, they afford constant
and steady feeding of the plant and enable it to resist such diseases
and conditions as are usually fatal to a weakly, stunted plant. A
healthy piant should be kept healthy and that is the office of the
South Atlantic Brands.
Send your orders early to your dealer and be sure
Kenimer Bros., Cleveland, Ga. W. L. f Hood 4 Bro., Santee, Ga.
I J. Martin, Alto, Ga. F. M. Halsey, Clermont. Ga.
QflEM -——--1 C(t0^E€yf?!?Y§SSS5^ -'--1 LiJ
Georgia, White County-.
WiH lie sold, on the first Tuesday
i hous- in said county, within the legal
the MwS,-Sl^iW
^ follflwg: Parts of lo) of , aud No> m
in the 3rd district of said county and !
state, one part bounded as follows: Be- j
j ginning on the Cleveland and Hiawassee
j public road just north of the J, C, Belt
old home where this property
what is known as the J. C. Bell property,
thence east the line of the Bell property
to the corner where this property, the
j Bell property, the Blalock, and the Zena
: the line o( Zwia Thurmond's property, j
Bart Black’s and the E. J. Thurmond j
old place to the road leading from the
Cleveland and Hiawassee road to the;
Cleveland and Nachoochee road by the |
Yonah school house, thence w esterly with
i said road to w here it strikes the Clove- j
land and Hiwassce road near the S G,
Castleberry old home place at, <»• near. I
the four mile post, thence southeasterly i
with said Cleveland and Hiawassee road
to the beginning point, t his being all the
land owned by John A. Carlton east of
the Cleveland and Hiawassee road and
and south of the road leading by the
Yonah school house, including the hous¬
es and whatever may be on the property.
Also another piece of the same lot in the
same district bounded as follows: Be¬
ginning at the forks of the road near the
old stock home, gate west thence of the. the S. Cleveland, G. Castleberry ami | 1
H lav. assee road, 1 northerly, to where it'
strikes the line of John Martin's property
tlience west tlie original line to the
original corner, thence south the original
line to where it strikes the road leading
from the Cleveland and Hiawassee road
to Loudsville Campground, thence east¬
erly with said road to the beginning cor¬
ner at, or near, the gate on tlie Cleveland
and Hiawassee road, the same being all
the land owned by John A, Carlton lying
between these two roads west of the
Cleveland and Hiawassee and north of
the Loudsville road leading from the S.
G. Castleberry old home place. Both
tracts together contain about 60 acres
more or less. Said property levied on as
tlie property of John A. Carlton to satis- j
fy an execution issued from tlie super-1
ior court, of said county in favor of I
Gaines vile and Northwestern R.R Com '
pany against said John A, Carlton; said !
property being in the possession of C. L.
This 7th day of February, 1S» 17.
A. L. Dorsey, Sheriff.
Georgia White County:
Notice, is hereby given that the under¬
signed 1ms applied to tlie ordinary of
said county for leave to sell land tielong¬
ing to tlie estate of Mrs. Mattie Allison,
for the purpose of distribution among
the heirs at law of said deceased. Said
application will be heard at tlie regular
1 March term, 1917, of the court of Ordin
j ary for said county, to he. held on tlie 5th
j day of March, i9i7, -same being the first
j day Monday in March, 1917 . This the 5th
of Feb., 19i7.
J, U. Allison, Admr. estate of Mattie
When in Gainesville, Ga., get
for S reen hid ^ b >’ filing to
“The New Hide Company," op po -
S street, ' tC cour or ^ ship 0l,se them 011 Sou,h by express. Kn “ <U ' ord
J. Monroe Fant, Manager.
1 have it shingle mill, every
................... -** " ,;t
1 :,m offer, "B for Cash or in ex
change for live stock. See J. 11.
Lewis, I-no. Ga.
LOANS at 5 and 6 per cent INTEREST
On Cleveland Real Estate 5%
interest. On improved farms in
Hall, Habersham and White Coun
ties 6% interest. Funds plentiful.
See me before you borrow. I will
treat you right.
.See H. Y. Johnson, Atty.,
311 Jackson Bldg.,
Gainesville, Git.
Miles M" is a registered Short
born, 1 dropped , ‘ , May . r 23,1913. After
- ■
a journey by rail from Illinois lie
weighed 670 pounds, having been
on the road two weeks. Fee, $1.
He is at Jess Hunt's farm.
A number of one to six acre
tracts, right in Cleveland and near
High School, for sale
Terms, one-third cash bal¬
six and twelve months. Chill
and get your choice.
F. G. Jones. *
Fire, Life, Sick and Accident.
A. G. Maxwell, Agent,
Cleveland, Ga.
Positively Relieves.
Colds, Croup, Pneumonia
25 c, SOc, $ 1.00 AT DRUGGISTS
Saturday and Sunday 11:30 a. 111.
Sunday School 3: p. m.
Geo. W. Brmvn, Pastor.
Second Sunday 7 p. m.
Fourth Sunday If :30 a. m.. 7: p. m.
Sunday School 10:3o a, m.
Homer Thompson, Pastor.
and second Sat. nights, 7:30 p. m.
Visiting brethren invited.
II. Brown, Sec. A. G. Quinn, \V. M.
Fourth Saturday 7.30 p. m.
Visiting brethren invited.
Davidson, Sec. A. G. Quinn, YV.M.
G. S. Kytle, Mayor.
B. Craven, J. E. Norton, C. F. Snine,
Frank Ken inter, Council
C. F. Saine. Clerk.