Newspaper Page Text
c Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County. Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Ai.ex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Pus" iffice a| Cleveland,
Ob., as second class mail matter.
Subscription, It.00 per year
Who is it to be married next
Sunday? Guess you better just do
like we, wait and see.
Our mail service for the past
week or two reminds us of the days
when “Uncle” Jerry Brackett serv¬
ed us with two old mules.
Mr. Grover Dorsey, who has
been assisting Mr. Barrett, C.S.C.,
in the duties of his office at the
court-house for the past few weeks
has returned home. While here he
formed a closer acquaintance with
many of us that made us regret to
see him leave.
Miss Icie Clark left last Thurs¬
day afternoon to visit home folks
for the night, but owing to having
been taken sick has not yet returned
We are requested to state in our
columns to inform the public that
there will be a singing at Mossy
Creek Sunday afternoon, and that
everybody is invited to attend.
The entertainment given at the
colored school in town last Friday
night was attended well by both the
white and colored people of town.
Good behavior prevailed and all
enjoyed the evening delightfully,
and the colored students performed
their various parts in the plays
with credit to themselves and their
Was you one of the forty-one
persons present at the opening of
the services at the Methodist church
Sunday in town? Perhaps you was
one of the six who entered after
services commenced? Anyhow
if you was not there you missed the
opportunity to hear a most excell¬
ent sermon delivered by the pastor,
You know that fellow can preach,
don’t you? If not you ought to go
hear him, and then you would
know tt.
From Union Grove comes the re¬
quest that we state to our readers
that the Rev. Homer Thompson
will preach at Union Grove school
house Sunday (April istjafternoon
at 3 :30 o'clock.
Congressman Bell is here for a
few days rest from Washington.
Tom is always glad to get back to
the “old red hills of Georgia” to
breath his native atmosphere at the
foot of Yonah, and shake hands
with the “boys” of his youth.
We are requested to inform those
interested that Rev. H. M. Edwards
will preach at Yonah school house
the first Sunday in April at ii
o’clock, and are requested to
Col. G. S. Kytle was taken
worse last Friday and his condition
has been nather critical since that
time. It is hoped by his host of
friends that he will soon sufficiently
recover to be out and enjoy the
beautiful sunshine of spring time.
1 will have another car of the
best three to five-year-old mules in
Cleveland March 29, 1917. I will
make terms or swap. Come early
and get your choice. I will treat
you right.
F. G. Jones.
WANTED —By a son of
Andy Adams, your cattle to herd
in the mountains during the graz¬
ing season of 1917. I will take
special care of cattle entrusted to
Tuesday afternoon while the
family were out at work the dwell¬
ing of Mr. E. G. Nix on Mossy
Creek was destroyed by fire along
with nearly all the furnishings.
Although Mr. Nix carried an insur
ance of $500 on the building he is
a heavy loser. The community has
been prompt in responding to their
immediate needs.
Blue Ridge Dots.
We are glad to have this clear
weather after the equinoxial storms.
Rev. H. M. Edwards and Miss
May Miller dined with us last Sun¬
We are glad to understand that
Mr. Claude Allen, of Cleveland,
who has had measles, is now up
and at his post.
Mr. Marvin Allen came home
from Young Harris Saturday to
spend a day or two.
We are glad to note that Mr. F.
\. Jarrard, who has been feeble for
the past few days, is better.
Rev. John Underwood was pres¬
ent at Mt. Pleasant Sunday morn¬
ing and there informed us that The
rally to be held at this chnrch was
postponed until sometime in May.
Mr. J. L. Jarrard drove another
lot of calves into Union county
last week.
We hope that the fruit blossoms
have not been killed
The rose of Florida, the most
beautiful of flowers, emits no fra¬
grance ; the bird of Paradise, the
most beautiful of birds, gives no
songs ; the cypress of Greece, the
finest of trees, yields no fruit; dan¬
dies, the shiniest of men, generally
have no sense ; and ball room belles,
the loveliest of created creatures,
are very often ditto.—Sparta
Manufacturers of
High Grade Fertilizers
For Bigger Crops and Bigger Profits use Chattahoochee Fertilizers
They are suitable for every crop and Adapted to every pocketboftt
Chattahoochee Fertilizer are made from High Grade Blood, Bone and Tankage
Demand Loans_______________$ 1,779.89
Time Loans.. ._............... 40,188.34
Overdrafts, unsecured___________ 320.89
Banking House _________________ 2,004.92
Furniture and Fixtures....... 2,351.29
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State .........__ 18,394.38
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other states____________ 953.02
Currency____________________ 2,035.00
Gold______ __________________ 33.50
Silver, Niekles, etc____________ 239.81
Cash Items____________________ 168.65
Clearing House... . _____________ 215.12
Depositors Guarantee Fund.. 1 . 000.00
Fire Insurance Fund__________ 252.50
State of Georgia, White County.
Before me came A. G. Maxwell, Cashier, of Farmers & Merchants Bank, who
being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition
of said Bank as shown by the books of tile in said Bank.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ‘27th day of Mar, 191".
. G. H. WALKER, N.P., White County, Ga.
Demand Loans_______________$ 879.00
Time loans. j_________________41,991.00
Overdrafts, unsecured_____... 148 99
Furniture and Fixtures_______ 775.33
Other Real Estate_______•_____ 5,721.00
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State_______ 2,237.55
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States___________ 3,644.15
Currency________ 2,231.00
Silver, niekles, etc_______ 440.91
Cash Items__________________ 254.48
Total ..♦02,825.67
STATE OF GEORGIA. County of White.
Before me came F. G. Mauney, Cashier of the Bank of Helen, who being duly
sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank
as shown by the books of file in said Bank. F. G. MAUNEY.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, Hub 27th day of Mar., 1917.
CHAS, W, WHITE, Notary'Public.
White County, Ga.
The II. II. Wofford* family, all
of whom have had measles in a
very severe form, have two mem¬
bers yet in a serious condition.
Everything possible is being done
by those in the community and in
town to render such assistance as
they need. It is good to live in a
community where even the poorest
receive attention when in need.
The head the family, H. H,
Wofford, died Monday afternoon
and his body laid to rest in Wahoo
cemetery Tuesday. To us it is sad
and we know not why, that such
dire distress falls upon helpless
members all of one family, where
not even one is able to assist and to
wait upon the other, and the father
has sacrified his life in an effort to
serve his family.
Later—Another member of the
family, a girl, died Wednesday
Any man can take a newspaper.
It is the cheapest thing he can buy.
Every time a hen clucks and lays
an egg, his paper is paid for that
week. It costs less than a post¬
age stamp-—less than to send or
receive a letter. It comes to you
every week rain or shine, calm or
storm. No matter what happens
it enters your door a welcome
friend, full of sunshine, cheer and
interest. It opens the door of the
great world and puts you face to
face with its people and its great
events. No man it just to his child¬
ren or good to himself who does
not take his home paper,— Hart¬
well Sun.
Capital Stock Paid in.........$15,000.00
Undivided profits, less current
expenses, Interest and taxes
paid________________________ 1,383.28
Due unpaid dividends ...... 196.00
Individual deposits subject to
check.. _____________________ 24,001.52
Time Certificates............. 24,086.52
Cashier’s Cheeks ____________ 318.94
Bills payable including time
certificates representing bor
rowed money ......... 5,000.00
Capital Stock Paid in_________$15,000.00
Undivided Profits less Current
Expenseslnterest and Tax¬
es Paid ______ 3,401.14
Individual deposits subject to
Check_______ 20.907.78
Time Certificates_______^______33,318.99
Cashier's Checks__________... 77.70
Total .$02,825.67
“Miles M” is a registered Short
horn, dropped May 25,1915. After
a journey by rail from Illinois he
weighed 670 pounds, having been
on the road two weeks. Fee, $1.
He is at Jess Hunt’s farm. i
I will stand my jack and horse
one mile west of Cleveland during
the season. Living colt guaranteed.
Fee $5.00. J also have a Du roc
boar for service.
Jhss Hunt.
I will pay 4 cents per
pound for common fat cows,
and 4 1-2 for good fat ones
delivered at Helen, Ga. If you
have a dry eow that is not fat
I will buy her.
(i. A. Vandiver.
A percberon horse three years old,
weighing 1265 pounds, will be at
the Henderson farm, near W. H.
Courtenay’s, on Tesnatee, during
the season. Fee $12,50. J"onl
guaranteed. Owner of mares held
responsible for settlement.
Legal Advertisements.
Georgia, White county.
Ocotber term superior court said county,
October i2, 1 9 16 .
N. K. Harris, governor, vs. F. M. .lack
son, principal, W. A. Jackson and J. T,.
(Jackson, securities, non-residents of said
•county. Forfeiture of recognizances.
F. M. Jackson, W. A. Jackson and J.
L. Jackson, non-residents of said county,
You are hereby required to be and ap
pear personally, or by an attorney, at the I
next term of the superior court to be held I
in and for said county on the second
Monday ipJApril next, to show' cause, if
any they have, why judgment should
not be rendered against them for the a
moimt of their recognizance, forfeited as
afoiesaid, as in default thereof the court
will proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones, judge of
said court, this the 15 th day of December,
J. B. R. Barrett, C.S.C.
Georgia, White county.
October term superior court said county,
October i2th, 1916.
N. K. Harris, governor, vs. Riley
Adams, principal, and J. F. Smith, secur¬
ities, non-residents of said county. For¬
feiture of recognizances.
Riley Adams, and J. F. Smith, non¬
residents of said county, greeting:
You are hereby required to be and ap¬
pear personally, or by an attorney at the
next term of the Superior Court to be
held in and for said county on the second
Monday in April next, to show cause, if
any they have, why judgment should
not be rendered against them for the a
mount of their recognizance, forfeited as
aforesaid, as in default thereof the court j
will proceed as Injustice shall appertain,
Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones, judge of
said court, this the i5th day of December.
J. B. R. Barrett, C.S.C.
jouth Atlantic ano Conpany
Every farmer has it in his power very largely to
prevent crop failure. By proper selection of seed,
timely cultivation and, most important of all, a care¬
ful selection of dependable fertilizers , he gives his crop a
good, healthy start and keeps it vigorous throughout
critical seasons.
The South Atlantic Brands are made of high class materials,
selected with a view to giving service when service is needed.
They start the crops off quickly and maintain the growth and
fruit till harvest. The high grade animal ammoniates we use insure
late fruiting and development, and also liberate potash from the soiL
By their liberal use. the cotton crop is brought to a quick
and healthy maturity, thus escaping shedding losses and
the ravages of the boll weevil.
Don’t risk your crop on inferior fertilizers, but demand and insist on
getting the South Atlantic Brands.
Kenimer Bros.,'Cleveland, Ga. W. L. Hood & Bro, Santee, Ga.
J. J. Martin, Alto, Ga. F. M. Hulsey, Clermont, Ga.
Georgia, White county.
October term superior court said comity,
‘i 41 **'
Murphyi prin cipal, and securities, non
residents of said county. Forfeiture of
w * H - Murpbey, non-residents of said
county, greeting:
You are hereby required to be and ap
pear personally, or by attorney, at the
next term of the superior court to be held
in and for said county on the second
Monday in April next, to show cause, if’
any then can, why judgment should not
be rendered against them for the amount.
Of their recognizance, forfeited as afore -1
stud, as in default thereof the court will I
proceed as to justic e shall appertain. 1
W itness the Hon. J. B. Jones, judge of j
said court, this the 15th day of December, j
J. B. R. Barrett, C-S.C.
Georgia white county,
October term superior court said ronnty,
Ocober 12, 1916.
N. E. Harris, governor, vs. Toy Savage,
principal, and B. G. Savage, security,
forfeiture of recognizances.
Toy Savage, and B. G. Savage non-re¬
sidents of said cofinty, greeting:
You are hereby required to he ami ap¬
pear personally, or by attorney, at the
next terra of the superior court to l e held
in and for said county on the second
Monday in April next, to show cause, if
any they have, why judgment should not
be. rendered against them for the amount
of their recognizance, forfeited as afore¬
said. as in default thereof the court will
proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. J B. Jones, judge of
said court, this the 15th day ofDeeetnber,
J. B. R. Barrett, C. 8 .C.
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in
April next, at public outcry at the court¬
house in said county, within the legal
hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, the following property, to wit: One
!i,,u **' known as U,(> Sam c <mnup house,
11 three-room house, and
about four acres of land on which it
stands. Also one house anil lot known
af the Mrs. Crennon house. This is a
three-room house. Also one store¬
house and lot known as the J.
B. Sims store-house and lot. All
of the above described property lying
and living in the town of Robertstown.
Ga. Said property levied on as the
property of J. B. Sims to satisfy three
justice court fi fas issued from the justice
court of the 1497th district said county
in favor of King Hardware Company
against said J. B. Sims, said property
now in possession of J. B. Sims. Levy
made by M. L. Abernathy, L.C., and
turned over to the undersigned to adver¬
tise and sell. This the 8 th day of March
A. L. Dorsey, Sheriff.
To you who bank with us, we appreciate your patronage.
To you who do not bank with us. we solicit your patronage on the basis of
SOUND BANKING and COURTEOUS SERVICE. We appreciate every account
on our books—whether it be large or small—and invite you to give us a trial with
your account, and then decide whether or not this bank is the BANK OF SERVICE
when Save systematically, and when you have money, DEPOSIT WITH US, and
yo haven't any, LET US SERVE YOU.
six per cent on xime Deposits. All Deposits Guaranteed
President Vice-Presidents Cashier
Cleveland, Ga.
Georgia, White county.
Will be sold on the firs! Tuesday in
April next, at public outcry at the court¬
house in said county, within the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, described as fol¬
lows: Lot of land No. 65 in the 3rd dis¬
trict of said county containing 250 acres,
more or less, and being the place where
A. E. Ledford now lives. Said property
levied on as the property of A. E. Led¬
ford to satisfy an execution issued from
the spperior court of said county in favor
of the Farmers & Merchants Bank again¬
st said A. E Ledford, and five exeett
, j(m8 ifi8u , d from the jn8tice C1>urt of the
f)5Sth diatl . i{;t of Haili cottntv . in favor of
Mr *. Nancy Ledford against said A. K.
Ledford . transferred to the Farmers &
MerchRnt8 Bankj 8aid p ,,, pPrty being in
tbe p0WWBk)n of A . j.; L „,lf (ll , L
This fitri day of s March, i9i7.
A. L. Dorsey, Sheriff.
trHorgia, White county.
By virtue of an order of the Jsourt of
ordinary of said county, will be sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in
April, 1 9 1 7, at the court-house door in
said county, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest and best bidder for
cash, the following lauds, to - wit: Two
hundred and forty acres of land, more or
less, and being all, or nearly all, of lot of
land No. 98 in the third district of White
county, Ga , and being the Lemuel R.
Allison old home place in Tesnatee dis¬
trict. said county. Said fproperty now
belongs to and is a part of the estate of
Mrs. Mattie Allison,• deceased. There is
on this property a splendid dwelling
house and a very good orchard. Also a
lot of good farming land.
This the 5th day of March, 1917.
J. B, Allison, Adrnr.
Administrator of Mattie Allison.
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold, at the Court-House door
in said county, on the first Tuesday in
April, 1917, within the legal hours of
sale, the following property to-wti:
Part of lot of land No. 35 in the third
district of said county, commencing on
the Cleveland and Hiawasse road at the
gate, thence running up the old road to
the fork of the old road to a rock corner,
thence running the old road through the
field to a ford of the branch, thence fol¬
lowing the branch down to $e little
branch, thence across the branch and
run straight to the old canal, thence run
the old canal to the Cleveland and lfia
waasee road, thence run the Cleveland
and Hiawassee road back to the be¬
ginning corner, exeset the mineral in¬
terest in said land, and known as part of
the John W. Johnson place, with all im¬
provements thereon. Said land levied
on as the property of J. F. Chastain to
satisfy an execution issued on the 19th
day of May i916 from the Justice’s Court
of the 1497th district, G. M., of said
county in favor of J. H. Jarrard against
J. F. Chastain, said levy made by J. B.
Sims, L. C., in and for the i497th district
and turned over to me for the purpose of
advertising and sale. This the 8 th day
of March, i917.
A. L. Dorsey, Sheriff.