Newspaper Page Text
PAID OUT $4,000
Tried Treatment for Three Years
but Couldn’t Get Relief.
“Even My Own Folks Are Astonished
That I Am Able to Do My
Housework,” Says Mrs.
One of the most sensational state¬
ments yet published in connection
with Taniac, was made by Mrs. V.
Blalock, residing at 104 Crawford
street, Houston, Texas, a few’ days
ago. who said:
"I suffered so much from rheuma¬
tism and stomach trouble for the past
three years that I became despondent
and sometimes felt that life was hard¬
ly worth living. I had a distressed
feeling in my stomach no matter what
or how little I ate. My chest was full
of pain, my heart acted peculiar and
I could hardly get my breath at times.
I was tired all the time and felt so
weak and miserable that I could hard¬
ly stand on my feet.
“Do you know I spent something
like four thousand dollars during
those three years for treatments and
medicines of various kinds but found
no relief. I started taking Tanlac
and began to improve with the first
few doses and even my own folks are
now astonished that I am able in so
short a time to do my own housework.
Somehow it just seemed to suit my
case exactly and it makes me happy
to think how perfectly my health Is
being restored. I can eat anything I
w'ant now and am not troubled any
more with shortness of breath or other
signs of indigestion. 1 have already
gained five pounds in weight and am
Improving every day.”
There is a Tanlac dealer in your
His Defenders.
Recruiting Officer—“How about join¬
ing the colors? Have you anyone de¬
pendent on you?” Motorist—“Have I?
There nre two garage owners, six me¬
chanics, four tire dealers, nnd every
gasoline agent within a radius of one
hundred and twenty-five miles.”—
but possessed by few—a beautiful
head of hair. If yours Is streaked with
gray, or Is harsh nnd stiff, you can re¬
store It to its former beauty and lus¬
ter by using “La Creole” Hair Dress¬
ing. Price $1,00.—Adv.
Crude Job.
“I’m a self-made man.”
“You knocked off work too soon.”—
Boston Transcript.
Don’t waste anything. Not even en¬
ergy in climbing hills before you come
to them.—Milwaukee News.
Don’t Poison Baby.
f^ORTY r 1 PAREGORIC YEARS AGO or laudanum almost every to make mother it sleep. thought These her drugs child will must produce have
I Bleep, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP
FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who
have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, lauda¬
num prohibited and morphine, each of which Is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists
are from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or
to anybody without labelling them “poison.” The definition of “narcotic”
is : "A medicine which relieves pain and produced sleep, but which in poison¬
ous smell doses medicines produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death." The taste and
of containing onium are disguised, and sold under the names
of medicine “ Drops,” “ be Cordials,” given “ Soothing children Syrups,” etc. You should not permit any
to to your without you or your physician know
of what it is composed. CA8TORIA DOES NOT
CONTAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature
of Chas. H. Fletcher.
genuine Castorla always bears the signature of
He Couldn’t Explain.
The Sunday school teacher was ex¬
plaining to the children how Sunday
came to he Instituted.
“The Lord worked for six days,”
she said, “and rested on the seventh
day. Therefore the Lord blessed the
seventh day and hallowed It. Now
has any child a question to ask?”
Willie put up his hand.
Willie wishes to ask a question.
What is it, Willie?”
“Why did th’ Lard pick such a dead
day as Sunday for a holiday?” asked
The teacher couldn’t explain.—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
You will look ten years younger if you
darken your ugly, grizzly, gray hairs by
using "La Creole” Hair Dressing.—Adv.
Matching Sizes.
“That was such a littie ring he gave
his girl.”
“But she is such a little belle.”
Good health depends upon good diges¬
tion. Safeguard your digestion and you
safeguard your health. Wright’s Indian
Vegetable Pills provide the safeguard. A
medicine as well as a purgative. Adv.
Milwaukee schools will no longer
study German in lower grades.
If a man is able to gain time he
ains everything.
Sore Granulated
Eye* inflamed by expo¬
sure to Sun, DhsI and Wind
Eyes | just quickly Ejefiemed). Eye relieved Comfort. No by Smarting, Murine At
Druggists or by mail 50c per Bottle. Muriite
Eye Salve in Tubes 25c. For Book of the Eye
FREE ask Muriac Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Splendid Medicine
For Kidneys, Livet
and Bladder
For the past twenty years 1 have been
acquainted Root, with your preparation, Swamp
and all those who have had occa¬
sion to use such a medicine praise the
merits of Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root; spe¬
cially has it inflammation been very useful in cases of
catarrh or of the bladder. I
firmly believe that it is a very valuable
medicine and recommendable for what it
is intended.
Very truly yours,
Oct. 20, 1918. Alanreed, Texas.
Prove What Swamp-Root WBI Do For You
Binghamton, $*nd ten cents N. Y., to Dr. for Kilmer A Co.,
bottle. It will convince a sample You Bize
will also receive booklet anyone.
a of valuable
and information, bladder. telling about the kidneys
When writing, be sure end
mention this paper. Regular fiftv-eent alj
and one-dollar size bottles for sale at
drug stores.—Adv.
A Philadelphia Idea.
Music and cleaning the parlor have
never been very closely associated.
When the housewife wants to play the
piano she generally waits until she
has cleaned the parlor, token n bail)
and dressed herself in party clothes.
Now a Philadelphian has patented a
dust-filtering attachment which can be
attached to the player-piano, and the
ordinary housewife can now seat her¬
self at the piano-player, obtain music
via the keys, work the pedals for all
she is worth and, with her child to
run the vacuum cleaner about the
floor, she can have it clean In a jiffy.
The bellows of the player are attached
to the vacuum cleaner by means of
a special pipe, and in this manner the
needed-vacuum is created for cleaning
Tetterine Conquers Poison Oak.
I enclose 60 cents in stamps for a box
of Tetterine. I have poison oak on me
again, and that is all that has ever cured
It. Please hurry it on to
M. E. Hamlett.
„ Montalba. Tex., May 21. ’08.
Tetterine cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring
Worm, Itching Pllee, Old Itching Sores,
Dandruff, Chilblains and every form of
Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterine 60c;
Tetterine Soap 2£c. Your druggist, or by
mall from the manufacturer. The Shup
trlne Co., Savannah, Ga.
With every mall order for Tetterine w»
give a box of Shuptrtne's 10c Liver Pills
free. Adv.
To Be Brief—.
"What on earth did that fellow mean
when he said that, he was a peregrinat¬
ing pedestrian, castigating his itin¬
erary from the classic Athens of Amer¬
“He meant he was a tramp, heating
his way from Boston.”—Indianapolis
“What do you find most productive
of hard cash?”
“Soft things.”
An old bachelor says the average
wait of women is until they nre asked.
Sore Byes, Blood-Shot Eyes, Watery Eyes,
Sticky Eyce, all healed promptly with night¬
ly application* of Roman Eye Balaam. Adv.
The more some people tell us the
less we know.
Sixty-Two Die Every Minute.
Tlie annual death rate of the human
race is 33,000,000. That’s 91,000 a
day, 3,700 every hour, 62 every min¬
ute. One-half of the human race die
before they are sixteen years old ; one
quarter of the human race die before
they are five years old. The average
length of a human life is thirty-three
and one-third years. Not one man or
one woman in a million lives to he
one hundred years old. But don’t let
this discourage you from taking as
good care of your health as if it were
a new motorcar.
Whenever You Need a General Tonic
Take Grove’s
The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen¬
eral Tonic because it contains the well
known tonic properties of QUININE and
IRON. It acts cn the Liver, Drives out
Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds
up the Whole System. 50 cents.
Often Sour.
“Sweets to the sweet, eh?” said the
girl at the candy counter. “Nothing
to It.”
“What do you mean?”
“They’re often just as fussy at the
candy counter ns they are anywhere
is her hair. If yours is streaked with
ugly, grizzly, gray hairs, use “La Cre¬
ole” Hair Dressing and change it in
the natural way. Price $1.00.—Adv.
A wise spinster says it’s better to he
laughed at because you are not mar¬
ried than not to be able to laugh be¬
cause you are.
Some girls will promise to marry a
man and some will threaten to do so.
Rome.—James Brown, the 9-year-old
son of a widowed mother, Mrs. A. W.
Brown, was struck by an automobile,
and received injuries from which he
died a few hours later at a local hos¬
pital. •
Camp Harris, Macon.—Maj. William
H. Beck was elected lieutenant colo¬
nel of the Second Georgia infantry to
succeed Lieut. Coi. J. M. Kimbrough,
recently transferred to the regular
Bostwick.—Miss Lorena Butler, 14
year-oid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Butler, and one of the brightest
and most attractive young ladies in
this community, has been killed by
lightning in her home here.
Bainbridge.—Bainbridge has the ex¬
citement of a political campaign added
to the war situation. The campaign is
already actively under way, although
the executive committee has fixed no
date for the primary, which is usually
held in the summer months.
Rome.—Daniel G. McCollum, a
twenty-three-year-old farmer, residing
at Senev, will not answer to the call
of No. 13 in the Polk county draft,
for he was killed here by his cousin,
Marion Scoggins, who is in I he Floyd
county jail charged with murder.
Thomasville.—In an altercation be¬
tween Albert White and W. H.
Hughes as they started upon the re¬
turn trip from Thomasville to their
homes near Pelham, Mitchell county,
White received a pistol wound in the
chest, causing his death.
Quftman.—Judge W. H. Long, of the
city court, permitted a 13-roonths-old
baby to decide to whom it belonged.
Mr. and Mrs. Ixmnie Rogers, a young
couple,, separated several weeks ago
and ihe father took the 13-months-old
giri baby. The mother has instituted
proceedings to gel (he baby.
Columbus. Julian R. l>ane, county
engineer and warden of Muscogee for
the past six years, passed away at
his apartment here from rBight’s dis¬
ease. Engineer Lane some weeks ago
was forced to undergo an operation
whereby he lost his right leg above
the knee and since that; time had been
an invalid.
Augusta.—Rev. John D. Mauney,
pastor, of S1. Andrew's Lutheran
church of Hickory, N. C., has been
tendered’ the pastorate of St. Mat¬
thew’s Lutheran church of this city,
and will arrive in September to take
up his work here. He succeeds Rev.
P. J. Bame, who resigned several
months ago to accept the cal) at Lex¬
ington, N. C.
Albany.-—Walter Sills was shot and
killed by Major Johnson in the lat
ter’s room in the Brenard hotel. The
shooting was the aftermath of a fight,
the two had late in the afternoon in
Metropolitan cafe in which Sills had
struck Johnson with a chair and broke
a showcase. Johnson broke down the
screen door running out.
Rome.—Eighteen members of house
and senate committees on the Geor¬
gia School for the Deaf made the an¬
nual inspection of the institution and
will urge the adoption of the appropri¬
ation committee's recommendation of
an increase of ihe annual quota from
fifty thousand to sixty thousand dol¬
Macon.—While official announce¬
ment of the result of the elections in
the Georgia brigade must come from
the office of the adjutant general in
Atlanta, it is known that Maj. Frank¬
lin M. Cochran, of the adjutant gen¬
eral's department, at present station¬
ed in Atlanta, was elected lieutenant
colonel of the Fifth regiment, and Wil
Iiam H. Beck of Griffin to the corre
sponding position in the Second regi¬
LaGrange.—Never before in the his¬
tory of LaGrange have the people
been so divided as on the proposition
to incorporate the mill villages just
out of the city limits into a town to
be known as Southwest LaGrange.
There is a local movement on foot to
incorporate a "Grealer LaGrange.”
The present city limits extend only
one mile in a circle. The proposed
movement is to extend the limits to
the limit of two miles. This will in¬
clude the present proposed Southwest
Macon.—Steps to provide clean
amusements for the thirty-five thou¬
sand soldiers who will be camped at
Camp Wheeler within the course of
the next few weeks were taken at a
mass meeting held at the city audito¬
rium by authorizing a committee of I
five to name a general committee of | J
twenty-five to take the matter in
charge. T. S. Settle, representing the 1
war department committee on camp |
activities, outlined was present at the meeting j
and what should be done to \
occupy the soldiers during their spare I
moments. make’the He declared Macon can j
either coming of the soldiers j j
a menace or an opportunity and urged j
upon the city to see that they do not
become a menace.
Macon.—Mr. and Mrs. Nat Winship
have received a cablegram from their
son, North Winship, American consul
at Petrograd, announcing that he has
been transferred to Milan, Italy, he
having asked for the change because
of ill health.
Hariwell.—Dr. George S. Clark, a
prominent physician of Hartwell, and
county physician of Hart county, has
announced his candidacy for the sen¬
ate to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Senator A. A. McCurry, J. H
Skelton, one time senator from the
Thirty first district, will make the
New Discovery! Takes Place of Dangerous Calomel—It Puts Your Liver To
Work Without Making You Sick—Eat Anything—It Can Not
Salivate—Don’t Lose a Day’s Work!
I discovered a vegetable compound that does
the work of dangerous, sickening calomel and I
want every reader of this paper to try a bottle
and if it doesn’t straighten you up better and
quicker than salivating calomel just go back to
the store and get your money.
1 guarantee- that one spoonful of Dodson’s
Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work
and clean your thirty feet of bowels of the sour
bile and constipation poison which is clogging
your system and making you feel miserable.
I guarantee that one spoonful of this harmless
liquid liver medicine will relieve the headache, bil¬
iousness, coated tongue, ague, malaria, sour stom¬
ach or any other distress caused by a torpid liver
as quickly as 'a dose of vile, nauseating calomel,
besides it will not make you sick or keep you from
All Household Pets Should Be Kept
Away From Food, Says Govern¬
ment Experts.
Rats ami mice destroy millions of
dollars’ worth of food and other prop¬
erty every year in homes or on farms
and in business establishments. Many
rats harbor the germs of bubonic
plague. Trap and kill them, enjoins n
United States department of agricul¬
ture bulletin. Look upon every mouse
as an enemy to your property.
Eradicate roaches and house ants.
Keep weevils out of cereals.
Keep your food where such pests
cannot reach it.
Keep household pets away from
Don’t let fresh vegetables or fruit
wilt or lose their flavor or begin to
rot because they nre handled careless¬
ly. Keep perishable vegetables in cool,
dry, well aired, and, for most vegeta¬
bles, dark, rather than light places.
Learn how to store potatoes, cab¬
bages, root crops, fruits and other
foods so that 1hey will keep properly
for later use. Don’t think that any
place in the cellar or pantry Is good
enough to store food.
Heat, dampness, poor ventilation,
bruising or breaking will rapidly make
many vegetables rot, ferment or spoil.
Warmth and light make vegetables
sprout and this lowers their quality.
Not So Smart.
Mr. Flatbush—It’s the same old
Mrs. Flatbush—What's wrong now?
“I painted the front gate and hung
a sign on It, ‘Fresh Paint.’ ”
“The first man who came along put
his hand on it to see If the paint was
really fresh.”
“Don’t be so smart.”
“That, wasn’t a man that put his
hand on the paint to see if it was
fresh ; that was me.”
Our respect for old age depends a
great deal on whether it is to be ap¬
plied to men and women or boarding
house poultry.
for Tomorrow
Many people seem able
to drink coffee for a time
without apparent harm, but
when health disturbance,
even though slight, follows
coffee’s use, it is wise to
Thousands of homes,
where coffee was found to
disagree, have changed the
family table drink to
With improved health,
and it usually follows,
the change made becomes
a permanent one. It pays
to prepare for the health
of tomorrow.
“There’s a Reason”
a day’s work. I want to see a bottle of this won¬
derful liver medicine in every home here.
Calomel is poison—it’s mercury—it attacks the
bones, often causing rheumatism. Calomel is dan¬
gerous. It sickens—while my Dodson’s Liver,
Tone is safe, pleasant and harmless. Eat any¬
thing afterwards, because it can not salivate. Give
it to the children because it doesn’t upset the stom¬
ach or shock the liver. Take a spoonful tonight
and wake up feeling fine and ready for a full
day’s work.
Get a bottle! Try it! If it doesn’t do exactly
what I say, tell your dealer to hand your money
back. Every druggist and store keeper here knows
me and knows of my wonderful discovery of a
vegetable medicine that takes the place of danger¬
ous calomel.—Adv.
uiiirrtRSHirHs V (killTonic
Bold lor 47 years. For Malaria, Chills and Fever. Also
a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. 60c ut $1.00 it ill Drag Stans.
Mental Exercise.
“Do you enjoy modern poetry?”
“Very much. It’s such good fun try
lng to figure out what it means.” |
but like counterfeit money the imita¬
tion has not the worth of the original.
Insist on “La Creole” Hair Dressing—
It’s the original. Darkens your hair In
the natural way* but contains no dye.
Price $1.00.—Adv.
The Last of the Caribs.
The Carib Indian was the first rep¬
resentative of Lo the poor red man to
meet the tide of European travel. He
was the one found by Columbus and
the later Spanish explorers in the West
Indies, and he has given the Caribbean
sea Ills name. Thus he Is assured a
monument ns long as geography shall
last, nnd he needs It, because ns a
living race he has practically disap¬
How many thousands of Caribs
dwelt in the West Indies In 1492 Is
largely a matter of conjecture. They
quickly began to die out under the
hand of the conqueror, who worked
them as slaves, nnd shot them when
they made war. Today it Is doubtful
whether there are a hundred pure
blooded Caribs alive. Practically all
of them live on the British Island of
Dominion, on a reservation set apart
for them called Salybin.
Girls! Use Lemons!
Make a Bleaching,
Beautifying Cream
The juice of two fresh lemons strain- i
ed into a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white makes a whole quar¬
ter pint of the most remarkable lemon
skin beautifier at about the cost one
must pay for n small jar of the ordi¬
nary cold creams. Care should be tak¬
en to strain the lemon juice through a
fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in,
then this lotion will keep fresh for
months. Every woman knows that lem¬
on juice is used to bleach and remove
such blemishes as freckles, sallowness
and tan and Is the ideal skin softener,
smoothener and beautifier.
Just try It! Get three • ounces of
orchnrd white at any pharmacy and
two lemons from the grocer and make
up a quarter pint of thfc sweetly fra¬
grant lemon lotion and massage it daily
into the face, neck, arms and hands. It
naturally should help to soften, fresh¬
en, bleach and bring out the roses and
beauty of any skin. It is simply mar¬
velous to smoothen rough, red hands.
Take No Chances.
“There’s one way to drive an auto- j
“What’s that?”
“Whenever you approach a railroad j
crossing or a street car track and a
train or car is coming if you have to
wonder whether or not it is safe to
try to cross, decide that it isn’t.”
and constant use will burn out the
scalp. Cleanse the scalp hy shampoo¬
ing with “La Creole” Hair Dressing,
and darken, in the natural way, those
ugly, grizzly hairs. Price, $1.00.—Adv.
If a woman were satisfied with na
ture’s handiwork there would be fewer j
toilet preparations on the market.
“In your first battle, did you keep
up a running fire?”
“I kept up the running part of it.”
The man who loves a woman as
much ns she wants to be loved has no
time for outside flirtations.
If Werme or Tapawarm persist In yoov
system, H Is because you have not. yet tried
the real Vermifuge, Dr. Peery’s ‘‘Dead Shot.**
One dose does the work. Adv.
Self-love is more commendable at
times than self-forgetfulness.
Standard remedy for fifty
years and result of many years
experience In treatmeut of
throat and lung diseases by
Dr. J. H. Guild.
Free Sample and Practical
Treatise on Asthma, its cause,
treatment, etc., sent upon re¬
quest. 26 c. A11.00 at druggists.
J. H. GUILD CO., Rupert, Vt.
RfG.U.S.PAT. Off.
Reduces Bursal Enlargements,
Thickened, Swollen Tissues,
Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore¬
ness from Bruises or Strains;
stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain.
Does not blister, remove the hair or
lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle
at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free.
ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind— an
antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds,
strains, painful, swollen veins bottle or glands. It
heals and soothes. $1.00 a at drug,
gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you
write. Made in the U. S. A. by
W. F. YOUNG, P. 0. F. . 310 temple St, Springfield, Mats.
Money back without question
it HUNT’S CURE falls in the
treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
itching skin diseases. Price
60c at druggists, or direct from
A.t Rlctiards Medicine Co., thermae.Tei.
i Chills
I Good biliousness for Malaria, constipation tcnic.
—a fine
Guaranteed or money bach
Ask your dealer
6 Behrens Drug Co.,Waco.Tox.
.lee teeth. Doesn’t
»1 poet and receive
SpecfaU™ XEv'g.
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NOr31--191?7