Newspaper Page Text
; -iilS
VOL. XVIII. No ■ U).]
Rod Spring Colored Cuiap*
meeting Held Sue
cessful Session,
Our annual campmeeting at
Rock Spring convened August
29th and closed Sept. 2, and we
are thankful for (he good order
which prevailed from start to
finish, there being made not a sin¬
gle arrest, and if anyone was under
the influence of booze we do not
know it. We return thanks to the
county officers for so effiectively
carrying out the law which was
the cause of the good order we had.
We had a good selection of preach¬
ers. Dr. G. W. Arnold, of the
Atlanta District, preached for us
Sunday at 11 o’clock from St.
John xxi, is. and he was attentive¬
ly listened to by hundreds of peo¬
ple ; both white and colored, and
our souls burned within us while
lie unfolded the scriptures. We
had a large attendance of our good
white people and we are glad to
have them with us. Just one mis¬
take Was made as far as we know,
and that was in two or three white
boys who in passing the school
house broke out six window lights
and then ran off.
We had good preaching at the
session through and had very good
collections, the total amount col¬
lected being $58.84, and divided .as
follows: D. S. J. Griffith, $24.00;
M. M. Strickland, 1 ’. C., $20.93;
Dr. G. W. Arnold, $3.16; Rev.
K. I). Hough, $1015; Rev. F. R.
Bridges, $1.15; incidental ex¬
penses, *8.45.
High School News.
The educational, niackinerv of
Cleveland High SMg again went
into action Sept, 3m* with every¬
thing running smooth. The first
and second grades are again pre¬
sided over by Miss Annie Allison,
a position she has held to her cred¬
it of the school, for several years.
The third and fourth grades have
a new teacher, Miss MyraBulgin,
daughter of Dr. W. K. Bulgin.
Miss Bulgin is an excellent teacher
and will be a credit to the school.
The fifth and sixth grades are
looking into the face of Miss Sallie
Fay Hur.ter. Miss Hunter is an
O. K. link ui the faculty and will
stand the test. The seventh and
eighth are again trying their hand
with Mrs. Bernice Hall, so there
will be nothing knocking in that
part of the machinery. Prof. J.
W. Adams is again at the head of
the whole concern, and more es¬
pecially does he preside over the
ninth and tenth grades, so all is
The socities organized Friday
afternoon. The Cleve Hi society
elected officers as follows ■; Mr.
blither Allison, Pres.; Mr. Zeb
Curtis, Vice-Pres.; Miss Mazy
Craven. .Secy. President Allison
appointed his various committees,
doing justice to both sexes. His
Excellency. President Allison, has
our best wishes for a successful ad¬
The Wilsonian society went
suffrage by an overwhelming ma¬
jority, the ladies capturing all the
offices from president down. Miss
Enid Cantrell, was elected Presi¬
dent; Miss I.. E. Parks, Vice
|>,-£ S .; Miss Elizabeth Jarrard,
Look out, boys, you are in a
bard joad for stumps. We extend
to Her Excellency, president Can¬
trell, our best wishes for a success¬
ful administration.
Shoes Repaired.
Jf your old shoes need repairing
you can have a neat job done at the
jail by the prisoners. Persons are
required to furnish all-material.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Mr. and Mrs. II. 11 . Hunt spent
Sunday with the family of Mr. G.
L. McAfee.
Mrs. Lula Clark and little son,
Earnest, were over this way one
hist week.
Mr. David Lawson is hauling a
lot of nice apples to Cleveland for
which he is receiving a good price.
Miss Icie Clark will teach Dukes
Creek school. The term beginning
in November. Miss Clark is an
excellent young lady and we feel
sure she will give satisfaction us a
Revs. John l nderwood and
Marvin Allen held an interesting
service at Oakes’s Chapel last Sun¬
Grandmother Davidson is very
sick, She is a good and kind lady
and lowed by all her neighbors and
friends. We hope she will soon
Dr. Evans was up this way last
Saturday visiting the sick.
Mr. Yirgcl Glover was over this
way last Monday.
Mrs. E. S. Allen has been on
sick list for the past week.
Miss Nora Clark of Abbeville,
Ga. was a pleasant visitor at camp
A large crowd was present at
the baptizing, at Tesnatee, last
Sunday. We think much good
has been accomplished by Revs. J.
M. Nix and J. G. Young in their
series of meetings held at Hood’s
Chapel. Those joining were Mr.
and Mrs. Gold Hunt, Messrs.
Tames Bowman. Jesse and Bovd
Hunt, Misses Birtie Hunt and
Pearl Hunt, and Mrs. Nelson Nix
We think much good was ac¬
complished at Loudsville camp
ineeting. All the tents were oc¬
cupied and lots of people wanted
tents that could not get them. We
listened to some fine sermons de¬
livered by Revs. Robt. Allen and
Marvin Franklin. Rev. Marvin
Allen delivered a good sermonSun
day at 8 o’clock, #’he first cainp¬
meeting at Louisville was held
63 years ago, under a brush arbor.
The tents were built of logs. The
second year a board arbor was
erected, but the log tents remained
years, finally they were torn down
and plank tents took their place.
We hope the revived spirit that
prevailed during campmeuting will
last, and next year will be one of
the best campmeetings ever held at
Loudsville Lines.
Miss Jessie Cox qas entered
school again at Cleveland.
Mp. and Mrs, IJ. L. Shuler pass¬
ed through tills section last week
on their way to Union county.
Mrs. Emma Smith is visiting re
latives at New Holland at thi writ
,n S*
Mr. I), A. Vandiver Vandiver of of Helen
was ip this section last week.
Several from tiffs section attend¬
ed the Baptistingat Tesnatee Sun¬
day. There was eight persons
Mr. Claude Sims has entered
school at Cleveland.
Mr. J. C. Helton wu down this
way last week.
Messrs. W. C. Hood and Buford
Ledford paid New Holland a visit
last week.
Misses Hettle and Clara Howard
left last week for Young Harris
College to attend school.
Your correspondent paid reia
tives a visit up on Dukes Creek Creek
last week.
City Court Has Much Aut'orit?.
The act creating the city court’
of Cleveland provides that this
court shall have jurisdiction
throughout the whole of White
county, Ga. This court has no
connection whatever with the
mayor’s court or the town ofClevc
land more than a superior court,
and not any part of the funds de¬
rived from, this court in any way
belongs to the town of Cleveland,
but to the county as a whole, if
there be any funds accuring after
the expenses of the court has been
It is required that the judge and
solicitor shall have been a practic¬
ing attorney for stated periods to
be eligible to hold either office, but
they do not necessarily have to
reside in Cleveland. They are
elected by the people as are mem¬
bers to the general assembly every
two years,
It is the duty of the solicitor to
issue accusations against all persons
violating laws coming within the
jurisdiction of this court in White
county, and prosecute the same,
and the sheriff of the county and
his deputies and all lawful consta¬
bles are empowered to make arrests
under warrants issued by thiscourt.
The regular terms of this court
are to be held quarterly—conven¬
ing the first Monday in March,
June, September and December of
each year, but cases may be tried
at any time when there is no de¬
mand for a jury trial made by the
It is the duty of the solicitor to
prosecute all cases coining before
him as does soiieitors-generai of'
superior courts, and in this
ty persons need not employ ai
attorney to prosecute an
before a justice of the 'peace, since
if the case is brought before the
city court the solicitor will prose¬
cute it without cost to the prosecu¬
All funds accuring from fines in
this court go to the county treasury
and become a part of the general
The judge of this court shall re¬
ceive $100 quarterly for his servi¬
ces, said salary to be paid from the
funds in tho county treasury.
The judge of this court is barred
in all cases within the jurisdiction
of this court, and the solicitor acts
in behalf of the state. Thus to a
very large extent our legal bar is
reduced in strength by two of its
attorneys by virtue of their offices.
Warrants issued in this court can
not be tried in superior court, and
only such cases as come within the
jurisdiction of this court can be
tried in superior court when an in¬
dictment is made by the grand
iury, and this in the discretion of
t lie judge of the superior court who
may transfer such cases to the city
Should the decision rendered in
jthe city court be displeasing to
( either party the case*may he carried
w the court of ;ippca]s for f ina ; de .
c ; 9 j on
I Persons have the right to bring
suit against another in this court
and where the principal sum is
$50.00 up to $100,00 the costs of
the suit will be one-half that of
j superior court ; and in sums less
I than $5000 and not less than $2o.
1. I justice shall prevail,and
court costs
, cour t has jurisdiction only in
jthe district in which it is located
j in sums of less than $20.00. All
j judgements , are rendered at the first
I terrn excu P l where eil!,er W de
inand trial by jury, and this court
! has power to issue writ of habeas
corpus and to hear and dispose of
I same.
This couit has power to gran;
| new trials, civil or criminal,
Jurors serving in this court are
j j entitled entitled to to the the same same jurors per per diem as
j is is allowed allowed all all jurors in in superior
The Northeast
Georgia Fair
The business men of Gainesville
have organized a Fair Association
with a Capital Stock of Ten
Thousand Dollars and plans are be¬
ing, made to hold a big fair on Oct.
23rd to 27th. The Agricultural
Farr, where the agricultural and
industral resources of this section
can be exhibted has long been
needed and the step these men
have taken means much to this
terfitory. Fairs are now recogniz¬
ed es powerful factors in this up¬
building of our country. The fairs
belt! in other parts of the State
have been well patronized and
have filled a long felt want in ad¬
vertising the resources of theState.
We congratulate the people of
Gainesville on their foresight and
bespenlj for them the patronage of
all North Georgia. In a letter
from the Association we are told
that, the very best in attractions
have been procured for the week
of the fair. All shows will be
clean, moral and up-to-date and
those who can rest assured that
they will get their money’s worth.
No immoral shows of any kind and
no gambling will be tolerated.
Several hundred dollars are offer¬
ed,!© the farmers,' farmers wives,
boys and girls for agricultural, live
stock and handiwork displays. A
.Premium List giving all the infor¬
mation along this fine can be bad
by Writing the Secretary, Mr. J,
II. llosch, Gainesville, Gat
The dates of the Fair will be
foot. 23rd to the 27th inclusive. A
feature of the fair will be the
parade of school children on Tues¬
day the first day of 1 lie Fair. Every
school child in North Georgia who
is theie on that date and inarching
in the parade will be admitted free.
Gainesville extends a cordial in¬
vitation to everyone in this section
to visit this great exposition.
Current Prices Country Produce in Cleveland.
Eggs 35 cents per doz.
Hens 18 “ “ lb.
Frys 22 “ “ lb.
Rye $2.00 per bushel.
In a French' drive on the Vendun
front ; arnofig the casualties, was a
German officer, who like all others
under tbeGerman Imperialism rule,
have never been given the truth.
The German officer in a conver¬
sation to a commanding French
offjeer said; among other thing,
speaking of America’s part in the
war, when told by the French
officer that thousands of Americans
were in France. The German
officer replied : “Those are only
adroit man livers designed to .keep
up the spirits of the combatants.’’
The French officer then said : “We
would con vince you ; you shall be
conducted before General Pershing,
the commander-in-chief of the
American expeditionary forces in
France, now here, on the Verdun
front. You cgn question him and
learn whether it is the German
people or us who are being deceiv¬
ed by those govern.”
When the escort came to con¬
duct the prisioner before General
Pershing big tears rolled dowdfyiis
cheeks and he remarked sadly :
“fcfince that is the case, it is all
over. We are lost.
court, and they shall he paid from
the funds in the county treasury.
The clerk and sheriff shall receive
the same tees as allowed in super¬
ior court, which shall be their costs
in tlie cases coming before the
court and shall be paid by the de¬
fendant when found guilty,
(PRICE *1.00 A YE vK
sirens, Cop* aos asaiiatii
Presided, Vice-Presidents. Cashier.
Cleveland, Georgia. Record
A Bank With a
Deposits Sept. 4th 1015 $(>,210.29
Deposits Aug. Oth 1917...................$55,707.07
Increase (800 percent)..........................$49,550.78
A Bank With a Backing
Every Deposit Guaranteed.
A Bank With a Principle
(» per cent Paid on Time Deposits.
A Bank With Appreciation
" We favor those who favor us
A Bank with a Welcome
Drop in to see us
President. • Vice-Presidents, Cashier.
To Prospective Purchasers of Ford
Cars in’ White and Lumpkin Counties
We have a car load of six touring ears to be jjclivered to
purchasers in Lumpkin and White
are now ready for delivery. First come, first WnfiSJ* The
price has advanced $5.00 per car and a Touring car will
now cost you $398.95. delivered to you and full of gasoline
and oil.
Dahlonega, Georgia.
Branch of Louis E. Wisdom,
Gainesville, Georgia.
Why? Land planted to apples will soon be five times as
valuable as that, not planted.
Where shall I purchase them?
Representing Cumberland Nurseries of Winchester, Tenn.
Cleveland, Ga., Aug. Brd. 1917.
RECEIVED OF A. G. Maxwell, Agent of the Hartford
Fire Insurance Company, $(>00.00, being full settlement for
loss of dwelling under poliey No. B22.
(Signed) .JOHN |). ASI1.
Dealer in hire, late, Sick, accident - and PROTECTION
Truly INSURES. only such Insurance that
Spend Your Vacation In
The Lund of the Sky.
This Famous Resort Section is in Western North Carolina, a
few hours ride.
Two thousand feet above the sea level in an ozone laden atmos¬
phere where all recreations may be enjoyed.
A few of the famous resorts are
Write for summer folder showing list of
L O W* S U M M E R F A R E S
For complete information and illustrated literature communicate with
R. L. Baylor, j, y, Blood worth,
D,I .A., Atlanta, Ga, T.P.A,, Macon, Get*