Newspaper Page Text
STbc Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Alex. Davioson, Editor.
Entered at the P«>h at Cleveland
Ga., &» mscoivl e!<. *?. until
Snivel iption, $1.00 per year
The town of Cleveland can now
boast on having a concrete side¬
walk from the public square to Mr.
A. G. Quinn’s shop. Tins is :.
great need that. Cleveland has done.
We hope to see her more progres¬
sive in other ways in the future.
Could tin; town consider some
method of street lighting? Especi¬
ally do we want them to consider
tlie lighting of the public square,
and not wait until winter is on us.
Do it now. Get out of that old
Mr. Claude Allen, who is at
Helen with Morse llros. Lumber
Co., but formerly will) the Cleve¬
land- Courier; as a compositor, was
down Sunday. He motored up to
see his grandmother Davidson Sun¬
day afternoon, who is very low.
Corporal Coy C. Parks, of the
Elbert County National Guards,
arrived in Cleveland Sunday after¬
noon on a visit to Ins sister, Mrs. J.
W. Adams. Mr. Parks is a very
pleasant young man and Uncle
Sam will feel very proud to have
such a genteel and sterling gentle¬
man with .him. We wish this
young man, much success wher¬
ever Uncle Sam may send him,
and most of all do we wish him
good health and return home,
should he be sent to Fi ance.
The White County Bank has,
since Mr. j. H. Martin’s absence,
employed Mr. Young Stover of
Shoal Creek? Mr. Stover is a son
Mr. W. A. Stover. We wish this
young man much success in the
•course he is now pursuing.
Mr. Van Jones, formerly travel¬
ing for M. C. Browtj, of Gaines*
villfe, until Mr. Brown’s business
was destroyed by fire early in the
spring, was in town the other day.
We was glad to see Mt. Jones.
He is a live wire.
The many friends of Mr. add
‘Mrs. O. G. Gillstrap sytnaphize
with them in the loss of their in¬
fant born to them Wednesday
night of last week.
Miss Jessie Davidson spent last
week with relatives in Habersham.
Mr. W. D. Dorsey, deputy
sheriff, was tried before Judge
West in the justice court Monday
and acquitted on a charge of high¬
way robbery, It appeared -that
Mr. Clarence Trotter had been
talking too much and doing things
in the public road, near Mr. Dor¬
sey’s borne caused Mr. Dor¬
sey to suspicion tliaf be hud whis
key. Mr. Dorsey'.'arrested‘him’and
searched for whiskey but found
none, and while Dorsey was com
municating with the sheriff Trotter
made his escape. Later he swore
out a warrant for Dorsey charging
him with highway robbery and the
case was later tried with the result
above slated. The evidence in the
case led solicitor Underwood of the
city court to issue an accusation
against Mr. Trotter for drunken¬
ness, and lie made bond for his ap
pearance at the December term.
Messrs. Harry A. Nichols and
Nish Palmer left Sunday morning
for Camp Gordon, they being the
two required to report there from
White county. Chas. E. Head
was notified by the local committee
to report for this service but as lie
was not certified by the district
board he could not be sent, there¬
fore Mr. Palmer was sent to take
his place. The couutv is proud of
these young men, and hope that in
them will be found men unconquer¬
able and whom the comm may be
ever proud. The prayei s of all
good people go out for the ir safe
return to their homes when peace
again brings joy to the hearts of
all nations involved in this titanic
Closing Out Sale
Of Summer Millinery. Every bat
is a bargain. Pattern hats sold at
cost. Every bat must go at a bar¬
gain. Also nice line of advanced
fall him. summer felts. This is the
upfodute store Por Millinery. If it
i- a straw bat, new fall hat, it is
here. Just received nice line of
wash skirts, middies, hair net, etc.
NiiC clean stock. See out line.
Bring your produce.
Cleveland Millinery; Co,
Rev. Homer Thompson spent a
few days last week in Monroe and
Mr. P. R. Davidson came in
Tuesday night to see his stepmoth¬
er, who is very low.
Messrs. M. and C. 'I'. Griffin of ,
the firm of Griffin Brothers, Cler¬
mont, Ga., returned last Saturday
from an extended trip to Cincinna¬
ti, High Point and other places.
They, report having bought a large
and complete line of furniture and
housefurnishing goods and will
have same on display in their new
building at Clermont about the
first of October. Watch for their
advert laments.
1 have a good Ford car for sale
in first class running condition.
Parties interested call or write
me at Cleveland, Ga.
Frank Carroll
Legal Advertisements.
In pursuance of the Act, of the General
Assembly of the State of Georgia, ap¬
proved December 17th, 1012, we N. P.
Pratt, of DeKalb County, Georgia, Pat
met’ Pratt, It. Ransford Dooner, W. D.
Ellis, Jr., Midi R. Wilkinson, Lee. Ash
craft, Van W. Wilkinson, G. W. Mc¬
Carty, Jr., J. H. Johnston, anil J. M.
Parrott, of Fulton, County, Georgia,here¬
by petition for a charter for one hun¬
dred and one years for the formation of a he known as: CHE8TA
tal stock of One Hundred and Fifty
Thousand (#150.000) Dollars in common
stock to b paid in cash for the purpose of
constructing, erjuiping, maintaining and
operating a railroad from, at or near
Clermont in Hall County, Georgia, on
the Gainesville & Northwestern Railroad
to the mines of the Chestatee Pyrites &'
Chemical Corporation in the eastern part,
of Lumpkin County on the Chestatee
River, said proposed road being in
length about nine and three-ipiarters
(SI 3-4) miles, and extending from Cler
inont on the Gainesville .% Northwestern
Railroad in a northwesterly direction
passing through the county of White,
and partly through the counties of Hall
atid Lumpkin. The principal office of
said corporation is to be located at At¬
lanta, Fulton County, Georgia.
Politic: era intend in good faith to go
forward without delay to secure sub¬
scriptions to tBe capital stock, and to
construct, maintain and operate said rail¬
road. Your petitioners have given four
weeks notice of their intention to apply
for said charter by the publication of
said petition in the newspapers in which
the Sheriff’s advertisements are publish¬
ed in the counties of Hall, White and
Lumpkin once a week for four weeks be¬
fore tiling this petition.
WHEREFORE, Petitioners pray that
said Charter be granted them as provid¬
ed by the statute.
N. P. Pratt
J. It. Johnston
W. D. Ellis, Jr.
J . M. P.VlvItOTT
I,KK A Illicit A NT
Mr 1.1, R. Wilkinson
( t. W. MaCari y, Jr.
Van W. Wilkinson
Palmes Pratt
H. Ranskokd Hooker
W. I). Ellis, Jr., Attorney.
Grant Illdg.,
Atlanta. Ga.
Georgia, White County.
Libel for divorce in White Superior
Court, October Term. 1 917.
Lon W, Satterfield vs. Chas. M. Satter¬
I appearing to the court by the return
of the sheriff in the above stated care
that the defendant does not reside in said
county, mid it further appearing that
Chas M. Satterfield does not reside in
this State: Ordered by the court that
j service be perfected on the defendant by
j the publication of this order twice a
j month for two months before the next
term of this court, in the public gazette
of said county ia which sheriff's sales
are ordinarily published.,
NYitness the Honorable J. B. Jones,
i .1 udge of said court,
1 | This 25 th day of J. July, B. R. 1917 Barrett, . Clerk.
Georgia W bite County: .
Whereas: Miss Baida Hunt, adraisis
ti atrix of Jesse Hunt estate. RFpreifeut
ed to the court in hi repetition duly tiled
ami entered nn record, that she has fully
administered Jesse Hunt's estate.
This is wherefore to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and debtors to show
cause if any, why said administratrix
should not he discharged from her ad¬
ministration and receive letter of ilis
mission on the first Monday in Oct. 1017
N. J. Ai.t.isox
i.ibel for Divorce in White Superior
Court. Oct. term ,936.
Ollie King vs Ira 1), King.
To Ira H. King
It appearing to the satifnetion of the
court that Ira D. King does pot. reside in
White County, nor in lb" State of Geor¬
gia. It. is ordered By the court that th
■Ii fendrnt in the above stated ease he
served by publication ofthijT notice twice
a month for two months in the Cleveland
Courier, (lie same being the paperin
which the Shofitf's advertisement# are
published for White County, Georgia.
Witness the Hon J. B, Jones, Judge
of said Court. T
This the 25nd day of August, 1!U".
J. H. R Barrett, C. S. C.
Georgia, White County.
Will be, sold at the. court-house door in
said county on the first Tuesday in Oct.,
i!)f7. within the legal hours of sale, to
the highest and beet bidder for cash, the
following described land, to wit:
Part of lot of land No. ti2 in the third
district said county, containing thirty
acres of land, more or less,and fully des¬
cribed as follows: Commencing at a
point where the old mill road leaves the
main public road leading from the Alli¬
son old home place in the direction of
Robertstown, Ga.,and running the north
bank along with said mill road to a con¬
ditional line near the branch, thence in a
northerly direction with this conditional
line to the original line of said lot of
land, thence cast the original line to a
conditional line between this land and
the land formerly owned by J. R. Dean,
just cast, of the canal, thence southerly
down a small branch, same being a con¬
ditional line to the public mad, thence
with said public road to the starting
point, with improvements thereon. Said
land levied on as the property of R. B.
Sims. Levy made by J. N.‘Blalock, L.
C., and turnetkover to the undersigned
to advertise and sell. This 6th day of
September, 1 917.
A. L. Doitsttv, Sheriff.
Will be sold before the court bouse
door in the town of Cleveland, White
County, between the legal hours of sale
on the first Tuesday in October next, the
following property to wit:
All of the same lying in the first, land
district of the County of White, being
the fee and entire mineral, agriculture,
and timber interest in lot tiff and 4'), and
the entire fee timber, mineral and agri¬
cultural interest in one acre in the South¬
east, corner of lot 57, all the mineral and
mining interest in lot 41, all the mineral
and oue-fpurth of the agricultural and
timber interest in lot 35, five-sixth of all
mineral timber and agricultural interest
in lot 37. Each of sat 1 lots containing
(250) two hundred and fifty acres more or
less. There is a mortgage of two thou¬
sand dollars ($2000) in favor of R. T.
Koniiner on the above interest in lots
number 35, 30, 40and 41. This sale being
subject to said mortgage. On lot 57 is a
ten stamp mill and on lot 3i) and 40 is
the following personal property to wit:
One live stamp mill, one forty horse
boiler, one. twenty H. P. engine, one ten
11. P, engine, mounted on wheels, one
complete saw mill outfit, one extra >saw,
one shingle mill complete with saw. etc..
snrfaee planer, one Worthington
force pump of 1,000,00) capacity, one
shaft windless and gearing one 801b band
motor, two chain wrenches, two cross
saws, one retort for gold three eight inch,
angles, 225 feet of manila rope ranging
from I inch to 1 inch in diameter, also
6360 feet of spiral, wrought iron piping
with Hanged joints, slip joints, and
screw joints. Said piping ranging from
J inches to tij inches in diameter. One
twelve inch wrought iron elbow, five
five wrought iron elbows, six tltree inch
wrought iron elbows, four five inch
wrought iron T's, one F reducer, 18’ .to
12', two reducers 12' to 10’, two reducers
S' to 6', four giants, three S' valves, five
5’ valves, three 8' valves, two monkey
outfits complete, two jacks and stands.
In addition there are several saws, ham¬
mers. braces and bits, and a few mis
eelleneous shovels, mattocks and tools.
Also at- the same time and place before
the Court House door will he gold 380,
000 sVieares of stock of the Loud Hydrau
lia Hose Gold Mining Company, which
at one time was operating a gold mine in
in said County. All of the . said
property to be sold as the proper
| C °f ‘'l- B. Reaves, deceased, unde, and
I virtues of an order of the Court- of
Ordinary of Clarks County, said state of
Georgia, all of the machinery and tools,
under and by virtue-of said order, will
sold on the premises (where it. can be
seen and examined b-fore sale day) and
immediately after the sale ef the real
estate and the stock which will be sold
at the Court House Door in Cleveland,
Georgia, as above stated. Terms cash or
note for one year with eight per cent in¬
terest approved security.
S. P. Rea+es
R. K. Reaves, Jr.
Executors of M. P. Reaves.
Security in the Purchase of a Piano Depends upon the Responsibility of
the Maker—the Greater the Re sponsibility, the Greater the Security.
Our business was established in 1862, Oar factories (five in number) are the largest and most
ho roughly equipped piano factories in tie world. Our capacity is 30,000 instruments annually. All
goods we sell are made by us. All goods go direct from our factory to your home. We make all good
grades of pianos—six separate and distinct kinds—forty different styles.
The Baldwin product has been awarded the highest honors in the world: The Grand Prix, Paris,
1900, and the Grand Prize, St. Louis, i’qv. The Baldwin Piano is the only Ameritan Piano ever thus
honored. Als the Grand Prize, London, 1914.
Our goods are sold in every part of .he civilized world. We give an absolute guarantee with each
piano. Our prices are quoted on the very lowest factory basis.
Our REPI'TATION and our FUTURE is in every piano we sol!; this with our financial
ability is your best security.
Cbe Baldwin piano Co.
Write us asking for demonstration of the instrument of your choice, or call on us. it
will not obligate you to buy.
Northeast Georgia's Biggest Fair
October 2», £4, 25, 26, 27, 1017
No expense will be spared to make this fair a real exhibition of the products of the greatest
section of Georgia.
For Premium List and Information write the Secretary
Northeast Georgia’s Biggest Fair
Gainesville Georgia
OCTOBER 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 1917
A man with sufficient help to
run'my farm of 65 acres, and milk
and care for 10 to 12 cowf, on
share or salary A good proposi¬
tion for the right man. Investi¬
gate at once.
Call or address.
M. J. Williams,
Nacoochee, Ga.
Carpenters, lumbermen, railroad
men, grade foremen, and all classes
of laborers for immediate work.
Write or apply to
Morse Brothers Lumber Co.,
Helen, Ga.
X O T I C E.
All persons indebted to the estate
of J - A - Richard «>n, deceased, win
please come and settle with me at
once, either by cash or note.
W. J. Oakes, Adrnr,
For sate by
Cleveland Drug Co., Cleveland, Ga.
And all good dealers.
Attorneys At Law,
Jefferson. Ga,
Practice in all the state courts.