Newspaper Page Text
Calomel Loses You a Day's Work!
Take Do dson's Liver T one Instead
Read my guarantee! If bilious, constipated or head¬
achy you need not take, nasty, sickening, danger¬
ous calomel to get straightened up.
Every druggist in town—your drug¬
gist and everybody’s druggist has no¬
ticed a great failing off in the sale
calomel. They ail give the same rea¬
son. Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking
its place.
“Calomel is dangerous and
know it. while Dodson’s Liver Tone
perfectly safe and gives better
sults,” said a prominent local druggist.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is
guaranteed by every druggist
sells it. A large bottle doesn’t
very much, but if it fails to give
relief in every case of liver
ness and constipation, you have
9" OH ”’6‘ .
:c a *. ><
a: $90.?! 2 751 0:0: $2 :z
Elsie Had the Idea, Anyhow.
Elsie came home from school be¬
fore the holidays with her little nose
tilted at an angle that her mother rec¬
ognized immediately was to “register”
deep, irreconcilable scorn. Her mother
of course asked the questions that
would bring forth an explanation.
“Oh, it’s Hilda; believe me I’m not
going to play with her any more,” said
the aggrieved one.
"Why, 1 thought Hilda was one of
your best friends. What has she done
to you?’’
“She hasn’t done anything. It’s her
father. He was born In Germany and
he’s never taken out his civilization pa¬
and constant use will burn out the
scalp. Cleanse the scalp by shampoo¬
ing with “La Creole” Hair Dressing,
and darken, in the natural way, those
ugly, grizzly hairs. Price, $1.00.—Adv.
Keeps Peace.
“Is he a peace worker?"
“I judge so. I understand he makes
1 lie beds, and washes the dishes at
Early Maturing
Cotton Seed
Myatt’g Early Prolific (Row
den), Cook, Cleveland, Perry,
Simpkins’ Ideal, King and
Simpkins’ Prolific.
fVrife or win for Bookkl and prktt.
W. A. MY ATT, Jr. & CO.
Raleigh * • North Carolina
Mitchell's New Faultless
Bred Kind Cotton
Double efficient in characters, guaranteed satisfac
lory. Extra early prolific Will big five lock bolls. 10
lbs. postpaid $3.00. plant acre. Re-improved
King, ] 00 lb. bag $7.50 f. o. b. here.
Sugar Loaf Cotton Farm, Youngsville, N. C.
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 4-1918
The men on the firing line represent
the pick of our American youth. One in
four of our boys at home was sick, re¬
jected because of physical deficiency.
Many times the kidneys were to blame.
If we wish to prevent old age coming
on too soon, or if we want to increase
our chances for a long life. Dr. Pierce of
the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., says
that you should drink plenty of water
daily between meals. Then procure at
your nearest drug store Anuric (double
strength). This An-u-ric drives the uric
acid out and cures backache and rheuma¬
If we wish to keep our kidneys in the
best condition a diet of milk and vege¬
tables, with only little meat once a day,
is the most suitable. Drink plenty of
pure water, take Anuric three times a day
for a month. It sells for 60c.
Step into the drug store and ask for
Anuric, or send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial
pkg. Anuric, many times more potent
than lithia, eliminates uric acid as hot
water melts sugar. A short trial will
convince you.
It is always a terror to old people and a menace at some time or another to every
human being, young or old. It is the forerunner of more ills and suffering
than almost any of NATURE’S DANGER SIGNALS and should never be
allowed to go unheeded. At the very first indication of constipation get DR,
TUTT’S LIVER PILLS which for 72 years has been successfully used for this
most prevalent of all disorders. Fcr sale by druggist3 and dealers everywhere.
Dr. Tuii’s Liver Pills
to ask for your money back.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant
lasting. purely vegetable remedy,
harmless to both children and adults.
Take a spoonful at night and wake up
feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head¬
ache, acid stomach or constipated
bowels. It doesn’t gripe or cause in¬
convenience nil the next day like vio¬
lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel
today and tomorrow you will feel
weak, sick and nauseated. Don’t lose
a day’s work! Take Dodson’s Liver
Tone instead and feel fine, full of
vigor and ambition.—Adv.
Puls a .. ARk® Distemper a
stop to aii
And prevents others having the disease no matter how
exposed. SO cents and *1 a bottle. *5 and *10 u down
bottles. All good druggists and turf goods houses.
Good Advice.
“Have you ever burrowed any money
from dithering?”
“I’ve been acquainted with him for
some time, I believe I’ll ask him to lend
me $10.”
“I wouldn’t if I were you.”
“Why not?"
“To my personal knowledge dith¬
ering hits had the same umbrella for
six or seven years. If he can hold on
to an umbrella like that you’d have a
fat (-bunco to separate him from $10.”
There is only one medicine that really
stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver
and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to he just the remedy needed in thou¬
sands upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Root, special diseases, a physician's prescription for
makes friends quickly be¬
cause its mild and immediate effect is
soon realized in most cases. It is a gen¬
tle, healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at. once. Sold at all
drug and stores large. in bottles of two sizes, medi¬
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Adv.
In the Library.
“Where would you put these manu¬
als on electricity?”
“Put them wilh the current litera¬
but possessed by few—a beautiful
head of hair. If yours Is streaked with
gray, or Is harsh and stiff, you can re¬
store it to its former beauty and lus¬
ter by using “La Creole” Hair Dress¬
ing. Price $1.00.—Adv.
Just as Good.
She—“I can’t accept your affection.”
He—‘Til be just as well satisfied if
you will return it.”
The Quinine Th«t Dees Not Affect Heed
Because at its tonic and laxative effect. Laxative
Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without
causing nervousness or ringing In the bead. There
Is only one "Bromo Quinine.' 1 B. W. GKOVH’8
signature l« on box. 30c.
But She Knew.
Irate Father-—“.lack is a close young
man. isn't he?” Sweet Thing—“Why
father, lmw do you know?”
If your eyes smart or feel scalded, Ho¬
man Kye Balsam applied upon going to bed
is just ttie thing to relieve them. o.dv.
There are lots of ugly girls I hat are
Women! Take This Tennessee
Woman’s Advice
•Brownsville, Tenn.—“ft is my pleas¬
ure to let others know how much good
Dr. Pierce’s medicines have done me.
I suffered with woman's trouble.
Finally I was advised to use Dr.
Pierce s Favorite Prescription. I took
about six bottles in all and was per¬
fectly well. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pel¬
lets are the only medicine I ever need.
Any woman who wants to get well and
stay well should try ‘Favorite Pre¬
scription.’ ’’—MRS. CLARISSA ENIX.
Write Dr. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel,
Buffalo, X. Y., for confidential advice
and you will receive the medical atten¬
tion of a specialist, wholly without
fee—no charge whatever.
Send 10 cents for trial package “Fa¬
vorite Prescription Tablets.”
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the
original little pills, first put up nearly
50 years ago. They regulate and in¬
vigorate stomach, liver and bowels. All !
Wilson Says He Does Not Intend For
The Direction Of War To Be
Taken Out Of His Hands
Washington.—All doubt as to Presi¬
dent Wilson’s view of proposals in
congress for reorganization of the gov¬
ernment's war-making machinery was
swept away by a statement in which
the president said the war department
had accomplished a task of unparal¬
leled magnitude and difficulty with
extraordinary promptness and efficien¬
cy, denouncing the congressional war
investigations and declared that re¬
organization by legislation was pro¬
posed after effective measures of reor¬
ganization had been perfected.
The president’s statement was is
sud as a result of a speech in New
York of Senator Chamberlain, chair¬
man of the senate military committee,
and after he had asked the senator
on the telephone whether he had been
correctly, quoted. Senator Chamber¬
lain's reference to “inaction and in¬
effectiveness of the government,” the
president flatly called "an astonish¬
ing and absolutely unjustifiable dis
jtortion of the truth."
The president said he regarded Sec
retary Baker as one of the ablest pub¬
lic officials he had ever mot.
in the statement most observers a
the capitol saw the collapse of what
promised to he a historical struggle.
Senator Chamberlain, whose commit¬
tee has framed hills to create a war
council ail powerful under the presi¬
dent, and to provide one-man control
of munitions and supplies, declared he
would continue to fight in spite of
presidential opposition. It was rather
generally conceded, however, that the
measure would have but little chance
in the senate and probably none at all
in the house.
Senator Chamberlain made a state¬
ment in reply to the president, saying
he spoke extemporaneously in New
York and that his criticisms were di¬
rected at the war department only and
not at other branches of the govern¬
Common People Short Of Food, And
State That Desire For Peace Over.
shadowc All Other Demands
New York.—The crucial in Austria
arising from the discontentment of
the people over the continuation of the
war, the scarcity of food and a gener¬
al desire for peace, has resulted in the
resignation of the Austrian cabinet.
For weeks there has been bitter op¬
position to the government on the part
Of the. people and during the last few
days this has resulted in nation-wide
strikes and some disturbances.
Although the exact situation result¬
ing from the troublous times is not
given in the extremely meager details
available, the dispatches that have
crept through are indicative of a situ¬
ation that will require skillful hand¬
ling by the authorities again to bring
the dissatisfiied populace into a state
of tractabibilty.
The strikers in Vienna sent a large
delegation to wait upon the food min¬
ister to inform him of conditions
among the working classes and to im¬
press on him that their desire for
Peace overshadowed and took preced¬
ence over all other demands.
In Hungary also the people are en¬
deavoring to ascertain what are the
prospects for a cessation of hostilities
and a return to norma!. So insistent
has been their efforts in this direction
that the Hungarian premier has been
forced to announce in the lower house
of parliament thai the government ad¬
hered to the principle of peace with¬
out annexation or indemnities—that
even the king shared in this view.
The premier, however, added that, the
question of Alsace-Lorraine should not
at the present time enter into the situ¬
ation as if was not calculated to
strengthen the government’s position.
Carson Has Quit The British Cabinet
London.—Sir Edward Carson, minis¬
ter without portfolio in the war cabi¬
net, has resigned. This announcement
was made officially. The prime min¬
ister has advised the king to accept
Sir Edward’s resignation. The cor¬
respondence published shows that Sir
Edward’s resignation was on the Irish
question and had nothing to do with
the conduct of the war. The resigna¬
tion of Sir Edward Carson takes out
of the cabinet one of the most uncom¬
promising British statesmen on the
question of home rule for Ireland.
All Dutch Ships For United States
Washington.—Charter to the United
States government of all Dutch steam¬
ers now being held in American ports
has been decided upon by the Dutch
government in a provisional agree¬
ment just signed in London. The
agreement provides charter for one
round trip for upward of eigthy ves¬
sels now in American ports. The ves¬
sels are not to go into the war zones,
but five of the steamers will carry
material for Switzerland and tw r o will
take cargo for The Netherlands Over¬
seas Trust
Newsy Paragraphs
Of State Interest
Atlanta.—Bolting H. Jones has been
reappointed postmaster by President
Woodrow Wilson. ,
Brunswick.—One of the largest rob¬
beries in Brunswick, was committed
when thieves entered the handsome
home of A. V. Wood on Gloucester
street, and carried away many valua¬
ble articles, such as diamonds, brooch¬
es, rings, etc,, as well as valuable pa¬
pers, the articles stolen being esti¬
mated at something like $2,000 or
Rome.—Floyd county is to he divid¬
ed into five sections, with a road su¬
perintendent or foreman and four men
for each section, one of the four men
to act as cook, each section lo have
two road scrapers, a road machine
and four mules. All the men are to
have employment the year round, the
foremen receiving $75 a month and
the others $1.75 a day.
Flowery Branch.—Mrs. Mary Ben¬
nett, for over seventy years a resident
of this place, is dead from burns re¬
ceived when her dress caught fire |
at ter, an Laura, open aged fireplace, 35, died and her daugh- result j
as a i
of her vain attempt to rescue her
mother. The bodies of both mother and
daughter were buried in the same
grave at the Flowery Branch ceme¬
Augusta. -Wastage in water has pul
Augusta in a serious situation. Un¬
filtered water has been turned into
tHe city mains. Filtered water, how¬
ever, goes to Camp Hancock and to the
Hill. They are on a different main
from the city proper. The Augusta wa¬
ter supply is furnished by water-driven
pumps. It is 12,000,000 gallons of
water. The consumption during the
last few days has been 37,000,000 gal¬
lons per twenty-four hours.
Brunswick. The labor union men
of Brunswick—and there are now an
unusually large number of them -are
busy organizing a stock company to
open at an early date a grocery and
general merchandise store, to be
known as the Union Labor Store. A
large amount of the stork has already
been subscribed and (he company will
shortly tile its application for member¬
ship. The store, it is understood, is
to be operated on the co-operative
plan, and the profits used lo pay the
operating expenses.
Milledgeville.—The board of trus¬
tees of the Georgia state sanitarium
met here. This being the initial meet¬
ing this year, the first business was
the organization of the board. John
T. Brantley of Blackshear, who has
been the presiding officer for many
years, was re-elected president ; Henry
Banks of LaGrange, vice president,
and Richard Johnson of Jones county,
secretary. The cor.4ract to erect a
new building for negroes was awarded
to a Rome, Ga., company. There were
six bidders. Dr. Roger Swint was
elected clinical director.
Way cross.—From January 24 lo 28
there will be shown free in various
rural school houses in Ware a most
inteseting and instructive set of mo¬
tion pictures, illustrating Hie cattle
breeding industry. Besides there will
be an interesting story film. The Geor¬
gia Hereford Breeders’ association has
furnished some beautiful pictures of
cattle. The United States bureau of
animal industry will have an int.ensly
fascinating film showing how farmers
may improve their oaf tie and free
them from the tick, with details of the
different vats.
Athens.—The Athens fuel adminis¬
tration passed an order eliminating the
peddling of coal and the delivery of
coal by draymen, dealers being order¬
ed to deliver ail coal (not sent, hy
consumers’ wagons), charging 25 cents
per 500 pound load for delivery. Cards
calling for 500 pounds are to be sent,
to dealers direct hy the central ad¬
ministration office, instead of the card
system adopted some days ago. Ev¬
ery car of coal arriving in Athens
will be known, every delivery will
pass through the administration, and
record will be kept of all. The munic¬
ipal wood yard, with city and county
forces supplying and delivering, cut¬
ting and sawing, has supplied more
than three thousand loads of wood.
Americus.—L. G. Council received a
telegram stating that Americus had
been awarded the aviation camp to be
established by the war department in
Georgia. Information here is to the ef¬
fect that the government will expend
about a million dollars in equipping
the camp, i/oca! business interests
have worked hard to secure the camp
for Americus and are well pleased with
the decision just announced. There
will he 1,100 student aviators and
about 1,600 officers, soldiers, mechan¬
ics and commissary men. It is not
known yet whether the Aries planta¬
tion site or the Methvin place will be
chosen. Government officials are said
to favor the former. There will also
be two additional sites to be used as
auxiliary camps and landing stations
about four miles apart. It is expect¬
ed that work will begin by the first,
of February
Camp Wheeler, Macon. — One hun¬
dred officers and men of the I22d in¬
fantry (Fifth Georgia) were actually
in contact with poisoned gas when the
first detachment passed through the
gas house. Having the men directly
exposed to gas in one means of teach¬
ing uses of gas masks. The men took
special instructions before entering
the gas chamber. About an hour was
required for each detachment to pass
through. Other detachments io pass
through was the 118th field artillery,
123d infantry, 124th infantry, 116ih
and 117tl: field artillery and the 118th
machine g ;a battalion.
buy an imitation, get the original
It is better than any of the substi¬
“Balms” for quickly relieving
Colds, Croup, and all kinds of
and soreness.
The many imitations are proof that
is an unusually good thing.
The price is only 25c per Jar or
Surely it is worth that to get
of a Cough or Cold, or your child’s
If your druggist will not supply
and we have no agent in yum - lo¬
write for the agency.
Every family necds_ Vnelier-Bnlm,
we supply samples Free, to Sturt
demand. E. W. VACHER, Inc.,
Orleans, Ln. Adv.
Little Circulated His Way.
Bacon—This report tells us that the
circulation of money $3,41!U(iS,3li8. in the, Vtiit
States last year was
Egbert—Well, now 1 ' understand'
my doctor meant when he told
my troubles came from poor cir¬
like counterfeit money the infita- !
has not the worth of the original.
the on original. “La Creole” Darkens Hair. Dressing— hair in j. !
natural way, but contains no dye.
Contentment may he measured by
things you ate willing to do with¬
Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachtr nun
For Infants and Children.
a mm fm Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
:i ! ; similatin^thcFood AVc^etablcPrcparatioitforAs by Regular ■ i
j Iin6IiicStomadis andB(wetsari Bears the
Infants /Fhilbk^
I Cheerfulness Thereby Promoting andRcstContaiasI Digestion J Signature
U I neither Opium,Morphine NARCOTicg nor j
j| MinernhNoT
tdpeafl Seed
Jtnrfu Ue Scat
MissSfd In
Constipation A helpful and Remedy Diarrhoe* for ana J I Use
and Feverishness Sleep |
[is IiOss of ^^ J, For Over
if Iresuth itelhere hgi!^ 1
I Fac-Similc Si dnatnrc ot Thirty Years
The Centaur Cohp^o*
A1 6inoiJfes old CASTORIA
35 Do S es-35£2S
Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMK O.HT.UW aoMMHV, NCW VOKH CRT.
Playing Safe.
Mae was proudly escorting a jolly
old man around the farm. Finally
they approached a pen wherein watf
kept ;i big bull, noted for his ferocity)
arid the little girl thought, it her duty
to warn this ignorant charge'of hers,'
who knew so little of cows, and pigs
and matters of real importance.
"Has you got any red on?” she in¬
quired with caution. '
“Nothing but my red face,’’ replied
the man jocularly. '
“Well, then,” the child said, seri¬
ously, “don’t show ’im your face.”
"Cold In the Head"
an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per¬
who head" are subject will end to that frequent the “colds of
the use
up the System, cleanse the Blood
render them less liable to colds.
attacks of Acute Catarrh may
to Chronic Catarrh.
MEDICINE . tak¬ . .
Internally and acts through the Blood
the Mucous Surfaces of the System;
All Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
*100.00 for any case of catart-li that
6 'j. Toledo, Ohio.
p Cheney & Co.,
Her Resources.
“They sn.v Miss Flirty has a grout
of tael.” “Tact? Why, that
tact, amounts to diplomacy. ’ Not
of the fellows she is engaged to
over met another one at a single
he made.”
Cuticura Stops Itching.
Soap to cleanse and Ointment to
and heal most forms of itching,
skin and scalp affections.-!
for toilet use. For free samples
“Cutieura, Dept. X, Boston.”
by druggists and by mail. Soap
Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv.
The German Roman Catholic Central
of word St. “German” Louis has from decided. to j 1
the its title.
Dr. Pierce’s liver Pleasant Pellets 40 are the j
iittle pills put up years j
They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. !
Wise is the prophet who does not al¬
his predictions to go on record.
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
’irst appucai
Some people spend a lot of time j
things that never happen. ;
Body Terribly Swollen
Nr. Nadara’s Condition Was Criti¬
cal Until Doan’s Were Used.
Health Was Restored.
“For six months I couldn’t walk, I
was so swollen as the result of kidney
trouble,” says Geo. T. Madara, 15 Mt.
Vernon Ave., Pitman Grove, Camden,
N- J.: “Backache drove me nearly wild
and big lumps formed
over each kidney. I
-bloated until ; I weighed
407 pounds, and 1 was a
sight to behold. The
water in my system
pressed around my heart
and I sometimes felt as j M ►
if 1 was being strangled.
The kidney secretions ^
•were scanty and con¬
tained a thick sedi- Mr. Mtdin
rttent, . -
“Nh one can imagine how l suffered.
I finally went to the hospital, but when
an operation "was suggested I. would
not- consents and came home.
“I heard how Doan’s Kidney Pills
had helped others, -so J discarded a)l
the other medicines and started tak¬
ing thgm. The second day I: began
to improve and ns I continued, my
back stopped painihg and the swelling
wefit. down. The other kidney trou¬
bles left, loo, and I was soon as well
as ever.”
Sworn to before me,
Philip Schmitz, Notary Public.
Get Doan’* at Any Store, 60c a Box
DOAN’S k pi d JLV
Again, a Woman's League.
Mrs. .Newlyvyed—I see hy this med¬
ical work that a man requires eight
hour^’ sleep and a Woman ten.
, Husband—Yes, I’ve read that some¬
where myself. • . :
Mrs. Newlywed—How nice! -You
can get rtp every morning and have
the fire mrule and the breakfast ready
before It: is time for me to get up.
is her hair. If yours Is streaked with
ugly, grizzly, gray hairs, use “La Ore
ole” Hair Dressing and change It in
tbe natural way. Price $1.00.—Adv.
, ■, h ., Proper-Place.
“Pop, where are they going to put
the Drills 'they are driving on the ship?”
“In the steerage, my son.”
Indlpf'RtJon produce** disagreeable and
lometjmes alarming symptoms. Wright'a
Indian VVfeetable Pills stimulate the dlgea
jtlye ^rpcesses to function naturally.
Where,ver yon go keep one eye peeled
for jhe fire escape. . ;
37% More
For Your
Get the Genuine
•xtO-j- D
No advance in priefc for this 20-year
old remedy-^25cfor 24 tablets—Some
cold tablets now 30c for 21 tablets—
Figured on proportionate cost per
tablet, you save 9J4c when you buy
Hill’s—Cures Cold
in 24 hours—grip
in 3 days—Money
back if it fails.
24 Tablets for 25c.
At any Drug Store
▲ toilet preparation-of merit.
Helps For to eradicate dandruff.' and
Beauty Restoring Gray Color Hair. #
to or Faded
50c. and $1.00 at Drnggista.
Noneigd to let that cough persist. Stop the
irritation, and remove tickling and hoarse¬
ness, by relieving the inflamed throat with