Newspaper Page Text
Ube Cleveland Gonrler,
Official Organ of Whitt County Ga
Published Weekly mi Cleveland (la.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Pos: >ffice at Cleveland
Ga., as second eU»s mail mi’.ier.
Subscription, #1.00 per year
The first Quarterly Meeting of
the Cleveland charge will be held
at the Methodist church in Cleve¬
land Friday, January 25th, Dr.
Quillian presiding.
Miss Katie Harrison, who has
been visiting relatives away down
in South Georgia where—well we
better ring off before we make men¬
tion of the warm winds and sunny
days—has returned home after a
delightful visit.
Marshal Trotter areigned Dave
Barrett before Mayor Norton a few
days ago on a charge of intoxica¬
tion and disorderly conduct. He
was fined #10 and cost.
Rev. S, D. Cherry, who, with
his wife and child, went over to
Livonia last Sunday week, return¬
ed without the wife and baby Sat
urday. When the weather gets a
little more favorable they also will
Mr. and Mrs. Lester baulkner,
of Commerce, spent a day or
here with Mrs. Faulkner’s parents
since nnr ' ...... lost issue
In our columns this week will be
found the announcements of Judge
Kimsey, of Cornelia, and Col. Ed
wards of Clarkesville, for Judge of
the Superior Court. Both men
rank high in their profession in
this circuit. Judge Kimsey very
ably J filled this position r some years
and the people of rt* the circuit ..
know his ability and power on the
bench in the administration of the
law, as well as the strong influence
his administration had for the dis
solution of evil. Whether Mr, Ed
wards possesses superior
ability, a greater power to discern
innte an influence having a ten¬
dency to convey the minds of men
from the doing of evil and sinful
acts to the praiseworthy deeds of
kindness is for each individual to
decide for himself.
Mr. Win. Russell, son of J. C
Russell, who a few weeks ago
joined the navy has been found
physically insufficient and is now
Mr. Jim Bowman has moved
family to Helen. Mr.
has been a good neighbor and
many friends wish him well
Mr. J. B. R.Barrett lost a
did cow last week. In some
she got out of the barn, fell on
ice against a tree and injured
back so that she was put to a
inane death.
Mr. H. A. Jarrard has been ap
pointed chairman of a committee
for White county to take orders for
nitrate of soda from those who]
want it in White county. We are
informed that it will cost 675’5°
per ton plus the freight from some
seaport town The government is I
offering this fertilizer at cost, and
all persons interested should see Mr I
Jarrard before Feb. 4 as all orders
must be in Washington by that]
School Children to Tag Coil Stmels
January 30.
The Fuel Administration expects
school children throughout the
country to do the tagging work on
‘•Tag-Your-Shovel-Day” which
has been set for January 30, plan¬
ning to make it a school holiday.
In this extra effort to save
for war purposes the Fuel Admin
istration will try to get a tag
every coal shovel in the
On the face of each tag are
words; “Save that shoveful of
o day for Uncle Sum.” On the
verse side are hints for saving
Christmas mail this year was 2-.
per cent heavier than ever before,
according to the Post Office De¬
partment. The congestion was
less, however, .because the pack¬
ages were mailed earlier than in
former years.
Thrift Stamps and War Savings
Stamps are the most democratic of
investments and America expects
every American to show love-of re¬
publican institutions by investing
in this democratic security. The
aggregate amount of the invest¬
ments and the number of investors
in these War Savings securities are
in a way the answer of the people
of this great Democracy to the
cal! of the cause of democracy
throughout the world and the vin¬
dication,of civilization and human¬
They afford every person, how¬
ever humble and however small in
his means, the opportunity to con¬
tribute his part, to do his bit, in
this great struggle against the
military masters of Germany who
seek to dominate the world in con¬
tempt of justice and right and free¬
dom and without conscience and
without mercy,
Surely every American desires to
have a part in the defeat of autoc¬
racy and the success of liberty and
Pigs and Stmts For Sale.
We have a numb, r of pigs and
shouts, good stock, we are selling
at reasonable prices at Hunt’s
wagon yard. Come at once and
get your choice.
Hefner ,. Warwick,
Cleveland, Ga.
___ !
We ... will pay ¥ 2.25 for , 2 . 5 obu, . of , I
peas and $ 1.50 for 250 bushels «f j
I INI £» U K PJ C E '
Fire, Life, Sick, Accident and! j
all other kinds of protection are ]
>ld by i
Ctcvtilund Insurance Agency. i
A. G. Maxwell, Mgr. i
We need foo additional miners at
our Pyrites Mines. In addition to
extra bonus for good work the
wages are as follows :
Drill Runners $3.00 per day
Muckers & Trammers 2.00 per day
Ordinary Labor 1.75 per day
Nice individual houses for fam¬
ilies, each supplied with electric
lights and running spring water,
are furnished at reasonable rental."
A man’s expenses to get to our
Mines w ill be refunded to him aftei
he works r mouth on full time.
Write to
Ghestatee Pyrites & Chem, Corp.,
Head Office 1704 Third Nutsonai
Bank Bldg, Atlanta, Ga.
Mines Office, Ghestatee, Lumpkin
County. Ga.
Ghestatee, Ga.
January 2, 19IS.
The schedule of ihe Gainesville
& Northwestern R. R. has been
changed slightly, affecting trains
Nos. 3 and 4. No. 3 due at Cleve¬
land > -.24 P. M. and No. 4 at 5 137.
.1 want to buy good beef cattle
and will best prices.
G. A. Vandiver.
For Judge of the Superior
Court of the Northeastern
I wish to announce to the people of
Hall, Habersham, Stephens, Rabun.
Towns, Union, White, Lumpkin and
Dawson counties, composing the North¬
eastern Circuit: that I am a candidate for
Judge of the Superior Court ot said cir¬
cuit, subject to the Democratic primaries
to be held later on in this year and their
support in my race will be gratefully re¬
I would appreciate very much to In
returned to the bench and if elected, it
will be my highest aim to give a fair and
impartial administration of the law to
the beet of my ability, and dispose of
the business of the courts as rapidly as
possible and thus save both time and
money to the people arid counties.
Your obedient servant,
To the voters of the Northeastern Circuit
of Georgia:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Judge of the Northeastern Circuit of
Georgia, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
If elected, I pledge myself to serve the
P»op!e to the best of my ability and
8Uch mettn8 ' meA8ure8 and rnetl,0<it ‘
consistent with juetice to all parties con
cerned, and will dispose of the business of
(he courts and clear the dockets of all
for disposition
n devote my eiltil . e lim „ tu the duties
t h* 0 |^ ue
1 will hold the courts at the time and
pb™ fixed by law.
1 wU J‘ tT f -T “ ond “* m<m <
until Baluru&y night, u necessary, to
dbpM0 of th(3 bu8inn)S .
1 will call all cases in the order they
{for [appear on the dockets, and set all cases
trial on certain days, except criminal
‘hey will be called and die
^, ket
tour vote solicited,
An Education,
These aie days when history
being made, and when, to KNOW
what one should know, it is
I s “ry to keep up with every
| events.
j There is no better way to
this than to send in your
''on for the daily and Sunday
Atlanta Journal
The Journal carries every
il ie news of till the
national, state and
Keep up with
« reading the daily and
a 3 ’ Atlanta Journal.
Subscription Prices.
Mail-Payable Strictly in
n<1 1 Mo. !! Mus. 6 Mos. 1
Buulay $0.65 $1.95 $3.75
Daily .55 1. 50 3. 00
Sunday .70 1.25
First Saturday and Sunday 11:30 a.
Sunday School 3: p. m.
Geo. W. Brown, Pastor.
Second Sunday 7 p. m.
Fourth Sunday 11:30 a. in., 7: p. m.
Sunday School 10:3o a. m.
Homer Thompson, Pastor.
First and third Sat. nights, 7:30p.
Visiting brethren invited.
J. H. Brown, Sec. A. G. Quinn, N.
YONAH LODGE 382. F. & A. M.
Fourth Saturday 7:30 p. m.
Visiting brethren invited.
Alex. Davidsnn, Sec. A. G. Quinn,
Second Saturday night 7:30 P. M.
Visiting Soverign invited.
J. B. R. Barrett, Clerk.
Thos. F. Underwood, Con. Com.
G. S. Kvtle, Mayor.
S. B. Craven, J. K. Norton, C. F.
Frank Kenimer, Council
C. F. Saine. Clerk.
It Makes A House A
The elevating influence of
brings comfort and
wherever it is heatd. The
AH who owe -me on account or
must settle at once as I must
money. There is no excuse
prices are high 1 must " pay
bill'. Take warning thereof.
Yours truly.
' _!
xkdMertisements. |
__________________________ 1
White County.
Will be sold before the court house
in said county on *lu- first Tuesday
Feb. withir. ibe legal hours of
for cash, the following described 1
to wit: Town lots in the town
North Helen, in said county, Lot No.
with a five room house thereon and 1
No. 31! with a four room house there¬
both are located in Block 1 in said
with all other improvements there
Said property levied on as the pro
of v. j. Thomason. Homer Thom-
11 , and Roy Thomason to satisfy an
issued from the Superior Court
Habersham County Georgia on Sept.
1017. in favor of white County liank
said Y. J. Thomason, Homer I
Roy Thomason and Mrs. T .
Tho mason as principals and F.- ft.
, and >, J. W. ti H. Undersoil T t i , Indorsers. r ,
i.c houses are in good condition an d
. desirable property will make good
or will yield a good rental.
A. L. Dob«£v, Sheriff.
White County.
ali whom it may concern:
J. K. Roberts having in proper form
to me for Permanent Letter of
on the estate of W. 11.
late of said County, this is to
- a!! and singular the (creditors and
of kin of W. H. Roberts to be arid
at my office within the time al¬
by taw, and show- cause, if any
oat), why permanent administration
not tie granted to J. K. Roberts
W. H. Roberts estate.
Witness my hand band and official
Ibis 9th day of Jan. 1918.
N. J. Ai.lisos, Ordinary.
White County,
Win-reus F. C. Barrett, administrator ;
of Mrs. V. C. Barrett deceased,represents
the court in his petition duly tiled and
iU reU ou that be has fully ad
ministered Mrs. F. Barrett’s estate,
is therefore to cite all persons con
kindred and creditors, to show
if any they can, why said admin
intratoi should not be discharged from
5 adiiiir.istri.lion and receive Letters of
Dismission on the first Monday in Feb.
N. J. A 1 .L 1 sox, Ordinary.
Georgia- White County,
To all " hum it my concern:
All persons are hereby notified that
Mrs. Leano)a Colt, > lias filed application
it; this office lor twelve months support,
aiii! said application will be heard he
far said Ordinary at the next term of
said court, to tie held on the first Mon
Uy in February, ltjbS.
Witness my official signature^ this *h(
N. J. All 1 sox, Ordinary.
II’W'l "mil
v.'.V irtt i ciacA'se e. si. touts XA**mernr so. o;.:aha
1i^ , r / S V. I'JSLi-H ‘ o. AhovAcim
: J*
1 5 .3 t,. — a I JL aa a P 2% *3
; '-j r mi and TAP.KME e* S’ 3 *
ay i orris Br
ni'Yvi' ■' Are Bes
a*t omnoniated 10®% with the highest grades of g.-iuine old lime
Packing House Tankage and Blood, are net leached away by slowly exces¬
sive rains like ordinary fertilizers. Their arunomates, being
-'v ? soluble,-insure constant feeding of the plant thilxe healthy ror.t'irity, _The thus
preventing Tankage shedding is and promoting vigorous, gro wth. potash in
in them rich in potash and also lib orates idle #1
tho soil, thus supplying the potash requirements of ordinary field
crops without extra cost. Read v, hac cur customers say about them
Li our Year Bock.
We use the same grade of Tanka-re and Elood In cur GOLD
BOND BRANDS which insures their high quality and contin
j. ■ * T; ecus service.
KIMSEYI& KIMSEY, Robertstown, Ga.
i \V. L. HOOD &«BRO„ Nacoochee, Ga.
Li 1 hr* &MMts \ J. D. HULSEY, Leo, Ga.
-0S£ r T. C.MILLER, Clermont, Ga.
f I liHiiii •iiiffl
PL ALtC. **?•'*'• 7 -—’s
Will be sold bt public cutc: before my store door,
Tuesday, January 29, 1918, at 10 o’c‘ nek, A. M„ my home
place on Mossy creek, containing 40 acres more or less, good
5 room dwelling, barn, crib and 34x50 feet store building, and
a good orchard. This is a very desirable location
Terms of sale: $500.00 cash, five years terms on bal
ance, or will take on first payment one or two good mules or
Ford auto., or, if purchaser prefers, can pay ali :a 1 .
There will be no by-bidder.
Tell your friends and don’t forget the date.
£), (j. HEAD,
—" '
Of Winter Hats. Every hat is
_ Ht sacnijet*. . Conte
it Dig
early and make a good choice
Nice line handkerchiefs, of ready-made skirts,
a [ so elastics,
cIlHIMOIS . . skill, , .
CrejK ..... paper.
cards, Christmas
ribbons, nice line of Wool caps.
0 f good presents forCilrist
mas can . bo f found at ,___ our store. ^
Come early to do your S,10*i
pinrf and avoid the rush which
to often comes tit the last day.
Cleveland Millinery Co.
Carpenters, lumbermen, railroad | !
met), grade foremen, and all classes j I
of laborers for immediate work. j
Write or apply to I ;
Morse Brothers Lumber Co., i
Htlen, Ga. ! I
N O T I C E. i
We are buying all kinds of pro- j '
duce. Paying highest prices, We
pay you cash for everything. .
Reece & Lance.
The Beauty Secret. I
Ladies desire that irre- ,
siStible charm—a good
complexion. Of course ------
they do not wish others
'U \ to know a beautifier
] has been used so they
t y buy a bottle of
Magnolia Balm
, n J uje according to mmpfedneaion*. Improver
W h ,u.R<m.Rd. hi JirtcL
? 5 C . aCDmsg * h° r mail
) Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp.
; Lyon Mft.Co.. 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y.
$160 Rew :rc, $133
The readers of iLis : iiu r will bs
pleased to learn that i.L.-re is at leas:
one dreaded diseas* that science has
often abl to care L. all its stages and
til at; & .Yiarth, < . . r h 1. ug greatly
in/? ■ nce .1 •>y . ■ •; t.. • » : a •; nditiona
requir-y- cur itKofciori&I aeatmenv. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine is tak n internally and
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur¬
faces of the Sypterh tLerdestroying
the foundation of the Living tho
patient strength utr by br:' 03 the con
Stituiian svd e o/t nssi or-,-5 ... - Ung li natur iix doing i&s
work. worse The proprietors 1“ so much
faith !r the tbn curative r‘nror:v<j powers rv*' v of Hall’s Wa
Medicine that the offer Ono
Hundred Hollar? for any r e that It fails
to evre. Send for li l of t'stfmonials.
Address P. J. CTIKNCV * CO.. Toiedo.
Ohio. Solu by ail Drua- irt, ,5c.
Frets Flower § steel
Hastings* C^sSega®
Tells Y©u About SI
No natter vl’ctbc;.- y y \ fa:m on a
large scale or only ..lent vegetables
or flowers in a small way, yea need
Hastings’ 1918 S ’ a . udogue. It's
ready now and v. n ’n,vs a copy t r
you absolutely free. ' you write for it,
mentioning the nr.t.r of this paper,
In addition to ic ; you about all
the varietiso of v . 0 : .’tables, farm
grass,'clover p-<d fi.-wer c.tede, our
atalogue tell:: bow y j can get free
ive splendid \r.vie - ‘-a < ? oily grown,
yei beautiful flowers, with which to
beautify year hou 0 . arr-s: dinsa.
Good seen •• :Y t l.v.cct every kind
are scarce t;dr. njat-on, and yen can't
afford ;o take et: - In your seed
supply. Has tings’ Seeds are depend
able setes, tho kind .a can always
depend on liaviug “good hick" with.
You are goi: to v ~y. \ or farm
till:* spring. Wi’.y not it*..o-.---e 'success
so far as possible by sfarURg with the
right seed? Don’t talcs chances that
you do not have U> i > - udt.
Write today for Hasting?.' 1918
Catalogue. It’s frso urd wilt both in¬
ter:::'. and hc’o you w succeed in 1918.
—B. G. HASTINGS CO., Seedsmen,
Atlanta, Ga.—Auvt
f.ibsral assortment f *> 1
»:d.s are? && I/- *
'J ct Stiins
Driver Agents Wanted
l>n v * f.nd demoustreite tbe My asrenusarataakuig Bush Car. ir. etiaaking-------- I'ay ray for 1 it out bup- oi
y.arc. JiiaiaatonBonwria#. money, promnt. .. .
r„s-PasS»,34.7 ‘ menus are Cam
H. P.t antdod Basil of B tmar- oatf
brxk. 19tKmo!.tel3
'A tiv- a* once fer
f ESgJ&l 1 rr.y log 48-p-ig'j anu it;! panic- cata
Eisa mua wsrasx, iss{ 4 », WsoUi