Newspaper Page Text
I am Sincere! Stop Calomel!
I Guara ntee Dodson 's Liver Tone
Listen to me! Calomel sickens and jon may lose
day a
s work. If bilious, constipated or
headachy read my guarantee.
Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel
line and cheerful; make your work a
pleasure; he vigorous and full of am¬
bition. But take no nasty, dangerous
calomel, because it makes you sick
and you may lose a day’s work.
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver,
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel crashes into sour bile like
dynamite, breaking it up. That’s when
you feei that awful nausea and cramp¬
Listen to me! If you want to enjoy
the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel
cleansing you ever experienced, just
take a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s
Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or
dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson’s
’9? OH “’e
m 9.0 A %€vl :t ER .‘ ii! ‘ _ (:0 ‘ z ‘3 X 0 3 z
It means a miserable condition of ill Health that leads to all sorts of special
ailments such as headache, backache, dyspepsia, dizziness, indigestion, pains of
various kinds, piles and numerous other disorders— CONSTIPATION is a crime
against nature, and no human being can be well for any length of time while
constipated. DR. TIJTT’S LIVER PILLS is the remedy arid has been used
successfully all over this country for 72 years. Get a box and see bow it feelo
to have your liver and bowels resume their health-giving natural functions.
For sale at all tuffs druggists and dealers everywhere.
Dr. Liver Pills
Inadvertent Boasting.
“Do you believe in heredity?”
“Of course 1 do.” replied the gentle
egotist. “Why, I’ve got one of the
brightest boys you ever saw.”
Examine Important to Mothers
carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature ofi
In Use for Over SO Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
„, The Cause.
“My son has some grit in him. I can
leil you.” “Been eating war bread, I
suppose.”- Ideas.
but possessed by few—a beautiful
head of hair. If yours is streaked with
gray, or is harsh and stiff, you can re¬
store it to its former beauty and lus¬
ter by using “La Creole” Hair Dress¬
ing. Brice $1.00.—Adv.
A Kitchen Paradox.
“Your cook is certainly a rare one.”
“let everything site docs is well
Bad Colds, Pneumonia, and Croup
may be prevented by using Vacher
Baltn in time. Everyone should keep
It in the house.—Adv.
You can’t discourage the prohibition
movement by throwing cold water
on it.
. ----
You will look ten years younger if you
darken your ugly, grizzly, gray hairs by
using "La Creole" Hair Dressing.—Adv
Montana will expand wheat-grow
lng area in the spring.
The occasional up» of P.oman Eye Balsam
et night will prevent and relieve tired
eyes watery eyes, and eye strain Adv.
Woe to the politician whoso nerve
has become affected.
~o Prevent Grip
Fortify the System Against Winter Gold
The strong withstand the Winter Cold Better than the
Weak. If your Blood is not in a healthy condition and
does not circulate properly, your system will not be able
to withstand the Winter Cold. Old people who are feeble
and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened
and enabled to go through the cold weather by taking
Grove’s Tasteless
chill Tonic
Contains the well-known tonic properties of QUININE
and IRON. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds
up the whole system, thus fortifyirg the system against
colds and grip. Price 60c.
Whenever You Need a Genera! Tonic
Take Grove’s
THE (“LEVELAND rmmmn, vflgmvawn, manna”
personal money-back guarantee that
each spoonful will clean your sluggish
liver better than a dose of nasty calo¬
mel and that it won’t make you sick.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is real liver
medicine. You’ll know it next morn¬
ing. because you will wake up feeling
fine, your liver will be working; head¬
ache and dizziness gone; stomach will
be sweet and bowels regular.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is entirely
vegetable, therefore harmless and can
not salivate. Give it to your children.
Millions of people are using Dodson’s
Liver Tone instead of dangerous calo¬
mel now. Your druggist will tell you
that the sale of calomel is almost
You can prevent this loathsome disease from running
through your stable and cure all the colts sufferinpf with
it when you begin the treatment. No matter how young.
SPOHX’S is safe to use on any colt. It is wonderful how
it prevents all distempers, no matter how colts or horses
at any agre are "exposed." All good druggists and turf
goods houses and manufacturers sell SPOHN’S at 50 cents
and $1 a bottle; $5 and $10 a dozen.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Mfrs., Gosben, Jnd., U. S. A.
The Softest.
“Why is it.’’ queried the fair widow,
“that they always say a man 'pines’
for a woman?”
"I suppose.'' growled the fussy bach¬
elor. “it's because pine is about the
softest wood there is.”
and buy an nqitatiOh, get the original
It Is better than any of the substi¬
tute “Balms” top quickly relieving
Coughs, Colds, Croup, and all kinds of
hurts and soreness.
The many imitations are proof that
it is an unusually good thing.
The price is only 20c per Jar or
Tube. Surely It Is worth that to get
rid of a Cough or Cold, or your child’s
Croup. If your druggist will not supply
you and we have no agents in your lo¬
cality, write for the agency.
Every family needs Vneher-Bnlm,
and we supply samples Free, to start
the demand. E. W. VACHER, Inc.,
New Orleans, Ln. Adv.
Life is a cheap restaurant, w here (he
things you want fail to show on the bill
of fare.
and constant use will burn out the
scalp. Cleanse the scalp by shampoo
ing with “La Creole” Hair Dressing,
and darken, in the natural way, those
ugly, grizzly hairs. Price, $1.00.—Adv.
Many widows are said to be gar
rulous. Possibly that’s why they are
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad.
German women must pay $3.00 a
pair for woolen stockings.
Tor speedy and effective action Dr Beery's
"Dead Shot" has no equal. One dose only
will titan out Worms or Tapeworm. Adv.
British women fire taking up the
shoe*repairing trade.
Engineers Will Make Surveys And Re¬
port Just What Is Needed
At Both Ports
It is unofficially announced fi’om
Washington with every evidence of be¬
ing authentic, that tlie government
contemplates spending not less than
$10,000.000 in enlarging the terminal
facilities at Savannah and a large
amount will also he spent at Bruns¬
Pending ihe passage of the $500,000,
000 railroad appropriation measure en¬
gineers will make thorough surveys of
all the South Atlantic ports, with plans
for what is needed in the way of addi¬
tional warehouse and trackage facili¬
At Ihe office of the director of rail¬
roads, the following specific informa¬
tion was gathered as" to the scope of
opening the South Atlantic ports to
First, cotton will be shipped through
the ports of Charleston, Savannah and
Brunswick. In addition lumber ship¬
ment will be diverted through these
ports, as will also the shipments of
pig iron from the Tennessee and Ala¬
bama fields.
Second, grain from the central and
northwes! will be diverted through the
ports of Galveston, New Orleans and
Third, other South Atlantic ports
will be used, but the three main ports
of embarkation will be Charleston, Sa¬
vannah and Brunswick.
Bcrkmzn Expected At U. S. Prison
Alexander Berkman, for whose safe¬
ty Russian anarchists at Petrograd re¬
cently threatened to hold United
States Ambassador Francis personlly
responsible, may shortly be an inmate
of the Atlanta federal prison. Berk
man ftnd Emma Goldman are now un¬
der sentence in this country for oppos¬
ing the selective service law, and the
safety of the latter was included in
the threat of the anarchists, also.
Berkman was convicted last summer
in the United States court of New
York and was sent to the Atlanta pris¬
on, arriving on July 11. Emma Gold¬
man at the same time was sent to a
prison in the west. Eighteen days af¬
ter Berkman was released by an or¬
der of the court and sent back to
New York, (tending action of his ap¬
peal to the higher courts. This ap¬
peal was recently denied, and it is pre¬
sumed that Berkman will be returned
to the Atlanta prison.
State-Wide Campaign For Greater Tech
The Georgia School of Technology
gives formal announcement of a slate
wide greater Georgia Tech campaign.
For a number of years Georgia Tech
lias been developing its research fa¬
cilities and the present campaign is
intended to make possible the comple¬
tion of the new power laboratory and
to provide a suitable building and
j equipment for the work of the new re¬
j search bureau and engineering experi¬
ment station.
j The new power laboratory will be
one of ihe most complete college pow¬
j er plants in the United States, and es¬
pecially adapted to the work of Geor¬
gia Tech in training engineers and
conducting research work. It will pro¬
vide the school, including all labora¬
tories and shops, with electric and
steam power, heat, light, compressed
air. refrigeration and h’igli pressure wa¬
ll )■ service for fire protection and the
new hydraulic laboratory. • AH of
these facilities iiave been seriously
needed by the school for a number of
years, the old power plant having been
In recognition of the splendid work
of Georgia Tech, its great needs and
its present opportunities of service,
Gov. Hugh M. Dorsey has issued a
proclamation of Ihe Greater Georgia
Tech campaign.
Georgians To Attend Security Meeting
The governor has appointed Fred S.
Gordon of Columbus, H. H. Deane of
Gainesville, Mrs. W. H. Felton of Car
tersville, John S. Cohen of Atlanta, W.
T. Anderson of Macon and S.' B.
Brown of Albany as delegates to.rep¬
resent Georgia at the National Se¬
curity League convention to be held in
Chicago on Thursday, Friday and Sat¬
urday, February 21, 22 and 23. The
league announces that Vice President
Marshall, ex-President Taft, Secretary
I>ane, Mr. Klihu Root, ex-AmbassaUor
James W. Gerard, Governor Lowden Of
Illinois have accepted ’ invitations to
address the convention.
Women In Georogia’s New Military
To take the place of the Georgia
National Guard which has been mus¬
tered into the federal service, Gov.
Hugh M. Dorsey now has at his beck
and call a “Georgia militia,” consist¬
ing of eleven women—five officers and
six privates.
The governor and Maj. Arthur Mc
Cuilom, acting adjutant general, have
perfected plans for the organization
of a new Georgia militia, and tfie first
unit of this organization, known as
“Motor Company No. .1,” was official¬
ly recognized by the acting adjutant.
Leorgia Fuel Administration Urges
Full Compliance With
< AH Rulings
Mell M. Stephenson, secretary to the
Georgia fuel administration, in Atlan¬
ta, issued a statement in which he de¬
clared that Dr. L. G. Hardman, state
fuel administrator, was particularly
anxious for the fullest possible co-op¬
eration between his office, the general
public and the press in endeavoring
to secure 100 per cent compliance with
the orders from the national fuel ad¬
ministration in regard to the otserv
ance of heatless. Mondays.
The state administration, however,
according io j\ir. Stephenson, has not
issued any rulings which compel the
closing of stores which do not burn
fuel on Mondays prescribed in the or¬
der. It is not Doctor Hardman's in¬
terpretation of the instructions, ac¬
cording to Mr. Stephenson, and as far
as the state administrator can sec,
there is no reason why stores which
do not consume fuel of any description
cannot remain open and conduct their
business on the heatless Mondays.
Alien Registration Began February 4
Final details have been completed
for the registration of all alien .ene¬
mies who are 14 years of age .and over.
In Atlanta, Athens, Columbus, Griffin,
LaGl'ange, Marietta, Ncwnan and
Rome aliens arc required to register
at the office of the chief of police,,
while outside of these towns, all Ger¬
man aliens whether in towns or court 1
try, they are ordered to register with
their respective postmasters.
These plans are the outcome of
President Wilson’s proclamation is¬
sued on November 16, 1917. The law
on which the proclamation was based
states that "all natives, citizens or
subjects of the German empire or of
the imperial German government, be¬
ing males of 14 years and upward,
who are within the United States and
not actually naturalized citizens, arc
required to register as alien enemies.”
ings to work every Saturday morning.
The Covington post office during the
month of January has sold war sav¬
ings stamps to the amount of $6,342.27.
Quitman. A junior Rod Cross chap¬
ter is being organized by the Quit
man school girls. The girls have al¬
ready formed a class in surgical dress
Atlanta.—Thirty thousand hops and
cattle raised on Georgia farms were
slaughtered at one packing house in
Atlanta during 1917, and for these
hogs and cattle the company paid to
Georgia farmers more than $750,000.
Atlanta.—Gov. Hugh M. Dorsey re¬
ceived a bid of 5.95 per cent discount
for the $2,000,000 worth of the gover¬
nor’s warrants for the prompt pay¬
ment of the state’s school teachers in
Barnesvillc.—The farmers of Pike
county are expressing their apprecia¬
tion of the Opportunity afforded them
by the government to obtain nitrate of
soda and they have placed many- ap¬
plications with the committee for their
share of it. The quantify already or¬
dered is large and the only fear is
that, they will not be able to secure
all they want.
Macon.—AH of the cadets from the
local balloon school who had been ma¬
rooned in the swamps when they
landed there in one of the big ob¬
servation balloons, reached Macon
none the worse for their experience,
but they were unable to bring the big
balloon hack with them and will again
have to penetrate Ihe recess of the
swamp to recover the gas bag.
Augusta.—United States Assistant
District Attorney Wallace Miller of
Macon made a. public statement on
onerating Dr. R. L. Rhodes,. Doctor
Rhodes, who is a lieutenant in the
medical officers’ reserve corps, U. S.
A., was charged with “tipping off”
George R. Serdenberg, alleged Ger¬
man spy, that the “secret service men
wene after him.”
Thpmasville.—A difference of just
exactly 10.000 bales is what, the report
of H. B. Stubbs, collector of ginning
reports of Thomas county for the gev
Arnment, shows between the cotton
crop of 1917, prior to January 16 and
that of the irtevious year up to the
same date. That of 1917 was 7,544
bales-a-nd-- that, of the previous season
being $17,-5J4. Now those who are
thinking about planting are wonder
ing what the difference will be an
other season and are getting dubious
about the advisability of taking the
risk, placing little faith in the idea
that the cold weather had killed the
boll weevil.
Brunswick.—New ship workers are
arriving in Brunswick almost daily
from various sections of, the country,
and they are being about equally dis¬
tributed among the shipbuilding plants
in the city which are engaged in gov¬
ernment work.
Atlanta.—A sentence of eight months
in the Fulton county jail was imposed
by Federal Judge Newman on Jim
White, a Clayton county negro preach¬
er, whose religious scruples against
war prevented him from answering his
Nervous Headaches
Four Bottles of Peruna
Made Me Well
Mrs Eflle Hill, Blanchester, Ohio,
writes as follows-:
“1 cannot, tell, how much I suf¬
fered ln the past twelve years. I
have been treated by physicians and
no relief only for. a s^iort time. I
was in such a condition from ner¬
vous headaches, such’ heavy feeling
as If my brain yvas.pressing down,
and so'- nervous I cOUld-' not get 'My'
rest dt night. Would- Cave 'sinking
•pells and then s6'. weak, that L could
not do my work. I began to take
Peruna. Have taken, four bottles- of
Peruna and have' gained in strength
and flesh, and can say I am a well
Chivalrous. Youngsters.
Henry has "a large Newfoundland
dog mimed- tick. - While tit play a
frozen and - hungry •' little dug ap¬
proached. Res- growled and Hurry
said: “Be a gentleman, Hex. Don't
hurt the littledog: lie' got no home be¬
To half pint of water add 1 oz... Bay
Rum, ^ a small box of-Barbd’ Compound;
and ti oz. of glycerine. \ny druggist can
put this up or you cab lrtix it it home at
very little cost. Full .directions fen-, mak¬
ing and Use come in each box of Barba
Compound.- It - will gradually .' darken
streaked, faded gray hair, and. make it soft
and glossy. It will not. color the Scalp, is not
sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv.
His Choice.
“Is. lie milking any special 'Mai tit-.for
exemption?” ..
“No. Says he’d rntlipr. die in battle
than HVe tltc rest of his lifo'ns a liar.’'
■ _■ ■__
OU’LL enjoy this real
X Burley, cigarette. It’s
full of flavor-just as good
as a pipe.
The Burley tobacco is
toasted; makes the taste
delicious. You know how
toasting improves the flavor
of bread. ■. And it’s the
same with tobacco exactly.
“Casey is’ me pertiefteifir friend. Oi'd
nave ye know.” “G’wAjj! If‘he was
pertlckelef lie wouldn't be-,.yer frind.”
Easiest Way.
“What’s the -way of getting
j M>nio hard cash?” , •
j “Work some soft thing.”.
i It lias been fight or die J'or piany of ug
I In the past anil the lucky people are
those who have suffered, but who are now
well because they h’efeded nature’s warn¬
ing signal in time to correct their trou¬
ble with that wonderful new discovery
of Dr. Pierce's called “An-u-ric.” You
should promptly heed these warnings,
some of which are dizzy spells, backache,
Irregularity rheum^tiifni; of the urine ktliittoa or Uve painful
twinges of or lum¬
bago. To delay may make possible the
dangerous forms of kidney disease, such
as stone in the bladder. ._, |
To overcome these distressing condi¬
tions take plenty of,e$eriCise. in;
air. aVoid a heavy meat diet, drink: freely
of water and at ea,!} meai take" IJr:
Pierce’s -Anuric Tablets 'double strength),.
You will, in a sort ttirte.'find that y'ou
are one of the firm neighbors. ipdorse/ii. of ,Anuric,
as are thousands (if
Step into the drug store and ask for
a 'V < package of Anuric. or send Dr. V.
M. Pierce Buffalo, N. 10c .for .trial.
pkg. Anuric,. many 1 times vnore potent
than llthia, eliminates uric acid as hot
water melts sugar.
1 Cannot
For My
woman. T cannot' thank you* enough
for Hiy recovery.”
Those who object to liquid medi¬
cines can secure Peruna tablets.
.Husband—At lust I have an army
Tire dogs of war have chased
wolf from the door.
Costs Less m
and Kills
That Cold
CASCARA aDquinwe
The standard cold cure for 20 year#-.—
in tablet form—safe, sure, no opiates
—curea cold in 24 hours—*rip in 3
days. Money back if it fails. G©ttb«s
t box with Red top Ft. and Mr.
Hill’s picture 'bn
Costs less, gives
more, saves money.
24 Tablets for 25c.
At Any Drug Stora
Knicker—What is the only solution
of the servant problem..
Bocker— A director general of cooks.
The Crop.
“He planted a kiss on her cheek."
■’Raise anything?’*’
“Yes; her-father raised, Cain.”
Hartford, Ala.—“When I commenced
the treatment of Anuric J. was in bad
shape. My back ached all the time
and, Oh. how my back’woulcl ache at
night,nntil-L would have to get up. I
could never sleep all night through.
But since I have taken Anuric my back¬
ache is all gbne and I can lie 4own and
sleep good a fid sound all night. Oh,
how mtich better I do feel! No one
knows but myself. My advice to all suf¬
ferers of kidney troubles is to, give.
Anuric a trial and they , will find relief
from their trouble.” — MRS. EXA
This well-known pellet was made' up
pearly fifty years ago, by Dr. Pierce,
and can be obtained from almost anj