Newspaper Page Text
Cbe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County. Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Q».
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Poe ifflee at Cleveland
Qa., ae second cL<» mail mvier.
Subscription, $1.00 per year
Now the sun shines like spring¬
time. Are you all satisfied?
Mr. T. V. Cantrell, C.S.S., has
just received a letter from his cousin
T. W.Cantrell,somewhere inFrance
He doesn’t enter into anything in
his letter of a military nature be¬
cause of the censorship. He com¬
mented on the weather, stating
that the winter had been severe.
Tom had many acquaintances here
from whom doubtless be would like
to hear, and those desiring his ad¬
dress can procure it from Mr. Can¬
trell or the Courier office.
Rev. G. R. Brown was prevent¬
ed from filling his regular appoint¬
ment at the Baptist church here
Sunday by sickness. He came to
town Saturday, but was taken sick
and returned to his home at Cler¬
mont Sunday.
A man named Ingram went to
the home of Mr. J. L.Jackson, near
the public school building, Sunday
night and asked permission to
spend the night, and was refused
admittance by Mrs. Jackson, Mr.
Jackson being away from home,
The stranger insisted, and continu¬
ed to insist, in spite of the emphat
ic refusals of Mrs, Jackson, until
he realized a shotgun was about to
be brought into action, when he
fled. Mrs. Jackson raised a win¬
dow and fired in the direction the
man ran. * This aroused the neigh¬
bors, and they hastened to investi¬
gate, but the intruder was nowhere
to be found. Marshal Trotter by
some means got on his trail and he
was taken in custody by officers in
Guinesville, and Mr. Trotter went
down Tuesday and brought the ac
cased to Cleveland Tuesday after¬
noon. He pleaded guilty of the
charge of drunkenness and dis¬
orderly conduct and was fined by
Mayor Norton, the fine and cost
being $24.
Mr. Westmoreland, T. R., will
doon be making his rounds over the
county, and he asks the coopera¬
tion of the people in procuring a
list of all ex-confederate soldiers,
and widows of such, with the date
and place of their enlistment, the
company, etc., to which they be¬
longed, and the date and place of
discharge. Those who cannot see
the Tax Receiver personally should
entrust this information to someone
who will communicate it to Mr,
The many friends of I)r. Mc¬
Donald nre glad to see him again
able to be out.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker
Gainesville spent some time with
Mrs. Walker’s parents in town
since our last issue.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Maxwell
spent Wednesday in Gainesville.
Sunday afternoon L. O.
land, col., and Mattie E.
col., of Demorest, were married
the court-house, Judge Allison
forming the ceremony in presence
of a big crowd of White and
ed people.
Mrs. Delia Netherland
Wednesday evening from a
enjoyable visit to relatives
Surveyors are now engaged in
on endeavor to find a suitable
for a tram road fromHelen
mountain via. Asbestos. If
don't find what you want
come down to Cleveland
there is a splendid outlet in
To show that White county
doing her little bit to feed the
tion an account of
shipments from the depot here
procured, all being food
and were as follows: By
SS60 pounds; by express
pound®. In this latter
were 18 butchered hogs and
eggs and a number of coops
Miss Jessie Cox after spending
a week with home, returned to
Cleveland Sunday, where she is at¬
tending school.
Mrs. Jobir Thurmond, who has
been quite sick for a week, is slow¬
ly improving to the delight of her
many friends.
Mr. Jim Glover is at home nurs¬
ing a case of mumps.
Mr, J. T. R. McDonald passed
this way Sunday morning and his
sonorous voice resounded over the
hills, as he inquired : “Can you tell
me how to get to town on foot and
miss the mud.”
Mr. Luther Ash has been very
much indesposed for the past
week with a severe cold.
We hope the Shoal Creek cor¬
respondent will equip herself with
pen and paper and grasp enough
of time to glean the uews in her
settlement and send to the Courier,
and not only the aforesaid corres¬
pondent but all the other delin¬
quent ones, and let us help our
worthy editor to make the Courier
the best is has ever been.
Mr. Babe Jackson was rattling
his tongue in this immediate vicin¬
ity Saturday. Mr. Jackson is
contriving to get the people to
help build a bridge across the
creek at Jackson’s crossing; which
is needed by this part of the coun¬
ty and we hope the people will see
fit to accede to his proposition and
lend a helping hand.
We deeply sympathize with the
bereaved in the loss of their loved
one, Mr. Buford Allison. He was
a noble boy and loved by all who
knew him.
Mr. Herman Allen, wife and
baby gave Mr. J. S. Allen and
family a pleasant call Sunday after¬
We was sorry to learn that Mr.
W. C. Henderson’s smiling face
would no longer be seen on route
No. 3. We aro loathe to part with
him, as a mail carrier. We be¬
lieve lie has been serving the peo¬
ple on this route for about twelve
years and we have never heard a
single dissenting voice against him,
alwuys the same; congenial, pleas¬
ant and accomodating to all lie
come in contact with. We can
highly recommend him to all the
patrons on No. 3. We know they
will be faithfully and efficiently
served. We wish Mr. Henderson
success on his new route, and we
think we voice the seniments
all the patrons on this route.
Mr. Fred Thurrnoud is at
from Camp Wheeler for a few
Mr. Roy Black had the
tune. while cleaning up an old pis
tol, to shoot a hole through
Married at the home of Mr.
Mrs. G. E. Allen Sunday
at 5 o’clock; Mr. C. G.
to Miss Mary Turner, Judge G.
Allen officiating. Only a
friends were present, Mr.
ardson is the son of Mrs.
son and the late
and is held in high esteem in
community in which he lives.
Turner is the youngest daughter
Mr. High Turner, and is a
ing young lady possessing a
charm of personal grace. This
tire community extends to
young couple bost wishes for
long, prosperous life.
500 bushels of peas;
whip-poor-will and red.
will pay $2.50 per bushel,
the next 10 days.
. Cleveland Produce Co.
Current Prices Country Produce In
Eggs 50 cents per doz.
Hens 20 “ •* lb.
Frys 25 “ “ lb.
Butter 30 " " lb.
Peas $2.25 per bushel.
Corn, $1.73 per bushel,
Legal Advertisements.
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold 1 iefoi-e the court house
door in said countv on the first Tuesday
in Mcb. i918, withir. the legal hours of
sale for cash, the following described
property to wit: The mineral interest
only in and to Lots of land Nos. 18, 19,
30 and 3i in the Foarth land diet,. of
said county and known as the J. L. Hel¬
ton property in said County.
Levied on as the property of J. L. Hel¬
ton to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by W. H.
Hulsey Tax Collector of said county on
the 20th day of Dec. 1917 against J.l.
This Feb. 9th 1918.
A. L. Dorse v, Sheriff.
Georgia, White County.
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months' support to the
family of W, H. Roberts deceased, hav¬
ing been filed in my office, all persons
concerned are cited to show cause by the
4th day of March 1018,why said applica¬
tion for twelve months' support should
not be granted.
This 5th day of Feb. 1918.
N. J. Allison, Ordinary.
In White Superior Court, Oct. Term,1917
Chas. W.Larrabee vs. Carrie B. Larrabee
To the defendant, Carrie B. Larrabee:
The plaintiff, Chan. VV. Larrabee, hav¬
ing filed his petition for a divorce against
Carrie B. Larrabee in this court, return
ahle to this term of the court, and it be¬
ing made to appear that Carrie B, Larra¬
bee is not a resident of said county, nor
is she a resident of this state, and an
order having been made fur seiviceon
her, Carrie B. Larrabee, by publication,
this, therefore, is to notify you, Carrie B.
Larrabee, to be and appear at the next
term of the superior court to be held on
the second Monday in April, 1898, then
and there to answer said complaint.
Witness the Hon. .1, B. Jones Judge of
the Superior Court, this the 22nd day of
Jan., 1918.
J. B. R. Bxrbktt, Clerk.
There will be on the 3rd Satur¬
day fellows night Lodge. a big time We at want the Odd- j
man who ever belonged to No. 405
to be there. Come ye backsliders
and be with us, and hear something
good for you.
By order of the Lodge.
Yours truly,
For Judge of the Superior
Court of the Northeastern
I wisli to announce to the people of
Hall, llabei-aham, Stephens, Rabun,
Towns, Union, White, Lumpkin and
Dawson counties, composing the North¬
eastern Circuit: that I am a candidate for
Judge of the Superior Court ot said cir¬
cuit, subject to the Democratic primaries
to be held later on in this year and their
support in tny race will be gratefully re¬
I would appreciate very much to be
returned to the bench and if elected, it
will be my highest aim to give a fair and
impartial administration of the law to
the best of my ability, and dispose of
the business of the courts as rapidly as
possible and thus save both time and
money to the people and counties.
Your obedient servant,
To the voters of the Northeastern Circuit
of Georgia:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Judge of the Northeastern Circuit of
Georgia, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
If elected, I pledge myself to serve the
people to the best of my ability and
adopt such means, measures and methods
consistent with justice to all parties con¬
cerned, and will dispose ofthe business of
the courts and clear the dockets of all
cases to ready for disposition.
I wilt arrange my business so that I
can devote my entire time to the duties
of the office.
I will hold the courts at the time and
place fixed by law.
I will hold court from Monday morn¬
ing until Saturday night, if necessary, to
dispose of the business.
1 will call all cases in the order they
appear on the dockets, and set si! cases
for trial on certain days, except criminal
cases, and they will lie called and dis¬
posed of in the order they appear on the
Your vote solicited.
I want to buy good beef cattle
and will best prices.
G. A. Vandiver.
LEAP R. F. D. No. 1.
Seems that'the measles are get¬
ting back close. Thev report ihat
there are ten cases in Flatwoods.
The mumps are becoming a nat
tive of country.
Mr. Clyde Burk, who has been
in the army, is at home now. They
gave him a disability discharge.
Clyde seems to like the army all
right from the way he talks.
There was several out at Blue
Creek Sunday, but no preacher.
Guess the preacher thought is too
muddy to venture out.
Mr. Dewey Stovall is going to
enter the school at Cleveland Mon¬
day. He has been absent from
school two weeks on account
of Miss Cora being
sick. We hope he will soon catcjj
up with his studiss.
Messrs. Verman Grantand John
Henry Gastley of Clarkesviile was
over on this side Sunday P. M,
Mr. Grant’s hat blew off and the
buggy run over it. They J must not
for mud to ride ten miles to
see their girls.
Mr. Edgar Stovall was visiting
Blue Creek Sunday P. M.
Mr. Lester Stovall is going to
move to thejasper Edward’s place,
the Chattahoochee river.
We are sorry to hear of the
of Miss Florence l’otts. The
bereaved relatives has our sympa¬
in their hours of trouble.
1 will sell at public outcry to the
highest bidder, in the town of
Cleveland, Ga., on the first Tues¬
in March, 1918, one well lo¬
six-room residence onWalnut
street, southeast side of town, in- j
eluding three fifty-foot „ lots and
Also one ten-room residence on
the same street just facing the
above residence, including three
fifty-foot lots and barn.
These beautiful homes are nicely
elevated and located to satisfy any
one who has any desire for location
Terms of sale will be one-third
cash, one-third Nov. j, 191S, one
third Nov. r, 1919, or 2 percent
off for all cash.
This will be the best opportunity
to purchase a nice home on reason¬
able terms you will likely ever have
Don’t forget the date and place,
and be ready to buy you a nice
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is senior partner ot the firm o: F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing- business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm wiil pav the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
<8eai) Notary Public.
Hail's Catarrh Medicine is taken in¬
ternally the and acts through the Blood on
Mucous Surfaces of the Svstem. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
Half Your Living
Without Money
We are all at a danger point. On
use of good common sense in cur
1918 farm and garden operations de¬
pends prosperity or our “going broke.”
Even at present high prices no one
can plant all or nearly all cotton, buy
food and grain at present prices from
merchant on credit and make
Food and grain is higher in
than are present
It’s a time above all others to
safe; to produce all possible
and forage supplied on your
to cut down the store bill.
A good piece of garden ground.
rightly planted, rightly tended and
kept planted the year round, can be
to pay nearly half your living.
will save you more money than you
on the l est three acres of
ever grew!
Hastings’ 1918 Seed Book tell?, pa]
the right kind of a money sa
garden and ihe vegetables tc- out
it. It tells about Jhe farm crops S3
and shows you the clear road to
and regular farm prosperity I”?
Free. Send for it today to H. G.
HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Cm—Advi.
The Beauty Secret.^
Ladies desire that
si^tible charm—a good
complexion. Of course
J 'T'll l they do not wish others
(yg to know a beautifier
I’ bas been used so they
y buy a bottle of
Magnolia Balm
end use according to simple •imp dire&ii tons. cooling Improve- and
__________________ ment is noticed at once. _________ Soothin _____ ing,
refreshing. Heals Sunburn, stops Tan.
Pink, Whitt, Rose-Red.
75c. at 'Druggists or Ay mail direct
Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp.
Lyon Mfg. Co„ 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn.
full value paid
Fire, Life, Sick, Accident
other kinds of protection
Cleveland Insurance Agency
A. G. Maxwell, Mgr.
Put Slacker Acres to Work
m Our Country is calling for bigger yields of all The world
needs pound of fann_ products the crops.
ready every South can furnish, and is
to pay handsome prices for them. Never before has the
Southern farmer had such a golden opportunity to serve his country
and at the same time build his own fortune.
Intelligent fertilization of every acre in cultivation is more nec¬
essary now than ever before, because each acre should be made to
yield its utmost. This cannot be done unless the proper class and
quantities of fertilizers _ are used. Low producing acres and inferior
fertilizers constitute an inexcusable and unpatriotic waste.
The MORRIS BRANDS resist leaching, prevent shedding,
and hasten fruitful maturity' of the crop. Only the best class of
materials enter into their manufacture. That’s why they al¬
ways give universal satisfaction.
KIMSEY & KIMSEY, Robertstown, Ga.
W. L. HOOD & BRO., Nacoochee, Ga.
J. D. HULSEY. Leo. Ga.
T. C. MILLER, Clermont, Ga.
We are closing out our entire
stock of General Merchandise at a
big sacrifice. All mens hats to go
at cost. Caps and shoes at reduced
The following prices are given
that you may know \vi mean to do
just what we sa\ :
Good ginghams at 14c per yard.
Cartridges at (> 4 c per box.
Mens work shirts at u c each or
two for * t .25.
And a lot of oilier tilings too nu¬
merous to mention.
Sale to begin now.
Don't ask for eiedir.
I fiose owing this firm will please
come and settle at once.
Cleveland, Ga.
An Education.
These me days when history is
being made, and when, to KNOW
what one shoe id know, it is neces¬
sary to keep up wiiii every day's
'1 here is no better way to do
this than to send in your subscrip¬
tion for the daily and Sunday
Atlanta Journal
The Journal carries every day
tiie news of all the important
world, national, state and local
happenings. Keep up with the
time by reading the daily and Sun-
1 1 day Atlanta Journal.
Subscription Prices.
(By Mail—Payable Strictly in Advance.)
Daily and 1 Mo. 3 Mos. ti Mos. j \y.
So day S»65 $1.95 $8.75 *7.50
Daily .55 1.50 *
3.00 6.00
Sunday .70 i 2.7 9.50
You have heard about this instru¬
ment—the favorite invention of
Thomas A. Edison.
Why not come in sometime and
hear the instrument itself.
Then You Will know Whv
People Talk About It