Newspaper Page Text
No Slackers
We can well be proud of our
a woman is borne
by the weakness and sufferings of
ankind, she should be helped by
herbal tonic made with
which has had such uniform
during the past half centurv.
should be well, instead of sick
suffering; healthy and vigorous,
stead of worn-out and weak;
eyes, clear skin, rosy
wouldn’t think it was the same
an, and It’s all due to the use of
few bottles of Dr. Pierce's
Prescription. All druggists.
lets or liquid. Tablets, 60c.
What this medicine has done
thousands of delicate women. It
do for you. If you’re
and debilitated, it will build you
If you're borne down with the
aches, pains and weaknesses
to your sex, It relieves and cures.
regulates and promotes the
functions of womanhood. This
and tried Prescription of Dr.
Invigorates the system, purifies
blood, improves digestion, and
health, flesh and strength. Consult
specialist at Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’
tel, Buffalo, N. Y., for free
medical advice or for free book
Women's diseases.—Adv.
An iswaitingfor Independe nt YOU Bu si ne ss
If you can intelligently represent
[jlorKer Tire Treatment
Seals Punctures. Stops Slow
Leaks. Keeps tires at normal
inflation. Preserves rubber.
Nationally is advertised. There
a big liberal profit for you.
Close the leads we send you.
t Nocompetition- details. Car Write fcr
owners pre¬
ferred. Act promptly.
One of the most ralnuble and Indispen¬
sable Kitchen necessities Indented ; essiij
solidly constructed, hentrlly iifetim tinned
«o as not to rust, and will laat a
2Be., Postpaid.
in every part of the country. Present agents are making Big
Money selling NEVER SLIP PAN LIFTERS Id tbelr
locality. Send 28c. for sample and special ludacetnenu
to representatives.
1011 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa,
Northern Grown Seed Potatoes; VIgoroi
and good ylelder er«. 500 600 eyes eyes $5. $5. PoBtage Btage pa: pa
to your door. Valley Home Farm. Terry,
Until this new “smoke”
was made you could never
have a real Burley tobacco
cigarette. It’s the best yet.
The toasting brings out the
delicious flavor of that fine
old Kentucky Burley. You
never tasted anything so
agreeable—think what
roasting does for peanuts.
on Guaranteed by _
Jhlf <J&Vrate<r^7. . •
England women are
ing up the work of
resolutely, and
shown their ability to
; almost all kinds of
' When it becomes
f their sary women will
I worth in
f shops, stores,
and offices. No one
them complain of
hard work. These
the days when
' men have cause to
spect, love and
their mothers, wives
THE CLEVELAND coimmx. cumm‘m GEéRGIA: ’
and buy an imitation, get the original
It Is better than any of the substi¬
tute “Balms” for quickly relieving
Coughs, Colds, Croup, and all kinds of
hurts and soreness.
The many imitations are proof that
it is an unusually good thing.
The price is only 25c per Jar or
Tube. ^ Surely it is worth that to get
rid of a Cough or Cold, or your child’s
Croup. If your druggist will not supply
you and we have no agent In your lo¬
cality, write for the agency.
Every family needs Vaeher-Balm,
and we supply samples Free, to start
the demand. E. W. VACHER, Inc,
New Orleans, La. Adv.
Ordered to Conserve Light.
It is reported in the London Times
that notice has been given by the gen¬
eral in command of the Munster army
crops district that the consumption oi
gas and electric power in shops, res¬
taurants and other establishments
must this winter not exceed one-lialf
of the consumption in the winter ol
1915-16. All the military and civil au¬
thorities, businesses and other private
undertakings are required to alter
their office hours, front October 1 on
ward, to the time between 1 a. in. and
4 p. m. Schools will keep the same
hours. The lighting of shop windows
and the use of passenger elevators are
forbidden and ail restaurants are to
be closed at 9 p. m.—Scientific Anier
is always admired, and it is the l&udu
| ble ambition of every woman to do all
j she can to make herself attractive,
j Many of our southern women have
found that Tetterine is invaluable for
clearing up blotches, itchy patches,
etc., and making the skin soft and
velvety. The worst cases of eczema
and other torturing skin diseases yield
I to Tetterine. Sold by druggists or sent
by mail for 50c. by Shuptrine Co.,
Savannah, Ga.—Adv.
Many Deaths From Accidents.
Deaths resulting front accidents in
1910 numbered 60.0T1, corresponding
to a rate of 83.9 per 100,000. This rate
is considerably in excess of that of
1915, which was 76.3. The death rate
from heat was 2.9 per 100,000, the high¬
est rate shown from tills cause in the
last fifteen years.
but possessed by few—a beautiful
head of hair. If yours is streaked with
gray, or is harsh and stiff, you can re¬
store it to Its former beauty and lus¬
ter by using “La Creole” Ilalr Dress¬
ing. Price $1.00.—Adv.
“Wtmt a splendid bouncing baby!”
“Yes’rn; his father’s in the rubber
Pore Ey<»B, Blood-Shot Eyes. Wat.t-y Eye*.
Pill-Icy Eyrs, a)) healed prompliy with night¬
ly application* of Roman Eye Balsam, Adv.
It is now proposed to have a woman
In the British cabinet.
Call for 250,000 Volunteers to
Aid in Speeding the New
Merchant Fleet.
Reserve Organization Formed to Com¬
plete Gigantic Program to Win
War—Good Pay and Living
The United States Shipyard Volun¬
teers of the Public Service Reserve, a
reserve organization of American me¬
chanics, skilled workers in many lines
of trade, has been formed to bring to
completion the gigantic shipbuilding
program necessary to win the war.
Two hundred and fifty thousand work¬
men are to be enrolled and they will
stand ready, when called to go to the
shipyards and speed America’s mer¬
chant fleet to completion.
An appeal for volunteers has been
made by the department of labor,
the council of national defense, the
shipping board, the 20,000 four-min,ute
men, governors of the various states,
organized labor and business men. The
aim Is to fill all the present and future
needs of the government’s shipyards.
Pay of volunteers will be in accord¬
ance with the prevailing wage in the
shipyards at the time they are called.
Construction of houses for the workers
is being pushed with energy, and the
necessary homes will be ready when
tlie men arc called.
Preliminaries Are Arranged.
Ail preliminary work, such as the
building of shipyards and shipways,
construction of housing facilities,
preparation and transportation of ma¬
terial, and the training of workmen, is
being rushed to completion. Thus the
organization of the shipyard volunteers
is being hastened with energy and en¬
Volunteers are requested to go to the
nearest enrollment agent of the public
service reserve or state council of de¬
fense and sign up. Should there be no
enrolling agent in the vicinity, they
are asked to write to Edward N. Hur¬
ley, chairman of the United States
shipping board, Washington.
Cards are issued to all applicants,
bearing statements of the purpose of
the shipyard volunteers, classifying
them according to trades and usktng
signers to respond when called. But¬
tons will he given to volunteers bear¬
ing the inscription, “U. S. Shipyard
Volunteers.” This button is to be an
honorary recognition of the wearer’s
willingness to sacrifice personal desires
for public need. In addition, the
worker will receive a certificate signed
by Chairman Hurley, which reads:
“This is to certify (name of vol¬
unteer) of (city, state), lias
enrolled in the United States
Shipyard Volunteers of Pub¬
lic Service Reserve to aid the
nation in its imperative needs
for merchant ships with which to
overcome tlie submarine menace
and maintain our forces at the
Quota of Each State.
Each state has been assigned
quota, based upon the population and
industries. Tlie quota Is as follows:
Maine ......... . 2,972 New Jersey,. ..11,348
New Hamp... . 1,698 Pennsylvania. 32.771
Vermont ...... , 1,390 Ohio .......... ■ 19J02
MassftchusettHl4,321 Indiana ...... ..10.847
Rhode Island., . 2.355 Illinois....... ..23,662
Connecticut ... , 4,786 Michigan .... .11,734
New York ____ Wisconsin ... .. 3,611
Minnesota ____ . *.762 Alabama .. 1,994
Towa ........... . 8,531 Mississippi . .. 7,488
Missouri ...... .11,812 Arkansas ... .. 6,022
North Dakota . 2.584 Louisiana .. .. 7,064
South Dakota. , 2,393 Oklahoma .. 3,493
Nebraska ..... . 4.4^*0 Texas ........ ..17,023
Kansas ....... . 6.7,30 Montana ..... .. 1,683
Delaware ..... 811 Tdnho ........ .. 1,621
Maryland ____ . 6.250 Wyoming ____ .. 613
Dfst. of Co!... . 1.390 Colorado _____ .. 3.320
Virginia....... . 8.453 New Mexico. .. 1,428
West Virginia, 6,327 A mnria ...... .. 883
N. Carolina... 9,264 Utah ......... .. 1,660
S. Carolina____ , 6,253 Nevada ..... .. 336
Georgia ....... 11.001 Washington . ,. 6,906
Florida ...... . 3,435 Oretron ...... .. 3,204
Kentucky ____ . 8.260 California ... .11,310
Tennessee *____ . 7,952
Trades Needed in Shipbuilding.
The department of labor has provid¬
ed the following list showing the kind
of trades most needed in shipbuilding,
and a special appeal is addressed to
men in those occupations to enroll in
the United States Shipyard volun¬
teers :
Acetylene and electrical welders, as¬
bestos workers, blacksmiths, angle
smiths. drop-forge men, flange turners,
furnace men. boilermakers, riveters,
reamers, carpenters, ship carpenters,
dock builders, ehippers and calkers,
electrical workers, electricians, wire
men, crane operators, foundry work
ers, laborers (ail kinds), loftsmen,
template makers, machinists and
machine ’ hands (all sorts), help¬
ers. painters, plumbers and pipe
fitters, sheet metal workers, copper¬
smiths. shipfltters. structural iron
workers, erectors, bolters up, cement
ers and crane men.
Life’s Inspirations.
There is no greater joy than the feel¬
ing that some act of ours has inspired
another to be brave and strong. One
of the beautiful things about right do¬
ing is that it is an inspiration to oth¬
ers. No life is a real success which has
not scattered inspiration' along the
Just Human Nature.
Another reason why a man is a man
is because he would rather lose $50 in
a speculation than 50 cents through a
bole In his pocket.—Dallas News.
New Discovery! Dodson’s Liver Tone Acts Like Calomel But Doesn't Gripe,
Salivate or Make You Sick—Don’t Lose a Day’s Work—Harmless Liver
Medicine for Men, Women, Children—Read Guarantee!
Take TTgh I Calomel makes you sick. It’s horrible 1
a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and
tomorrow you may lose a day’s work.
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes
necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into
contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it
up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and
cramping. If you are. sluggish and ‘‘all knocked
out,” if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated,
or you have headache, dizincss, coated tongue, if
breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful
of harmless Dodson’s Diver Tone tonight.
Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drug store and
get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few
cents. Take a spoonful and if it: doesn’t straighten
Sloan, age four, had boon told many
times that Mr. Hoover wishes him to
save on tlie sugar and quite cheerily
has he joined tlie Denverites. One clay
his grandmother was reading to Idm
and after a time site said: “Sloan,
grandmother must rest her eyes now.”
He turned and looked at iter and said:
“You don’t mean to tell me you are
Hoovering on your eyes, do you?”
has been a household remedy all
the civilized world for more than
a century for constipation, intestinal
troubles, torpid liver and the
depressed feeling that
such dlshrders. It is n most
remedy for indigestion or nervous
pepsia and liver trouble bringing
headache, coming up of food,
tion of heart and many other
toms. A few doses of August
will immediately relieve you. It Is
gentle laxative. Ask your
Sold in all civilized couniHes.—Adv.
A Hard Dilemma.
“Now, Tom, why don’t you
“15*. wn and marry some plain,
“Because, dad, they always arc
when they’re sensible.”
Catarrh Cannot tie Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly infiu
enc-ed by constitutional conditions. HALL .'
CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh
It is taken internally and acts througl
the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tin
is composed of some of the best tonic;
known, combined with some of the best
blood purifiers. The perfect, combination
of the ingredients In HALL’S CATARRH
MEDICINE is what produces such won¬
derful results In catarrhal conditions.
Druggists V. 75c. Testimonials free.
J. Cheney & Co., Prop«., Toledo, O.
At Least He’s There Now.
Twenty-one—“No woman ever made
n fool of me.” Eighteen—“No, tint
they helped-.”—Orange Peel.
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay
Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound,
and (4 oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can
put this up or you can mix it at home at
very little cost. Full directions for mak¬
ing and use come in each box of Barbo
Compound. It will gradually darken
streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft
and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not
sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv.
Their Office.
"Those flowers are a sheet: of color.”
Naturally. They’re bedding plants.”
No Older Than Your Face.
T.s true in most cases. Then keep your
face fair and young with Cuticura
Soap and touches of Cuticura Oint¬
ment as needed. For free samples ad¬
dress, “Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston.”
Sold hy druggists and by mail. Soap
25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv.
State prisoners in New York are to
he used for the cultivation of farms
during the war.
and constant use will burn out the
scalp. Cleanse the scalp by shampoo¬
ing with “La Creole” Hair Dressing,
and darken, in the natural way, those
ugly, grizzly hairs. Price, $1.00.—Adv.
Over 15 per cent of the munition
workers in Lyons, France, are women.
Bad Colds, Pneumonia, and Croup
may be prevented by using Vacher
Balm in ,time. Everyone should keep
it in the house.—Adv.
It only takes a slight jolt to knock
the patriotism out of some fellows.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver,
towels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad.
An old bachelor says that marriage
s a synonym for trouble.
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
Druggists Itching, refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails
-o Fi cure Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
ret application gives relief. fiOc.
You may be sure of one thing—you
jan’t be too sure of anything.
you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous
I want you to go back to the store and get your
money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the
sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine;
entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or
make you sick.
I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson’s Liver
Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and
clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated
waste which is clogging your system and making
you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of
Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fanfily
feeling fine for months. Give it to your children.
It is harmless; doesn’t gripe and they like its
pleasant taste.—Adv.
Accurate Information,
“What’s the proletariat, Pat?”
"It’s that part of Russia they’re
fighting so about. You ought to
ashamed of yourself not to rend
papers, son, about what’s doing in
Examine Important to Mothers
carefully every bottle
CASTORIA, that famous old
for infants and children, and see that
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s
How Did It Happen?
Judge—‘What is the verdict of
jury?” Foreman—“Your honor,
jury are all of one
insane.”—Everybody's Magazine.
but like counterfeit money the
tion has not the worth of tlie
Insist on “La Creole” Hair
it’s the original. Darkens your hair
the natural way, but contains no
Price $1.00.—Adv.
Fruit, growers of California have
clared in favor of the importation
Chinese “nnd other labor." '
Copenhagen maintains a
exhibition of devices to protect
ers from accidents.
If Worms or Tapeworm persist in
system, it is because you have not yet
the real Vermifuge, Dr. Peery's "Dead
One dose does the work. Adv.
Tilings go better for people who
them ns they come.
Want to Feel Just Right?
» Take an NR Tonight =a
TOST TRY IT AND SEE how much hotter you f»l In tW morning. Thjit “loggr."
headachy, tired, don’t-know-wh«t'»-Uie-m»tter feeling will be fone—You'll leei One.
HPROUBLE IS, your system is
JL clogged with a. lot of impurities that your
over-worked digestive and eliminative organs
can’t get rid of. Pills f oil, salts, calomel and ordi¬
nary laxatives, cathartics and purges only force the
bowels and prod the liver.
Nature’* Remedy (NR Tablets) acts on the stomach,
liver, bowels and even kidneys, not forcing, but ton¬
ing and strengtheoing these organs. The result is
prompt relief and real, lasting benefit. Make the test.
Nature’s Remedy will act promptly, thoroughly, yet
so mildly, so gently, that you will think nature her¬
self has come to the rescue and is doing the work.
And oh, what arelief!
You’ll bo surprised to
find how much better you
feel—brighter* better every way*
If habitually or stubbornly con¬
stipated, take one NR Tablet
each night for a week. Then
you’ll not have to take medicine
Cet a 25 f
As Age / ^dvar ices the Liver Requires
Small Pill, Small A occasional slight stimulation.
Dose, Small AngBS ,*j CARTER’S
Price But Jjtf * LITTLE
its Great Good in ' Barter's LIVER PILLS
on Genuine -g
1 Colorless or Pale Faces “£^;^ dicate the absen ce of iron in 1
| a condition which will be greatly helped* by Carter’s Iron Pills |
nu sanitaky methoos amito m we
c4sk fy *r Dealer has them, or if nut hr should.
turn or write ns qivttuj bis naau.
It is easy to find nine'people out o
ten who are willing to do the shoutinj
while the tenth does the work.
You will look ten years younger if yol
darken your ugly, grizzly, gray hair* bj
using “La Creole” Hair Dressing.—Adv
When a man offers you something
for notiiing walk around it.
— — ■ . ....... ............. — — -i
No Raise
In Price
Of This
Great Remedy
The standard cold cure for 20 years—
in tablet form—safe, sure, no opiate*
—cures Money cold in backif 24 hours—grip it fails. in 3 j
days. Get the
genuine box with Red top and i Mr.
Hill’s picture on it.
— Costs leas, gives
more, save# money.
24 Tablet* for 2Sc.
At Any Drug Stor«
Wanted—Men or Women Salesmen.
No canvassing 1 . Sales come easy with
our plan and your assistance. Selling
Operola Cabinet Talking Machines from
your home. Adv. furnished free. One
salesrpaJi each county. Write quick. Wm.
John & Co., Dept. 2, Cincinnati, O.
al; 60<
MR. farm er
N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 9-1918.