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Wbc Clevclan& Courier.
Official Organ of Whit* County. Ga
Fablitbtd Weekly *t Clerelund G».
Entered *t the Poe* ifflee it Cleveland
<3*., u second cL«« mail metier.
Subscription, $1.00 per year
Mr, J. L. Pepper, who recently
moved here from Gillsvile with the
intention of operating a garage,
has been afflicted with lagrippe for
a few days.
In our colums will be found the
annunch of Judge J. B. Jones for
re-election. This now makes what
is usually termed a three-cornered
race, three candidates offering for
the same seat. We have heard but
little comment, but each have their
admirers, and, more or less, each
voter will cash his ballot with a
view to strengthening the law or
weakening the law.
Quarterly meeting, held at the
Methodist church Wednesday was
well attended.
We are glad to note our Blue
Ridge correspondent has sufficient¬
ly recovered to be able to again
communicate to our readers the
news from that district.
Mr. J. C. Blalock spent a few
days in town this week assisting
persons in making returns for fed¬
eral taxes.
Mrs. L. S. Sears was sick a few
days since our last issue, but her
friends are glad to note she is again
able to be up.
Miss Mae Edwards and Mr.Chas
Dorsey were secretly married at the
Methodist parsonage Sunday, Feb.
3rd, Rev. S. D. Cherry officiating.
By some means the seal which seal¬
ed the secret became unsealed, and
the news was passed from mouth
to ear until all in town had heard
it, and an examination of the rec¬
ords of the Ordinary’s office proved
the statement true.
Miss Edwards is the accomplish¬
ed daughter of Senator and Mrs
C. II. Edwards, and is a charming
young lady. The groom is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dorsey, of
Mossy Creek, and is a young man
of excellent habits and fine ability.
The host of friends of this couple
with them happiness and prosper
ity through life.
Messrs. J. C. Turner and J. W
Etris hnve returned from a visit to
friends and relatives in Milton
Mrs. L. S. Turner is very sick
at this writing.
Mr. John B. Nix dined with
Rev. R. B. Etris Sunday.
Mr, Frye filled his .regular ap
puintment at R. B. Etris’ Sunday.
Mrs. D. C. Allison died at her
home on Shoal Creek Saturday,
23. She had been sick about two
weeks with pneumonia, She was
a member of the church at Town
Creek and lived a consistent mem
ber till her death. She was 72
years of age. Her remains were
conveyed back and tenderly laid to
rest at Town Creek cemetery Sun¬
day evening. Revs. W. N. Tur¬
ner and J. M. Nix conducted the
funeral services.
Ask Mr. Arthur Etris who the
young man was that got the rabbits
foot played off on him about the
hair pin Sunday.
We wonder what has become of
Spoilt Cane Specials.
Mr. W. A. Cantrell gave the
young people a corn shucking
urday, which was attended by
J. S. Shoffeit, who is at work
the Pyrites mines. It seems
he likes to visit the “Land
1 will thresh caneseed for
public in my lot
£th. All come who have
Loudaville Lines.
Miss Icie Clark came up from
Gainesville Sunday on a visit to
homefolks for n few days.
Miss Mary Hood and brrother,
Jim, spent Saturday night with
their aunt, Mrs. Will Campbell.
Mrs. Nettie Ledford spent a few
days here last week with relatives.
Mr. Ed Beach and family passed
through this; section Sunday on
their way to the Blue Ridge.
Mr. C, J. Meaders was in this
section one day last week.
Rev. H. M. Edwards was down
this way Saturday on business.
Mr Frank McAfee and your
correspondent spent Saturday
afternoon up at Mt. Pleasant.
Misses Essie and Ola Morris of
Shoal Creek spent Sunday night
with Miss Effie Clark.
Quite a lot of crossties have been
hauled from the Longstreet to the
We are quite sorry to hear of the
sickness of Judge G. S. Kytle.
Mr Oscar Allison, who has been
very sick is better at this writing.
Mrs. Lillie Anderson of Nacoo
chee has been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Thurmond.
Mr. Joe Black is on the sick list
this week.
School at Yonali was out last
Miss Hallie Dorsey spent Satur¬
day night and Sunday with Miss
Lettie Westmoreland.
Mr. Benj. Merrett of Cornelia
has moved to his father's old home,
near Yonah mountain.
The little child of Mr, and Mrs.
Linton Adams died Monday after¬
noon with whooping cough. The
bereaved have our sympathy.
Mr. Montie Black left Monday
morning for Sooth Carolina.
Mrs. Belle Robinson is visiting
the family of Mr. S. S. Crumley of
I have for sale a nice horse colt
coming two years old, also a good
Dixie Buggy and harness. See me
at once.
Cleveland, Ga.
If you want a fine Tennessee or
Kentucky mule, or a pair of them,
see me w hen I return, I am now
away to purchase these mules, and
will return soon.
All members ofWulker Mt.Catnp
No. 505, W O W, are requested to
beonhandtUt the regular meeting
night (second Saturday).
Thos. F. Underwood, C.C.
I want to buy good beef cattle
and will best prices.
G. A. Vandiver.
Fire, Life, Sick, Accident and
all other kinds of protection are
sold by
Cleveland Insurance Agency.
A. G. Maxwell, Mgr.
Pure Sugar Cane Syrup at
cents per gallon in barrels.
Sugar House Molasses at 55
Porto Rico Molasses at 45 cents.
Wholesale Molasses,
Box 95, Columbia, S. C.
We want by the middle of
500 cords of dry pine wood.
-pay-the highest casteprice. See
at once for contracts,
HsFNEJt & Warwick.
Carpenters, lumbermen,
men, grade foremen, and all
of laborers for-immediate work.
Write or apply to
Morse Brothers Lumber Co.,
Helen, Ga.
Our thoroughbred bull
M”, will be found at Jess
farm near Cleveland this season
Fee $1.50 payable in advance.
We are buying all kinds of pro
duce. Paying highest prices, We
pay you cash for everything.
Rkkck & Lance.
We will pay you the best market
prices for all kinds of peas, corp,
cane seed, dried fruit, white and
colored beans, chickens and eggs,
and everything you have to sell.
Try us and see for yourself.
R. No. 2.
1 will sell at public outcry to the
highest bidder, in the town of
Cleveland, Ga., on the first Tues¬
day in March, 1918, one well lo¬
cated six-room residence onWalnut
street, southeast side of town, in¬
cluding three fifty-foot lots and
Also one ten-room residence on
the same street just facing the
above residence, including three
fifty-foot lots and barn.
These beautiful homes are nicely
elevated and located to satisfy any
one who has any desire for location
Terms of sale will be one-third
cash, one-third Nov. 1, 1918, one
third Nov. 1, 1919, or 2 percent
off for all cash.
This will be the best opportunity
to purchase a nice home on reason¬
able terms you will likely ever have
Don’t forget the date and place,
and be ready to buy you a nice
State of Ohio. City of Tolado.
Lucas County.
Frank J. Chaney makes oath that he
le senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business tn the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, this «th day of December,
A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken In¬
ternally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the Syetem. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. 0.
Sold by alt druggists. 75c.
Ball's Family Pills for constipation.
Closing Out
We are closing out our
stock of General Merchandise at
big sacrifice. All mens hats to
at cost. Caps and shoes at
The following prices are
that you may know we mean to
just what we say :
Good ginghams at 14c per yard.
Cartridges at 65c per box.
Mens work shirts at 65c each
two for #1.25.
And a lot of other things too
merous to mention.
Sale to begin now.
Don’t ask for credit.
Those owing this firm will
come and settle at once.
Cleveland, Ga.
Some few months ago Mr.
Walker severed his
with the firm of Jarrard &
Their successor is H. A. Jariard
Jarrard & WalkeR.
My entire stock of merchandise
is lo close out at a very small mar¬
gin above actual cost. Many
articles for less than could be
bought at on market of today at
wholesale prices.
Shoes, broken stock, oxfords and
slippers a specialty.
Drugs, Wine of Cardui, Block
Draught, pills, etc., below rock
bottom prices.
Will pay the top of the market
for all kinds of produce. Come
see goods and get prices.
Yours for success,
Half Your Living
Without Money Cost
We are all at a danger point. On
the use of good common sense in our
1918 farm and garden operations de¬
pends prosperity or our “going broke.”
Even at present high prices no one
can plant all or nearly all cotton, buy
food and grain at present prices from
supply merchant on credit and make
money. Food and grain is higher in
proportion than are present cotton
It’s a time above all others to play
safe; to produce all possible food,
grain and forage supplies on your own
acres; to cut down the Etore bill.
A good piece of garden ground,
rightly planted, rightly tended and
kept planted the year round, can bo
made to pay nearly half your living. It
will save you more money than you
made on the best three acre3 of cotton
you ever grew!
Hastings’ 1918 Seed Book tells all
about the right kind of a money sav¬
ing garden and the vegetables to put
in it. It tells about the farm crops as
well and shows you the clear road to
real and regular farm prosperity. It’s
Free. Send for it today to H. G.
HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Ga.—Advt.
The Beaut ylSecret.[ ,
Ladies desire that irre-.
si£tible charm—a good !
complexion. Of course
they do not wish others
to know a beautifier
has been used so they
buy a bottle of
Magnolia Balm
ftttd us* according to aimple directions. Improve¬
ment is noticed at once. Soothing, cooling and
refreshing. Heals Sunburn, stops Tan,
Pink, White, Rote-Red,
75c. el' Druggisti or b)> mail direct.
Sample (either color) for 2c, Stamp*
LyonMfg.Co., 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y.
Liberal assortment
and full value paid
tor .FURS
Hides and
Goat •kina
homeoffice HOME OFFICE branch BRANCH WILMINGTON offices* OFFICES a '*4
Put Slacker Acres to Work
Our Country is calling for bigger yields of all crops. The world
needs every pound of farm products the South can furnish, and is
ready to pay handsome prices for them. Never before has the
Southern farmer had such a golden opportunity to serve his country
and at the same time build his own fortune.
Intelligent fertilization of every acre in cultivation is more nec¬
essary now than ever before, because each acre should be made to
yield its utmost This cannot be done unless the proper class and
quantities of fertilizers _ are used. Low producing acres and inferior
fertilizers constitute an inexcusable and unpatriotic waste.
The MORRIS BRANDS resist leaching, prevent shedding,
and hasten fruitful maturity of the crop, Only y the * best ‘ class ‘ of
materials enter into their manufacture, That’s why they al
ways give universal satisfaction.
KIMSEY & KIMSEY, Robertstown, Ga.
W. L. IlOOD & BRO.. Xacoochee, Ga.
J. D. HULSEY. Leo, Ga.
T. C. MILLER, Clermont, Ga.
! 1 'TTTTTT Hi l ill
iii 1111 III 1 Hill! Ill
Legal Advertisements.
Georgia. While Oimiify.
Will be sold hehit-e the court house
door in said count v »ri Mie first Tuesday
in Mch. 1918, withir. legal hours of
sale for cash, the following described
property to nit; The mineral interest
only in and to Lots of land Nos. 18, 19,
30 anti 3r in the Fourth land dist. of
said county and knowu as the J. L. Hel¬
ton property in said County.
Levied on as the property of J. L.JEM
ton to satisfy a tax ti fa issued by W H.
Hulsey Tax Collector of said county on
the 201 li day of Dec. 1917 against J. i .
This Feb. 9th 1918.
A. L. Dorsey, Sheriff.
Georgia. White County.
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months’ support to the
family of W. H. Roberts deceased, hav
ing been tiled in my office, all persons
concerned are cited to show cause by the
4th day of March 1018,why said applica¬
tion for twelve months' support should
not be granted.
This 5th day of Feb. 1918.
N. J. Almhox. Ordinary.
In White Superior Court. Oct. Tcrm.1917
Chas. W.Lar, vs. Carrie B.
To the defendant, Carrie B. Larrabee:
The plaintiff, Chas. W. Larrabee,
ing tiled his petition for a divorce against
Carrie B. Larrabee in this ’
court, return
able to this term of the court, and it be- ;
ing made to appear that Carrie B. Lana- I
bee is not a resident of said county, nor j
is she a resident of this state, and an !
order having been made for set vice on !
her, Carrie B. Larrabee, by publication, j
this, therefore, is to notify you, Carrie B.
Larrabee, to be and appear at the next
terra of the superior court to be held on !
the second Monday in April, 1898, then j
and there to answer said complaint.
Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones Judge of
the Superior Court, this the 22nd day of
Jan., 1918. |
J. B. R. Bakrktt, Clerk.
Ida M. Chastain v.s Felix Chastain
in White Superior Court, April Term, j
1918, Libel for Divorce.
To Felix Chastain, defendant in the
j ab manded ® ve a,atefl to be ««* and : You appear are hereby at the com- next
j term of the superior court of said county
! to be held on the first Monday in April,
lOlS.atiu make your answer iu the above
i named and stated case, as required by
! '
the order of this court.
Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones, Judge
j the superior court, this the 20th day of
: Feb., 1918.
J. B. R. Bakrktt,
Clerk Superior Court.
f ' ~ ~ "" ' ‘ “ ""
Amanda Ward vs Milton Ward in White
I Superior Court, April term, 1918, Libel
i for Divorce.
I To Milton Ward, defendant in the
above stated case: You are hereby com
! manded to be and appear at the next
j ' term of the superior court of said county
to be held on the first Monday in April,
i918, ami make your answer in the above
named and stated case, as required by
the order of this court.
Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones, Judge
i of the Superior Court, this the 20th day
j of Feb., 1918.
J. B. U. Bakrktt,
Clerk Superior Court.
mmam rciwr~—n mil n—1MI—».^i
I or Judge of the Superior
Court of the Northeastern
I wish to announce to the people of
Hall, Habersham, Stephens, Rabun,
Towns, Union, White. Lumpkin and
Dawson counties, composing the North¬
eastern Circuit: that I am a candidate for
•fudge ( ‘f 'be Hupcrirr Court of said cir
cu 'b subject to the Democratic primaries
to be held later on iu this year and their
support in my race will be gratefully re
I would appreciate very much to be
returned to the bench and
will be my highest aim to uive a fair and
impartial administration of ;i, e law to
the best of my ability, and dispose of
the business of the courts as rapidly as
possible and thus save both time and
money to the people and counties,
Your obedient servant
To the voters of the Northeastern Circuit
of Georgia:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Judge "f the Northeastern Circuit of
1 " tl,e «<*«<« the
De ' n<, cr!lti<- l ,rima, v '
‘ , 1 »'h*""'• VBelf »° *»>e
, T Pi< ‘ ^ * he ^ " iy ahilit v and
a,i ° pt and »«*'»«<*»
,r " n8 "» e, ‘ l Wlt 'l Justice to all parties en¬
Wrned ’ and wiU ^P 086 ofthe business of
the courts and clear the dockets of all
cases to ready for disposition.
I will arrange my business so tlm( I
can devote my entire time to the duties
>f the office.
I will bold the courts at the time and
place fixed by law.
1 ' will " m hold “ 0,, ‘ court courl from M<im,a V mnrn
unUl 8atur,, *>' n * ht - if neweeary. to
dispose of the business.
I will call all cases in the order they
appear on the dockets, and set all cases
for trial on certain days, except criminal
cases, and they will be called and dis
posed of in the order they appear on the
dour vote solicited.
To the voters of I be Northeastern Circuit
Aftcr a vc.-y general investigation I
have reached the conclusion that it will
not be against the wishes of the people
1,1 "" again offer for Judge of this
ir, ' uit ' 80 m Y namc wiil U '
in the primary for 19i8.
You have been good to ine, and 1 ap
predate it. In the future, as in the past,
if re-elected, I shall endeavor to make
you a fair and just Judge.
Naturally. I wilt not be able to see all
the voters, and I will take it as a great
favor if you will consider this announce¬
ment as a request for your support.
This Feb. 22nd, 1918.
Current Prices Country Produce In Cleveland,
Eggs 25 cents per cloz.
Frys 30 “ “ lb.
Butter 00 “ “ lb.
Peas $2.75 per bushel.
Corn, $1.75 per bushel.