Newspaper Page Text
VERY month we make enough
XZ/ Lucky Strike Cigarettes to reach,
end to end, from New York to China,
the long way around. That’s
15,000,000 k DAY
Regular men like the Lucky Strike
Cigarette—good, solid Kentucky
Burley tobacco, fine for a cigarette
© /) Guaranteed by /
<nJU C&lfzLCecr^/ -J
Pity the Neighbors.
“Is your daughter fond of the
“Very, if you refer to the gramo¬
phone needle.”—Boston Transcript.
Is her hair. If yours is streaked with
ugly, grizzly, gray hairs, use “La Cre¬
ole” Hair Dressing and change It In
the natural way. Price $1,00.—Adv.
Money makes the mare go, and mar¬
riage makes the money go.
Had To Quit Work
Gave Up Hope of Recovery, But
Doan’s Restored His Health.
Has Been Weil Since.
J. B. Ragless, carpenter, 210 W. 60th
St., Chicago, 111., says: “My back gave
out completely and I had to quit work.
I could hardly endure the pain in my
back and nights I tossed and turned,
unable to sleep. Often in the morn¬
Nr. Rights
were irregular
passage, getting me up at night and
the passages burned cruelly. I lost my
appetite, was weak and listless and
went down twenty-five pounds in
weight. When I had almost given up
hope, Doan’s Kidney Pills cured me.
Soon after, I passed an examination
for life insurance and I’m glad to say
my cure has lasted.”
Sworn to before me,
GEO. W. DEMPSTER, Votary Public.
Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Bo*
What Do You Know About
Do You Want lo Know the
Drop fkbe us a information post card today about and
get the Near Book,
about aU breeds of cattle on earth.
Soil far 50 T an. FOR NAURU, CHLL3 AND FETE?..
Also a ?Ise Gissnl StrengtheningT«cte. At AU Dreg Stores.
FARMERS Dairymen, Ponltrymsn
K nd Fruit Qto wers.
power makes the wheels torn: prosperity is for all i
who hare the right knowledge. Get more long greee i
coming your way. Write today for irformatioru j
Jas. l£ Womack, 9W Poplar Aye., Memphis, Team, i
my was as
stiff as a board, so that
I couidn’t stoop to dress
myself. When I did
manage to bend over,
everything before me
turned black. My head
seemed to be whirling
and sometimes I was so
dizzy I had to grasp
failing. something to keep from
“The kidney secre¬
Has His Hands Full.
“I thought I knew wlmt it was tt.
responsibilities,” said the head
a large concern.
“But you found yourself mis¬
“Yes. My wife went away, leav
poodle, a Maltese, cut amj a bowl
goldfish in my care.”
Has been used for all ailments that
caused by a disordered stomach
inactive liver, such as sick head¬
constipation, sour stomach,
indigestion, fermentation of
palpitation of Vie heart caused by
in the stomach. August Flower
a gentle laxative, regulates digestion
in stomach and intestines, cleans
sweetens the stomach and alimen¬
canal, stimulates the liver to se¬
the bile and impurities from the
Sold in all civilized countries.
it a trial.—Adv.
“Home Grown” Drugs.
War conditions have cut off our sup¬
of digitalis, and we are obliged to
to our own resources for the drug.
made from the wild species
in Washington
Oregon, compare favorably with
made from the imported article.
How’s This ?
We offer $100.00 tor any case of catarrh
cannot be cured by HALL’S
internally and acts through the Blood
the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
Sold by druggists for over forty years.
Price 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio.
"Is young Huggins still paying at¬
to your daughter?”
“No; they’re married now.”
possessed by few—a beautiful
of hair. If yours is streaked with
or is harsh and stiff, you can re.
it to its former beauty and lus¬
by using “La Creole” Hair Dress¬
Price $1.00.—Adv.
No Trouble.
“Have any trouble with your daugh¬
beaux?” "No; I use this ‘Stop-go 1
in the parlor.”
KIM the Flies Now and Prevent
thousands. Lasts all season. Ail dealers
six De sent Kalb express Brooklyn, paid for $1. N. U. Y. SOMERS,
Ave., Adv.
In Holland a municipal gas plant is
illuminating gas from a
and coal mixture.
You will look ten yearn younger if you
your ugly, grizzly, gray hairs by
"La Creole” Hair Dressing.—Adv.
No, Herbert, you cannot have your
arrested because he fires you.
A single dcse of Dr. Peery’s “Dead Shot**
expel Worms or Tapeworm. No second
or after purgative necessary. Tones
the stomach and Bowels. Adv.
No man ever expects his wife to
as many mistakes os he does.
Lovers of Home and Country :
Called to the Colors. j
Wives, Sisters, Mothers, Sweethearts
Never Before Called Upon to Play
Such a Vastly Important Part
—Lend Your Money.
Buy a Liberty bond, ladles. No mat¬
ter how many you have bought before,
stretch a point and buy another.
You can’t shoulder a gun and go oil
and tight for your country, as the men
are doing. You can’t put on a nurse’s
uniform and go and nurse wounded
soldiers or drive an ambulance or work
in a munition factory, as many other
women are doing, 1 but you can do your
• bit hv bucking up these other men and
women, who are risking their lives to
defend you with your money.
Without guns aud munitions, with-'
out food and clothes, without hospital
supplies, the army in France is Jiist
so many sheep led to the slaughter; if
we let them die for the lack of the
things that money buys, their blood
is on our heads, and our crime against
them will be blacker than the Bodies,
because they trusted us.
It takes money, money, money and
yet more money to carry on war, and
this war is to be the war of the long¬
est pocketbook. It is the last ton of
bombs, the last load of shrapnel, and
the last big gun that will thunder out
victory. Therefore, if we want to win
this war, we must find more money,
and it is particularly up to us women,
who can fight with our hands, to
light with our dollars, and pour them
like water at Uncle Sam’s feet.
Women’s Greatest Sacrifices.
In no war in nil history have wom¬
en been called upon to play such a tre¬
mendous part as in this war. Never
befofe have women had to give so
many ol’ their husbands and sons and
brothers to lie cannon fodder. Never
have women before gone into the
trenches and fought side by side with
men. Never have they gone into fac¬
tories to make munitions of war with
their own hands. Never have they
had to take upon their shoulders the
heavy burdens of hard physical labor
that men laid down when they went
forth to battle. And never before did
their country call on women to make
such sacrifices as they are called on
to make now.
It is because this war touches wom¬
en more nearly in every way than any
other war has ever done, because more
women’s hearts have been broken by
it, more women impoverished and
made homeless, more mothers have
seen their babes slain before their eyes,
more mothers have beheld their youfig
daughters ravished, that women must
use their utmost effort to put an end
to war.
Women must see to it that there is
never another war to lay waste to the
world and drench it with women’s
tears, and tills can only he accomplish¬
ed by our winning this war.
And to do that we must have money.
So, let every woman who has some
loved one at the front buy a Liberty
bond. Let every woman who has a
hearthstone that she would keep safe
buy a Liberty bond. Let every wom¬
an who has a babe that she loves, or
a young daughter whose purity she
would guard, buy a Liberty bond.
Reasons Are Numerous.
Let every woman who has a particle
of sympathy in her soul for the for¬
lorn women and children of Belgium
and France buy a Liberty bond. Let
every woman who believes in justice,
and freedom, and right buy a Liberty
bond. Let every woman who hates
war and craves for peace buy a Lib¬
erty bond.
The trip that you had planned, the
new frock you were going to get, how
pitifully .small is the sacrifice of these
for the sake of who are sacri¬
ficing their lives to protect you and
Buy all the Liberty bonds you can,
and then go in debt for some more, so
shall you prove yourself a worthy
daughter of Uncle Sam.
Tills is a time when money talks :
and tells the kind of * patriot you are. !
Tlie woman who hasn't a bunch of ;
Liberty bonds if she’s rich, or who !
isn’t paying on a Liberty bond if shg's |
poor, is a traitor to her country and !
should hang her head in shame every j j
time she passes a man in khaki or
feels the fold of the red, white, and ;
blue floating over her unworthy head. !
The Badge of Citizenship.
The Liberty Bond button is no longer i
a mark of liberality or even of patrio- !
tism; it is the badge of citizenship. )
Are you wearing one?
War and the Weather.
The Almighty makes the weather,
not man, and if the weather doesn’t
suit us, we have to wait. The farm¬
er knows what a day’s rain will do in
the way of upsetting plans. One can’t
plow in the tnud and a cutting of hay
or wheat may be damaged or ruined
by one night’s downpour.
The war department, too, is up
against the weather in France. Three
inches rainfall may make the country
impassable for half a million men and
horses and motortrucks and ruin the
chances of victory or bring defeat,
Lemons Whiten and
Beautify the Skin!
Make Cheap Lotion j
The juice of two fresh lemons Strain
ed into a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white makes a whole quur- |
ter pint of the most remarkable lemon j
skin beautifler at about the 'cost one
must pay for a small jar of the ordi- j
nary cold creams. Care should be tak
en to strain the lemon juice through a
fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in,
then this lotion will keep fresh for
months. Every woman knows that lem¬
on juice is used to bleach and remove
such blemishes as freckles, sallowness
and tan and Is the ideal skin softener,
smootheuer and beautifler.
Just try it! Make up a quarter pint
of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion
and massage it daily into the face,
neck, arms and hands. It should natur¬
ally help to whiten, soften, freshen and
bring out the hidden roses and beauty
of any skin. It is wonderful for rough,
red hands.
Your druggist will sell ‘three ounces
of orchard white at little cost, and any
grocer will supply the lemons. Adv.
Supply and Demand.
“Are the markets regulated by sup¬
ply and demand?”
“Yes," replied Mr. Dustin Stax. “The
latest system is based on a limited
supply of stuff and a large demand for
Examine Important to Mothers
CASTORIA, carefully every bottle of
that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Signature In Bears Use for the of Over '< 2 30 & Years. 085 £r
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
Sentiment for a Pessimist.
“This is old Grouch's birthday. I
suppose I ought to say something to
him about it.”
“Wish him many unhappy returns of,
the Jdny.”
Cuticura Kills Dandruff.
Anoint spots of dandruff with Cuti¬
cura Ointment. Follow at once by a
hot shampoo with Cuticura Soap, if a
man; next morning if a woman. For
free samples address, “Cuticura, Dept
X, Boston.” At druggists and by mall.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv.
Her Duty.
The girl at the counter who sells two
yards of ribbon to the customer who
wanted only one Is also doing her bit.
find constant use will burn out the
scalp. Cleanse the scalp by shampoo¬
ing with “La Creole” Hair Dressing,
and darken, in the natural way, those
ugly, grizzly hairs. Price, $1.00.—Adv.
Not to Be Expected.
“Josephine had a quiet wedding,
didn’t she?” “Oh, no; she had to he
there, you know."
To Drive Out Malaria and Build Up
The System
Take TONI the Of <)W You Standard OKOVH’S TASTELESS
chili know What you arc taking aa
tho formula Is printed on every label, showing it is
Quinine aud Iron in a Tasteless form. CUo.
who Evidently have taught a great the many idea teachers how j
young j
to shoot didn’t know it was loaded.
Dr. Fierce’s Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad.
A spring gun lias been invented for
casting fishing lines farther than can
be done by hand.
Anoint the eyelids with Roman Eye Bal¬
sam at night, and in the morning obaerv ve
the refreshed anti strengthened sensath In
your eyes. Adv.
Being remembered in a will Is about
as uncertain as an unlaid egg.
Middle Aged
Are Here Told the Best Remedy
for Their Troubles.
Freemont, O.—“I was passing through the critical
period of life, being forty-six years of age and had all
the symptoms incident to that change — heat flashes,
nervousness, and was in a general run down condition,
so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as
the best remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved
to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since
taking it, and the Goddes, annoying symptoms have Fremont, disap¬
peared.”—Mrs. M. 925 Napoleon St.,
North Haven, Conn.—“Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta¬
ble Compound restored my health after everything eli ise
had failed when passing through change of life. 1 Thei There
is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms."
—Mrs, Floeekce Isella, Box 197, North Haven, Conn.
1k Sudi Casts
the fe? tfe© i
Calomel Users! Listen To Me!
I Guara ntee Dodson' s Liver Tone
Your druggist gives back your money if it doesn’t
liven your liver and bowels and straighten
you up without making you sick.
Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It’s
Take a dose of the dangerous
tonight and tomorrow you may
a day’s work.
Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver
causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel, when it comes into contact
sour bile, crashes into it, breaking
up. This is when you feel that awful
nausea and cramping. If you are slug¬
gish and “all knocked out,” if your
liver is torpid and bowels constipated
you have headache, dizziness, coat¬
ed tongue, if breath is bad or stomach
sour, just try a spoonful of harmless
Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight.
Here’s my guarantee—Go to any
drug store and get a bottle of Dodson’s
Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a
Relieve Your NR does it by improving
Rheumatism digestion, assimilation
and elimination,--
For 25c. the logical way.,
NR Today—Relief or No Pay
There are three vital processes of rheumatic poison ia allowed to ra*»
human existence,—the digestion of main In the body.
food, the extraction of nourishment Think of this. It explains tha sue
from it and the elimination of the cess of Nature’s Remedy (NR Tab¬
waste. lets! in. so many cases where otheiS
Let anything Interfere with these these • medicines medic! have failed. Thousands ara
processes,—let them be Interrupted ted or or using “Sing NR Tablets every day and get¬
of Improperly some kind carried follows. on, and sickness asaJjBEafe^ (Pi — ting 111 times relief. a3 .Why much pay for five uncertain or ten
Poor digestion and assimila¬ things? A 25c box of Nature’s
tion means failure to derive Remedy taining enough (NR Tablets), con¬
full nourishment from food and to last twenty
that in turn often means im¬ five days,—must help you, must!
poverished blood, weakness, give you prompt relief and sat¬
anemia, etc. Poor elimination nothing. isfactory benefit or cost you
means an accumulation of waste And Nature’s Remedy la not only)
matter which poisons the body, lowers for the relief of rheumatism. It Im¬
vitality, decreases the and power of re¬ proves digestion, tones the liver, reg¬
sistance to disease leads to the ulates kidney and bowel action, im¬
development of many serious ills. proves tho blood and cleansea the
Rheumatism,—due to some interfer¬ whole system. You’ll feel like a newt
ence with the process of elimination, person when you’ve taken NR Tablets
failure to get rid of certain body a week. You’ve tried the expensive
poisons,—cannot be expected falls to yield medicines Teal test. and You’ll doctors, now make tho
to any medicine that to correct get results this time.
the condition reasonable responsible expect for it. to Could rid sold, Nature’s guaranteed Remedy and (NR recommended Tablets) is
any of rheumatic person pain long druggist. by
himself as as your *
Carter’s Little ] Liver Pills
You Cannot be A Remedy That
Constipated ^||cfiRTER’s > Makes Life
and Mappy Jgk^f Worth Living
□ S “sma Small P liDo.e Pries JgPfT \ A.-, (fciBfllflsJ J Genuine bears signature
| | x A BSENCE Blood is the of Iron in (he for fj jf BARTER’S IRON PILLS
| many colorless facee but will greatly help most pale-faced people
ff)oor Dealer has Hum, or if not his bo should.
t/Isk him or writs as qivituj cm “ t name. ™"h 0 0, ‘
dreu Don’t allow trouble your dogs, to trouble your chil-1 CABBAGE PLANTS —FROSTPROOF
or your your | head, Heady Succession, now. airly fiat All seasons; Dntcb. bi* $2.00 Waieflria, per 1,000; sure- 6,000
neighbor. lots, SI.i/jper 1,000. OODHN NU USURIES, Goden, Ala»
spoonful and if it doesn't straigiiten
you right up and make you feel due
and vigorous I want you to go hack to
the store and get your money. Dod¬
son's Liver Tone is destroying the sale
of calomel because it is real liver
medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore
it cannot salivate or make you sick.
I guarantee that one spoonful of
Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your
sluggish liver to work ;md clean your
bowels of that sour bile and consti¬
pated waste which is clogging your
system and making you feel miserable.
I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s
Liver Tone will keep your entire fam¬
ily feeling fine for months. Give it to
your children. It is harmless; doesn’t
gripe and they tike its pleasant taste.