Newspaper Page Text
Just Once! Try Dodson's Liver Tone!
... Jake Nq Calomel!,Li sten To Me!
If bilious, constipated, headachy or sick, X guarantee
relief without taking dangerous calomel
which sickens and salivates.
Stop using calomel! It makes you
sick. Don’t lose a day’s work. If you
feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti¬
pated, listen to me!
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver,
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel, when it comes into contact
with sour bile, crashes into it, break¬
ing it up. This is when you feel that
awful nausea and cramping. If you
are "all knocked out,” if your liver Is
torpid and bowels constipated or you
have headache, dizziness, coated ton¬
gue, if breath is bad or stomach sour,
just try a spoonful of harmless Dod¬
son’s Liver Tone.
Here’s my guarantee—Go to any
drug store and get a bottle of Dodson’s
Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a
spoonful tonight, and if it doesn’t
Also a Pine General
Strengthening Tonic.
OIL— INVEST $50 i" «»«of
sharing certlfloates; If 0
others invest little money
ana make big money, why can t yon? Write lor
pTospeenis. TION, Bon tVERBY OIL, & GAS ASSOCIA¬
fils Bldg;., Kansas City, Missouri
cow peas
W. N. u’., ATLANTA, NO. 19 -1918.
LIKE THIS Before you go to bed
bc> take simply one place NR the Tablet; tab¬
FREE let on your tongue
and drink a full
glass of water.
Feel In the Morning—
You’ll get up feeling brighter and better than
you have for many a day. The reason —
Nature ’» Remedy (NR Tablets) is different in
action from pills, salts, calomel, oils and ordinary
laxatives. It is milder, yet more thorough, be
e of its beneficial action on the digestive and
eliminative organs—the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels.
That I is is how how it it relieves and eliminates such troubles as Rheuma
tism, Indigestion and Constipation — it corrects the CAUSES
produce the trouble.
THIS SAMPLE IS A CONVINCES. It is given you to prove our claims with¬
out cost to you. When you are convinced, get a 25 cent box from your druggist.
Each of the following Druggists have just received a supply of Nature’s Remedy (NR
Tablet) Samples and will be delighted to give you one Free GET of Cost. YOUR’S YOU WILL
HAVE TO HURRY as the supply of samples is limited. TODAY.
Ga.....Durham Bros.
Adairsville.......Bowdoln Drug Co.
Cook Drug Co. Cook
Yarbrough &
Arlington........New Theatre Drug Co.
Anabel Talley, Mrs. J. W.
Blue Ridge.......Blue F. C. Harrison
Ridge Fhcy.
Chastain Drug Co.
_ Bowdon..........Bowdon C. B. Crawford
Drug Co.
W. L. Brooks
„ Bremen...........lied J. D. Lovvorn
Cross Drug Store
Buford............Buford E C. Welch
Byromville.......Byromville Drug Co. Inc.
Cairo..............Central Drug Co.
Drug Co.
Grady Phcy.
Clarksville.......Clarksville Wight & Brown
Drug Co.
Claxton...........Browns J. B. Jackson
Drug Store
The Claxton Phcy.
G. C. Edwards
Clayton...........Dover Cleveland........Cleveland & Green
Cochran..........L. Drug Co.
Comer............Comer B. Kennington
Drug Co.
R. M. Jetton
Cordele...........J, B. Ryals Drug Co.
Gumming........Cummings Drug Lipscomb Store
Hookenhill &
Dahlonega......: _ Jas. A. Otwell
Durham’s Phcy.
Dallas............c. „ , H. Head
A. Hart Co.
M. T. Marchman Dr’g Co.
Dawsonville......B. Danielsville......Gholston & McCoy
H. Howard
Decatur..........Ansley-Goss Drug Co.
Barton Drug Store
Hewey’s Drug Store
Donaldsonville..Palace Smith’s Phcy. Inc.
Drug Store
Douglas..........T. Standard Drug Co.
J. Davis
Hall's Drug Co.
Oliver Phcy.
Sapp Phcy.
Edison...........D. Tanners Phcy.
C. Lewis
Watkins Drug Co.
G. G. Whitehurst
Falrburn.........w. E. Elder
Fayetteville.....E. Green's Phcy.
E. Dixon
J. T. Edwards
Fayette Phcy. Drug Co.
Folkston.........Napier's Fayetteville Phcy.
Pearce Drug Store
W. W. "Ward
Mrs. J. C. Wright
Franklin.........J* p. Daniel Drug Co.
Franklin Drug Co.
H. B. Hammond
Glennville........Dent’s Pharmacy
Middleton Drug Co.
D. J. Rogers
Gray..............C. Wild’s Phcy.
Hazlehurst......-Middleton S. Bryant
Drug Roberts Co.
Dessie K.
Homerville......Clinch Thompson County Drug Drug Co. Co.
Irwinton.........w. Homervllle H. Barker Drug Co.
Jeffersonville____F. C. Balcom
Jesup. W. F. H. Colvin McCrary
E. C. Crummey
A. 3. Gordon
straighten you right up and make you
feel fine and vigorous by morning, I
want yqu to go back to the store and
get your money. Dodson’s Liver Tone
is destroying the sale of calomel be¬
cause it is real liver medicine; entirely
vegetable, therefore it can not salivate
or make you sick.
I guarantee that one spoonful of
Dodson's Liver Tone will put your
sluggish liver to work and clean your
bowels of that sour bile and consti¬
pated waste which is clogging your
system and making you feel miserable.
I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s
Liver Tone will keep the entire family
feeling fine for months. Give it to
your children. It is harmless; doesn't
gripe and they like its pleasant taste.
Before Marriage and After.
“What have you there?”
“Ills early love letters.”
"And that other large collection?”
"Broken promises?” sighed his wife.”
The secret of all true greatness is
simplicity.—W. Ofc Jordan.
Jonesboro........Dr. Knight’s Phcy.
J. S. Cousins
Jonesboro Drug Co.
Lithonia..........Lithonla Reeves Drug Co.
J. Drug Tucker Co.
Logansville......W. E. Braswell
LogansvUle Drug Co.
Tribble Drug Co.
Maysvllle........Eberhart Louisville........Wright Phcy. Co.
Midville..........A. Marshall Drug Co.
Midville Phcy.
Montezuma......J. E. Reid Drug Store
C. H. Richardson & Son
Oglethorpe.......Stewart Walker Drug Co.
Plneora...........McDowell Drug Drug Co. Co.
Rochelle..........Visscher’s Phcy.
Rockmart........Beasley-Gresham Drug
Jas. A. Finch
White Drug Co.
Royston..........City Drug Co.
R. J. Fowler
St. Marys........Cash Ridgeway Phcy.
Drug Store
M. L. Hill
Senola............C. F. Holberg
Senoia Drug Store
Social Circle.....City Phcy.
I. A. Stanton, Jr.
Statenville.......E. Spence Drug Store
W. Prescott
Statesboro.......W. H. Ellis Co.
Thomson.........Gibson Drug Co.
A. J. Matthews
Villa Rica........Powell Co.
Tolbert Drug Co.
■Wrens............Joiner Drug Co.
Florence Stone Drug Co.
Zebulon..........Head & Slade
Callahan, Fla....W. A. Brewster
C. R. Smith
Crystal River....J. M. Irvin
Williams’ Drug Store
Dunnellon........Metcalf Phcy.
Lake Butler.....Lake Butler Drug Co.
Tomlinson-Malnes Drug
Live Oak.........Suwannee Drug Co.
Macclenny.......Brown’s Mrs. C. T. Phcy.
Mayo.............Dees Drug Store
Ware Drug Co.
Monticello.......B. W. Johnson & Sons
H. W. McRory & Son
W. C. Simmons
Tampa...........Hlxon., Inc., Druggists
Webster..........W. D. Iley
Zephyr Hills.....M. Webster M. Hendrix Phcy.
TENNESSEE Napier Drug Store
Athens, Tenn____Horton Bros.
Bluff City........Bluff City Phcy.
E. C. Kensinger
Dunlap...........S. T. Smith & Son
Etowah...........Etowah Drug Co.
Madisonvllle.....The Cash Store
Walker Drug Co.
R. W. Wilson
Maryville........C. G. Wisslnger & Co.
McMinnville.....Jas. A. Leiper, Jr.
Rogersville......Nelson Sweetwater......City Drug & Co. Co.
Tullahoma.......Taylor’s Drug Phcy. Co.
Center, Ala......Center Prescrlptlonlsts
Summerville,S.CTupper Orangeburg,S.C.Doyle’s Phcy. Co.
Newsy Paragraphs
Of State Interest
Fairburn.—Fire destroyed i’50 bales
cotton and for a while threatened
entire business section -of ttu
A rumor that the fire was in¬
was given color by the state¬
of men employed in the ware
that several dozen bales of cot¬
caught fire simultaneously.
Macon.—The first crate of peaches
variety, for this season
shipped to a New York firm by
B. Fagan of Fort Valley on
30. The peaches were fuly ma¬
and prettily colored. Fagan has
the first shipment for several ijpa
and this year is 18 days ahead
all records.
Savannah.—The Niagara, one of the
dredges in the Savannah har¬
sank mysteriously. A watchman
barely had time to escape. She
owned by the Globe Dredging
Officials of the company are
the matter, in which foul
is suspected. Water-front men
that the government agents
also investigate.
Athens.—The ministers of the
churches over the northeast
district met in Athens for a
on matters affecting the
in this state, especial refer¬
being had to the campaign for the
and Millions’’ movement, the
having under way a campaign
raise $2,417,000 this year for the
of missions and the benevo¬
of the church.
Lawrenceville.—Judge H. L. Peeples,
73, died at his home if} this city
paralysis. He was a prominent cit¬
and a former member of the
of representatives and author
the Peeples bill, prohibiting the
or sale of whisky with¬
three miles of churches or school
For twenty-five years lie
Sunday school superintendent at
church, of which he was
Columbus.—Phil Hargett, a rural
working out from West. Point,
federal authorities In Colum¬
that he had arrested four sus¬
characters and jailed them at
The men were talking in
and acted in a way that ex¬
the mail man’s suspicion, so he
all four of them single-hand¬
and marched them to jail. The
are now investigating the
Atlanta.—Georgia exceeded her quo¬
m enrollment of skilled men of
age for voluntary induction, Maj.
B. Mallet, selective service offi
reporting 358 men from the whole
The call from Provost Mar¬
tha! General Crowder emphasized an
mmediate need for 12,000 men. This
apportioned among the forty
states, indicates that Georgia
done more than her share. The
are needed for everything from
and typewriting to railroad
and clerking. A wide vari¬
of particular trades must be filled
the army. The 358 Georgia men
been reported to General Crow¬
who Is expected present to issue
order for the examination and in¬
of some of these men.
Atlanta.—The eighteenth quftdren
conference of the Methodist Epis¬
church, South, representing more
two million members, convened
Wesley Memorial church for three
of sessions, which promised to
among the most important in the
of the general conference.
all the prominent church
including members of the
of bishops, were in attendance.
E. R. Hendrix of Kansas City
senior active bishop presided al'
first meeting, and the impressive
service was conducted by
H. C. Morrison, W. R. Lam
Warren A. Candler and James
A feature of the service was
delivery by Bishop Collins Denn
the Episcopal address, which rep¬
the attitude of the college of
on important questions before
church. The address was pre¬
by Bishop E. E. Hoss and con¬
by the entire college.
Americus.—Lieutenant Thomas J.
and a force of workmen began
on the sanitary survey of Amer¬
The party began their work at
Springs, about two miles past
Americus, and will clean up the
at that place. The channel of
creek, which will drain the
is to be deepened and widen¬
as well as cleared of all under¬
and the streams will be thor¬
cleaned out from Grissom
to Muckalee creek, west of
city. This work will require an
of approximately $25,000,
is being financed jointly by the
of Americus and the federal au¬
When it is completed, it
said the greatest breeding place
mosquitoes in this community will
been completely eradicated, and
health of the city accordingly im¬
The work has been undertak¬
at the instance of federal authori¬
in order to protect the health of
stationed at Southern Field,
aviation camp near Americus,
Atlanta.—Judge Henry B. Strange,
new secretary of state appointed
Governor Dorsey to fill the unex¬
term of the late Mr. Philip Cook
make the recommendations of Mr.
as set forth in his annual report
the legislature his own reeomroen
One of the most urgent of
recommendations is that the
make provision for protect¬
the priceless land grant records
the office of the secretary of state,
they are now kept in wooden
liable to be destroyed by fire
any time.
Now There Is Danger in Using
Abbreviation of Somewhat Com
Pet Names.
.A sergeant of police exhibited a
on h!s_faco a -few- days
which he said was caused by his
By M-a-y of explana¬
the sergeant s5id: “I generally
Into my house and greet my wife
some pet name, one of my favor¬
being: ‘Hello, honey.’
“Yesterday when I reached home
went in in my customary manner,
my wife in the kitchen and said:
"I had no more than spoken,” said
sergeant, “when my wife landed on
and said that she would give me
understand that she was not a Hun,
from now on I will be careful to
some other name or else call her
and I will be very careful to use
entire word and not try to abbre¬
it.”—Indianapolis News.
Ladies Everywhere Use
“La Creole” Hair
The well-known society leader’s hair
was prematurely gray, perhaps just
like jours, but Mrs. J-heard of “La
Creole” Hair Dressing—how thousands
of people everywhere had used It with
perfect satisfaction. It is not a dye,
but a preparation designed especially
for the purpose of gradually restoring
color to gray or faded hair, and which
is easily applied by simply combing
or brushing through the hair. “La
Creole” Hair Dressing positively eradi¬
cates dandruff, keeps the scalp in a
healthy condition and promotes the
growth of now hair; brings back a nat¬
ural, soft, even, dark shade to gray
or faded lialr, and makes It lustrous,
full of life and beautiful. “La Creole"
Hair Dressing Is sold and guaranteed
by all good drug stores everywhere, or
sent direct for $1.20 by Van Vleet
Mansfleld Drug Co., Memphis, Tenn.—
The Mother.
The motherly woman who sat down
In the car seat was eager for the latest
news from the western front. “We
are all so anxious,” she said, “espe¬
cially we mothers who have sons In
the army.”
"Then your boy Is in France?”
‘‘No, he hasn’t gone over yet. They
don’t know when they will go.”
“And you're not sorry, of course?”
She hesitated n moment. “No,” she
said. “I suppose I couldn’t say I'm
sorry. But the boys are needed .over
there. They could do so much good if
I hey were there now. And, you know,
when a mother has a boy In the army
she doesn’t want him to t>e a tin sol¬
Best Part.
John Doe—"What is it you like best
about Marian’s singing?” Gladys Can¬
dy—“Oh, the refrain, I guess.”
Dr, Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver,
bowels und stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad.
A woman never pays much atten¬
tion to her husband’!? talk unless he
in his sleep.
Some dogs are wiser than some men ;
bury the bones left from their
Sore Eyes, Blood-Shot Eyes, Watery Eyea,
Eyes, all healed promptly with night¬
ly applications of Roman Eye Balsam. Adv.
Make all you can; save all you can;
all you can.—John Wesley.
1 Tells How £ ATONIC Makes
Sick Stomach Well
If you suffer from stomach trouble, read below and
[ learn what Wm. A. Santelmann, Capt. of U. S. Navy
J f says and about Leader the of wonderful the World stomach Famous relief. U. S. Marine The splendid Band,
• results this noted band leader secured from the use of
r EATONIC should be your guide, and you should start
using EATONIC today.
Eatonic Remedy Co., Chicago, 111. Washington, D. C.
and Gentlemen;—EATONIC indigestion. is an invaluable remedy for dyspepsia
, I have used it with excellent results.
Very truly yours,
Capt. U. 8. Navy and Leader Marine Band.
Quickly Removes All Stomach Misery — Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sour,
] Acid and Gassy Stomach
nF-eLjj the Here’, body—and the secret: the Bloat EATONIC Goes With Drives It! Guaranteed the Gas out
% to bring relief or money back. Get a box today.
Costs only a cent or two a day to use it.
m Trial • a ot P r* Latonic f tree _ If you want quick relief, you ehonJd get the guaranteed full
H. L. Kramer,
C-iajumocga 9#xrsv cAtk fyar PmLt Has Hun, or if nst hr should.
• •• him writs giving his name.
- or us
Sick Women
To do your duty during he these trying
times your health should your first v
consideration. These two women
tell how they found health#
Hellam, Pa.—“I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg
etable Compound for female troubles and a dis¬ 4
placement. I felt all run down and was very weak. J,
I had been treated by a physician without results,
so decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
& trial, and felt better right away. I am keeping house LJl
Bince last April and doing all my housework, where before
I was unable to do any work. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege¬
table Compound is certainly the best medicine a woman can
take when in this condition. I give you permission to publish
this letter.”—Mrs.E. E. Cbumling, K. No. 1, Hellam, Pa.
Lowell, Mich.—‘‘I suffered from cramps and dragging
down pains, was irregular and had female weakness and
displacement. I began to Jake Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege¬
table Compound which gave me relief at once and restored
my health. I should like to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s
remedies to all suffering women who are troubled in a simi¬ i
lar way.”—Mrs. Elise Heim,B.N o.fl, Box83,Lowell,Mich.
Why Not Try
(Net Contents 15PluidDfaohn
. similatin^tbcFood Avertable IYeparation&rAs byRegula-l 1
| tinOtheStomadis and Bowels aj
Thereby Promoting and Rest Di$esB°nJ Contains J
Cheerfulness Opium,Morphine nori
neither Narco tic!
Mineral. No t
Pumpkin Setd j
MnSma JbcbUt Salt!
(lanWSugar PPirmSmi
Jfafrrynvn Rarer
jj§| j resuttii^^ff^Ll ~js&sz? li nfan ^:
Fac-Simile Si^oatarcof
jig T
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
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