Newspaper Page Text
Doan's Kidney Pills Effected Won¬
derful Recovery After Other
Medicines Had Failed.
,r L don’t believe I would be alive to
Doan's give this Kidney testimony Pills/' if it weren’t for
Thomas, says Mrs. Julia
A. 1125-A Missouri Ave., East
111. "I
Mrs. Thomas
ana to grasp something to
keep from falling. My nerves were all
unstrung and the least noise startled
discouraged. me. Nothing A benefited me and I was
recommend neighbor happened to
Doan's Kidney Pills and I
began using them. The swellings and
pains were soon eased up and it was
but a short time before mv kidneys
were in good shape a$ain. They have
never bothered me since nor nave I
had any backache or other kidney trou¬
ble. I have gained 55 pounds since I
was cured and can do all my own work
without suffering."
“Sworn to before me."
Notary Public.
Get Doan'* at knj Store. 60c a Box
Hotel Cumberland
NEW YORK, Broadway at 54th Street
Broadway cars
from Grand
Central Depot
7th Avenue
cars from
Penn’a Station
Mo Jem and
SjjjL Fireproof
Strictly First
Class— Rates
Rooms with Adjoining Bath
*2.00 “p
Room, with Private Bath
*2.50 u p
Suite* *4.00 U P
10 Minutea Walk to 50 Theatre*
Send for Booklet
Only New York Throughout Hotel W tndowScreened
Hair Health
■ f So»p 25c. Ointment 25* 150*
i at I fl iO#. Meat,
I ornamental,
J I cheep. Leete ell
Made of metel,
I I or tip over; will not
I or Injure anything.
an teed effective. Sold
| dealer*, prepaid, or ft eent for by
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 25 -1918.
In Healthy A Child
All children troubled with worms have an un¬
healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a
rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance.
Tasteless chill Tonic
contains just what the blood needs, Iron and Quinine
in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach
and if given regularly for two or three weeks will
enrich the blood, improve the digestion and act as a
general strengthening tonic to the whole system.
Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and
the child will be in perfect health. It is pleasant to
take. Price 60c.
When A General Strengthen¬
ing Tonic is Needed in the
Home For The Child,
For the Mother or the Father,
Take Grove's Tasteless
chiil Tonic
Sapolio doing its Corps work. recruits. Scouring
for U.S.Marine
Join Now! who Men wear
*3 APPLY AT AMY emblem
condition with kidney
ankles trouble; my feet and
swollen and were the terribly kidney
Secretions caused agony
in passage. I had ter¬
rible rheumatic pains
and often got so dizzy I
dared not walk for fear
of falling. I felt as if I
would 8°. frantl <v I
grew weak as a
A laxative today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
take the time from play to empty their
bowels, which become clogged up with
waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, or your child is listless, cross,
feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn’t
eat heartily, full of cold or has sore
throat or any other children's ail¬
ment, give a teaspoonful of “Cali¬
fornia Syrup of Figs,” then don’t
worry, because it is perfectly harm¬
less, and in a few hours all this con¬
stipation poison, sour bile and fer¬
menting waste will gently move out of
1 the bowels, and you have a well, play¬
ful child again. A thorough “inside
cleansing” Is oftimes all that is neces¬
sary. It should be the first treatment
; given in any sickness.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of “Cal¬
ifornia Syrup of Figs,” which has
full directions for babies, children of
alleges and for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. Look carefully
and see that it is made by the “Cali
j fornia Fig Syrup Company.”—Adv.
Grooving Machine Building Ships.
Revival of the wooden shipbuilding
industry has brought into the limelight
! a number of labor-saving appliances,
among which is a grooving and planing
machine, capable, it is claimed, of do¬
ing as much work as 15 or 20 men
equipped with manual tools. The de¬
vice, which is illustrated in the Popu¬
lar Mechanics Magazine, weighs about
56 pounds and may be driven either by
compressed air or electricity.
The occasional use of Roman Eye Balaam
at night upon retiring will prevent and re¬
lieve tired, watery eyes, and eye strain. Adv.
Sugar is extracted from sixteen va¬
rieties of palms that grow in Ceylon.
Grove'* Tasteless chill Tonic
destroys the malarial genus which arc transmitted
to the blood by the Malaria Mosquito. Price 6Uc.
Philadelphia and Boston have free
schools for radio operators.
Faith in
Director Missionary Course,Moody Bible
Institute, Chicago
TEXT—For therein is the righteousness
of God revealed from faith to faith: as
it is written, the just shall live by faith.—
Homans 1:17. (Read also verse 16.)
The Gospel is not only “the power
of God unto salvation to every one
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man receives God’s revelation is faith.
Man discovers material tilings through
the medium of the senses: sight, hear¬
ing, touch, taste, smell. The whole
world is open for discoveries to the
man who possesses intact his five
senses. Through such mediums, how¬
ever, he cannot discover God. Faith
is the only medium through which the
soul discovers the tilings of God.
Faith is the soul sense by which vve
“taste and see that God is good.” Faith
is the soul sense by which we “seek
the Lord, if happily we might feel
after him, and find him.” Thank God
for the touch of l’uith! Faith is the
soul sense by which we see God. Paul
tells us that truth is spiritually dis¬
cerned. It is the eye of faith which
| I sees God It in is the nature, of in faith providence, which be¬ in
grace. eye
holds Christ in his beauty and sees the
wonders of liis grace.
A righteousness of God is revealed
| “from faith unto faith.” The gar¬
ments of righteousness are fully de
j scribed and offered to man in the Gos¬
pel. God is ready to invest man with
all that his faith will appropriate. The
process is like learning mathematics.
From problem to problem, from the
simple to the difficult, from the difficult
to the more difficult, until the boy has
Imparted to him a knowledge of
mathematics up to the measure of his
ability to receive. So man is invested
with a righteousness of God from
faith unto faith; from the simple to
the difficult, from the difficult to the
The Meaning of Revelation.
The righteousness of God revealed
in the Gospel is offered to man’s faith
as something to lay hold of and live up
to. By his faith he appropriates much
or little. “The just shad live by his
faith.” There is no limit in the de¬
velopment of man’s spiritual life and
no limit to his achievement in Chris¬
tian service, if only he will exercise
faith, if man has but meager faith
and will live up to it, he will acquire
more faith in the process, and acquir¬
ing more faith will grow in spiritual
grace and usefulness. The trouble is
most people live up to their doubts
rather than up to their faith.
I was aiding once in a canvass for
funds to establish a Crlttendon Rescue
Home. Calling up a rich member of
my congregation, I presented the
cause. He said : “I doubt if even God
can do much for a fallen woman. I
doubt if such a creature is ever re¬
claimed. The enterprise does not ap¬
peal to me.” So he declined to make
a contribution. He lived squarely up
to his doubts.
I called also upon a young business
man of moderate means and presented
the cause. He replied: “Yes! Yes! I
will contribute. God only can help
such unfortunate creatures. I believe
that such rescue work is one of the
most Christlike and effectual missions
of the church.” He gave $500. He
lived up to his faith.
Knowing of the waywardness and
moral peril of a young man in my par¬
ish, I called on his mother to ask help
and prayer in behalf of her son. She
said: “I doubt if he is as bad as you
think. I cannot feel that he is in any
great peril.” She lived up to her
doubts. No home influences were re¬
leased to save him. Less than a year
later he was found dead in a brothel,
having died in a drunken debauch.
Mother’s Prayer Is Answered.
Some years ago a great union meet¬
ing was conducted by Sam .Tones and
George Stewart in the city where I
was a pastor. One night Mr. Jones
stepped to the front of the platform
and read this telegram: “Temple. Tex.
Please pray for my boy Tom. He is
in your city a prodigal from God. Ain
pouring out my heart in prayer. Will
claim the victory. (Signed) His Moth¬
er.” Before Mr. Jones could resume
his seat, a tall youqg man rose and
said, “That is my name, that is my
mother. Yes, sir, I was a terrible sin¬
ner; I have broken my mother’s heart
and the heart of my poor young wife,
and I have blighted the life of our lit¬
tle girl. But this afternoon about the
time this message left Temple, I was
yonder in the parsonage with the
preacher, calling upon God for mercy,
and he graciously forgave my sins and
saved me by his grace.” His mother
lived up to her faith and won her boy
back to God. “The just shall live up
to his faith.” By this means alone
can faith live and have its full fruit¬
that believeth
but also a revela¬
tion of that “right
eousness with
which God would
Invest man in or¬
der that man may
come into like¬
ness and unity
with h i m s e 1 f,”
and a gift to faith
o f something to
live by or up to.
Our text d i s
The Medium of
The me d1um
w h i c h
Activities of Entire World Centered
on This Country and Interest
Expected to Continue.
“Very few people realize that the
scientific activities of the world are
centering in the United States, and
that they will doubtless continue to do
so if material means be given to keep
up tlie work,” said Father Charles B.
Moulinier, regent of the Marquette
university school of medicine, in a re¬
cent interview in the Marquette Trib¬
“South America, for instance, is
now looking to us for scientific leader¬
ship. China and Japan are once more
turning to us. Groat attention is being
paid to medicine in South America,
Buenos Aires alqne having a medical
school with 5,000 students.
“The Wistar institute of anatomy, in
Philadelphia, is one of the most de¬
cisive factors in turning tint attention
of the scientific world to the United
States. This institute lias an endow¬
ment which makes it possible to give
large service to mankind. Just now it
is printing copious translated extracts
from the medical journals published
and sending them to China and Japan.
Duplicates of the journals are also
sent to South America.
“A great deal of research work is
being done by this school in the direc¬
tion of discovering dyes. Certain chem¬
ical dyes, formerly produced only by
Gruebler of Germany, are required in
technical work. Wistar is now pro¬
ducing dyes the equal of Gruebler’s.
“It may be interesting to know that
much of tlds researcli work lias been
done by a young Philadelphian who
delved into chemistry for his own
pleasure and experimented in ids pri¬
vate laboratory. Wistar hearing of
some remarkable discoveries made by
him Immediately called liim to the in¬
stitute, placing its facilities at his dis¬
posal for this important work.”
And using tlieir feet more than ever before. j
For all these workers the frequent use of (
Allen’s bo shulten Foot= into Ease, the shoes the antiseptic and sprinkled powder in the to j
foot-bath, increases their efficiency and In- ;
sures needed physical comfort. It takes the
Friction from the Shoe, freshens the feet, ;
mid prevents tired, aching and blistered feet.
Women everywhere are constant users of
Allen’s Foot=Ease. Don’t get foot sore, get j
Allen’s Foot- Ease. Sold by dealers every¬
where, 25c.—Adv. *"
What Exporters Should Know.
A needle factory had sent to Aleppo,
Turkey, needles that were tied up with
green twine. The Mohammedan mer¬
chant who had ordered them returned
the package, for the reason that the
use of the green, l*ho color consecrated
to the prophet, for such a purpose was
a derision of religion. Another con¬
signment of the same factory to China
wrapped up in white paper was return¬
ed because the Chinese recipient would
not accept goods packed in “paper of
mourning.” White Is the mourning col¬
or of the Chinese.
Cuticura Complexions.
Nothing better than Cuticura Soap j
daily and Ointment as needed to make
the complexion clear, scalp clean and
hands soft and white. For free sam¬
ples address “Cuticura, Dept. X, Bos¬
ton.” Sold by druggists and by mail.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv.
That’s Why.
“My dear, you certainly have a very
sharp nose.”
“Well, don’t you keep it up to the
grindstone all the time?”
Constipation generally indicates disordered
stomach, liver and bowels. Wright’s Indian
Vegetable Pills restores regularity without
griping. Adv.
Atlanta is to have a negro Y. M. C.
A. building to cost $15,000.
Children Cry For
i Net Contents lSFluid Praclui
: Thereby Promoting and Rest Digestion^ Gontatte, What is CASTORIA
IS Cheerfulness Opiiim.Morphmenor;
neither Narcotic Paregoric,
Mineral. Not Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Drops
Steipt^roidD^^Ilil^UrKSlR J>amphnSmi and Morphine Soothing nor Syrups. other narcotic It is pleasant. substance. It Its contains age is neither its guarantee. Opium,
MxStrma AckUiSaU* For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the
relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;
allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the
PcrrifodSW* WorvrSvd Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving
mm murwmnmr healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The
pi A he! pful Remedy for Mother’s Friend.
! Constipation and Diarrhoea CASTORIA
and Feverishness and - GENUINE ALWAYS
T oss Sleep
residtin^ thercfrcnmnjnfano. •Bears the Signature of
FacSinuIe Signature of
lifts m '■
hi NEW V0 -
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Tonight! Take Dodson’s Liver Tone!
Better Than Calomel For Liver
Calomel sickens! If bilious, constipated and bead
achy read my guarantee.
Listen to me 1 Take no more sicken¬
ing, salivating calomel when bilious or
constipated. Don’t lose a day’s work!
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver,
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel, when it comes into contact
with sour bile, crashes into it, break¬
ing it up. This is when you feel that
awful nausea and cramping. If you
are sluggish and “all knocked out,” if
your liver is torpid and bowels consti¬
pated or you have headache, dizziness,
coated tongue, if breath is bad or
stomach sour, just take a spoonful of
harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone.
Here’s my guarantee—Go to any
drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's
Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a
spoonful tonight, and if it doesn’t
The Methodist church in Japan lias
gained about 12 per cent in member
ship during the last year.
Farmers! Watch
Your Stomachs
In Hot Weather
We and Our Allies Are Depending Upon Your
Strength To Supply Our Armies With Food
You men who work long hours
tlie fields under a blazing
got to be big eaters, because your
is your strength, and now, more
ever, your strength is badly
So guard your health. Be sure
watch your stomach, for in the
mer time nearly all illness can
traced to stomach and bowel
plaint. You, yourself, know how
ble a man is to sunstroke if he
in the hot sun too soon after eating
hearty mid-day meal, and also
liable he is to sudden attacks of
ach miseries. So cool off in the
before going back to work. Don’t
Take care of your stomach,
You know you can’t work well
your stomach out of fix, “Safety
must be your motto, so send to
druggist and get a big box of
ON 1C, enough for yourself and
yes, and the hired folks, too.
the wonderful new compound for
quick relief of stomach and bowel
eries. It was originated by H. L.
mer, the man who made millions
people happy with his first great
edy, Cascarots.
Now, all you need do is to take
tablet or two of EATONIC after
meals. It’s good—just like
candy. Enjoy the quick, sure
it brings—how almost instantly it
lieves indigestion, heartburn,
Also a Fine General
Strengthening Tonic*
straighten you right up and make you
feel fine and vigorous by morning, I
want you to go back to the store and
get your money. Dodson’s Liver Ton*
is destroying the sale of calomel
cause it is real liver medicine; entire¬
ly vegetable, therefore it can not sali¬
vate or make you sick.
I guarantee that one spoonful of
Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your
sluggish liver to work and clean your
bowels of that sour bile and consti¬
pated waste which is clogging your
system and making you feel miserable.
I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s
Liver Tone will keep your entire fam¬
ily feeling fine for months. Give it to
your children. It is harmless; doesn’t
gripe and they like its pleasant taste.
—Adv. »
Forty physicians in Kansas City vac
I ciliated 3,733 persons in two days la
the “bunk” house district.
repeating, sour stomach, and that pain¬
ful, puffed-up, bloated, lumpy feeling
after eating. EATONIC will help you
all to a pain-free stomach—a sweet,
cool, comfortable stomach—in fact,
those who take EATONIC say it makes
them forget they have stomachs. They
never dreamed that anything could
bring about such quick and wonder¬
ful results. Don’t wait until the sum¬
mer sickness of stomach and bowels
weakens you—but start using EAT¬
ONIC today! Just one or two after
meals; that’s all.
Your health—your folks’ health— IS
a matter of vital importance, not only
to yourself, but also to the nation. And
you know one can’t be too careful of
one’s stomach and bowels during the
hot spells.
EATONIC only costs a cent or tw»
a day to use It—a big box 50 cents—
no more. That is the price, and re¬
member, EATONIC is absolutely guar*
anteed to do all we claim—In fact,
more. It’s the best Stomach Remedy
you ever used.
You know your druggist; trust him
then to make our guarantee good; if
EATONIC falls in any way, take It
back; he will refund your money. If
your druggist does not keep it, drop us
a postal and we will send it; you can
pay when you get it. Address H. I*
CO., 1018 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago,