Newspaper Page Text
Sbe Cleveland Courier,
Offictal Organ of White Count) , Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga,
Am. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post office at Cleveland
Ga,, as second dais mail miner.
Subscription, It.00 per year
Do you realize that it is sad, al¬
most shameful, that we, though
faithful, loyal and trusty Ameri¬
cans, should permit our govern¬
ment servants and hirelings to pro¬
long their pleadings to us to help
those whom we have placed in
authority to free all nations from
future wars.
What have you done?
That’s good, but have you done
enough ?
Haven’t you failed to do as much
as your less fortunate brother who
toils and labors under the heat of a
scorching sun and has given his
last hard-earned penny for the
Awaken ! awaken !! and what¬
ever you believe your duty is, do It.
This war is fast demolishing the
old world—the old order of things,
that concentrated force so essential
to not only the sustainance of kings
upon their thrones, but to the
foundation-stones upon which are
established all oppressive powers
whether of a military or economic
nature, that all mankind may live
upon a level in peace under the
wide-spreading branches of the tree
of justice.
Let the masses, then, rally to the
call of their nation, responding
with money, if they have it, and
sacrifies in food and luxuries.
If you would free future genera¬
tions from the curse of wars, help
win this one, that the way may be
paved for peace on earth.
llobt. Kenimer and J. H. Tel¬
ford have formed a partnership
under the name of Kenimer & Tel¬
ford and will do a genernl mercan¬
tile business at the Frank Kenimer
old stand.
Mr. W. M. Sutton, son of Mr. J
E. Sutton of Pleasant Retreat,
spent a few days at t he“old home”
last week, returning to his home in
Kirkwood first of the week.
The schedule on train No, 3
(Sunday only) and 4 (daily and
Sunday) have been changed. No.
3 runs at 3 and No. 4 at 6 :5s.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Oakes and
spent a few days on Tesnatee last
week with Mr. Oakes’ parents,Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Courtenay.
Messrs. Y. J. Stover, Benj. G.
Allison, Chas. Skelton and Barney
Freeman left last Saturday to take
a course in special training for
military service. These are well
educated and splendid young men
whose departure is deeply felt, and
their host of friends unite in best
wishes for their safety and their
$ 1,96s. 02 is the amount White
county is to receive this year as her
share of the amount derived from
auto tax. This amount, properly
expended, should help our roads
Miss H. Jeffers services has been
procured in the case of Judge Kytle
who is now resting better than he
was some days ago.
Let our readers keep well iti
mind that the biggest joint debate
of the season will be staged in
Gainesville June 29th between Col.
H, II. Dean and Congressman
Howard, candidates to succeed
Senator Hardwick. Mr. Howard
will have the opening and conclud¬
ing and each to speak one hour and
twenty minutes. If you want to
know what Mr. Howard’s official
errors have been during his fifteen
or twenty years of public life, we
fully believe Mr. Dean is prepared
to give you his construction of it
On the other hand, no doubt Mr.
Howard is capable of defending his
record magnificently, and, as Mr.
Dean has no official political record
Mr. Howard will necessarily have
to “pay his respects” to Mr. Dean
from some other angle.
That your money goes a long ways
when you trade with the firm of
Kenimer & Telford.
Rev. Hunt ofClarkesviile preach¬
ed in the Baptist church last Friday
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bell and
Mrs. Weatbersbee have been visit¬
ing at the home of Judge G. S.
Kytle within the past week.
Mrs. Downey and Miss Powell
will be in town Sunday June 23rd
in the interest of the Red Cross.
The latter will deliver an address.
Twenty-six of White county’s
stalwart young sons have been call¬
ed to report to the clerk of the local
board Tuesday afternoon, June 26,
for military service.
A party consisting of Prof, J.W.
Adams, wife and others at the dor¬
mitory, and Mr. Frank Kenimer
and members of his household.went
up on Tray mountain last week,
spending a couple of nights in
camp en route. Despite a few
refreshing (or awakening) showers
tne trip was highly enjoyed.
Rev. S. D. Cherry requests us to
announce that the date upon which
W. B, Dillard is to address the
people of Cleveland on Sunday
School work has been changed from
Wednesday niglit. 26th, to Tuesday
night, 25th.
The farmers in this section are
making good use of the beautiful
weather which are having.
We hope that this year we can
make a double crop and do our
“bit” to help win tbe war.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Kimsey
spent Sunday with relatives near
Union Grove.
Mrs. Henry Henderson and son,
of Cleveland, is spending a few
days with Mr, and Mrs. W. II.
Beil. .
We are glad to see Mr. W. C.
Henderson carrying his mail with
the his new car. We wish you
good luck Mr. Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimsey
spent a few pleasant hours with
the family of Mr. W. II. Bell Sun¬
day afternoon.
Rev. Ethridge will preach at
Union Grove next Sunday, June
23, at 3 130 o’clock. Everybody
Mrs. E. L. Slniler paid Gaines¬
ville a visit one day last week.
Messrs. Wilburn Shuler and
Jesse Goss. Jr., attended Sunday
School at Union Grove Sunday.
Stella-Vitae has been in success¬
ful use in the treatment of those diseases
peculiar to women lor more than a
third of a century.
For nearly ten years it has been
sold under a plain, positive guarantee
to benefit. Less than one bot¬
tle out of every one thousand
sold lias been refunded for, and every
claim for a refund has been satisfied.
Thousands of letters like this praising
Stella-Vitae and telling of benefit to
suffering women have been received.
Hrs. E. II. Russell, of Mill Springs,
N. C.,gratefully writes us as follows:
'“I was in a most wretched condi¬
tion; had palpitation of the heart
and would swell and bloat in a most
distressing using Stella-Vitae way. When_ I weighed 1 began 108
pounds. Now I weigh 135.' I am
more thankful than 1 can ever tell
you for medicine the great good this me.” won¬
derful has done
Mrs Bussell was at that
period, the “change," blessed and relief her will
gratitude for the
understood and appreciated her letter. by
woman who reads
Stella-Vitae has proved a boon
suffering womanhood, vital to young period,
approaching their first
women approaching the anguish
childbirth, to women approaching
“change of life.” Stella-Vitae
ens the female organs and
regularity in the monthly function.
No risk of loss is taken by any
fering woman who tries
on our guarantee of the first bottle.
All dealers sell Stella-Vitae and
return your money if it does not
fit you. Don’t put off a trial.
Cleveland Drug Company
Cleveland, Ga.
Vonah War Sayings Society.
June 27th, 1918, 9:30 P. «,
Song America
Reading Why We Should
Invest Our Money in War Savings
Stamps Lizzie Cleveland
Reading Why We Should
Deny Ourselves the Comforts and
Luxuries We Enjoyed Before the
War Kathleen Dorsey
Reading The Cause for
Which Germany Is Fighting Com¬
pared With That of the Allies.
Georgia Nicely
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Reading How tbe Selling of
Liberty Bonds Does Away with the
Necessity of Direct Taxation.
Carrie Mae Cleveland
Reading The Advantages
That Conscription Has Over the
Volunteer System-Ruby Holcomb.
Reading Tbe Importance of the
Red Cross Work Blanche Fields
Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean
The Negro As A Soldier
Hattie Cleveland
Address It Takes the
Co-operation of Every Individual
Concerned to Win Any Cause.
J, N. Cleveland
Debate Resolved That the Man
Behind the Plough Is A More Im¬
portant Factor In Winning theWar
Than the Man Behind the Gun.
Affirmative. J. C. Hood and
Hubbie Fields.
Negative Vullon Richardson and
Joe Harris.
Song Star Spangled Banner
The exercises will be held at the
M. E. church (col). No admission
fee will be charged, but a contribu¬
tion will be asked for and all
money thus contributed will be in¬
vested in War Savings Stamps and
Thrift Stamps, and made payable
to tbe treasury of tbe Cleveland
Colored Public School and used for
school purposes.
Everyone is cordially invited.
L. O. Cleveland, Pres,
Cahiuk Mae Cleveland, Secy.
Kathleen Dorsey, Treasurer
Leaf Leaflets.
Rev. England, of Habersham
county, preached one of the best
sermons at Chattahoochee last Sun¬
day that we have heard in a long
time. 11 is subject was: “And
everyone stood in his place.”
Rev. Stantou Nicholson is all
smiles of late, a lady boarder at bis
Mr. 1 ). N. Warwick, of near
Cleveland, was visiting his son,
T. W. Warwick last second Sun¬
Several from this section attend¬
ed the singing at Center Grove
Mr. Frank Wofford and family
visited his mother, Mrs. Mary
Wofford ofMossy Creek, one night
last week.
Mr. R. W. Allison, of Asbestos.
Ga., was visiting the family of T.
E. Skelton Sunday.
Aunt Francis Skelton has been
visiting her son, Mr.J. B. Skelton,
of Cleveland, since our last writ¬
Mr. Ed. Kimsey had the mis¬
fortune of losing his mule last week.
Mrs. Joseph Nelms is very low
with consumption.
Mr. John Pilgrim is wearing a
unsual broad smile, a line big boy
at his house.
Mr. Jesse Lovell made a busi¬
ness trip to Rabun county last
Atlanta, Ga,, June 14, I91S.
J. \V. H. Underwood,
Cleveland, Ga.
National Chairman Vanderlip
telegraphed me to-day, that he ex¬
pects Georgia to go “over the top”
with other states.He asked: “could
we do it?” I replied, that we can
and we will, and I rely personally
on you and your complete organi¬
zation to back me np in this prom¬
ise. Time is short—just two weeks,
and our record becomes history.
State Director.
Tesnatee News.
The all day singing at
Creek last Sunday was
from all parts and the day
off quite.
Mr. Daniel, of Atlanta, came
a few days ago and spent the
with Mr. G. W. Thomas.
Mrs. Sallie Cox passed
this vicinity a few days ago
spent a short time with us on
return home. •
Mr. S. G. Nix and family,
Banks county, accompanied by
gentleman of that county,
to this part last Saturday afternoon
on a visit to Mrs. Nix’s parents.
They also attended the all
singing at Town Creek Sunday.
Mr. D. A. Thomas paid
a visit at New Holland a few
Miss Jessie Cox. of
spent last Saturday night and
day with relatives near
Dr. J. E. Norton, of
was out this way Monday
Mr. A, K. Williams, of
Creek, spent a while in our
last Sunday evening.
Miss Addie Thomas spent
Saturday niglit over onTown Creek
with Miss Annie Mae Crumley.
To each speaker who has been appointed
the government to address the people
June 28th In White county, and
Trustee of the schools, and all
managers of the war savings
You, and each of you, are
ially requested to meet at the court
house in Cleveland on June
23rd at 2 P. M. for the purpose
discussing the need of the govern¬
ment and the better to outline the
work for the 28th inst. The public
is also cordially invited to attend.
Let no one of tbe speakers
trustees fail to attend.
Our government calls us to
vice and let us respond. The boy
in tbe trenches needs our
Let us give it as freely as be give
his services and his life.
Your fellow-servant,
J. W. II. Underwood, Clirm
White County W.S.S. Cent.
is MORE than
■J£HE agreed NATION’S that music leaders is
necessity not only to the boys
camp but for the boys on the
side. Every organization
over-seas takes along music.
You need the encouraging,
ing influence of music as much
the soldiers and
will satisfy your music needs
than anything else. You may
an Amberoia on trial at any
without obligating yourself one
Cleveland, -
CaGrrhai Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by l-cal applications, £3 they cannot reach
the diseased portion or the ear. There is
only cne way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that ia by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Dc-aine&s its caused by an in¬
flamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling oound or im¬
perfect hearing, and %vhen it is entirely
closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the
inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hearing
wili be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which is
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur¬
faces Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall a Catarrh Medicine. Cir¬
culars free All Druggists, 75c.
F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo. O.
Legal AdMertisements.
Georgia, White County.
Will be golf! at the court house door in
the town of Cleveland of said county
within the legal hours of sale on the tirst
Tuesday in July next, the following' de¬
scribed real estate to wit: One house
and lot at Meldean station in the 426th
district G. M. of White county, Ga., and
being part of land Lot N . 54 in the
second land district of said county,
bounded as follows: Beginning on a
corner with II. L. Dorsey, thence east
25 feet, thence north 50 feet to a rock
corner, thence Wi st 25 feet to H. L.
Dorsey line, thence east to beginning
corner. This is a desirable location for
any small business at Meldean, Ga., and
has on it a small store house.
Said property levied on as the proper¬
ty of Nora Blalock to satisfy a Justice's
court fi fa issued from the Justice court
of the 426th dist. G. M., in favor of Mrs.
J. M. Farmer against the said Nora Bla¬
Levy made by W. B. Moore, L. C., and
turned over to me for advertisement and
This June 5th 19 1 8.
A. L. DORS BY, Sheriff
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
July 1 918 at public out cry at the court
house in said county, within the legal
hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, the following property to wit:Parts
of lots of land Nos. 58, 51) and 62 in tbe
second land district, of said county con¬
taining seventy-five acres more or less
and fully described as follows: Com¬
mencing at a conditional corner at a pine
on the Cleveland and Clarkesvi'ee pub¬
lic road, thence a northern direction
across the original line between the
Nix and Palmer places to the con¬
ditional line on the ridge, thence east
a conditional line crossing the
original line of Lot No. 38, thence
east the conditional line between Nix and
Jackson places, thence south to the
original line, thence west to the oiiginal
corner, thence south to the Cleveland
and Clarkesville road, thence across said
road to a conditional corner, thence north
to the starting point This place is
known as the E. K. Gibson place about
1 *4 miles east of Cleveland on the Cleve¬
land and Clarkesville road. There is on
this property a very good dwelling house
and some good fruit trees. This land
consist of farming land mostly and part
of same is in a high state of cultivation.
Said property levied on as the property
of K. K. Gibson to satisfy a Justice court
fi fa issued from the J. P. court in and for
the 841st district of said county in favor
of Mrs. Winnie Reudacile and by her
transferred to Farmers & Merchants
Bank of Cleveland, Ga. Also to satisfy
a Superior Court, ti fa issued from the
Superior court of White county, Ga,, at
the Oct. term 1915 against E. K. Gibson,
W. A. Jackson, S. W. Ash and W. T.
Potts in favor of Farmers & Merchants
Bank, of Cleveland, Ga.
Sold as the property of E. K. Gibson,
he being the owner and in possession
thereof. Written notice of levy given as
the law directs.
This the 5th day of June 1918.
A. L. DORSEY, Sheriff.
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold on the hi st Tuesday in
July next at public out cry at the court
house iu said county within the legal
hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, the following property to wit: A
two thirds undivided interest in and to
part of lot of land No. 36 in the second
land district of said county containing
forty acres of land more or less and
bounded as follows: On the east by the
lands of J. D. Ash, Ben, Sam and Mar¬
vin Allison, on the north by the lands of
A. H. Henderson. Sr. on the west by the
lands of Mrs. H. A. Allison and A. H.
Henderson, Sr, and on the south by the
lands of A. H. Henderson, Sr. and John ;
D. Ash, and known as the old home
place of T. A. Oakes, and being two
thirds of all the land owed by Mrs. T. A
Oakes at her death not conveyed by her
heirs and what she was in possession of
at her death. There is on this land a
splendid dwelling-house and very good
outbuildings and one of the best orchards
in the county. Most of this land is in a
j high state of cultivation. Said property
| levied on as the property of W J. Oakes,
I Jr., to satisfy two justice court ti fas
j issued from the J. P. court in and for the
661st district said county in favor of
I Jarrard & Walker and against said W.J.
Oakes Jr. Said property being in the
possession of W. J. Oakes Jr, Written
notice given of levy as the law
directs. This the 5th day of JuDe, 1918.
A. L. DORSEY, Sheriff.
For Judge of the Superior
Court of the Northeastern
To the voters of the Northeastern Circuit
of Georgia:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Judge of the Northeastern Circuit of
Georgia, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
It elected, I pledge myself to serve the
poople to the best of my ability and
adopt such means, measures and methods
consistent with justice to all parties con¬
cerned, and will dispose of the business of
the courts and clear the dockets of all
| cases to ready for disposition.
I will arrange my business so that I
ran devote my entire time to the duties
of the office.
I will hold the courts at the time and
place fixed by law.
I will hold court from Monday morn¬
ing until Saturday night, if necessary, to
dispose of the business.
I will call all cases in the order they
appear on the dockets, anti set all cases
fur trial on certain days, except criminal
cases, and they will be called and dis¬
posed of in the order they appear on the
Your vote solicited.
lo the voters of the Northeastern Circuit
After a very general investigation. I
have reached the conclusion that it will
not be against the wishes of the people
forme to again offer for Judge of this
Circuit, so my name will be before you
in the primary for 19r8.
You have been good to me, and I ap¬
preciate it. Iri the future, as in the past,
it re-elected, I shall endeavor to make
you a fair and just Judge.
Naturally, l will not be able to see ail
the voters, and I will take it as a great
favor it you will consider this announce¬
ment as a request for your support.
This Feb. 22nd, 1918.
io the people of the Ninth Congressional
District of Georgia:
I respsectfaliy announce that I am a
candidate for Congress from the Ninth
District of Georgia, subject to the demo¬
cratic primaty, September 11th, 1918.
I was born and reared within the
bounds of your district and have spent
my life in your midst and your welfare
is of the greatest concern to me. To re¬
present you in the National House is,
indeed, au honor. At this time there are
grave duties and responsibilities to be
assumed by your congressman.
The world is engaged in a titanic
struggle for supremacy; a conflict be¬
tween right and wrong, truth and false¬
hood. democracy and autocracy. The
l cited States has never met defeat, al¬
though our heritage has come to us
through many a bloody battlefield and
over unnumbered slain. Our greatest
efforts should be to preserve for oui
children and our children’s children that
freedom we now enjoy.
To accomplish this it is of the greatest
importance that our people should be true
to the principles of democracy and es¬
pecially that your congressmen shall not
only he patriotic and loyal,but outspoken
and persistent in their efforts to uphold
the arms of authority. They should not
waiver, nor should they lack in that
courage to go aud perform where duty
True Americanism is not only an ideal,
it is a living, breathing virtue that shall
save our country. I promise you that
virtue, to live it, breathe it and promul¬
gate it wherever I go. If you trust me I
shall not fail you.
In making this announcement I wish
lo assure you that your influence and
support will be greatly appreciated.
May 7, t9l8, Respectfully yours,
Dacula, Ga. R. P. JACKSON.
For Solicitor-General,
Fellow-citizens of the Northeastern Cir¬
1 hereby announce that I am a candid¬
ate for Solicitor-Gsneral of your circuit,
subject to the democratic primary. After
nearly sixteen years practice at the
Gainesville Bar in said circuit. I have a
strong desire to be of real service to you,
and if honored by election to this high
office, it shall be my purpose to make
you such a Solicitor-General as you will
be proud of. both in ability and character
Your help by vote and good word will
be greatly appreciated and treasured.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
re-election to the office of the Solicitor
General of the Northeastern Circuit, sub¬
ject to the Democratic Primary, and pro
mise the same fearless, faithful and conr
teous discharge of the duties of the office
that have marked me in the past.
Realizing that it is the duty of every
citizen—whether in public or private life
—at this time, to do his utmost in help¬
ing win the war, I propose to continue
my efforts in every good work tending
to that end.
This, with the duties of my offi-e, wifi
make it impossible for me to make a per¬
sonal canvass, and I therefore, by this
announcement, appeal to every patriotic
citizen to look after my interests in their
respective localities, and I take this
method of thanking them in advance.
Very truly.
Robert McMiliias,
Clarkesville, Ga.