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Ibe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of While County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland (la.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Poe' >ftice at Cleveland
(la., ae second cla’* mail matter.
Subscription, $1.00 per year
The War Industries, hoard has
issued rules regulating weekly
newspapers, and, being loyal to the
people by supporting the govern¬
ment in donating a large per cent
<?f our advertising "space to liberty
bond and other campaigns, we will
most assuredly be found complying
with the wish of the War Indus¬
tries board, regardless of what it
may cost this newspaper.
To be other than faithful to the
call made upon us be not only
criminal, but disloyal, and to be
disloyal would be pro-German, and
to be pro-German would be patting
the kaiser on the back—and we are
not constituted of that kind of ilesh
and blood—nor the lack of brains.
To comply with these rules will
bring a hardship upon us if our
subscribers do not promptly meet
the requirements of these rules in
so far us they apply to them, but
we frankly admit that your refusal
to comply does in no sense mean
that you are disloyal, or anything
approaching it
You have the free privilege to do
just as you choose, but inasmuch as
you fail upon your part to comply
with these rules you bring upon
the publisher a hardship.
The War Industries board has
placed no unnecessary burden upon
publishers of weekly newspapers,
lienee no kick going out from the
There has been no unnecessary
burden thrown upon subscribers—
any kick coming from you?
There are a number of rules by
which publishers are to be regulat¬
There is but one with which you
are asked to comply, and that one
is that you pay your subscription in
It is no longer a question wheth¬
er we will credit you, as we must
not send out copies of our paper to
persons in arrears after September
31st. Therefore, our subscribers
must not expect us to keep their
names on our mailing list after that
date unless their subscriptions are
paid in advance.
It has been our pleasure to do a
satisfactory credit business with
many of our subscribers, and we
hope that in future the “pay in ad¬
vance” policy will be equally as
We have hundreds of subscribers
who are in arrears, and these we
urgently request to pay up and re¬
new not later than Sept. 31st—
better do it now.
There has been times when we
could have a good deal of fun in
political campaigns—but it is not
Broad and many are the ways
that lead to destruction,but narrow
is the way that leads to life—and
this is true in the present senatorial
Personal ambition is to be ad¬
mired when coupled with harmony,
and the men who are making this
race for any other purpose than
that of strengthening our unity, are
doing what they can to drive the
state to shame and degradation
that they may be honored and the
helmet of the kaiser adorned with
another plume.
IIow fortunate it is that a presi¬
dent elected by the democratic
party now presides over the nation.
A pretty strong statement, eh?
And thanks to ex-president Roose¬
velt for the position he took in the re-!
election that so utterly split the
publican party that made the dem
ocratic party’s candidate’s election I
possible—and more than that do i
we thank the all-wise Ruler of the j
universe from the innermost depths
of our soul that He so guided the
destiny of this nation and permitt
ed it to be so. Some more strong
statement, you’ll think. Yes, but I
well founded upon truth and es¬
tablished in the waters of righteous¬
Dear old Georgia is writhing and
struggling in the political cesspool
of rottenness, trying to clean her¬
self of the stains of disloyalty—and
that under a president elected by
the democratic party ; and Georgia
has never been anything but demo¬
cratic in national politics.
Suppose, for a moment, that we
had a republican administration—
a president elected by the republic
an party? What would be the
political situation in Georgia to¬
day? Can’t you see that we would
have been suffering a much greater
political strife than lias been known
since the days of the sixties? This
is a fact staring us in the face, but
because of our blindness have been
unable to see. and the whole South
would have been standing on the
edge of the precipice of revolution,
if we had not actually been engaged
in this most destructive of all con¬
Therefore, iny fellow-citizens,
you have God to thank that the
political strife is no worse than it
is, and that your homes are as safe
from intrusion as what they are.
What are the republicans of tiie
east doing? They are standing
like a wall with the democrats to
the back of the administration,
knowing there is no other place for
loyal citizens.
Let me admonish you, now of all
times is no time to scrap amongst
ourselves. This is a time when
no man should rend asunder the
ties that bind this nation in the
joyful folds of unity, for only in
unity is their strength.
To be loyal now means you will
ever be proud of it ; to fail now in
your duty to freedom and righteous¬
ness is to ever afterwards regret it.
You would not willfully walk
the way of error and be guilty of
placing a stumbling-block in the
path of your son, or your neigh¬
bor’s son—perhaps in your own
path ere the fight is ended—as lie
faces the triuls and the dangers,
that you and that I, and those that
live after he and us, may enjoy
greater blessings of every kind than
we had ever hoped for, but do you
realize that this is exactly what
(unconsciously) some amongst us
are going to do. It is because of
this that we come to you with this
appeal to guard yourself against
wallowing in the mire of political
error to'gratity personal prejudice.
This is not a political play be¬
tween man and man. It is a game
being bitterly waged between
union and disunion—a vote for
the fundamental principles under¬
lying the Constitution of the I'nit
ed States of America, or a vote
for the power upon which is estab¬
lished German militarism.
Keese for Prison Commis¬
All persons due Cleveland Pro.
Co. will please settle their accounts
in the next 10 days.
This newspaper has received for \
publication in this issue enough
political matter to fill double the
amount of space we have. Some
of this matter is “last chance”
matter. We have neither the space
for this matter, nor the inclination j
to become a party to the spreading i
of unclean politics merely for dol¬
lars, hence we do not publish them,
but rather do we issue a warning,
against campaign lies on the eve of
the primary, and bear in mind that
a man’s religion is no more than it
proves to be in politics.
The address of Col. Howard
Thompson in the court-house Mon
" ,ls ' iu ^ ce ^ most excellent
one *
The City Court, presided over bv
Judge A. II. Henderson 1 r., who
was recently appointed In the gov
ernor to fill the unexpired term of I
Judge Kvtle, disposed of all busi- j
ness before it Monday. No crim¬
inal cases were tried, all persons
indicted filing pleas of guilt.
Be Sure to go to the
Polls Wednesday, Sep¬
tember 11, and Vote For
Your vote for Harris is a vote for YOUR GOVERN¬
Your vote for Harris puts you squarely back of Presi¬
dent Wilson.
Your vote for Harris is a vote for the best interests of
Your vote for Harris is a vote for the more speedy end¬
ing of the war and the establishment of a permanent
peace, because—
Your vote for Harris is a vote for harmony arid co¬
operation between Georgia and the administration.
A vote for any other candidate, under our primary law,
is a vote for Hardwick.
A vote for Hardwick is a vote against your government
and its administration.
LOYAL VOTERS: It rests with you to help or hinder
your administration in this crisis.
Your vote for Harris will help it.
Your vote for any other candidate will hinder and ob¬
struct it.
Mississippi and South Carolina have given their an¬
swer. They have put themselves squarely hack of the
government and President Wilson’s administration.
That is just what Georgia is going to do, for GEORGIA
And she will do it in the ONLY WAY—
Member of the Legislature 0 to the Legislature Voted
from Troup County. •nd Spoke for Half Million
Debar Increase for Public
Chairman of the Railroad SchetAc -An 1917.
Committee of Legislature for
the Past Two Years. Voted agalnat all In¬
Endorsed by the Majority of crease in Salaries.
the Members of the House Resolution
and Senate for Railroad Com¬ f Introduced
missioner. Restricting Sessions to 25
Instead of 50 Days and
Advocated Increased appro¬ Voted for Biennial Ses¬
priations for Market Bureau sions.
and State Board of Health.
Judge Geo.
Pure Duroc-Jersey pigs and shoats,
also Duroc-Berkshire cross pigs and
Want to buy x Billy Goat.
Call or write
Mount Laurel Farm
Complete line, all sizes and
grades. Embalming. Call Cler¬
mont Phone Xo. 36.
Clermont. Ga.
For sale or rent— a s-roiier
syrup mill and 1 a-ft. copper boiler.
. T, Potts.
To the Voters of White Connty, Ga:
Having 1 a desire l« once more repre¬
sent the people of White county in the
General Assembly of Georgia, and being
solicited by friends, I hereby announce
tny candidacy for representative of this
County subject to tire action of the Demo
cratic primary, and if granted this honor,
I pledge 111 y (rest efforts in honestly and
carefully guarding tire interests of
White county as well as that of the
State. Sincerely thanking the people
for their suffrage in the past and e.arnest
ly soliciting your votes in the coming
1 am, your friend and servant,
J. J. KIMtiEY.
Washington, D. , August 1, 1918.
To tire People of tire Ninth District:
I announce as a candidate for Con¬
gress. subject to the primary September
11th. The people are entitled to the ex¬
perience I have as a result rtf service.
I may not ire aide to make a personal
campaign, ai d, if it interferes with ray
duties. 1 will not. With thy work in
hand, due to War conditions, no mem¬
ber has any ti 1 rr>- to lose. Tire, seat of
Government is here. Much of public
business is here. A gr eat deal is at
stake. 1 our interest centers here. The
War goes on. Its time limit is beyond
human calculation. Its requirements are
heavy, and they grow. Changes in the
situation are swift. Tire battle front is
in motion. American forces are “Over
there” and the number increases. If I
can aid them 1 will do it. Congress
must Ire rear]}’ upon the instant to render
aid. My record in Congress is an open
book Your interest is mine, and I
trust 1 may receive the largest vote in the
history of our district, and to you 1
pledge my best endeavors.
Sincerely yours,
Tnos. M. Hell.
In the District Court of the United States
For the Northern District of Georgia.
In the mutter of
Wm. McClure. Bankrupt.
The creditors of the debtor
named, Bankrupt, a resident of
Sautee in the county of White said
dristrict, are hereby notified that
he has been adjudged a Bankrupt
and the first meeting of bis credi¬
tors will be held at Gainesville,
Georgia, on the 7th day of Sept.
tqtS, at 10 o’clock it. m., at which
time the creditors may elecj a Trus¬
tee, prove their claims, examine
the bankrupt and transact such
other business as may properly
come before said meeting.
W. B. Si-oax,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
ST Ellfl-V ITAE j
We vrant every afflicted woman to try
at least one bottle of £tella-Vitae on
our plain, open guarantee to return the
money paid for it if it does not beuefit.
If you doubt our word that it will
relieve the distressing aches, pains and
misery peculiar the to the diseases of wo¬
men, read testimony of these women
who have tried it and are glad to tell
others what it has done for them. The
only inters t they have in the mattet
is that which any true woman feels in
helping to i elievethe sufferings of other
women. You can believe them.
Mrs. J. F. Lee, Milstead, Ga., had
female complaint for years. Three bot
ties of hTt:i.t,A-\'iTAB cured her, she
said, arid addc-d,“I am certainly thank
fui for this great female tonic.” Mrs.
Paralce Frazier, Longview, Tex., ex
pressed appreciation “X of Stella-Vitas
in these words: cannot say too much
for this wonderful medicine. I hat.
taken other female medicines for twe
years w ith no good results. Steli.a-Vita) I am truly
grateful has for the good
done me.” Mrs. Sandy Withers
of Greensboro, Ala., was a terrible suf¬
ferer from female trouble—and only a
woman knows what that means! Hei
condition got so bad her pains threw
her into spells’ike tits. Iler husbane
feared she would lose her mind. Tht
Greensboro doctors pronounced her in
curable. Then somebody suggester
that she take Steli.a-Vitae. She die
so. The Ji ■ st dose lightened her s]tells
Stella-Vitas: is a perfectly harm
less compound and it not only alleviate:
a woman’s pain, but builds up hei
health; it stimulates her appetite, aid
digestion, quiets her It nerves and clean
her complexion. improves her per¬
sonal appearance.
Ail dealers sell Stella-Vitae, and are
authorized to return the money paid
for the first bottle if it does not benefit
Cleveland Drug Company
Cleveland, Ga. j
j |
One Overland, 3 passenger, S3
B Model, car in good mechanical
condition. Also one 8 passenger,
new Ford car, with extra parts on
it. Would trade for good pair
young mules.
See me at once if you want a
T. T. McDonald,
Cleveland, Ga.
Keese for Prison Commis
i ; sioner.
Lor Judge of the Superior
Court of the Northeastern
To ,lw > voters of the Northeastern Circuit
of Georgia:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Judge of the Northeastern Circuit of
Georgia, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
If elected, I pledge myself to serve the
people to the best of my ability and
adopt such means, measures and methods
consistent with justice to all parties enn
< ei ned, and will dispose of the business of
the courts and clear the dockets of all
cases to ready for disposition.
1 will arrange my business so that I
can devote my entire time to the duties
of the office.
I will hold the courts at the time and
place fixed by law.
I will hold court from Monday morn
iHg- until Saturday night-, if necessary, to
dispose of the business.
I will call all cases in the order they
appeal- on the dockets, and set all eases
for trial on certain days, except criminal
cases, and they will be called ami
posed of in the order they appear on the
Your vote solicited.
ft’ the voters of the Northeastern Circuit
After a very general investigation. I
have reached the conclusion that it will
not be against the wishes of the jaople
for me to again offer for Judge of this
Circuit, so my name will be before you
in the primary for 19i8.
You have been good to me, and I ap¬
preciate it. In the future, as in the past,
it re-elected, I shall endeavor to make
yon a fair and just Judge.
Naturally, I will not be able to see all
the voters, and I will take it as a great
favor if you will consider this announce¬
ment as a request for your support.
This Feb. 22nd, 1918.
lo the people of the Ninth Congressional
District of Georgi*
I respseetfully annnWnoe that 1 ain a
candidate for Congress from the Ninth
District of Georgia, subject to the demo¬
cratic primaty, September 11th, 1918.
i was born and reared within the
bounds of your district and have spent
my life in your midst and your welfare
is of the greatest concern to me. To re¬
indeed, present you honor. in the National House is,
au At this time there are
grave duties and responsibilities to be
assumed by your congressman.
The world is engaged in a titanic
struggle for supremacy; a conflict be¬
tween right and wrong, truth and false¬
hood. democracy and autocracy. The
United States has never met defeat, al¬
though our heritage has come to us
through many a bloody battlefield and
over unnumbered slain. Our greatest,
eftorts should be to preserve for our
children and our children’s childaen that
freedom we now enjoy,
To accomplish this it is of the greatest
importance that our people should be true
to the principles of democracy and es¬
pecially that your congressmen shall not
only be patriotic and loyal,but outspoken
ami persistent in their efforts to uphold
the arms of authority. They should not
waiver, nor should they lack in that
courage to go and perform where duty
True Americanism is not only an ideal,
it is a living, breathing virtue that shall
save our country. I promise you that
virtue, to live it, breathe it and promul¬
gate it wherever I go. If you trust me I
shall not fail you.
In making this announcement I wish
to assure you that your influence and
support will be greatly appreciated,
flay 7, 1 018, Respectfully yours,
Daeula, Ga. R. p. JACKSON.
For Solicitor-General,
U. llow-citizens of the Northeastern Cir¬
1 hereby announce that I am a candid¬
ate for Solicitor-General of your circuit,
subject to the democratic primary. After
nearly sixteen years practice at the
Gainesville Bar in said circuit, I have a
strong desire to be of real service to you,
and if honored by election to this high
office, it shall be my purpose to make
>’°u such a Solicitor-General as you will
be proud of, both in ability and character
Your help by vote and good word will
be greatly appreciated and treasured.
I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of the Solicitnr
General of the Northeastern Circuit, sub
ject to the Democratic Primary, and pro
mise the same fearless, faithful and eour
teous discharge of the duties of the office
that have marked me in the past.
Realizing that it is the duty of every
citizen—whether in public or private life
—at this time, to do his utmost in help¬
ing win the war, I propose to continue
my efforts in every good work tending
to that end.
This, with the duties of my office, wifi
make it impossible for tneOo make a per¬
sonal canvass, and I therefore, by this
announcement, appeal to every patriotic
citizen to look after my interests in their
respective localities, and I take this
method of thanking them in advance.
Very truly,
Robert McMilliax,