Newspaper Page Text
V T OL. XIX, No 52.)
Loudsville Lines.
Mr. II. II. Hunt and family vis¬
ited relatives on Mossy Creek Sun¬
Mr. C. J. Headers and family
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with relatives.
Mrs. Ledford and daughter spent
Sunday here.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of
Blue Ridge spent Sunday here with
Mrs. J. T. Clark visited relatives
at Pleasant Retreat Saturday and
Y our correspondent spent Sun¬
day at Kimsey.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reid and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Reid were visiting
up this way Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. Henry Ledford, John
Pardue, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Par'
due and Miss Bulah Ledford visit¬
ed Camp Gordon a few days ago
and liked the place fine.
Mrs. MnrthaPorter and daughter
Miss Mary, returned to their home
in Florida last week after spending
some time here with relatives.
Votes ot Candidates in Contests Primary
Sept. It, White County.
For Secretary of State
S. Guyt McLendon...........241
Henry B. Strange............3O5
For Attorney-General
Joe Hill Hall................141
Clifford W alker..............399
For Prison Commissioner
Alex. E. Keese . .. ...........328
T. E. Patterson..............233
For Railroad Commissioner.
W. Trox Bankston...........173
James I). Price..............257
Yoiney L. Williams..........128
For United States Senate
John R. Cooper............. 1
T. W\ Hardwick.............275
Win, J. Harris.............. 87
Wtn. Schley Howard.........221
Emmet Shaw................ 2
For Judge Court of Appeals
Frank Harwell..............217
Alex. W. Stephens...........355
For Congress
Titos. M. Bell ...............424
R. P. Jackson...............168
For Judge
J. C. Edwards...............217
J. B. Jones.......... 369
For Solicitor-General
J. G. Collins................4I6
Robt. McMillan..............195
_ _
Tesnatee News.
Fodder pulling and pea picking
is the order of the day in our sec¬
Mr. L, G. Ash of Loudsville
spent a few hours in this vicinity
Mr. Charley Harper spent one
day last week in this part.
Mr. G. L. McAfee and son spent
a short while here Sunday.
Mrs. Lula Clark, son and little
daughter, of Loudsville have been
visiting in our vicinity.
Mr. Frank Reid who is at work
on the train road passed this way
Saturday afternoon en route home.
Messrs. Gtis Sosebee and Willie
Campbell entered school at Cleve¬
land Monday morning.
The W. S. S. committee is mak¬
ing a house to house canvass of
Mossy Creek district this week and
this method is meeting with results
The farmers hope to get their
fodder cared for this week that they
may get busy in the cotton fields
as cotton is now opening fast.
Mr. Andrew Hooper is hauling
apples to Athens where he says the
market is quite satisfactory.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
All things are progressing up
this way now, though the moon is
rising in the east and setting in the
west as it ever di *. But other
things have changed. We have
good crops, but we will not have
to haul our corn to Dahlonegn as
we did years ago and sold it for 35
cents per bushel to get money to
pay our tax. This part of the
county is on a boom, and this tram
road is the greasiest thing that ever
passed this way. The company
deserves credit for fair dealing.
They a6k no favors and have sent
110 one ahead to induce the people
to give them right of way,but have
paid good prices for rights of way
and for labor, and because they are
employing local labor at splendid
wages we feel like we were getting
It is glorious to see how this com¬
munity where we used to drive an
ox cart to church and go three or
four miles to town for our mail, is
prospering. We now have rural
delivery at our doors, usually by
Mr. Henderson, his horse- and his
buggy and, if everybody didn’t
know it, we have a splendid carrier
who is kind and faithful not only
to his patrons but also to his stock.
Sometimes he comes in his car, and
he has so formed the habit of rest¬
ing his horse that he stops the car
1 n the shade to let it rest. But
Will always arrives on time and
greets his patrons witli a smile.
We are prosperous, why should
we not rejoice. Those who left
here to keep the wolf from their
door should see the position we ate
now in with good mules, good
wagons, good cattle, good hogs,
an abundance of good water and
pure air, with old “John Barley¬
corn” almost extinct.
Notice is hereby given that
Gainesville & Northwestern Rail¬
road has made application to the
Railroad Commission of Georgia
for authority to make the follow¬
ing changes in its schedules :
Week days:
Train No. 1 Lv. Robertstown 9 :
A.M., Ar. Gainesville n :io A.M.
Train No. 4 Lv. Gainesville 4
P.M. Ar. Robertstown 6:15 P.M.
Sundays only.
Train No. 1 Lv Robertsjajvvn 9
A.M. Ar Gainesville 11 :io A.M.
Tr No. 2 Lv Gainesv’lle 11:15
A.M., Ar Robertstown 1 130 P.M,
Tr No 3 Lv Robertstown 1 145
P.M. Ar Gainesville 3 :55 P.M.
Tr No. 4 Lv Gainesville 4 P.M.
Ar Robertstown 6:15 f’*
This application will be heard by
the Railroad Commission of Geor¬
gia at its office in the State Capitol
of Atlanta, beginning at 10 o’clock
A. M. September 24th, 1918. AH
parties desiring to be heard in con¬
nection with this application should
communicate with the Commission
on or before the date above-men¬
This notice is given in accord¬
ance with the requirements of the
Railroad Commission of Georgia.
Gainesville S northwesters Railroad I
VP & G. Magr.
Complete line, all sizes and
grades. Embalming. Call Cler¬
mont Phone No. 36.
Clermont, Ga.
Cost of New Roads
New road construction has been
finished for this year in White
county, and we hope the people are
pleased with the few changes we
have been able to make. Owing to
the Isck of funds we are compelled
to quit for this year.
The cost of the actual work done
in changing the Clarkesville road
is about $750.00, and the right of
way cost about one-third that
The change on the Dahlonegn
road cost -in actual work about
$750 00, and the light of way
about $460.00.
The change on the Nacoochee
road cost IToo.OO for actual work;
the cost of the right of way is not
yet determined.
So you see what lias gone with
the money. People cry out for
good roads, but when we go to
make them they want big pay for
the road going through their land.
It is impossible to make good roads
without a place to make them on.
We would like to see a lot of
changes made in our good old
county if we had the money to
make them with. If tlie people
will be liberal and give us a chance
we hope to make some mor£
changes next year.
, • Your aer.vault>. .
We wantevery afflicted woman to try
at least one bottle of 5telIa-Vltae on
our plain, open guarantee to return benefit. the
money If paid rtoubtour for it if word it does not it will
you that
relieve the distressing aches, pains and
misery peculiar to the diseases of wo¬
men , read the testimony of tliese w oni en
who have tried it and are glad to tell
others what it lias done for them. The
only interest they have in the matter
is ttiat which any true woman feels in
helping to relievethesufferingsof other
women. You can believe them.
Mrs. J. F. Lee, Milstead, Ga., had
female complaint for years. Three bot¬
tles of Stei.i.a-Vitab cured her, she
said, and added,“I am certainly thank¬
ful for this great female tonic.” Mrs.
Paralee Frazier, Longview, Stegla-Vitai Tex., ex¬
pressed these appreciation words: “I cannot of much
in say too
for this wonderful medicine. I had
taken other female medicines for twe
years with no good results. I am truly
grateful for the good Btki.t.a-VTtaj
has done me.” Mrs. Bandy Withers
of Greensboro, Ala., was a terrible suf¬
ferer from female trouble—and only lie. 11
woman knows what that means!
condition got so bad her pains threw
feared her into slie spells would like lose fits. Her husbant Tht
her mind.
Greensboro doctors pronounced her in
curable. Then somebody suggest©
that she take Bhedii
so. The first dose lightened her spelts
Btella-Vitak is a perfectly harm
less woman’s compound anditnotonly builds alleviate
a pain, but up he,
health; it stimulates her appetite, aid
digestion, quiets her nerves and clears
her complexion. It improves her per
sonal appearance.
AH deale s sell Rtella-Vitae, the and are
authorized to return money paid
for the first bottle if it does not benefit
Cleveland Drug Company
Cleveland, Ga.
How’s This?
VTe offer O le Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Cat: rrh that cannot be
cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
five years, and has become known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi¬
son from the Blood and healing the dis¬
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will see a
great improvement in your general
health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh Medi¬
cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. C HENET & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Druggists. 76c.
White County Singing Convention.
Date Changed.
L’lie White County Binging Con¬
vention will be held with Roberts
townBaptistChurcIi (he 1st Sunday
and Saturday before in October.
On account of conflicting with
other meetings (he date of assemb¬
ling this convention was changed
from the fourth Sunday in Septem¬
ber to embrace the first Sunday in
October. Those interested will be
governed accordingly.
The indications point to this be¬
ing the best convention White
county has ever had, and we hope
that every church in the county
will he represented. Many good
singers are expected to be there.
The noted bass singers, Taylor and
Grier, have promised to be present.
If you miss this convention you
will miss the best one we have ever
J. J. KIMSEY, Pres.
Boy Your Furniture Now
There are several reasons why
you should buy what furniture and
housefnrnisbings you need now.
The best time in the world to buy
furniture is while you can get it.
There never was a time when
wages and farm products were
higher than they are now. Fur
scarcity ‘ of material and labor
grows yacli day. A number
of furniture factories have closed
down already, while others are run¬
ning only part time and cannot
possibly produce as much furniture
as they did a year ago, consequent¬
ly the price must go HIGHER!
HIGHER! still.
We have taken the situation in,
consideration and have bought a
good supply of all kinds of furnit¬
ure and housefurnishings, which we
have in stock. VVe have a saving
already in the goods of from 15 to
20'ffi under the present market,
which saving we are giving to our
customers now, however, if our
present sales continue as they have
we are certain to be without a
iiUinber’of items on account of the
scarcity of the goods and the neces¬
sary time it takes to replenish our
Therefore, you will profit by
taking advantage of the times and
buy what you need NOW. Now
n the accepted time, before the
rush of fall business sets in when
everybody will be trying to buy
their goods at the same time.
With our farmer friends we can
arrange terms to suit.
Take advantage of this timely
warning and call on us at once.
Do not be one of those who
Isave to stand back and regret not
looking ahead and faking advant¬
of the advice given,
Phone 36 Clermont, Ga.
Housefurnishings, Pianos, Organs,
Stoves, Ranges, etc., Coffins, Caskets,
and Burial Supplies.
White County.
The return of the appraisers setting
twelve months’ support to the
of Mm. M. Satterfield, deceased,
been tiled in my office, all persons
are cited to show cause by the
day of October, 1318, why said ap¬
for twelve months’ support
not he granted. This Sept. 3,
N. J. ALLISON, Ordinary.
THE FIRST consideration of the offi¬
cers of this Bank is the SECURITY of the
funds intrusted to our care by depositors.
With a fully paid up capital, a surplus
and undivided profit account, a practical
management and a representative Board
of Directors, this Bank is prepared to offer
you the best ^service possible based on
sound banking principles.
If you are not doing business with us,
why not begin today?
Over $600,000 to ttie back of money deposited with us,
White County Bank
R. T. KENIMER. President. JN0. D. BLACK. Cashier.
' Staple and Fancy Groceries, Feedstufls
Flour, Rye Flour, Corn, Corn Meal, Cottonseed
Meal, Hulls, Bran, Shorts, Lard,
Meat, Coffee, Sugar, etc.
Staple Drugs and Drug Sundries
A general line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Overalls, and a good
line of Hardware including Wagon Harness, Nails,
Roofing, Stoves, Cooking Utensils.
We also carry a nice line of Undertakers Supplies, Coffins,
Caskets and Robes.
W* **l ig r. iit--3*wr u.i (W)A p»»»vi Ii-uyum d igW prices.
Bring us Your Produce.
I have bought
stock of goods, and I will
appreciate the trade of
everybody. I will still buy
I will pay cash or trade.
T7I.P consume the
1917 record break¬
ing potato crop.
Government ex¬
perts have esti¬
mated that over 700,000 extra
acres o£ potatoes were planted
last year. The United States
f ood Administration is endeavor¬
ing to push the nation’s big po¬
tato stocks into channels of
trade and has placed potatoes
on the list ot substitutes that
may be bought along with wheat
Potato soup hns become a war
dish. Here is a recipe that has
been tested by United States
Food Administration experts. In¬
gredients needed are three pota¬
toes, one quart of milk, two
slices onion, three tablespoons
butter substitute, two table¬
spoons flour, one and one-half
tablespoons salt, one-quarter
teaspoon celery salt, one-eighth
teaspoon pepper, few grains cay¬
enne and one teaspoon chopped
Cook potatoes in boiled salted
water. When soft run through
a strainer. Scald milk with on
ton, remove onion and add milk
slowly to potatoes. Melt the fat,
add dry ingredients, stir until
well mixed, then stir into boiling
soup. Cook one minute, strain
and sprinkle with barley.
fPRICE" * 1.00 A YE v H
1 he following named persons
have been appointed members of
Legal Advisory Board to assist
registrants in filling and answering
questionaires in their districts:
W . U McGee, J. C. Cooley, A.
F. Johnson, W. A. Stover, S. L.
Brown, F. A,. Jarrard, R.W Al¬
lison, J, J. Kimsey, A. F. Ferley
Jr.. C. W. White, J. K. Chit, W.
B. Lumsdcn, Chas. Freeman, C.C.
) at raid, A. G. Maxwell, J. II.
Telford, T. V. Cantrell. C. II.
Edwards. T. F. Underwood, J. D.
Rack, C. 1 ‘. Saine, J. P,Davidson
I he above named persons, who
have been appointed members of
this committee, are urgently re¬
quested to meet at the court-house
Saturday Sept, aist at to o’clock
to familiarize ourselves with the
work thus devolving upon us.
CVm Legal Ad. B’d White Co.