Newspaper Page Text
Calomel Loses You a Day’s Work!
Take Do dson’s Liver T one Instead
Read my guarantee! If bilious, constipated or head¬
achy you need not take nasty, sickening, danger¬
ous calomel to get straightened up.
Every druggist in town—your
gist and everybody’s druggist has no¬
ticed a great falling off in the sale of
calomel. They all give the same rea¬
son. Dodson’s Liver Tone is
its place.
Calomel is dangerous and people
know it. while Dodson’s Liver Tone
perfectly safe and gives better re¬
sults,” said a prominent local druggist.
Dodson's Liver Tone is
guaranteed by every druggist who
sells it. A large bottle doesn’t cost
very much, but if it fails to give easy
relief in every case of liver
ness and constipation, you have
Fall Run of Distemper
“SPOHN’S kji villi 9 * results. results. A iUltS. small Pmall Tr It outlay Ik Is surf* sure of money euro cure and and brings preventive pre’ very great if if
a « a a
you use it per directions. Simple, safe and sure. The The large size ize
is twice the quantity ami an ounce more than the small size,
your horses in test coudition for late fall and winter, All drug.
gists harness dealers manufacturers.
Spohn Medical Co Goshen, Inch, U. S. A.
mouth, Stop it or you never can perhaps keep well. headache, If you wake liver with torpid. a bad taste in liver the
coated tongue, your is A torpid
deranges the whole system, produces dyspepsia, costive ness a nd piles. There
is no better remedy for these disorders than DR. TUTT’S LIVER PILLS.
Try them just once and be eternally convinced. For sale by all druggist*.
Dr. Tuff’s Liver Pills
“Doesn't he write machine poetry?”
“Yes, it’s mostly about automobiles.”
There is no other disease quite so
contagious as gossip.
Treatment NOW
All Druggists Guarantee
Chills nnd Fever. Biliousness.
Constipation and ailments
requiring a TONIC treatment'.
and made bt) Co
Behrens Drug
Waco. Tex. m Rll
Sold hi)
All Druggist* VU*
Skin Tortured
Babies Sleep
After Cuticura
Sttniple AH drugRistifljoRp each free of 28. "Outlcur*, Ointment Dept. 25 and Ii, 50, Beaton.” Talcum 26.
Dissolved in water for douches stop*
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam¬
mation. Recommended by Lydia E
Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
sore throat and sore eyes. EconomicaL
Has extraordinary dean all sins 11 druggists, druggists, and germickia! postpaid postpaid power. 1
Sample Free. 50c. Boston, or or Maw. py
mail. The P&Xtoo To3et Company,
Fall Cabbage
Early Jersey and Charleston V- akefield,
cession and Flat Dutch. By express,
|1.3.j: o~ i 1,000, Ann a»> $2.00, ryv, 5,000 e /tnA at $l.‘-u ■j’t. in 1 W0
at $1.50, f. o. b. here. Parcel post,
100, 35o; 1,000, $2.50. Wholesale and
f». F. JAMISON, Summerville, S.
jyjKidney uouble preys
on the mind,
AND and lessens
beauty, vigor and
WOMEN when fulneas the , °0 kidneys b , n are
of order or diseased. For good
use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tile in
kidney medicine. At druggists
and medium size bottles. Sample
bottle by Parcel Post, also pamphlet.
Address Dr. Kilmer & Co..
N. Y., and enclose ten cents. When
ing mention this paper.
fiDfipcy URUrOl TREATMENT. Give.qoirx
0 ^ J goon :*aio,e9 swelling aad
w X breath. Never heard of it* equal for
V, e*Trrit. Trial treatment sent FREE, by a:.iU
aJiA Bao. Bids-. ex>* jo. chats worth,
Wanted bid Coin, ' lO»- Dtjflp
utaMwrtMtamt' Jennings St.. Atlanta,
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 38-1918.
to ask for your money back.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant
tasting, purely vegetable remedy,
harmless to both children and r dolts.
Take a spoonful at night, and wake up
feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head¬
ache, acid stomach or constipated
bowels. It doesn’t gripe or cause in¬
convenience all the next day like vio¬
lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel
today and tomorrow you will feel
weak, sick and nauseated. Don’t lose
a day’s work! Take Dodson’s Liver
Tone Instead and feel fine, full of
vigor and ambition.—Adv.
“Do you want to sell that mule?"
“Whur do you all live?" inquired Mr.
Erastus I’inkly.
“What has that to do with it?”
“I ain’ gwinter transfer him to no¬
body dat lives less dan two hundred
miles away. When I sells him I wants
to git rid not only of de mule but of
all conversation appertainin’ to him.”
Don’t worry about old age. Don’t worry
about being in other people’s way when
you are getting on in years. Keep your
body in good condition and you can be as
I bale and hearty in your old days as you
were when a kid, and every one will be
glad The to kidneys see you. and bladder the
! are causes and
| of senile afflictions. Keep them clean
| in proper working condition. Drive the
| avoid poisonous uric acid wastes accumulations. from the Bystem Take GOLD and
MEDAL Haarlem find Oil Capsules the periodical- will
i ly and you will that system
always be in perfect working order. Your
i spirits will be enlivened, your muscles
made strong and your face have once
! mord the look of youth and health.
New life, fresh strength and health will
{ come as you continue this treatment. When
your first vigor has been restored continue
for awhile taking a capsule or two each
i day. They will keep you in condition and
prevent a return of your troubles.
There is only one guaranteed brand ol
Haarlem Oil Capsules, GOLD MEDAL.
There are many fakes on the market. Be
sure you get fhe Original GOLD MEDAL
: Imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are
the only reliable. For sale by all first-clasi
i druggists.—Adv.
Turning of the Worm.
! Friend Wife—Henry, drop that gar¬
den work for it while. I want you to
come in and lace up my shoes.
Mr. Peewee—I’d love to do it, my
dear. But I’m afraid if the provost
1 marshal general should happen along
and find me working aS a lady’s valet
! he’d put me in the army.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion erf the ear. There Is
only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness,
and that Is by a constitutional remedy.
through the Blodfi on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System, Catarrhal Deafness Is
caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube is inflamed you have a
i rumbling when it is sound entirely or imperfect closed, Deafness hearing, is and the
i the inflammation be
result. Unless can re¬
duced and this tube restored to its nor
: mal condition, hearing may he destroyed
forever Many cases of Deafness ar«
I caused by Catarrh, which is an Inflamed
c0n ^ it i 0 n of the Mucous Surfaces,
: case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
medicine. Circulars free.
| All DruggistB 75c.
p j Cheney & Co,, Toledo. Ohio.
j One Blame.
The to
j “Who eggs Smith on to his non
I j sense?” “I guess it was that old her
j he married.”
| Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle o:
CASTORIA, that famous old reined;
*- or infants and iiiu cuuuiGU, children, uuu and act: see that inai » i
Dears me
a, Smuure U1
, Over 30 Years.
i n Use for
i eMfc “
1 California has a corporation will
capifal t0 establish bee farm
i ail over the state.
1 Gained Important Ground Near Sau
cy—Situation On Lorraine
Front Satisfactory
New York—In the various theaters
of the war the fighting is going on
steadily and with added impetus In
Macedonia, where the reconstituted
Serbian, army, co-operating with the
French forces, have stormed three
strongly fortified positions and occu¬
pied Vetrenik, Dobropolje and Sekal,
considered the most important part
of the Macedonian front.
Farther east on the Doiran-Varder
front the first and second line Bulga¬
rian positions have been captured by
the allies over a ten-mile section. This
success operation, according to Mr.
Balfour, who announced it at a recep¬
tion of the Greek delegation in Lon¬
don, is “the prelude to an important
offensive bringing greater triumphs, in
which the British and Greek troops
would take an equal and glorious
French troops, in their advance to¬
ward the Chemin-des-Dames, have
gained two-thirds of a mile on a two
and a half mile front northeast and
east of Saucy, where they captured
an additional six hundred prisoners.
American and German patrols are
doing the major part of the work on
the Lorraine front, but there are re¬
ports of a possible great attack by one
side or the other in the Vosges. In
that mountainous territory the artil¬
lery fire has developed great intensity
and hostile airplanes have been unusu¬
ally active.
All reports indicate a marked in¬
crease in the work of the airplanes
along all the fronts. The Germans,
who quite recently appeared to lack
adequate air forces, have now sent
augmented forces into the air and
there have been numerous engage¬
ments. As an illustration of the se¬
verity of the fighting the British air¬
men have accounted for thirty-seven
German planes, while they themselves
reported sixteen missing.
Teutonic Peace Feeler Rejected By
American Government, Speaking
For All Belligerent*
Washington.—The United States,
as was fully expected, has uncondi¬
tionally rejected Germany’s peace feel¬
er. In doing so the government has
spoken for all the co-belligerents.
Almost immediately after receiving
the Austrian government’s note from
the minister from Sweden, Mr. Eken
gren. Secretary Lansing issued this
formal statement:
“I am authorized by the president to
state that the following will be the
reply of this government, to the Aus¬
tro-Hungarian note proposing an un¬
official conference of belligerents:
“ ‘The government of the United
States feels that, there is only one
reply which it can make to the sug¬
gestion of the imperial Austro-Hunga¬
rian government. It has repeatedly
and with entire candor stated the
terms upon which the United States
would consider and can and will en¬
tertain no proposal for a conference
upon a matter concerning which it has
made its position and purpose so
plain.’ ”
Mr. Lansing’s statement was given
out within half an hour after lie had
received the Austrian proposal. It
would have been forthcoming almost
immediately upon the delivery of the
Austrian note had it not been found
necessary in order to avoid the possi¬
bility of grave error to make a care¬
ful comparison between the official
text and that which was received in
press dispatches from Amsterdam.
Thus, emphasis was added to the
declination, if any were needed; the
quickness of the reply, indicating the
existence of no shadow of doubt in
the mind of the administration as to
what it should be.
Income Tax Goes On Wilson's Salaqy
Washington.—Beginning considera¬
tion of amendments to the war reve¬
nue bill, the hotise, in fifteen minutes,
approved the greatly increased nor¬
mal and surtax rates for individuals,
estimated to yield one billion four
hundred and 'eighty-two million dol¬
lars, and defeated every change pro¬
posed in the draft of this bill. A motion
to strike the provisions extending in¬
come taxation to salaries of the. presi¬
dent, federal judges and state, county
and municipal officeholders was de¬
181,838 Men Called For Army Service
Washington.—Draft calls announc¬
ed by Provost Marshal General Crow¬
der will send 181,838 men qualified for
general military service to army camps
before October 15. All states have
quotas to fill. Of the total, 142,000
will be white registrants, who will en¬
train between October 7 and 11. The
remainder will be negroes, who will
move in two groups, 29,016 entraining
between September 25 and 27, and
10,752 on October 16. Men who regis¬
tered September 12 may be needed in
a few districts to fill the new quotas.
The Branch House Man
This is one of the Swift & Company Company branch house won’t run itself, and
Branch House Men. that it is up to the branch house man to
They are all pretty much alike in the run it properly.
way they feel toward their work—and that Any branch house man who doesn't
is what this ad is about. see his work in this light is transferred to
They know that most people couldn't some other place with Swift & Company to
get such good meat promptly and in good which he is better adapted.
condition if it weren’t for the branch houses They are picked men, these branch
of which they are in charge. house men. Every time you sit down to a
They know that the branch house is steak or chop, or cut of roast, you can give a
one of the most important links in the chain grateful thought to the whole crew of them.
of preparing and distributing meat for a And remember, in a general way, that
nation. everything that makes life smoother and
They know that Swift & Company must more convenient for you,is the result of the
have its branch houses run at the highest thoughtfulness and effort of a lot of people
notch of usefulness; that even a Swift & of whom you have never heard.
Swift Sc Company, U. S. A.
In the Dark.
A colored minister was about to lead
his congregation In prayer when sud¬
denly the floor of the church sank u
foot, causing a commotion among the
parishioners. The preacher was equal
to the occasion and quickly quieted
his flock by solemnly saying:
“Stay just whar yo’ all is, my peo¬
ple, de Lawd is wlf you!”
Immediately a big Mose Peters
himped upon a pew and shouted:
“Misto’ preacher, if de Lawd was
\flf me just now, den who all’s done
look me’ to’ hits in dis heah low
down bunch o’ blackberries!"—Car¬
toons Magazine.
Magic! Peel them off without
pain or soreness
Don’t suffer! A tiny bottle of Freez
one costs but a few cents at any drug
store. Apply a few drops on the
toughened calluses or “hard skin” on
bottom of feet, then lift those painful
..pots right off with fingers. Corns also!
When you peel off corns or calluses
with Freezone the skin beneath is left
pink and healthy and never sore, ten
tier or even Irritated. Try Freezone
sure t—Adv.
Early Diagnosis.
Columbus went back in chains.
U A case of Spanish grip,” he cried.
New York Sun.
Are You Bloated After Eating
With that gassy, puffy feeling, and hurting near your
heart? For Quick Relief—Take ONE
You can fairly feel it work. * It drives the GAS out of your
body and the Bloat goes with it.
Removes Quickly—Indigestion, Heartburn, Soar Stomach, etc.
Cef EATONIC from your Druggist with the DOUBLE GUARANTEE
Sendforth* ‘’g«lp” Book, Atklro— Bionic Remedy Co., IQI&-M So. Wabattn Arcane. Chicago, III .
Npt Hurt by Military Training.
The accusation has been made
against military training, especially by
some professors, that it is ruining
scholarship in the university. But re¬
cent calculations of the registrar of
the University of North Carolina show
that the general average of every class
has improved ttiis year over last year,
except the freshmen, and the fulling
off here was only .07 of a point. The
sophomores improved .08, the juniors
.00 and the seniors pulled up .16.
There has also been a slight improve¬
ment lu the attendance on classes.
Some years ago a vegetable wax
was discovered that has the power to
quiet nerves, and thus stop inflamma¬
tion, without injury; (his we combine
with extracts that destroy discus*
germs and prevent infection. We
make this compound into a salve, with
the result that we have a local rem¬
edy that promptly relieves practically
all kinds of pains, such as Rheuma¬
tism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache,
Sprains, Burns, Boils, etc.
This salve is obviously also the best
thing for Catarrh and Croup; in fact
its quick action in the latter danger¬
ous complaint is simply marvelous;
and being harmless, It. can he used in¬
ternally for Colic, etc.
Of course the success of Vacher
Baltn caused many imitations to ap¬
pear, so be sure you get the genuine
which has the signature of E. W.
VACJHER on every package. It is put
up iri 25c arid 50e jars, and 25c tulles.
Tf you have never tried Vaoher-Balm
write to E. W. Vacher, New Orleans,
La., for n Free Sample. No family
should he without this remarkable rem¬
edy; it saves so much suffering.
If your druggist will not get Vacher
Balm for you, we will supply you di- j
rect, and give you the agency. We !
supply our agents with Free Samples j
that sell the jars or tubes without any j
Senior—“I thought that professor
was a bookworm.” Junior—“He was
until an early bird of a coed came
Grove*® chill Tonic Tablets and
Grove’s Tasteless chili Tonic
Yon can now get. Grove’s Tasteless ctiiil Tonic In
Tablet form as well as in Syrup, the kind you have
always bought. The tablets are intended for those
who prefer to swallow swallow a a tablet tablet rather rather than than a a syruj), syrup,
and a? as a convenience for those who travel,
"GHOVU’S chi till TONIC TABLETS” contain exactly
the same i medicinal Till properties and produce the
same results as Grove’s e’s Tasteless Tasteless chill c! Tonic c which
Is put up in bottles. The price of either Is tiOc.
The contented blacksmith is nearly
always striking for wages.
Where She Likes Them.
Reed—Well, say, her teeth are like
pearls, aren’t they?
Greene—Well, you ought to see how
pleased she Is when she finds ’em In
Sore Ryes, Blood-Shot Eyea, Watery Eyen*
Sticky Eye*, all healed promptly with night¬
ly applications of Roman Eye Balsam. Adv.
The chronic joker and the dog’s tail
are great wags.
Those who dare all must share all.
Suffered For Years
Back and Kidneys Were in
Bad Shape, But Doan’s
Removed all the Trouble.
“My kidneys were so weak that the
least cold I caught would affect them
and start my back aching until I
could Mrs. D. hardly C. endure the * i,n,;.aiw misery," ” «... says
Ri OSS, 973 Fulton St., Brook¬
t lyn, rst N. got Y. up, “In my the back morning when I
was so lame, I could
hardly bend over and
any move sent darts of
pain through my kid¬
neys. It was hard for
me to walk up stairs or
stoop, and to move
while darts of lying pain down sent
“The kidney secre- MRS. ROSS
tions were scanty and distressing and
the water remained in my system, mak¬
ing my feet and hands swell. There
were dark circles under my eyes and
I became so dizzy I could hardly see.
I had rheumatic pains in my knees and
it was all I could do to get around.
For years plasters I was and in used that all shape kinds and of I
medicine to no avail until I tried
Doan's trouble Kidney and Pills. They rid me
of the strengthened my
hack and kidneys. When I have taken
Doan’s me.” since, they have always bene¬
Sworn N. VAUGHAN, to before me.
L. Notary Public.
Get Doss’* at Any Store, 60c a Box
1 I 1 HE Aborn miniaTURL I
A toilet preparation of merit.
Heipn For to eradicate dandruff.
Beauty Restoring Color and
to Gray $LOO or Druggteta. Faded Hair.
60a, and at