Newspaper Page Text
Hhe Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County . Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Or.
Alex. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Pus* >fhce at Cleveland
Or., as second cLse mail umber.
The primary of the nth was
quite interesting and, to those who
will allow their brains to indulge
in unprejudiced thought, very in¬
structive, especially so in the sena¬
torial race.
We all remember well that Sen¬
ator Hardwick secured bis first and
last nomination to the senate by the
“steam roller” process. The mat)
who has now defeated him (Win.
J. Harris) was one in that conven¬
tion. Senator Hoke Smith came
all the way from Washington to
attend that convention in the in¬
terest of Mr. Hardwick. There
were many other men (of smaller
caliber than Senator Smith) who
helped keep up the steam that
FORCED the roller to success.
Rut Mr. Hardwick was not equal
to the task, arid his friends soon
lost confidence and became asham¬
ed of him, and now the loyal citi¬
zens of Georgia have cast him out.
Germany spent millions in spread¬
ing her propaganda but, thanks
to Georgian intelligence arid her
keen sense of honor, the game is
more difficult to play in Georgia
that she (Germany) suspected.
Rut let us compare White courtly
with its neighbor, Rabun, for a
moment. White county voted a
plurality of fifty-four for Mr.Hard¬
wick. In all of Rabun county he
received eight votes?
Are not the interests of the
people of Rabun and White coun¬
ties one and tlie same in national
representation ? There can be no
difierence—there is no difference.
Our interests being one then one
of these counties gave a majority
against its own interest, and we
leave it for you to say which one it
Somebody was misled, and they
in turn misled others—but why
were we or they misled with the
facts laid bare before us?
One cannot believe that a major¬
ity of those voting in White coun¬
ty in the primary willfully voted
against the interest of the nation of
which they are a part. That is
Rut permit me to tell you what is
not absurd :
Because of the dealing of men
intelligence with men of less
telligence—perhaps we should
said misdealing—confidence
tween these two elements has
shaken, and when an appeal to
public is sincerely made the
ity is questioned and the results
There is no better guide than
telligence, when that
is clothed in purity of purpose.
Neither is there a more
ous guide than intelligence
in the cloak of deception.
Hence it is that regardless of
integrity and honor of an
ual, political party or what not,
less they enjoy
of the people they cannot
Confidence by theGerman
in the kaiser, and that he is
able of victory and the
of bis promises to them lies
secret oi their strength in war.
The congressional contest,
has its interesting features.
Just plain Thos. M. Bell,
no honorable title tacked to
name, fourteen years ago
ed himself a candidate
gressman Carter Tate. Had
lost three votes in Habersham
ty he would have lost the
tion to Congressman Tate.
two years since that time he
had opposition—in fact he
a republican in the general
following his first
til much “valuable”
timber has been used up by the
position in its endeavor to create
new congressional regime, but
Bell has been found
stronger and stronger until, in
recent primary, instead of
home to the
mained at his post of duty inWash
ington giving his attention to such
legislative measures as vitally con¬
cerned his district and the nation,
while the candidate for his seat
thoroughly canvassed the district.
Mr. Bell lost Gwinnet county (the
home county of his opponent ) by
87 votes, and the county of For¬
syth (the home county of his cam¬
paign manager) by 17 votes.
The only explanation we can
offer is CONFIDENCE, and it
does seem that Mr, Bell lives in the
hearts of the people, and the hearts
of the people live in him.
October 1st Uncle Sam says st.op
all newspapers not paid in advance
October 1st means that your
name must be removed from our
mailing list if you are in arrears.
October 1st means that if your
subscription is paid in advance it
will come right on until your sub¬
scription expires.
October 1st means that you
should not wait until your paper
stops and then “cuss” the editor.
October 1st all subscriptions
should be paid to some date in ad¬
October 1st means we shall
have a smaller mailing list unless
many of our subscribers pay up.
October 1st dis “cuss” the
kaiser and renew your sub¬
Mrs. A. H. Henderson continues
to suffer much pain from the frac¬
ture she recently received when she
Capt. Meeks, of Blairsville, is
enjoying a visit to friends in Cleve¬
Mr. R. T.Kenimer has been very
sick for the past week, but is now
slightly improved.
Born Monday to Mr. and Mrs.
John Black a still-born babe.
bereaved have the sympathy
their many friends in the
that has shattered their brightest
AH persons who wish to
under the statute governing
tions, or persons who wish to
fer their registration, may do so
applying to the registrars at
court-house where they will be
session Monday, Sept. 23rd.
Rural carrier Win,
who had been sick for a week
ten days, is again back on the
and bis substitute, Mr.
is busy on the farm.
Mr. 15 . 1 *'. Trotter of Leo
us that he is soon to leave
wick to do Government work.
men who can use tools are
in Brunswick.
farm q miles east of
$250. All the land is in a
state of cultivation. Mrs. G.
Colley. Cleveland, Ga.
The Ninth District
convention will convene in
ville Saturday, Sept. 21st. \Y.
Bell is the delegate chosen to
resent White county in this
vention. lion. Thos. M. Bell
come down from Washington
attend this convention and
to meet there as many of his
as can conveniently attend.
All members of liberty loan
mittees in White county are
quested, if they can
do so, to be present at a
in the court-house Saturday at
A. M. This meeting will be
tended by members of the
committee. Don't miss this
ing if you can possibly avoid it.
All members of
No. 563 are specially requested
be on hand Friday night,
20, to attend a call meeting.
1 will make a Bible lecture
Sunday afternoon at Hood’s
el at 4 o’clock. There will be
day School at 3, and Heftier
ers will sing a selection.
body cordially invited.
R. E. KEY.
Protracted services at the
dist Church have been well
a ed. The sermons preached
been those that can only be
ed after deep study, and the
done can be fully measured only
lie who knows all things, for it
Legal Advertisements.
Application For Charter.
State of Georgia, County of White.
To ttie Superior Court of said county
and the Hon. .J. B Jones Judge of said
The petition of i). I,. Pitner of the
county oforesaid, and Frank II. Walker
and li. M. Stuart of New York city of the
Slate of New York, show to the court the
following facts:
(l) Petitioners, together with their as¬
sociates, desire to be incorporated under
the name and style of “INTEKNATIOAI,
TREENAIL'COMPANY” for the period
of twenty years with the right to renew
said charter at the expiration of said time
The object of said corporation is pecuni¬
ary gain and to carry on and maintain
the business of manufacturing treenails,
to make insulur pins and to do a genera!
wood specialty business with the right to
erect dams across Chattahoochee river
and to generate electricity at Roberts
town, Ga., to buy and sell timber and
other articles that may be dealt in by
said corporation and to make contracts,
borrow money, loan money, ,to sue and
be sued, and to do any ami all acts that
may be necessary in the operation of said
(‘J) The principal place of said business
will be in the town of Robertstowo, Ga.,
in the county of White with its home
office in Helen, Ga.
(J; The capital stock of said corpora¬
tion shall be $5,000.00 divided into
shares of $ 1 00.00 each, ami they desire
to begin in business when ten per cent,
of the capital stock is paid in.
(4) Petitioners desire the right to in¬
crease the capital stock to $50,000.00.
(5) Petitioners desire that said corpor¬
ation may have the right to elect a hoard
of directors by a vote of its stockholders,
and to elect a President, Vice-President,
Secretary arnl Treasurer by said Board of
Directors and to have and make ail neees
sary by-laws, rules and regulations that
are necessary and may be proper for the
carrying on of said business, and also to
have and to use a common seal.
Wherefore, petitioners tile this their
petition in tlie office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of White county, Ga.,and
pray that after the same has been adver¬
tised as required by law, that the court
by propel* order grant this petition.
Attorneys for petitioners.
Fled in office July 13, 19i8.
Clerk Superior Court, White Co., Ga.
Georgia, White County.
Office of the clerk of the superior court
of said county.
I, J. B. R. Barrett, clerk of the supe¬
rior court in and for the said county, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of the application for
charter, as the. same appears of tile in
this office.
This Die i3th day of July, 1918.
Clerk Superior Court, White County, Ga.
Georgia, White County.
1). J. Smart vs. Alvia Smart.
Libel for divorce.
To the sheriff of said county greeting:
The defendant, Alvia Smart, is hereby
cited and required, personally or by at¬
torney, to be and appear at the superior
court to be held in and for said county
on the 14th day of October, 1 918, then
and there to make answer or defensive
allegation, in writing, to the plaintiff’s
liable, as in default thereof the court
will proceed according to the statute in
such eases made and provided.
Witness the Honorable J. B. Jones,
judge of said court, this isl day of
August, 1918,
J. 11. R. BARRETT. Clark.
Georgia, White County.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that J . K.
erts, as administrator of Caroline
deceased, having applien to me by
tion for leave to sell the real estate of
said Caroline Roberts, deceased, and
an order was made thereon at the
tember term of this court for
and that citation issue. All the heirs
law and creditors of the said
Roberts, deceased, will take notice
I will pass upon said application at
October, 1918, of the Court of
of White county, ami that unless cause
shown to the contrary at said time
will be granted.
This Sept. 1918.
Ordinary White County, Georgia.
Libel for divorce iu White Superior
April 1918. *
William Sosebce vs jMary Sosebee.
To the defendant, Mary Sosebee.
The plaintiff. William Sosebee,
tiled his petition for divorce against
said Mary Sosebee in this court,
able to this term of the court and it
ing made to appear that Mary Sosebee
not a resident of said county ami
that she does not reside within the
and an order having been made for
vice on her by publication
is to notify you. Mary Sosebee. to be
appear at the next term of White
rior Court, to be held oh the second
day in October, 1918. then and there
answer this complaint.
Witness the Honorable J. B.
J udge of said Court
is This April 12th, 191S.
' : M*
- V**
T ^13J4JM6,'17J,
Oct J2 19
War Ship Models $70,000lnPrizes Browning Machine
Including Guns
Dreadnaughts Presenting exhibit of Agriculture, That Shoot 1,000
Battleships Horticulture, an Cattle, Swine, Poultry, Bullets Minute,
Destroyers Horses, Mules, Sheep, Which Promises Shells a of Guns
Cruisers That Shoot
Depth Bombs to be The Greatest in The South This
Torpedoes Year and the Only Fair In The South¬ TWENTY MilES
Sea Mines eastern States Featuring The
Airplane Bombs GRAHD CIRCUIT RACES Enfield Springfield Rifles— and
WITH ALL Ts!E With Running Races,PatrioticFireworks, Lewis Machine
Big Program of Pleasing Free Attrac¬ Guns — Trench
Fighting Tools tions, Biggest Midway and Greatest Ag¬ Periscope — Gas
That Is Making gregation of Varied Amusements Ever Masks — Field
The Ocean Unsafe Presented At A Fair in The South With Wireless Outfits
For International the Usual Exhibits of —Heliograph and
Robbers And Beys anil Girls Clubs—Child Welfare. Thousands of
Those Who Bomb Graphic Exhibits
Churches and Woman's Work—Education—Poultry, Department Prepared by The of
Torpedo Hospital Swine and Calf Cluii Contests Agriculture and
Ships Regardless Au*o Show Corn Show Dog Show its Different Bu¬
of Their Treaties. Write
For Free Premium List reaus.
v \' "‘"V ' ■'/" “ *—A.
r~ We for must Armies raise wheat and ^ ^ * *
r our t
/f %* for our Allies 5^
As a Great GrainCe
D. B. O.borne, Chairman Soil Improve¬
ment Committee, Atlanta, Ga.
Wheat is the most important War Crop.
Until its production is increased still more
there will not be enough to remove the dan¬
ger of a Food Shortage from the Front.
Of twelve most important Food Crops, the entire
country gained in planted acreage in 1917 over acreage of
1914—26,184,000 acres.
Of this gain the Southern States increased 14,965,000
acres or 57 per cent of the whole.
Of the individual crops the South gained:
In Wheat—1,976,000 acres, or 56 per cent of the whole.
In Corn—6,582,000 acres, or 41 per cent of the whole.
In Other Food Crops—6,407,000 acres, or 37 per cent
of the whole.
Of the Fall wheat acreage of 1918 there was an in¬
crease of 3,067,000 acres, of which the South gained 2,382,
000 acres, or 76 per cent
But we can do still better in 1919.
Let’s back up Our Boys in France. It is no less our
duty to furnish them and our allies food than it is their
duty to fight. We are raising this fall an ample cotton crop
to clothe and provide edible fats and oils for our boys. Let
us raise a big grain crop next spring to help feed them.
It can be done. The labor requirements are compara¬
tively small, and the acre yields may be increased with good
seed, a well prepared seed bed and a liberal application, of
proper fertilizers.
Pure Duroc-Jersey pigs and shoats, Carpenters,
also Duroc-Berkshire cross.pigs and lumbermen,
shoats. men, grade foremen, and all
Want to buy i Billy Goat. of laborers for immediate work.
Call or write J Write or apply to
B. H. MIDDLEBROOKS Morse Brothers Lumber Co.,
Cleveland High School
Opens With Good Attendance.
Cleveland High School opened
Monday with quite a creditable
attendance. The opening exer¬
cises were much more interesting
than we had anticipated, and we
regret that so many of the patrons
were absent upon this occasion.
Prof. Ferguson thouroughly under¬
stands child life, and dispositions
and inclinations are even more
varied in children than in those
who reached maturity or ripened
into old age. Rev. S. D. Cherry
Conducted the devotional exercises
in most appropriate words based
upon the teachings of a suitable
passage of Scripture, Cols. C. IT.
Edwards and Thos. F. Underwood
each “blazed the way” for the
children to follow as their bright
mrfids entered upon the duties of
school life.
FOR SALE —One pair large
mules 6 years old,also another good
young mule and gentle horse, two
cows (one with young calf), two
young heifers, several good bred
j J hogs, a two-horse wagon, mowing
machine and rake, stalk cutter,
j good surrey, and ail kinds of im
| proved farming tools and imple¬
ments. Mrs. G. N. Colley, Leaf,
Fire, Life, Sick, Accident and
all other kinds of protection are
sold by
Cleveland Insurance Agency.
A. G. Maxwell, Mgr.
All persons due Cleveland Pro.
Co. will please settle their accounts
in the next io days.
[obtained | through the old established
,4 D. SWIFT &. CO.” are being quickly
bought Send by model Manufacturers. sketches and ascription . I
i a or a
of your invention for FREE SEARCH
and ents report on fee. patentability. Write for our We free get bodk pat- j
| or no
of 300 needed inventions.
Patent Lawyers. Estab. 1889.
1307 Seventh St., Washington, D. CJ