Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XX, No l.|
Old Henson Residence
Destroyed By Fire.
The old A. N. Hester house was
destroyed by fire Thursday night,
Sept. 26. The house belonged to
T. N. Henson and was occupied
by Chart Rav&n, who, a few days
ago moved away, leaving the most
of his household furnishings in the
J. C. Helton had purchase^ his
crop and had the fodder in one
hou<e, and it, too, was burned.
The origin of the fire is believed
to have been the work of an incen¬
Loudsville Lines.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McAfee
spent Sunday here with relatives.
Mr. J. S. Satterfield was in this
section tiie latter part of last week.
Mr. J. II. Thomas of Blue Ridge
was down this way Sunday.
We are informed that Mr. \V. A.
Danforth is getting ready to saw
lumber on his property.
Mr. II. II. Hunt visited his
mother near Hood’s Chapel Sun¬
Mr. Henry Nix was down this
way Sunday.
Mrs. B. M. Cox is quite sick at
this writing.
Mr. Jess Hunt of near Cleveland
was up this way last week.
Mr. Henry Ledford paid Cleve¬
land a visit Friday.
Your correspondent spent last
week in Cleveland.
Mr. Jack Hester of Tennessee
was in these parts some few days
past, He has been gone eighteen
years, and states that he hardly
knew how to get out of Cleveland
when he got off the train.
Mr. Bob Allen returned to his
home in Lumpkin county last week
The boys are having lots of fun
at night hunting foxes.
Mr. \V. L. Pardue has a fine job
with the people building the tram
The people of this section are
very busy at present.
There was a large attendance at
Wood lawn Sunday School Sunday
Mrs. C. II. Autry visited Mrs.
j. N. Hulsey Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Lester Hulsey was in this
section with his mowing machine
cutting feed Monday.
Syrup mills in these parts are
very busy turning out the product
which please the children so well
when mixed with butter on bread.
(Lord bless you, Brother, that kind
of “luxury” tastes good even to an
Next Tuesday, October S,Bishop
L. D. Leet,.of Atlanta, will preach
at Bethel Church at 11 A. M. and
officiate in dedicating the Church.
Everybody cordially, invited to
come and bring baskets well filled
Thre ars still a few cases of
mumps in this section.
Mr. Frank Carroll after a few
days absence from the route is
again on the job.
Mr. Elbert Glaze is at work on
Mr. R. M.Loggins’ house this week
Everybody always welcome to
come and take part with Wood
lawn Sunday School in studying
our Lord’s Gospel that it may be¬
come the power of God unto salva¬
tion to many of our people who
have not yet learned of the Gospel
and its power to save.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Two Good Deeds With A Dollar
The total receipts of your home paper, THE CLEVELAND COURIER, in
Subscription and Advertising paid between October 1st and October 19th,
both dates inclusive, shall be applied to the purchase of Fourth Liberty Bonds.
Send or bring in your subscription that you may help bring cheer to your
fireside the long winter evenings; help your county produce the best possible
home paper; and help us buy a Liberty Bond that we may be instrumental in
helping maintain, broaden, deepen and expand YOUR LIBER TY.
Yours for the improvement of the mind and character of White County's
precious boys and girls,
Tesnatee News.
Most of the farmers through this
part are just about done pulling
fodder and are busy manufacturing
syrup. It pays anyone now to
raise their own cane, in fact it pays
to raise anything and everything
we can that is good to eat.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Nix passed
through this part last Wednesday
and stopped in and paid us a pleas¬
ant visit for a while. Mr. Nix
says he has been working for sever¬
al weeks on the tram road which is
being built to the Blood mountain.
He reports work progressing nicely
but instead of our young men now
having the opportunity of this
work with pick and shovel they
have gone to use cannon.
Mr. James Bowman of Helen
spent Sunday in this part with
friends who were delighted to have
them with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams and
little daughter spent Sunday after¬
noon with friends in our vicinity.
While en route to Cleveland last
Saturday we took the pleasure of
stopping in for a while with our
dear cousin, Mrs. Zenia Hunt.
We don’t take enough interest
in people to run around and stick
our nose into peoples faces to get
them to speak to us, or to get to
speak to them—like or dislike we
paddle our own canoe and let
others do the same.
We are requested to announce
that White County Singing Con¬
vention will be held at Roberts
town next Saturday and Sunday,
and that everybody is invited to be
present with well filled baskets,and
make the convention the best we
have ever had.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hunt and
liitle Frances Cox visited the fam¬
ily of Mr. Wiley Hood last Sunday
Rev. R. E. Key filled his regular
appointment at Hood’s Chapel last
Sunday afternoon and interested
his hearers with an able sermon.
Mr. F. A. McAfee and son of
Kimsey were in this neighborhood
on business last week. ,
Congressman Bell Thanks the Voters.
Gainesville, Ga., Sept. 30,1918.
To the Voters of the Ninth District
I take this method of thanking
the voters of the district for their
generous support of me in the pri¬
mary election of the nth inst. It
is indeed gratifying to me to know
and to feel that my friends .stood
loyally by me and I appreciate it.
To carry the district by a popular
majority of 7,005 without making
a campaign makes me feel that the
work I have done for the people is
appreciated, and it will help me to
the better performance of my duty.
Sincerely yours,
Thos. M, Bkll.
$49,700 To Be Raised In White County
The people expect that Liberty
bonds will be sold in nearly every
home in White county. UncleSain
has apportioned to us the neat sum
$49,700, and we are going to buy
that much or more, just as we did
in the third loan.
Every person who buys all the
bonds he or she can is doing the
ESSENTIAL duty toward the de¬
feat of Prussianism in the enemy
countries, and entitled to the full
measure of doing it.
Each district in the county has
been allotted an equal share of the
total, based upon tax valuations as
shown by the tax digest, and these
allotments are as follows :
Mt. Yonah..............$15,000
Nacoochee.... .. T.'T.Tr:. .
Shoal Creek............. 3,500
Mossy Creek............. 10,000
Chattahoochee........... 11,000
Blue Ridge .. 5 °°
Blue Creek .. 2.000
Tesnatee .... 5 °°
White Creek. 5.000
Town Creek. 1,500
The Peace Our Soldiers Want.
The Stars and Stripes the official
newspaper published by the soldiers
of the American Expedition ary For¬
ces in France, say editorially about
the enemy peace offensive :
“Let the weak hearted who are
dreaming of a compromise; let the
pacifists who are talking a peace
by agreement let the sideliners who
have had enough of war; let the
secretly inclined pro-Germans who
think this war should end without a
decision let them one and all know
once and for all that foi the Ameri¬
can Exdeditinary Force there is no
such word as ‘Peace’ with the Huns
unbeaten. The man who talk of
peace to day, except through vic¬
tory, is a traitor.“
The enamy peace offensive is iik
ened to the action of German ma¬
chine-gun crews in the Vesle fight¬
ing, when they fought and killed
Americans until they were sur¬
rounded, then shouted “Kamerad.”
The mothers of the Americans sol¬
dier in France want the same peace
their sons demand. All the courage
of the ancient Spartan mother is in
the hearts of the women of America.
The object of Fourth Liberty Loan
is to bring that peace—a just peace,
a righteous peace, an American
Mrs. J. W. House Goes To Sanitarium.
Mr. J. W. House
his wife to Downey’s sanitarium, j
Gainesville, Wednesday,
Mrs. House will receive medical
treatment under the direction of
that skilled physician. Her con¬
dition is quite serious, but hopes j
for her improvement are enter
tained by her many friends.
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. W. I,. Pardue are glad to
welcome them back to their old
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Bullock of
Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Rites of Gainesville, visited Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Allen Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. (i. E. Allen and little son
made a trip down on Tesnatee one
day last week.
Remember the singing conven¬
tion at Chattahoochee Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Jarrard spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dillard
jMk? jam* -.' tughter
Mrs. belle Turner, has entered
Cleveland High School.
Messrs. W. G. Campbell and J.
II. Brown were np this way last
Mr. and Mrs.Joe Thomas visited
Cleveland last Saturday'.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. McAfee and
children spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McAfee
spent Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Ash
We are enjoying some fine pears
presented us by Mr. and Mrs. F.
A. McAfee. Good neighbors are
Miss Minnie Young visited Miss
Jessie Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Allen and
Mr. and Mrs. W r A. Nix spent
Sunday afternoon witli Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Campbell.
We live in a busy community
where some .are working on the
tram road, some making syrup and
others sowing grain, but labor is
scarce and wages high.
Mrs. W. G. Campbell, foreman
of the blasting crew on the tram
road has been quite sick for several,
Blue Ridge Dots.
The order of the day here is sow¬
ing grain and making syrup.
We are having weather for all
kinds of work.
Mr. and Mrs. Bullock of Atlanta
and Mr. and Mrs. Rich of Gaines¬
ville, while visiting Mr. M.C. Allen
and family Saturday and Sunday
gave your correspondent a pleisant
call Sunday night.
Miss Rindie Allison and little
brother, Harve, were visiting Miss¬
es Mary and Bertha Allen Satur¬
day night.
Protracted meeting, which was
conducted by Revs. Etheridge and
Spraberry, held at Mt. Pleasant
last week, resulted in much good,
Mrs. VV. A. Nix will teach the
Town Creek school next year.
[PRICE $1.00 A YE ill
THE FIRST consideration of the offi¬
cers of this Bank is the SECURITY of the
funds intrusted to our care by depositors.
With a fully paid up capital, a surplus
and undivided profit account, a practical
management and a representative Board
of Directors, this Bank is prepared to offer
you the best service possible based on
sound banking principles.
If you are not doing business with us,
why not begin today?
Over $600,000 to the back of money deposited with us. ♦
White County Bank t i
R. T. KENIMER. President. JNO. D. BLACK. Cashier. 4
Staple and Fancy Groceries, FeedstuIIs
Flour, Rye Flour, Corn, Corn Hfeal, Cottonseed
Meal, Hulls, Bran, Shorts, Lard,
Meat, Coffee, Sugar, etc.
Staple Drugs ansi Drug Sundries
A general line.: of Dry (roods, Shoes, Overalls, and a good
line of Hardware including Wagon Harness, Nails,
Roofing, Stoves, Cooking Utensils.
We also carry a nice line of Undertakers Supplies, Coffins,
Caskets and Robes,
We soiteit your- ■H'mle-awcl^ premise f .ti-r doitliwg and right.,prices.
Bring us Your Produce.
Chestatee Pyrites & Chemical Corporation, Chestatee, Ga,
Separate Villages for White and Colored People
Chance for good men at excellent wages and at healthy
work in the mill and around the yard in useful service.
Good accomodations for men with families or without famil¬
ies. Houses supplied with running spring water and electric
If you want a clean, comfortable place to live and work
at regular and good wages, cut out this add and call at
C. B. STOVALL, Gainesville, Ga.
H. J. ROWE, Athens, Ga.
CLAUD BOND, Toccoa, Ga.
or come over to Chestatee, Lumpkin County, Ga.
There will be present at a public gathering at Cleveland
High School Auditorium Saturday, October 5th, at 2 P. M.
an American officer, and a wounded soldier from General
Pershing's army in France.
Arrangements have also been made to have this rally a
42-piece military band to render music for the occasion.
These speakers and band wTl be at Helen the same day
at 8: P. M.
All persons who can't possibly be there are not ex¬
pected, but they have just as welcome an invitation as any¬
body, and everybody is respectfully invited to attend either or
both places.